Emcotec DPSI RV Mini 5, DPSI RV Mini 6, DPSI RV Mini 5 Magic, DPSI RV Mini 6 Magic Operating Instructions Manual

DPSI RV Mini Family Operating Instructions Version 1.0
1. Preface .............................................................................................4
2. History..............................................................................................5
3. DPSI RV Mini at a glance................................................................ 6
4. Overall layout ................................................................................ 11
5. Characteristics ..............................................................................12
6. Error Detection and Indication..................................................... 17
7. Safety Features of DPSI RV Systems..........................................18
8. Contents of Delivery .....................................................................20
9. Mounting Hints and Programming .............................................. 21
9.11. Connecting Servos .............................................................. 38
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10. Servo-Matching ...........................................................................39
11. Connecting Optional Products .................................................. 46
12. Operating .....................................................................................46
13. Error Indication ........................................................................... 47
14. Safety Directions.........................................................................50
15. Technical Data of DPSI RV Mini-Systems................................. 52
16. Warranty....................................................................................... 53
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DPSI RV Mini Family Operating Instructions Version 1.0
1. Preface
With a DPSI RV Mini dual current supply from EMCOTEC you purchased a high grade, modern and secure product for your remotely controlled model. We appreciate your trust and assure you that you made the right choice!
Long lasting experience for years in development and manufacturing of electronically systems as well as the knowledge of the world’s best model airplane pilots has influenced the development. All products are developed by experienced engineers and manufactured at EMCOTEC GmbH in Germany on our own production line. Extensive optically and electronically end tests for every system, which leaves our house, assure that you, our customer acquire an absolute reliable product, which considerably increases the reliability of your valuable RC-Model.
Of course, the products not only have been tested extensively in the laboratory, but also went through intensive flight-testing. Extensive series of tests with especially in house developed data loggers have been accomplished to measure the real current consumption in model airplanes. Like done in the automobile industry FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) reduces the possibility of damage and malfunction on operating errors to a minimum.
We kindly ask you to read these operating instructions carefully and to observe the installation hints. Thus, errors can be avoided in advance.
We are all ears for your wishes and questions. Challenge us! Bobingen, October 2008
The Staff of EMCOTEC GmbH
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DPSI RV Mini Family Operating Instructions Version 1.0
2. History
For all times, EMCOTEC was and is the leader in "safe current supplies" around RC-Models. Novelties and developments were initiated by EMCOTEC:
First dual current supply with servo current distribution and electronically switches (DPSI 2001)
First and only "genuine" fail-proof switch actuator for current supplies; no mechanical influences or microcontroller errors can lead to malfunctions (DPSI pin switch actuator)
First LiPo capable dual current supply with regulated output voltage (DPSI RV Mini, DPSI RV)
First provider of LiPo-Batteries for supplying receivers (LongGo und LongGo „S“)
First and only provider who's products output error information acoustically (e.g. low voltage)
First dual current supply with integrated receiver-switches worldwide (DPSI TWIN)
First remote control system which transmits in two different frequencies (HF TWIN)
First LiPo capable dual current supply with LC-Display for indicating all relevant data (DPSI BIC)
First electronically fuse with current monitor which shuts off defective servos causing an overload (DPSI OCP)
First electronically switches which are actuated contact free using a magnet instead of any mechanically switching elements (e.g. push buttons or switches)
Smallest and most light weight LiPo capable dual current supply of its class (DPSI Micro – DPSI RV)
First receiver switch with 16 channels (DPSI TWIN Mini)
First dual current supply with integrated receiver switch, 16 channels
and LC-Display (DPSI TWIN Maxi)
First dual current supply with separate supply voltage for receiver, servos and pulse amplifiers and integrated servo-matching (DPSI RV Mini 5/6 Magic)
Innovation and Quality – Made in Germany by EMCOTEC!
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3. DPSI RV Mini at a glance
The DPSI RV Mini – family consists of four different dual current supply systems with servo current distribution for models of medium size which fit all applications:
DPSI Version Receiver-
DPSI RV Mini 5 5 8 3 built in V-cable DPSI RV Mini 6 6 7 1 built in V-cable DPSI RV Mini 5
DPSI RV Mini 6
5 8 3 built in V-cable with
6 7 1 built in V-cable with
The DPSI RV Mini 5 corresponds to pilots of the 2m to 2.7m air acrobatic class who need up to 10 servos and where up to 2 servos actuate one rudder. Therefore, only heavy loaded rudders are supplied by the DPSI (aileron, elevator and yaw rudder). Servos for additional functions (e.g. engine, retractable landing gear, etc.) are connected directly to the receiver.
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The DPSI RV Mini 6 is mainly used by jet- and glider-pilots (as well as engine driven planes and helicopters) were more channels are necessary but only one
powerful servo actuates one rudder. Here too, additional (less powered) servos can be directly supplied by the receiver.
Examples for the DPSI RV Mini 5 (Magic)
An acrobatic airplane with 2 servos per aileron and 2 servos for the yaw rudder. The throttle servo is directly connected to the receiver.
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A biplane with 4 aileron servos, split elevator- and one yaw-rudder servo. The throttle servo may be directly connected to the receiver as an option.
Examples for the DPS RV Mini 6 (Magic)
A glider with spoilers and tow release.
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A glider with flaps and spoilers. The yaw rudder (and if so one tow release) are directly connected to the receiver.
An acrobatic airplane with one servo per rudder, the yaw rudder is actuated by 2 servos.
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A jet with flaps and spoilers. The turbine-ECU is directly connected to the receiver, as well as landing gear doors or other electronically systems.
A helicopter with 4-point-control of swash plate (2 roll- und 2 pitch-servos). 1 = throttle. The gyro (tail rotor) is supplied directly by the receiver (5.2V) or via channel 6/1 of the DPSI (5.9V).
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In these examples, the outputs of the DPSI RV Mini are assigned to the corresponding rudders. Outputs at the DPSI are labeled "Out 1/1", "Out2", and so on.
Additional servos and auxiliaries can be directly connected to the receiver.
Assignment of the receiver channels to the DPSI is totally arbitrary and therefore not stringent. Mapping according to the manufacturer (e.g. channel 1 = throttle, etc.) is not necessary. Receiver channel 3 can be connected to DPSI input 1 just as well. Any combination is allowed and possible.
4. Overall layout
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5. Characteristics
With the DPSI RV Mini - systems a new dimension is reached as far as safety and comfort about current supplies for RC receiver equipment is concerned:
Dual current supply (battery switch) Separate electronically high power switches for both batteries Up to 50A peak current load Switching without microcontroller and therefore failsafe (CSHC=
Controller-less Self Holding Circuitry)
Possibility to connect an external LED voltage indicators onto switch
Due to voltage regulators usage of all battery types available Selectable output voltage for receiver Selectable output voltage for servos Usage of 7.4V servos unlimited Compliant to all RC receiver-equipment's manufacturers
Continuously constant servo power due to constant voltage supply Servo current distribution for heavy loaded servos in system Optimal recognition and conditioning of servo signals from 2.7V
Short-circuit proof servo pulse amplifier in current-saving APP-
Technology (Advanced Push Pull) for each individual servo
HFIB (High Frequency Interference Blocking) suppression of induced
HF interference caused by long servo cables (for each individual servo)
Built-In "V-cable“ for conne cting two servos per channel Servo-matching for built-in "V-cable“ (in Magic versions) Failsafe function of programmable servos (in Magic versio ns) Optically and acoustically warnings on malfunctions, e.g. battery low
voltage or total battery loss
IVM (Intelligent Voltage Monitoring) – intelligent voltage monitoring
with acoustically and optically state indication for six different battery types (programmable)
Protection of receiver against the so-called "Dynamo Effect“
(feedback of servo counter electromotive force)
Cable free system, i.e. all lines are pluggable and therefore
replaceable at any time
Special grounding concept for flawless operation and highest safety
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High grade plastic housing with integrated latches for battery
Large area heat sink for heat dissipation Each system 100% tested and provided with individual serial number Delivery inclusive all accessories Developed and manufactured by market leader (Made in Germany)
5.1. Dual Current Supply
First of all the DPSI RV Mini is a dual current supply with regulated output voltage which allows for usage of all commercially available batteries as a receiver power supply (NiCd, NiMH, LiIon, LiPo, LiFePo, etc.).
It's a dual current supply because two batteries can be connected to the system. If one battery fails, secure operation is guaranteed by the second battery. Normally, both batteries are discharged equally at the same time. Additionally, current drawn from each battery is cut in half due to the two batteries connected in "parallel" which allows for batteries with lower current load capabilities.
5.2. Electronically Switches
The batteries are switched using fail-proof electronically switches. The external switch actuator only generates the On/Off signal. Power is switched by highly loadable semiconductors. Thanks to the electronically switches there is no power loss, contacting problems or transition resistance. All DPSI RV Mini systems are built with separate electronically switches, i.e. all electronics are dual. The switches are fail-proof and are controlled by a self holding circuitry (not by means of a microcontroller!).
An operating DPSI RV Mini stays turned on even if the On/Off switch actuator is removed or broken or should the microcontroller malfunction.
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5.3. Detached Voltage Regulators
Until now, the receiver set was supplied directly by the connected battery (or corresponding battery switch). The output voltage of batteries depends heavily on the actual discharging state. Because 5­cell NiCd or NiMH batteries are utilized more often for optimal servo power, a fully charged battery reaches voltages up to 7.5V after turning the charger off. Although this peak voltage usually drops quickly it can shorten the life cycle of servos in adverse cases because servos usually are approved only for 6V by the manufacturer. Due to increased usage of light weight Lithium Polymer batteries voltage regulation is mandatory because these batteries carry a nominal voltage of 7.4V.
The electronics in the DPSI RV Mini make sure that the voltage is reduced to a permissible value, independent of the higher input voltage of the battery. Jumper (small pluggable bridges) allow for selection of the desired output voltage. This way, the power requirements can be adapted to the pilot needs and technical data of the servos.
As a specialty, two separate voltage regulators are built into the DPSI RV Mini each having its own selectable output voltage. Servos directly connected to the DPSI are supplied by their own voltage regulator. Its output voltage is either 5.9V or battery voltage. This means: the servos are supplied either with a regulated 5.9V (regular permissible voltage) or directly with the (unregulated) battery voltage. Later is about 7.4V for 2-cell LiPo batteries. Some servos can be supplied with this higher voltage already.
A receiver connected to the DPSI RV Mini is supplied by its own voltage regulator. This is very advantageous and gains safety significantly.
The output voltage of the receiver can be set between 5.2V and 5.9V. Besides direct connections of high power servos the concept of the DPSI RV Mini allows for connection of additional low power servos to the receiver (e.g. a throttle servo), where 5.2V normally suffice.
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Even fast tail rotor servos or gyro systems which only "allow for" small voltages can be supplied by the receiver with 5.2V. Additionally, the receiver supply is protected against voltage peaks. This means: all disturbing pulses induced into the supply voltage are limited to safe values.
5.4. Servo Current Distribution
Furthermore, a DPSI RV Mini provides current distribution for high power servos, in order not to connect these to the sensitive receiver. All servos directly connected to the DPSI RV Mini are supplied with full power and each individual servo gets its maximum possible current. This can be recognized by a significantly better servo actuating force.
5.5. APP (Advanced Push Pull Servo Pulse Amplification)
In order to provide each servo optimally conditioned control signals from the receiver, these signals are electronically amplified. This is especially important if receivers operate on low voltage (e.g. 2.7V); their pulse amplitude is too low for some servos.
Each individual servo output of the DPSI RV Mini has its own pulse amplifier and specific HF suppression. The amplifiers recognize even very weak servo signals from the receiver and elevate the level up to an exactly defined value. They are short-circuiting proof and are supplied with their own voltage regulator for safety reasons (i.e. not with the regular servo voltage). Therefore, the signals always carry a defined and constant level over the total operating range.
An additional advantage is the current-saving APP-Technology. The amplifiers consist of special output stages which actively control the low- as well as the high-phase of the servo signal. In connection with highly effective filters which practically eliminate induced disturbances caused by long servo cables completely, best pulse quality and highest possible safety is guarantied.
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5.6. HFIB (High Frequency Interference Blocking)
In order to even increase safety, a highly effective filter is looped in into each servo's signal path. Disturbances, "caught" by long servo cables are almost completely eliminated directly at the servo connector and therefore do not reach the receiver. Ferrite cores, as often utilized, can be omitted, which saves weight and cost. The filters in the DPSI RV Mini are tremendously more effective than cheap ferrite cores; their effectiveness is controversial anyway.
5.7. Built-in V-Cable
Depending on the system (Mini 5 or Mini 6) V-cables are built in to the DPSI. This means, two servos can be connected to one receiver output. This is especially handy, if two servos actuate one rudder (e.g. the aileron of a larger acrobatic plane). The DPSI RV Mini 5 has three, the Mini 6 one built-in V-cable (e.g. for the yaw
rudder and nose gear).
5.8. Servo-Matching ("Magic" option only)
DPSI RV Mini with "MAGIC" option allow for setting the servos which are connected to V-cables arbitrarily, i.e. direction, center- and end­limit positions.
This means: one receiver channel serves actually two servos; their direction, center position and end positions can be aligned. A split elevator rudder can be controlled by one servo on each side with one single receiver channel. Therefore one receiver channel and one mixer in the transmitter get freed up.
The same holds true for controlling the yaw
rudder with coupled nose
gear. Here too, "matching" helps to adapt both servos and saves one channel.
There is no external programming device (e.g. a PC) necessary for programming or adapting the servos. A delivered magnet initiates programming.
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Each matching system has its own microcontroller (there are three in the DPSI RV Mini 5 Magic, one in the DPSI RV Mini 6 Magic). Resolution (precision) is more than 3000 steps and the delay of the servo signals is only 1500 micro-seconds!
6. Error Detection and Indication
6.1. IVM (Intelligent Voltage Monitoring)
An internal microcontroller monitors all voltages using an intelligent algorithm and indicates different errors (overload, low voltage, voltage errors, battery malfunctions) acoustically by means of a built-in piezo­buzzer. Furthermore, errors are visualized by blink codes by a LED in the switch actuator.
Additionally, the DPSI RV Mini allows for connection of external LED- Displays (battery monitors) directly at the switch actuator.
In order for the DPSI RV Mini to detect low voltages correctly the battery type must be programmed once. Simple programming allows for selection of 6 different battery types.
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