Emco Tech Neptune Owner's Manual

Owner's Manual
for your new
Emco Tech
Neptune Water Ionizer
Warning: Incorrect installation and/or operation could void your valuable warranty. Please protect your investment! READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY
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You ha ve jus t purc hased the fi nest, most a dvance d wate r syst em in the wo rld! Y our ne w ioni zer is des igned to pro vide y ou wit h many years of th e clea nest, health iest a nd mos t "fun ctiona l" wat er availa ble. T here a re man y spec ific u ses an d bene fits o f this amazi ng wat er, so read this m anual carefu lly to learn how t o get both o ptimum perfo rmance out o f your ioniz er and to pr otect your invest ment.
Your n ew Jup iter S cience Neptu ne pro duces filter ed alk aline, ioniz ed wat er. Just e xactly what is tha t? You r ioni zer em ploys comput er acc urate and se lectab le mag netic energy to per form e lectro lysis throug h pate nted p latinu m bond ed tit anium electr odes i nside a wate r cell . Inside this advanc ed cel l, the magne tic en ergy s eparat es the water into an alk aline (high pH) an d acid ( low pH ) stre am wit hout u sing a ny che micals . Ionizi ng the water in th is way re-st ructur es the molec ules a nd red uces t heir c luster size, binds extra oxygen molec ules, and co ncentr ates i onized , abso rbable and b enefic ial mi nerals like Calciu m, Magnes ium an d Pota ssium.
Your n ew Jup iter S cience Neptu ne als o prod uces A cidic water. This type w ater i s low in pH, less than pH6 an d has many e xcelle nt use s. You will now ha ve the conve nience and b enefit s of w ater t hat "funct ions" in man y ways that ordina ry tap , filt ered o r bott led wa ter ca nnot.
Dear Customers
Lets take a tour of your new Neptune!
Description of main body
Your control panel
Description of control panel features
Installation procedure
Performance and measuring pH
How to add calcium
How to replace your filter
Some uses for alkaline and acidic water
About your biostone filter
Trouble shooting guide
Product specifications
Important safety warnings and precautions
Precautions for use of alkaline water
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※WARNING: Please read these pages carefully. They contain very important information to keep YOU and your new ionizer safe! When using your Melody, especially when children are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:
NEVER attempt to repair or service the unit yourself. Attempting to do so will void your valuable warranty! Contact your dealer to arrange service or repair.
If your ionizer becomes submerged in water, unplug the power cord from the wall before removing the ionizer from the water. Failure to do so may cause electric shock!
NEVER touch the power cord or plug with wet hands
- this may result in electric shock!
Installation Precautions
Protect your ionizer from freezing temperatures.
Protect your ionizer from direct sunlight.
Do not put anything heavy on top of your ionizer. Do not install your ionizer on an unstable or soft surface. Install only on a hard and level surface.
Do not wash your ionizer by immersion or by pouring water over the main body; always unplug your ionizer while cleaning the casing. Clean with damp sponge or cloth.
Ensure the power plug is firmly and properly inserted into the outlet - failure to do so may result in electric shock or fire!
Keep the power cord and your ionizer away from hot surfaces or appliances ­failure to do so may result in electric shock or fire!
Do not operate your ionizer with a damaged power cord or plug or insert into a faulty or worn outlet.
Never insert foreign objects into your ionizer.
Do not use your ionizer at voltages other than specified (AC 110V FOR USA). Use a GFI outlet. Do not plug in your ionizer where it will exceed the rating of outlet or electric wiring. Failure to do so can result in fire, injury and/or damage to yourself, wiring or ionizer!
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During Use
Do not run hot water through your ionizer.
Do not clean by pouring water over or spraying the ionizer.
Do not close, bend, pinch, press or otherwise obstruct output ports or hoses.
If the appliance makes strange or unusual noises or burning smells are detected, unplug the power cord immediately and contact your dealer to arrange service.
Unplug your ionizer if you plan not to use it for an extended period or turn off the main power switch on the back of the unit. Filter replacement may be necessary.
Maintenance Precautions
Common Sense Precautions
Always unplug your ionizer when changing the fuse or cleaning your ionizer
- failure to do so may result in electric shock.
Do not attempt to repair or service the unit yourself. Contact your dealer. Attempting to do so will void your valuable warranty!
Make sure to use your ionizer only with potable water which is suitable for human consumption.
DO NOT use your ionizer with well water, water with extreme hardness, high sediment or TDS levels without first consulting your dealer.
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Saf et y Preca ut io ns
Property damage, serious injury or death may result if these instructions and precautions are not observed.
Physical injuries or material damage may be caused if the instructions are not observed.
Do's and Dont's
Do not disassemble it.
Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet.
Do not touch it.
Ground product for protection from electric shock.
Precautions for use of Alkaline water - don't develop a "drinking" problem!
If y ou h av e ne ve r co ns um ed a lk al in e wa te r - us e a se tt in g hi gh er t ha n al ka li ne 1 t o be gi n wi th . Le t yo ur b od y ad ju st s lo wl y an d na tu ra ll y fo r 4- 7 da ys . Af te r th is i ni ti al a dj us tm en t pe ri od , you ca n gr ad ua ll y in cr ea se t he a lk al in it y of t he w at er . Do n ot t ak e me di ca ti on s wi th a lk al in e wa te r. T ak e me di ca ti on s on ly w it h pu ri fi ed w at er . Co ns ul t wi th a p hy si ci an b ef or e dr in ki ng a lk al in e wa te r if y ou h av e:
- Ch ro ni c di se as e
- A dy sf un ct io na l li ve r or i nt es ti ne s
- Ar e cu rr en tl y un de r me di ca l tr ea tm en t
Do n ot d ri nk a lk al in e wa te r if y ou h av e ac hl or hy dr ia . Co ns ul t a ph ys ic ia n be fo re u si ng a ci di c wa te r if y ou h av e:
- Se ns it iv e sk in
- Al le rg ie s
On ly u se p ot ab le d ri nk in g wa te r in y ou r io ni ze r. Po or w at er q ua li ty m ay h av e ne ga ti ve e ff ec ts o n yo ur h ea lt h an d yo ur i on iz er ! Mo st m un ic ip al wa te r so ur ce s wi ll b e fi ne i n yo ur i on iz er . We ll w at er a nd w at er f ro m sm al le r sy st em s sh ou ld b e ch ec ke d, a nd m ay r eq ui re p re -f il te ri ng . Yo ur i on iz er i s no t un de r wa rr an ty f or a ny d am ag e or r eq ui re d cl ea ni ng c au se d by h ar d wa te r de po si ts .
Please read these pages carefully. They contain very important information to keep YOU and your new ionizer safe!
pH Reagent Liquid Precautions
Do not expose the pH measuring reagent to extreme heat, flames or fire. It is combustible.
Do not drink the pH reagent liquid, put it in the eyes or apply to the body.
- If the liquid is ingested, induce vomiting immediately and call a doctor.
- If the liquid gets in the eyes, flush immediately and thoroughly with cool water; call a doctor.
- If spilled or dropped on your body, wash if off immediately.
Make sure to keep the pH reagent liquid tightly closed and out of the reach of children.
Some helpful tips
For storing your alkaline water, glass or ceramic is best. Always try and keep your stored water cool and away from direct sunlight. You can use plastic, but only use lexan (number7) or poly bottles (Nalge type). It is always best fresh out of the machine and ideal if consumed on a day-to-day basis.
Do not store alkaline water in stainless steel, bronze or aluminum containers.
Save the box and Styrofoam your ionizer came packed in. This will help if your ionizer needs to be transported at a later date.
Do not use an ionizer downstream of a sodium-based ion exchange softening system or Reverse Osmosis system without first consulting with your dealer.
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