Emec MAX5 Operating Instructions Manual

Read Carefully !
This manual contains safety information that if ignored can endanger life or result in serious injury. They are indicated by this icon.
Keep the instrument protected from sun and water. Avoid water splashes.
Configuration and screenshots may be different and not including some functions. A maximum of 5 channels can be set.
In emergencies the instrument should be switched off immediately! Disconnect the power cable from the power supply!
When installing always observe local regulations!
Manufacturer is not liable for any unauthorized use or misuse of this product that may cause injury,
damage to persons and / or materials.
Instrument must be accessible at all times for both operating and servicing. Access must not be obstructed in any way!
Feeder should be interlocked with a no-flow protection device to automatically shut-off the pumps when there is no flow!
Pumps and accessories must be serviced and repaired by qualified and authorized personnel only!
Always discharge the liquid end before servicing the instrument!
Empty and rinse the liquid end before work on a pump which has been used with hazardous or unknown chemicals!
Always read chemical safety datasheet!
Always wear protective clothing when handling hazardous or unknown chemicals!
Instrument must be operated / serviced by trained technicians only!
All connection operations must be performed while the instrument is not connected to main supply!
Direttiva Bassa Tensione Low Voltage Directive Directiva de baja tensión
Direttiva EMC Compatibilità Elettromagnetica EMC electromagnetic compatibility directive EMC directiva de compatibilidad electromagnética
The MAX5 is a multiple digital controller system. It reads and controls up to 5 channels that can be programmed to control* pH - ORP - Chlorine - Turbidity - Temperature - Combined Chlorine (see Chlorine function for main options) ­Total Chlorine control (see Chlorine function for main options) - Conductivity - Dissolved Oxygen. It features 6 setpoint outputs, 6 proportional pump outputs, 6 mA outputs,1 cleaning probe output and 5 level tank inputs. Three way setpoint outputs program mode: on/off - PID - PWM. MAX5 can be connected to a PC for remote controlling / programming using a standard USB port, RS485 connection, GSM or GPRS modem, ETHERNET.
Working ranges are: pH : from 0 to 14pH ORP: from 0 to 1000mv Chlorine: from 0 to 10 mg/l Turbidity: from 0 to 9999 NTU Temperature: from 0 to 200 °C Conductivity: from 0 to 300.0 mS Dissolved Oxygen: from 0 to 20 mg/l
All information are provided through a widescreen LCD display (240x64). Using a revolutionary wheel control the instru­ment can be easily programmed. MAX5 is housed into an IP65 plastic box. Measures are: L325 x H235 x D125 (including wheel and connectors).
The wheel.
Located in the upper right side of MAX5 there is a wheel that must be used to control the instrument. Wheel can be
rotated in both directions to scroll over the menus and / or pressed to conrm highlighted selection / value.
NOTE: Once changes are made press “OK” to save and exit from submenu. Press “ESC” to exit without saving.
Into main menu rotate the wheel to cycle-loop through all options. Clockwise: setpoint --> Calibration --> Option --> Manual -->Exit or Counterclockwise.
Press wheel to move on submenu for selected option.
*conguration and screenshots may be different and not including some functions. A maximum of 5 channels can be set.
Mainboard Connections.
Unplug instrument from main power supply then perform connections to probes and / or selected outputs by following the above picture. For easy understanding board as been divided into two parts: Power connections and I/O connections.
For EClx series probes, NTU connections and ETHERNET version, see APPENDIX A at page 30.
Power Connections:
F1: Main fuse (6.3AT)
F2: Circuit fuse (3.15AT)
LA - LB: Relay Output Disable Jumper (remove wire to disable outputs) Main power supply (from 90VAC to 265VAC): L (live), E (earth), N(neutral)
Setpoint Outputs (VAC same on main power supply):
(free contact versione are NOT fuse protected with a max insulation of 250V) 1 - E - N (F2 fuse protected)
2 - E - N (F2 fuse protected) 3 - E - N (F2 fuse protected) 4 - E - N (F2 fuse protected) 5 - E - N (F2 fuse protected) 6 - E - N (F2 fuse protected)
Probe Cleaning output: 7(N.C.), 8(C), 9(N.O.) Voltage free contact
General Alarm output: 10(N.C.), 11(C), 12(N.O.) Voltage free contact
Warning: Connections must be perfomed by qualied and trained personnel only.
Block numbers are related only to its own part of the board.
Power Connections
I/O Connections
L 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
I/O Connections:
Proportional pump (mod. “IS” driven by pulses) outputs:
1(-) ; 2(+): Output P1 3(-) ; 4(+): Output P2 5(-) ; 6(+): Output P3 7(-) ; 8(+): Output P4 9(-) ; 10(+): Output P5 11(-) ; 12(+): Output P6
mA outputs (max resistive load: 500 Ohm):
13: Common 14: mA output 1 15: mA output 2 16: mA output 3 17: mA output 4 18: mA output 5 19: mA output 6 (temperature*) *0°C / 4mA - 100°C / 20mA
26: + Signal RS485 (A) 27: - Signal RS485 (B)
Tank Level inputs:
29 (-) ; 30 (+) Level 1 31 (-) ; 32 (+) Level 2 33 (-) ; 34 (+) Level 3 35 (-) ; 36 (+) Level 4 37 (-) ; 38 (+) Level 5
Proximity Sensor (mod. “SEPR”) input:
39(+ Brown) ; 40(Black) ; 41(- Blue) 41 shortcut with block n.37
Contact input*: 39(White) ; 40(Black)
41 shortcut with block n.37 set ow option from setup menu
(Hall effect) pulse sender water meter: 42(+12VDC) ; 43(INPUT) ; 44(GND) (Contact) Pulse sender water meter: 43(INPUT) ; 44(GND)
Temperature Probe input for mod. “PT100”** only: 50(green) ; 51(brown) ; 52(white) ; 53(yellow)
(remove resistance before to install probe)
Temperature Probe input for “PT100” with 50(green) ; 51(orange or pink) ; 52(white) ; 53(yellow)
ECDIND probe: (Ref. A Appendix - Inductive Conductivity module)
Standby signal input: 54(+) ; 55(GND)
*This is “FLOW1” for “MAX5 PH CL PH CL double ow” model only
**This is “TEMP2” for “MAX5 PH CL PH CL double ow” model only
(-) is NOT a shared
signal !
on demand
GND is a shared ground
(-) is a shared (GND)
ground signal !
Main screen.
From main screen all instrument fucntions can be reached by rotating the wheel and highlighting the selected option. Options available are located in the low right corner of the screen.
Status control. Press here to scroll through: main menu alternate view
status of inputs - outputs - alarms - timers
log entries
service (it shows also ID DEVICE and ID USB DEVICE)
Use Code Number when register
for ERMES WEB services
Setup menu. (passcode protected area)
Off menu. Press here to turn off instrument
Alarm menu. Press here to stop alarms
Connection Status
g. 1
From main screen rotate wheel until to highlight then press wheel. Note: This is a passcode protected area. For this reason every time this menu is reached, the instrument will ask for a
passcode as shown.
If this is a “rst time visit” the default passcode is “0000” (both Administrator and User).
Just press four times the wheel. Otherwise rotate wheel to move through digits and press wheel to choose. Rotate wheel to ESC and press wheel to go back to main screen without accessing setup menu.
From main screen rotate wheel until to highlight then press wheel. Enter passcode as described in previous para­graph.
Rotate wheel to scroll through all options and press wheel to enter into menu of selected option.
Setpoint option. Use this menu to dene instrument operating mode, output conguration, alarm condition, mA outputs. Calibration option. Use this menu to calibrate main instrument readings (pH, ORP Chlorine, Turbidity and, Temperature ).
Option. Use this menu for TAU setup, delay output, ow detect, clock setup, probe clean, reset, RS485 setup, alarm setup,
log setup, passcode setup.
Manual. Use this menu for manual outputs activation (Relay, pulse, mA, level). Exit. Use this option to go back to main screen.
g. 2
g. 3
From setup menu (g.3) rotate wheel to highlight “Setpoint” then press wheel. Again rotate wheel until to reach desired
measure between pH - Cl
- mV - NTU - Temperature. Customized version includes: potentiostat (mg/l Cl2) and Fluorine (F)
Once into “measure submenu”*, is possible to edit (all or some) the following setpoint parameters:
[Da] “setpoint output A” that can be congured as on/off, PWM or PID and settable as 1 to 6 channel
[Db] “setpoint output B” that can be congured as on/off, PWM or PID and settable as 1 to 6 channel
[Pa] “proportional pump output A” and settable as 1 to 6 channel
[Pb] “proportional pump output B” and settable as 1 to 6 channel
[mA] “mA output” settable as 1 to 6 channel
[Aa] “general alarm A” for “out of limits” reading parameters
[Ab] “general alarm B” for “out of limits” reading parameters
[Ad] “general alarm” for maximum dosing time
[Ar] “general alarm” for damaged probe (same reading after a set time)
Total amount of output-channels available is 6. This number decreases every time a channel is assigned to a specic function during setup. Once there are no more channels available the instrument will read only probe’s value. For temperature channel is available ON/OFF mode only during setpoint setup.
Da and Db.
Using Da and / or Db is possible to control the status of “setpoint outputs” and “level outputs” based on some rules. Refer to “power connections” and “I/O connections” blocks at page 4 and 5 to locate these outputs on mainboard.
Once that Da or Db function is enabled (move wheel over “disable” , press, rotate to “enable”, press again to exit) the
main parameters are
g. 4
“Channel” is the related output of mainboard connections.
*Setpoint pH or Cl2 or mV or NTU
ON/OFF Mode.
On/Off mode set the instrument to operate using two set values that enable or disable the related setpoint output. Parameters to set for this mode are:
ON: Activate RL and LEV on moving towards the unit value (for example: pH) OFF: Disable RL and LEV on moving towards the unit value (for example: pH)
IN: assign “input” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “input” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable input.
RL: assign “relay” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “relay” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable relay.
STOP: (“ON”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will be off and an alarm condition will pop-up.
“OFF”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will continue to stay on and an alarm condition will pop-up.)
MSG: when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
ON/OFF mode while dosing ALKALI
Set pH value at 6.90 ON and 7.00 OFF. Instrument will leave related output active until reading value will increase up to 7.00pH. At 7.00pH the related output will be disabled until reading value will decrease under 6.90pH.
ON/OFF mode while dosing ACID
Set pH value at 7.00 OFF and 7.10 ON. Instrument will leave related output active until reading value will decrease up to 7.00pH At 7.00pH the related output will be disabled until reading value will increase up to 7.10pH.
6.90 7.00
7.00 7.10
g. 5
PWM Mode.
Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of a signal or power source involves the modulation of its duty cycle, to either convey information over a communications channel or control the amount of power sent to a load.
This mode works over a settable (0 to 100 seconds) time to switch on or off selected output. Time resolution is 5 seconds, 5 steps. During this time if reading value will move towards a set value (on or off) the PWM will operate the output on timered basis. Reaching the set value the PWM will permanently leave on or off the output.
Parameters to set for this mode are: Unit Value + %: (time activity towards set value. 0% means 0 seconds. 100% means 100 seconds.)
IN: assign “input” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “input” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable input.
RL: assign “relay” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “relay” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable relay.
STOP: (“ON”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will be off and an alarm condition will pop-up.
“OFF”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will continue to stay on and an alarm condition will pop-up.)
MSG: when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
For example: set rst pH value at 10.00 = 100% and second pH value at 5.0 = 0%. For reading values ≥ to 10.00 the output will be permanently ON. For reading values ≤ 5.0 the output will be permanently OFF.
For reading value of 9.50 the output will be OFF for 10 seconds, ON for 90 seconds.
If reading value decreases to 8.00 then the output will be OFF for 20 seconds, ON for 80 seconds.
Notes: for values within 1% and 5% MAX5 will assume 5% as usable value.
for values within 95% and 99% MAX5 will assume 95% as usable value.
g. 5
PID Mode.
A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism. PID controller attempts to correct the error between a measured process variable and a desired setpoint by calculating and then outputting a corrective action that can adjust the process accordingly.
The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate parameters; the Proportional, the Integral and Derivative values. The Proportional value determines the reaction to the current error, the Integral determines the reaction based on the sum of recent errors and the Derivative determines the reaction to the rate at which the error has
been changing. The weighted sum of these three actions is used to adjust the process. By “tuning” the three constants in the PID controller algorithm the PID can provide control action designed for specic process requirements. The
response of the controller can be described in terms of the responsiveness of the controller to an error, the degree to which the controller overshoots the setpoint and the degree of system oscillation. Note that the use of the PID algorithm for control does not guarantee optimal control of the system or system stability.
) is the constant proportional gain
) is the constant integral gain
) is the constant derivative gain
(e): error
(t): Time in the past contributing to the integral response
Parameters to set for this mode are:
IN: assign “input” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “input” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable input.
RL: assign “relay” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “relay” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable relay.
STOP: (“ON”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will be off and an alarm condition will pop-up.
“OFF”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will continue to stay on and an alarm condition will pop-up.)
ON: Activate RL and LEV on moving proportionally towards the unit value (for example: pH) OFF: Disable RL and LEV on moving proportionally towards the unit value (for example: pH) I: integral time (from 0s to 59m:59s) D: derivative time (from 0s to 59m:59s)
g. 6
Pa and Pb.
Using PxA and / or PxB is possible to control the status of “Proportional pump outputs” based on some parameters. Refer to “I/O connections” blocks at page 5 to locate these outputs over the mainboard. Once that PxA or PxB function is enabled (move wheel over “disable” , press, rotate to “enable”, press again to exit) then main parameters are
OUT: is referred to “Porportional pump outputs” from “I/O Connections” of mainboard. Set this value between available
outputs. If an output is already used then it’ll be hided from list.
IN: assign “input” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “input” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable input.
STOP: (“ON”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will be off and an alarm condition will pop-up.
“OFF”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will continue to stay on and an alarm condition will pop-up.)
MSG: when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
pH - PM
These elds require to set two pH values with pulses for a proportional working mode. This mode let the instrument to
modulate output pulses proportionally to reaching value.
For example: Set rst pH to 10.00 with 250PM. Set second pH to 7.00 with 0PM.
If reading value is 10.00 then 250pulses per minute will be forwarded to related output. If reading value is 7.00 then no pulses will be forwarded to related output. If reading values are 8.5 then 125pulses per minute will be forwarded to related output.
g. 6
Using mA is possible to control the status of “mA outputs” based on some parameters. Refer to “I/O connections”
blocks at page 5 to locate these outputs over the mainboard. Once that mA1 function is enabled (move wheel over
“disable” , press, rotate to “enable”, press again to exit) then main parameters are
OUTmA, LEV, STOP and pH - mA.
Out: is referred to “mA outputs” from “I/O Connections” of mainboard. Set this value between available outputs. If an
output is already used then it’ll be hided from list.
IN: assign “input” number then edit the name by moving wheel. If the “input” number is already used then it will not be
shown. Choose “X” instead of a number to disable input.
STOP: (“ON”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will be off and an alarm condition will pop-up.
“OFF”: when product into tank is ending, then the related output will continue to stay on and an alarm condition will pop-up.)
MSG: when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
pH - mA
These elds require to set two pH values with mA for a proportional working mode. This mode let the instrument to
modulate mA proportionally to reaching value. mA range is from 0 to 20mA.
For example: Set rst pH to 10.00 with 15mA. Set second pH to 7.00 with 0mA.
If reading value is 10.00 then 15mA will be forwarded to related output. If reading value is 7.00 then no mA will be forwarded to related output. If reading values are 8.5 then 7.5mA will be forwarded to related output.
Note: for 2 CD channels and 5 4/20mA outputs version the setpoint on Ch. 2 operates for all mA outputs
g. 7
Aa and Ab
Using Aa and / or Ab is possible to set a visual alarm with delay for values ≥ or ≤ than set value. Once that Aa or Ab function is enabled (move wheel over “disable” , press, rotate to “enable”, press again to exit) then main parameters are
Alarm condition can be set “ON” or “OFF” and for pH values ≥ or ≤ than set value. Reaching that value an alarm
message will pop-up.
A delay from 0 to 99 minutes can be set before the instrument generates the alarm.
when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
Using AD is possible to set a maximum dosing time. This alarm prevents connected pump to dose if set time is reached. Time can be set between 1minute and 9hours and 59minutes. Related setpoint output will be disabled when AD alarm condition is reached.
when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
g. 8
g. 9
Using AR is possible to set a visual alarm if probe’s reading value continues to be the same for a set time. Time can be set between 1minute and 9hours and 59minutes.
when agged an SMS or EMAIL alarm message will be sent to destination edited in GSM menu.
g. 10
From setup menu (g.3) rotate wheel to highlight “Calibration” then press wheel. Again rotate wheel until to reach desired
calibration measure pH - Cl2 - mV - NTU and Temperature.
pH Calibration.
pH calibration procedure involves two calibration points and it requires two buffer solutions. Default buffer solutions are
pH 4.00 and pH 7.00. pH reading value can be also automatically temperature compensated.
In the following example instrument will calibrate pH using default buffer solutions value.
This procedure assumes that instrument is correctly congured and a working pH probe connected.
Otherwise unattended results may occurr.
Calib 1st Point.
Once into “Calibration pH” menu move wheel on “Calib 1st Pt” then press wheel to enter into rst point calibration
submenu. Prepare 7.00pH buffer solution and dip probe’s sensor on it. Wait until reading value is stable and according
to buffer solution value move wheel until it is the same on display (“pH default” eld). Default value is 7.00pH. To end procedure move cursor on “OK” and press wheel to proceed to next step.
Note: buffer solution value may change if environment temperature it’s different than 20°C. Read solution’s label for more
information. According to this occurrence “pH Default” must be changed.
Calib 2nd Point.
Move wheel on “Calib 2nd Pt” then press wheel to enter into second point calibration submenu. Prepare 4.00pH buffer
solution and dip probe’s sensor on it. Wait until reading value is stable and according to buffer solution value move
wheel until it is the same on display (“pH default” eld). Default value is 4.00pH. To end procedure move cursor on “OK”
g. 11
g. 12
and press wheel to proceed to next step.
Note: buffer solution value may change if environment temperature it’s different than 20°C. Read solution’s label for more
information. According to this occurrence “pH Default” must be changed.
Comp Auto / Select Temp.
Once into submenu, to enable automatic temperature compensation, move wheel on “DISABLE” , press it and change option to “ENABLE”. This procedure will automatically set temperature compensation.
Otherwise exit from this menu, move wheel on “Select Temp” and according to the following table enter required tempe-
rature. This procedure will manually set temperature compensation.
End procedure by moving cursor on “Exit” from “Calibration pH” main menu and press it. If an error occurred during ca­libration procedure then the instrument will show an error message and will ask to proceed to a new calibration, cancel current operation or restore default settings.
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