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The Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow meter provides an accurate and easy-to-use
measuring system for high-solid fluid flow through pipes 1/2 inch to 300 inches
(outside diameter). The Doppler flow meter is well suited for flow measurement
applications such as sludges, slurries, aerated liquids, sewage, dredges, pulp, plastics,
and activated sludges. The Doppler flow meter features clamp-on transducers and a
rugged NEMA 4X enclosure, and is a long-term, maintenance-free solution for your
high-solid flow measurement requirements.
Features of the Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
The Doppler flow meter features:
•AC or DC operation
•A smart LCD screen featuring high-resolution, 32 character, 2-line alphanumeric
providing rate and totalization simultaneously—in metric and English units
•Splash proof NEMA 4X case protected from water and caustic chemicals
•Easy configuration for set up and operation with on-screen prompting, quick
scrolling menus, display panel keypad, and color coded LEDs
•Clamp-on transducers
•Analog current output scaled 4 mA to 20 mA for external indication
•Separate high and low alarm outputs with LED status indication
•Extended cable distance from transducers to electronics enclosure
•High accuracy
•Wide pipe diameter range
•Maintenance-free modular construction simplifying field service
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Advanced Energy
Components of the Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow
Meter System
A typical Doppler flow meter system is comprised of an electronics enclosure (with a
display panel), a digitizer, and two clamp-on transducers.
The display panel in the electronics enclosure features an easy-to-read LCD screen, a
keypad, and LEDs to interface with the flow meter. The Doppler flow meter can be
wall mounted for permanent installation or a portable option is also available.
The Doppler flow meter is configured with clamp-on transducers. When installed, the
transducers sense fluid flow through a pipe and send this information to the system
electronics. The electronics then convert, transmit, and display the received data.
The clamp-on transducers allow you to install the Doppler flow meter without
shutting down flow and are ideal for smooth, clean pipe walls. The transducers and the
digitizer are NEMA 6-rated and fully submersible. However, for continuous
submersion, the transducers and the digitizer need to be specially encapsulated to
prevent corrosion. Contact “EMCO Flow Systems Support” on page 3-11 for
information on configuring your meter for continuous submersion.
The standard cable length between the electronics enclosure and the transducers is 25
feet. Custom cable lengths up to 5000 feet are available. See “EMCO Flow Systems
Support” on page 3-11 for contact and ordering information.
The Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow meter measures flow velocity by sensing
signals from reflective materials within a liquid and measuring the frequency shift due
to the motion of these reflective materials. The Doppler effect states that the received
frequency is a function of the transmitted frequency and the relative motion between
transmitter and the receiver.
The classic example of the Doppler effect is the train whistle increasing in pitch to the
listener at the station as the train approaches, then decreasing in pitch as the train
moves away from the station. To the person riding on the train, the pitch remains the
same. The increasing pitch is due to phase-front compression and the decreasing pitch
is due to phase-front expansion. The Doppler flow meter uses this effect to measure
the velocity of a liquid through a pipe wall.
1-2Introduction and Theory of Operation5707070-A
Sonic Reflectors
The Doppler flow meter requires sonic reflectors in order to operate. These reflectors
may consist of particles or air bubbles within the flow to be measured. Your readings
may vary slightly with changes in concentration or size of these reflectors as well as
the pipe condition and size.
Note: Glycerin is the only known industrial liquid today that is not sonically
The Doppler flow meter uses two similar transducers to sense flow in a pipe. These
transducers are mounted on the outside of a pipe. This configuration presents no
obstruction to flow, and will not cause associated pressure drops.
The Doppler flow meter output signal is linear (as opposed to square root), which
means that accuracy is not a function of flow rate. Within certain application limits,
the meter is ideal because it is not affected by changes of pressure within the process
nor by changes of viscosity, temperature, specific gravity, sound velocity, or electrical
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
The Doppler flow meter is a non-intrusive flow meter system which operates by
sensing the frequency shifts of signals reflected from particles, air bubbles, or density
differences within a liquid, producing a linear signal proportional to the flow of the
liquid within the pipe.
•No pipe section is required to install the meter.
•The meter is not affected by changes in temperature, viscosity, specific gravity, or
the speed of sound within the liquid.
•The liquid does not have to be electronically conductive.
•A minimum particle concentration of 35 ppm @ 40 micron of suspended solids or
air bubbles is required.
•The reflector must have at least a 0.2% density difference than the liquid medium.
•For accurate volumetric measurement the pipe must be full at all times.
•The sensors, transducer crystals, are always coupled to the pipe with gel or epoxy.
•In order to obtain accurate measurements adequate upstream and downstream
pipe runs are required. Recommended straight-run requirements from any
disturbance of flow are 10 diameters upstream and 5 diameters downstream.
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Advanced Energy
Some of the materials the Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow meter is well-suited
for measuring include:
•Ag water
• Abrasives
• Asphalts
• Dredge flows
• Drilling mud
• Large contaminates
• Extremely viscous substances
• Hazardous wastes
• Municipal sludges and wastes
• Paper pulp
• Rendering products
• Reservoirs
• Rivers and streams
• Runoffs
• Slurries
• Suspended solids
• Most all liquids containing suspended particles or air bubbles
1-4Introduction and Theory of Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Installation and Operation
Before installing your Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow meter, follow the steps
listed below:
1. See “Unpacking the Unit” on page 2-1.
2. Make sure you have performed the “Pre-installation Procedures and Checks” on
page 2-2.
3. Determine if your process/installation is compatible with the requirements of
Doppler flow meter. See “Determining if Your Process/Installation is Right for a
Doppler Flow Meter” on page 2-3).
4. Proceed to “Installation Procedures” on page 2-9.
Unpacking the Unit
Unpack and inspect the unit carefully, looking for obvious physical damage. If no
damage is apparent, locate and save all documentation and then proceed with the
following procedures.
If you see signs of shipping damage, contact EMCO product support at Advanced
Energy and the carrier immediately (see “EMCO Flow Systems Support” on
page 3-11 for contact information). Save the shipping container for submitting
necessary claims to the carrier.
Table 2-1 lists the standard items that ship with Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow
meter systems.
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Advanced Energy
Table 2-1. Items shipped with the flow meter system
Fixed unit (C5F model)Portable unit (C5P model)
• Electronics enclosure
• Two transducers and a 25´ cable
(standard); custom lengths up to
5000´ are available
• Digitizer
•Tiedown kit
• Sonic coupling gel
•User manual
• Electronics enclosure
• Two transducers and a 25´ cable
(standard); custom lengths up to
5000´ are available
• Digitizer
•Tiedown kit
• Sonic coupling gel
•User manual
• 12 V 2.2 AH battery
• 110 VAC battery charger
• Tote handles and side latch
• Field transport case
•Sandpaper to clean the pipe surface to bare pipe
•Tape measure to measure pipe size
Pre-installation Procedures and Checks
Before you install your Doppler flow meter, there is a pre-install check you should
perform to ensure that this is the appropriate meter to use for your application. If you
encounter any difficulties during the pre-installation procedures, see “Determining if
Your Process/Installation is Right for a Doppler Flow Meter” on page 2-3 before
proceeding with the installation process.
To Perform the Doppler flow meter Pre-installation Check:
1. Mount the transducers side by side between 7 o’clock and 10 o’clock on the pipe
(see “Mounting and Connecting the Transducers” on page 2-9 for more
2. If not already connected, connect the transducers to the electronics enclosure (see
“Mounting and Connecting the Transducers” on page 2-9).
3. Connect AC or DC power to the flow meter (see “Mounting and Connecting
Power to the Electronics Enclosure” on page 2-13).
4. Turn on the power using the switch on the display panel.
5. After the electronics enclosure powers up and the front display panel lights up,
press soft key 1 to select FPS (feet per second).
6. Estimate your expected flow rate and compare it to the reading in feet per second
on the display panel.
2-2Installation and Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
If the reading on the display panel appears to be accurate, continue to the next
If you do not see a flow reading on the LCD screen at all, or if the flow reading
is much lower or higher than expected, try repositioning the transducers. If this
does not help, see “Determining if Your Process/Installation is Right for a
Doppler Flow Meter” on page 2-3 and consult “Troubleshooting the Unit” on
page 3-1.
7. Observe the yellow Echo LED on the display panel.
If the Echo LED is on steady, and the flow reading appears to be accurate, your
Doppler flow meter is ready for operation. See “Normal Operation” on
page 2-25 to configure the flow meter for operation with your system.
If the Echo LED is flashing or not illuminated, see “Determining if Your
Process/Installation is Right for a Doppler Flow Meter” on page 2-3 and
consult “Troubleshooting the Unit” on page 3-1.
Accurate operation of a Doppler flow meter depends upon your application and
installation site. Doppler flow meters offer many advantages over other flow meter
models when flows are viscous, turbulence is minimal, and piping materials are
appropriate. When conditions are adverse to Sono-Trak™ Doppler ultrasonic flow
meter operation, the Sonotrak™ Transit Time flow meter may offer an excellent
alternative. Contact “EMCO Flow Systems Support” on page 3-11 for more
information about this transit time meter.
To determine which flow meter is appropriate for your process and specific
installation, consider the following:
•The presence of reflective particles in the flow
•The pipe material and condition of pipe housing the flow
•The flow profile, meaning that you are able to provide acceptable straight run
requirements to ensure more accurate readings
The following sections discuss these considerations.
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Advanced Energy
Assessing Particles or Air Bubbles
The ultrasonic beam from the transducer is transmitted through the pipe wall into the
liquid. The particles, air bubbles suspended in the liquid, have to be large enough to
act as reflectors to return the signal back to the transducer so that a measurement may
be taken. It is important to understand that the ultrasonic beam from the Doppler flow
meter does not penetrate air very well. A few bubbles will not affect flow meter
performance, but too many bubbles may cause the meter to malfunction. See
“Suspended Particle Test For Doppler Signals” on page 3-10 for information on how
to assess the particulate content of your flow.
Note: At a frequency of roughly 650 kHz, the minimum particle which can be sensed
is 40 microns @ 35 parts per million (ppm) and at least 0.2% density difference
from the liquid.
The flow to be measured must always have a sufficient number of sonic
reflectors of ample size in order to provide reflection of the transmitted
sound. If the reflectors do not have sufficient density difference they
will neither rise nor fall in the solution but remain suspended. The
specific gravity will also affect the ability of a particle to reflect sound.
A good example of a reflector is a sand particle or an air bubble. A poor
example is algae or onion skins.
Wide fluctuations in flow suspended solids content can only be handled by an
instrument capable of monitoring such a wide fluctuation in liquid characteristics.
Extreme cases may require the use of both a transit time flow meter (such as the SonoTrak™ model) as well as a Doppler flow meter. For example, river water may require
a meter which is capable of measuring both clean and dirty liquids. Depending on
conditions, the river may vary considerably in suspended solid content.
Changes in the process may cause the meter to cease proper operation. For example, a
Doppler meter had been operating satisfactorily for a long time in a certain
installation, and then suddenly it stopped functioning. The problem was eventually
traced to a particle filter that had recently been placed before the transducers,
effectively eliminating the reflectors from the stream.
Process changes in the other direction are also possible. The meter responds to
bubbles up to a point, but if the liquid starts to foam there may be too many air
bubbles to allow the ultrasonic beam to adequately penetrate the flow stream. This
may cause the Doppler flow meter to produce erroneous flow readings. Similarly, a
sludge may become too dense to allow proper penetration.
2-4Installation and Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Assessing Pipe Material and Condition
Doppler flow meter performance is best maximized by using piping that is sonically
conductive. The Doppler flow meter assumes that the path by which the ultrasonic
beam enters the pipe and returns to the transducer is ultrasonically homogenous,
which means that you must use your flow meter with pipes with non-porous smooth
pipe walls. Concrete-lined pipes, old or crystallized cast iron pipes, hand-wrapped
fiberglass pipe, and old piping with air inclusions do not exhibit the required
homogeneity. Avoid using the Doppler flow meter for flow measurement on these
pipes unless proper operation is proven by the manufacturer through demonstration.
Contact “EMCO Flow Systems Support” on page 3-11 for more information on an
alternate meter if your application is not suitable for the Doppler flow meter.
Note: No clamp-on meter will operate properly if the liner is not solidly attached to
the pipe wall because of the probability of an air gap.
Pipe Vibration
Moderate pipe vibration does not usually adversely affect the Doppler flow meter,
since the vibration of the piping is at a significantly lower frequency than the
ultrasonic beam used to measure flow. However, in situations where the transducer
signal strength is low because of fluid, piping, or other environmental factors,
measurement accuracy may be further decreased by pipe vibration. In these situations
your display panel may register flow when there is none due to the vibration. If you
can not bracket the pipe to reduce vibration, you may be able to rectify the problem by
relocating the transducer to a pipe location with less vibration.
Assessing Flow Profile
As with other flow meters such as vortex or magnetic flow meters, the Doppler flow
meter needs a well-developed flow profile to ensure accurate flow measurement. To
assure a well-developed profile, choose a measurement point on a long run of pipe—
well away from elbows, valves, pumps, flanges, and other possible sources of
The ideal placement of the Doppler flow meter is with 20 diameters of straight run
upstream and 10 diameters of straight run downstream between the transducers and
any disturbance of the flow. Most typical flow meter applications use 10 diameters of
straight run upstream and 5 diameters downstream from any disturbance of the flow.
However, when the measured fluid is too clean to provide the proper number of
reflective particles, one may position the transducer near the pump or source of
turbulence in such a manner as to obtain stable readings in a continuous flow full pipe
situation. Using a transit time meter may be another viable option if the Doppler flow
5707070-AInstallation and Operation2-5
Advanced Energy
meter is not performing ideally. A point to remember is that turbulence is a non-linear
function of flow, so turbulence can create reflected signals. Interpret readings near
turbulent flows with caution.
Sources of turbulence are elbows, flanges, valves, orifices, wedges, pumps, pipe
openings, and pipe irregularities (rust, corrosion, and buildup). Always avoid vertical
pipe runs (especially downhill pipe runs).
Table 2-2. Flow meter distance from turbulence and reading accuracy
Note: Accuracy is dependant on flow profile, and is related to the percentage of sound
UpstreamDownstream% Accuracy
20 diameters10 diameters±1% to 3% of full scale
10 diameters5 diameters±3% to 5% of full scale
5 diameters2 diameters±5% to 10% of full scale
reflectors and their size variation and distribution.
Figure 2-1 provides straight run examples.
2-6Installation and Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
D = Nominal pipe diameter
Figure 2-1. Straight run examples
You should always avoid measuring liquids in vertical downward flows with any flow
meter. In the case of Doppler flow meters, vertical downward flows cause erroneous
readings by introducing air bubbles. Excessive air bubbles attenuate the measurement
signal by hampering penetration of the ultrasonic beam into the fluid. Bubbles will
tend to rise against the flow, and since the Doppler flow meter is capable of totalizing
in both directions, this will cause erroneous flow measurements as the meter factors in
the backward flow of the bubbles. Additionally, in vertical flows it may be difficult to
keep the pipe full, allowing pockets of air into the pipe. This will drastically reduce
the transducer’s ability to penetrate the flow and produce a readable signal.
5707070-AInstallation and Operation2-7
Advanced Energy
When the Doppler transducers are mounted on a horizontal pipe, care should be taken
to mount them in the 7 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions (with the top of the pipe—the
side furthest from the Earth—corresponding to the 12 o’clock position). If the
transducer is mounted on the bottom of the pipe, settling particles may attenuate the
signals by introducing an additional sonic barrier. Also, air may agglomerate at the top
of the pipe. Since the ultrasonic frequencies used will not penetrate air efficiently, the
signal will be heavily attenuated so that the meter will not be able to render accurate
Horizontal Pipe Mounting
The recommended placement of the Doppler transducers is a horizontal section of
piping. Figure 2-2 provides horizontal mounting examples.
Figure 2-2. Horizontal pipe mounting examples
Vertical Pipe Mounting
Measuring flow at a vertical pipe run is not recommended. If measuring flow in a
vertical run can not be avoided, we recommend you measure at a point where the
direction of flow through the pipe is upwards to help ensure the pipe will remain full
at all times (Figure 2-3). However, measuring flow even with an upward vertical pipe
run will not address all the problems associated with this configuration.
Figure 2-3. Vertical pipe mounting examples
2-8Installation and Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Sono-Trak Transit Time Ultrasonic Flow Meters
In the event the flow to be measured does not contain the minimum required particle
size and/or parts per million count, and the transducer will not read, you may want to
consider the Sono-Trak™ Transit Time ultrasonic flow meter for your application.
Contact an EMCO sales representative with your flow meter application questions.
See “EMCO Flow Systems Support” on page 3-11 for contact information.
After you have performed the pre-install check and determined that the Doppler flow
meter will work for your application, follow these steps to install your meter.
To Install the Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter:
1. Mount and connect the transducers (see page 2-9)
2. Mount and connect power to the electronics enclosure (see page 2-13)
3. Turn on power to the electronics enclosure using the switch on the display panel
and follow display panel for meter set up (see “Operation” on page 2-15 for more
information on configuring your meter for operation)
Mounting and Connecting the Transducers
The clamp-on transducers are NEMA 6-rated and fully submersible. However, if your
system requires that the transducers and the digitizer be continuously submerged, they
need to be specially encapsulated to prevent corrosion. Contact “EMCO Flow
Systems Support” on page 3-11 for information on configuring your flow meter
components for continuous submersion.
To Mount the Clamp-On Transducers to the Pipe:
1. Ensure the pipe surface is clean. Use sandpaper to remove all paint and scale from
the pipe surface if necessary.
2. Apply sonic gel to the transducer lenses. For best results in most weather
conditions and heat, use Dow Corning
grease G661™.
High Vacuum Grease or the supplied
Always apply sonic gel to the transducer lenses before placing on the
pipe. The sonic gel must be used to transmit the energy from the
transducer crystals through the pipe wall and into the flow to be
5707070-AInstallation and Operation2-9
Advanced Energy
3. Place the transducers side by side between 7 o’clock and 10 o’clock on the pipe
as shown in Figure 2-4. Place the transducers flush to the pipe, facing the same
direction. See Figure 2-5 for an example.
Note: Be careful with transducer placement. Air bubbles near the top of the pipe
or sediment on the bottom of the pipe can hinder successful flow readings.
Place the transducers as shown in Figure 2-4.
Electronics enclosure
Cross-section of pipe
with mounted
12 o’clock position
6 o’clock position
Figure 2-4. Clamp-on transducer placement
4. Use the supplied chain and bungee cord to strap the transducers in place, securing
them tightly to the pipe. Figure 2-5 provides an example of two properly mounted
clamp-on transducers.
2-10Installation and Operation5707070-A
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Figure 2-5. Clamp-on transducers secured with a bungee and chain
To Connect the Transducers to the Electronics Enclosure:
1. Ensure AC or battery (DC) input power is turned off.
2. Connect the transducer cable to the electronics enclosure by routing the cable
through the appropriate opening (see “Bottom view of the electronics enclosure”
on page 4-7 for location of cable access openings). Use a cable gland and a cable
backing nut to securely fasten the trasnducer cable to the electronics enclosure.
3. Connect the transducer wires to the processor board as shown in Figure 2-6 on
page 2-12 for correct placement. The transducer 4-wire connection is as follows:
White = Digital signal output (0 V to 12 V pulse train)
Green = Echo good logic signal (when used)
Red = 12 VDC to 15 VDC at 100 mA nominal power in
Black = Ground / Common
Note: Do not connect bare shield wire to black (common / ground)
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