EMC PN 300-002-867 User Manual

Application Connectivity Monitor
P/N 300-002-867
EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Copyright 1996-2005 by EMC Corporation (“EMC”). All rights reserved.
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. The Software and all intellectual property rights related thereto constitute trade secrets and proprietary data of EMC and any third party
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The information in this publication is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall EMC Corporation be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of use of data, interruption of business, or for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, arising from any error in this publication.
The InCharge™ products mentioned in this publication are covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patent Nos. or pending patent applications: 5,528,516, 5,661,668, 6,249,755, 6,868,367 and 11/034,192.
“EMC," “InCharge,” the InCharge logo, “SMARTS,” the SMARTS logo, “Graphical Visualization,” “Authentic Problem,” “Codebook Correlation Technology,” “Instant Results Technology,” “InCharge Viewlet,” and “Dashboard Viewlet” are trademarks or registered trademarks of EMC. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to the software product are set forth in the Third-Party Copyright Read Me file included on the accompanying software media.
Last Update: 8/1/05


Preface v
Intended Audience v Prerequisites v Document Organization v Documentation Conventions vi Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory vii
Application Connectivity Monitor Products vii
Additional Resources vii
Command Line Programs vii Documentation viii
Technical Support viii
EMC Powerlink viii
1 Explanation of Fault Analysis 1
Topology Created by ACM 1 Faults Diagnosed by ACM 2 Analysis Scenarios 3
Single Application and Single TCP Check 3 Single Application and Two TCP Checks 6 Two Applications on a Single System 9 Impact Analysis with Business Impact Manager 13
2 Viewing Analysis Results and Application Topology 17
Analysis Results Displayed as Notifications 17
About Notifications 17 Viewing the Properties of a Notification 18
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor User’s Guide iii
Viewing Application Topology in Maps 19
Opening an Applications Map 19 Topology Elements Displayed in an Application Map 20
Index 21
iv EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor User’s Guide


This document describes the topology and notifications created by Application Connectivity Monitor as it is displayed in the Global Console.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for operators who are responsible for acting on the analysis provided by Application Connectivity Monitor.


This guide assumes that Application Connectivity Monitor and Service Assurance Manager are properly deployed and that the user has access to the Global Console.

Document Organization

This guide consists of the following chapters.
Tab l e 1 : Document Organization
2. V
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide v
Describes the notifications and topology created by Application Connectivity Monitor and presents several failure scenarios.
Provides fundamental descriptions of various Global Console functions.

Documentation Conventions

Several conventions may be used in this document as shown in Table 2.
Tab l e 2 : Documentation Conventions
sample code Indicates code fragments and examples in Courier font
keyword Indicates commands, keywords, literals, and operators in bold
% Indicates C shell prompt
# Indicates C shell superuser prompt
<parameter> Indicates a user-supplied value or a list of non-terminal items in
[option] Indicates optional terms in brackets
/InCharge Indicates directory path names in italics
yourDomain Indicates a user-specific or user-supplied value in bold, italics
File > Open Indicates a menu path in italics
angle brackets
Indicates a command is wrapped over one or more lines. The command must be typed as one line.
Directory path names are shown with forward slashes (/). Users of the Windows operating systems should substitute back slashes (\) for forward slashes.
Also, if there are figures illustrating consoles in this document, they represent the consoles as they appear in Windows. Under UNIX, the consoles appear with slight differences. For example, in views that display items in a tree hierarchy such as the Topology Browser, a plus sign displays for Windows and an open circle displays for UNIX.
Finally, unless otherwise specified, the term InCharge Manager is used to refer to EMC Smarts programs such as Domain Managers, Global Managers, and adapters.
vi EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide

Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory

Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory
In this document, the term BASEDIR represents the location where the Application Connectivity Monitor software is installed.
For UNIX, this location is: /opt/InCharge<n>/<product>.
For Windows, this location is: C:\InCharge<n>\<product>.
The <n> represents the software platform version number. The <product> represents the product name. For example, on UNIX operating systems, Application Connectivity Monitor is, by default, installed to: /opt/InCharge6/ACM/smarts. On Windows operating systems, this product is, by default, installed to: C:\InCharge6\ACM\smarts. This location is referred to as BASEDIR/smarts.
Optionally, you can specify the root of BASEDIR to be something other than /opt/InCharge6 (on UNIX) or C:\InCharge6 (on Windows), but you cannot change the <product> location under the root directory.
For more information about the software directory structure, refer to the EMC Smarts System Administration Guide.

Application Connectivity Monitor Products

Application Connectivity Monitor includes the following products:
Application Connectivity Monitor

Additional Resources

In addition to this document, EMC Smarts provides the following resources.

Command Line Programs

Descriptions of command line programs are available as HTML pages. The index.html file, which provides an index to the various commands, is located in the BASEDIR/smarts/doc/html/usage directory.
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide vii


Readers of this document may find other documentation (also available in the BASEDIR/smarts/doc/pdf directory) helpful.
EMC Smarts Documentation
The following documents are product independent and thus relevant to users of all EMC Smarts products:
EMC Smarts System Administration Guide
EMC Smarts ASL Reference Guide
EMC Smarts Perl Reference Guide
Application Connectivity Monitor Documentation
The following documents are relevant to users of Application Connectivity Monitor:
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Release Notes
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Guide
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor User’s Guide

Technical Support

For questions about technical support, call your local sales office or service provider. For service, call one of the following numbers:
United States: 800.782.4362 (SVC.4EMC)
Canada: 800.543.4782 (543.4SVC)
Worldwide: 508.497.7901

EMC Powerlink

EMC Powerlink is the EMC Corporation’s secure extranet for customers and partners. Powerlink is an essential tool for obtaining web-based support from the EMC Corporation. Powerlink can be used to submit service or information requests (tickets) and monitor their progress, to review the knowledgebase for known problems and solutions, and to download patches and SmartPacks.
viii EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide
Technical Support
From training on EMC products and technologies, to online support, product announcements, software registration, technical white papers, interoperability information, and a range of configuration tools, Powerlink offers resources unavailable elsewhere.
For quickest access when you do not already have a Powerlink account, ask your EMC representative for the access code for your company and register at the Powerlink site. Visit the EMC Powerlink website at:
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide ix
x EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Manager User’s Guide
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