Emerson Baumann 51000 Series Instructions Manual

51.LF:IM April 2007
Baumann™ 51000 Series Instructions
Baumann™ 51000 Series Low Flow Control Valve Instructions
Safety Precautions..................................................1
Actuator Removal....................................................3
Plug and Packing Replacement..............................3
Disassembly of Valve..............................................3
Reassembly of Valve...........................................3
Body Assembly Part Numbers...............................4
Type 16 Actuator Part Numbers...........................6
Dimensions and Weights............................................7, 8
This instruction manual includes installation, maintenance, and parts information for the 51000 series control valve and type 16 actuator.
Always wear protective gloves, clothing, and eye wear when performing any installation operations to avoid personal injury.
Personal injury or property damage caused by sudden release of pressure or bursting of pressure retaining parts may result if service conditions exceed those for which the product was intended. To avoid injury or damage, provide relief valve for over pressure protection as required by government or accepted industry codes and good engineering practices.
Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process media.
If installing into an existing application, also refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this instruction manual.
No person may install operate or maintain a 51000 series control valve without fi rst being fully trained and qualifi ed in valve, actuator and accessory installation, operation and maintenance, and carefully reading and understanding the contents of this manual. If you have any questions about these instructions contact your
sales offi ce before proceeding.
NOTE Neither Emerson®, Emerson Process Management, Fisher®, nor any of their affi liated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use and maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the selection, use and maintenance of any product remains with the purchaser and end­user.
This valve is intended for a specifi c range of pressures, temperatures and other application specifi cations. Applying different pressures and temperatures to the valve could result in parts damage, malfunction of the control valve or loss of control of the process. Do not expose this
product to service conditions or variables other than those for which the product was intended. If you
are not sure what these conditions are you should contact your Fisher sales offi ce for more complete specifi cations. Provide the product serial numbers (shown on the nameplate) and all other pertinent information.
Baumann™ 51000 Series Instructions
If you move or work on an actuator installed on a valve with loading pressure applied, keep your hands and tools away from the stem travel path to avoid personal injury. Be especially careful when removing the stem connector to release all loading on the actuator stem whether it be from air pressure on the diaphragm or compression in the actuator springs.
Likewise take similar care when adjusting or removing any optional travel stop. Refer to the relevant actuator Maintenance Instructions.
April 2007
power or a control signal to the actuator. Take precautions to prevent actuator from suddenly opening or closing the valve.
• Use bypass valves or completely shut off the process to isolate the valve from the process pressure. Relieve the process pressure from both sides of the valve.
• Depending on the actuator construction, it will be necessary to manage the pneumatic actuator spring pre-compression. It is essential to refer to the relevant actuator instructions in this manual to perform safe removal of the actuator from the valve.
If hoisting the valve, take precautions to prevent personal injury or property damage that could result if the rigging slips. Be sure to use adequate sized hoists and chains or slings to handle the valve.
Personal injury could result from packing leakage. Valve packing is tightened before shipment; however, the packing might require some readjustment to meet specifi c service conditions.
Avoid personal injury or property damage from sudden release of process pressure or bursting of parts. Before performing any maintenance operations:
• Always wear protective gloves, clothing, and eye wear when performing any maintenance operations to avoid injury.
• Disconnect any operating lines providing air pressure, electric
• Use lock-out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment.
• The valve packing box may contain process fl uids that are pressurized,
even when the valve has been removed from the pipeline. Process
uids may spray out under pressure when removing the packing hardware or packing rings, or when loosening the packing box pipe plug.
• Whenever a gasket seal is disturbed by removing or shifting gasketed parts, install a new gasket during reassembly. This provides a good gasket seal because the used gasket may not seal properly.
Avoid personal injury or property damage by thoroughly cleaning the line of all dirt, welding chips, scale, oil or grease, and other foreign material. Failure to do so could result in damage to the seating and sealing surfaces of the valve and result in damage to the valve and release of process materials.
51.LF:IM April 2007
Baumann™ 51000 Series Instructions
1. Before installing the valve in the pipeline, thoroughly clean the line of all dirt, welding chips, scale, oil or grease, and other foreign materials.
2. Install valve so the controlled fl uid will fl ow through the valve body in the direction indicated by the arrow.
3. A three-valve bypass permits removal of the control valve from the line without shutting down the system.
4. In case of a heat-insulated installation, insulate the valve body only, not the bonnet.
ACTUATOR REMOVAL (Refer to Figures 1, 2, & 6)
1. For air to open actuators, lift actuator travel with air to less en tension on the upper clamp nut (10).
For Air-to-Close,
This is NOT
2. Gently tap upper clamp nut (10). With slight down ward pressure on top of the actuator , unscrew the upper clamp nut (10) completely.
3. Type 16 actuator assembly must be unscrewed from stem adapter (26).
(Refer to Figures 1 and 2)
When adjusting the valve stem do not grip the stem directly with pliers or a wrench. This will damage the surface of the stem, and cause damage to the packing in the valve.
1. For valves supplied with type 16 actuators, remove travel indicator disc (58). With hex jam nuts (27) still tight, loosen stem adapter (26) from stem adapter nut (31), and unthread stem adapter (26) from plug stem (4).
For valves with rated Cv’s less than 1.0, unscrew
pack ing nut (1 1) and gen tly pull plug (4) out through top of bon net (6).
For valves with rated Cv’s greater than or equal to
1.0, fol low the VAL VE DIS AS SEM BLY in struc tions to fi rst re move the bonnet (6) be fore re mov ing the plug (4).
2. Inspect or replace packing (9) and stem guide (8).
3. Inspect valve plug (4) for wear or particle accumulation.
VALVE DISASSEMBLY (Refer to Figures 1 and 2)
Actuator must be removed from the valve
body be fore valve body disassembly.
The valve packing box may contain process fl uids that are pressurized,
even when the valve has been removed from the pipeline. Process
uids may spray out under pressure when removing the packing hardware or packing rings, or when loosening the packing box pipe plug.
1. Remove bonnet hex nuts (7) and lift bonnet (6) off valve body (1), which may include packing (9) and plug assembly (4). (For alloy bodies, lift bonnet ange (34) off from bonnet (6) and then lift bonnet (6) off valve body (1).)
2. Remove bonnet gasket (5) and replace.
3. The cage subassembly (3) can be removed by unscrewing with a flat screwdriver, using the outer screw slot, and lifting out of valve body (1). The cage sub as sem bly should be in spect ed
and cleaned with water or an approved solvent. For valves with rated Cv's >/= 1.0, remove and inspect plug guide (33) for wear. Replace if necessary. Re place ment of the entire as sem bly will be necessary if ex ces sive leak age or wear has occurred in service.
NOTE The seat cage gasket (2) must be replaced when the cage subassembly (3) has been removed. The seat cage will appear oblong, this is to prevent loosening of the soft seat.
1. Place cage gasket (2) and cage subassembly (3) in body (1).
2. Tighten the cage (3) hand tight plus 1/8 of a turn. (For valves with rated Cv’s greater than or equal to 1.0, insert plug guide (33).)
3. Seat plug (4) in body (1).
4. Place bonnet gasket (5) in body (1). Look at bonnet (6) and body (1) for correct bonnet ori en ta tion.
5. Place bonnet (6) on valve body (1) and secure with hex nuts (7). For alloy bodies, place bonnet (6) on valve body (1), then place bonnet fl ange (34) over
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