Front Opening Food Steamers
Front Opening
Model AR60
Model AR60T
(with Autotimer)
No matter the type of food service operation, steam heat
provides excellent benefits. You can improve your operating
efficiency, increase profitability and offer a greater variety of
healthy, appetizing foods with EmberGlo’s under the counter,
front drawer loading AR30 or AR60 food steamers.
Menu Versatility
Experienced chefs agree that re-heating pre-cooked foods with
steam heat is often better than relying on conventional ovens or
microwaves. Unlike these dry heat sources, steam heat doesn’t
dry out food; instead, it locks in flavor and freshness while heating
foods thoroughly and with uniform consistency.
You’ll see the colors of your vegetables and other fresh food
products brighten, as steam heat maintains all their natural vitamins
and nutrients. Steam is truly a much healthier means of cooking
many foods, giving them added nutritional appeal.
EmberGlo’s top injecting steamers are time savers. Many
pre-cooked foods may only require thawing, heating and/or
re-hydrating, tasks perfectly suited to steamers. Not only will steam
heat improve your operational efficiency, you’ll also be able to
prepare many of your popular menu items in advance, refrigerating
them until you’re ready to steam and serve.
Greater Efficiency for Greater Profit
Our innovative engineers have designed the AR30/AR60 electric
food steamers with your success in mind. That’s why our steamers
are built compactly to fit all standard counters, backbars and service
areas. Our front drawer models are created to fit under your
counter or shelf to provide you with more work space. For speedy
warming, high pressure jets inject steam directly onto your food
products from above.
Front Opening
Model AR30
Front Opening Food Steamers