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Thank you for buying Embedded Artists’ LPC2148 Education Board based on Philips
ARM7TDMI LPC2148 microcontroller.
This document is a User’s Guide that describes the LPC2148 Education Board hardware
design and some basic software interface principles with the hardware. There is a separate
document describing program development that also includes a lot of experiments that will
guide you through the art of embedded program development.
1.1 Contents
The box received when ordering the LPC2148 Education Board contains the following:
• The LPC2148 Education Board.
• A modem serial cable, DB9-male to DB9-female (DB9M-DM9F), for connecting
the LPC2148 Education Board to a PC.
• A USB cable of type: B-to-A, for powering the boards from a PC.
• CD-ROM with additional material and programs, including complete and evaluation
versions of different development environments.
An optional JTAG interface can be used for debugging during program development. The
interface is not strictly needed but can be needed for more advanced debugging.
1.2 Features
Embedded Artists LPC2148 Education Board with Philips ARM7TDMI LPC2148
microcontroller lets you get up-and-running quickly. The small form factor board offers
many unique features that ease your learning curve and program development.
• Philips ARM7TDMI LPC2148 microcontroller with 512 KByte program Flash and
32+8 KByte SRAM
• 12.0000 MHz crystal for maximum execution speed and standard serial bit rates
− Phase-locked loop (PLL) multiplies frequency with five; 5 x 12 MHz = 60 MHz
• 32.768kHz RTC crystal
• Onboard Peripherals
− 2x16 character LCD with background light
− Joystick switch
− RS232 interface on UART #0
− USB 2.0 device interface
− RGB-LED, each color can be controlled via PWM signal
− 8x8 LED matrix, controlled via shift registers in the SPI bus
− MMC/SD memory card interface
− Brushless DC motor control
− Piezoelectric buzzer
LPC2148 Education Board - User’s Guide Page 6
− Servo interface (3-pole)
− 2 Analog inputs
− Low-pass filtering of PWM signal
− 1 Analog output
− Reset button
• Connectors
− RS232, female DSUB-9 (ESD protected)
− USB, type B connector
− MMC/SD memory card connector
− Servo (3-pin) connector
− 64 pin expansion connector, all LPC2148 I/O pins are available on connector
− 2.1 mm power supply connector
• 2 Kbit I
C E2PROM for storing non-volatile parameters
• Onboard low-dropout voltage and reset generation.
− Generates +3.3V from a +5V supply
− +3.3V available for external circuits, up to 300 mA
• Power supply
− 4.5-6 VDC, ≥150 mA, either from USB connector or 2.1 mm power connector
• Simple and automatic program download (ISP) via RS232 channel
− Circuit that automatically controls the bootloader from RS232 channel
• Dimensions: 139 x 110 mm
− Four layer PCB (FR-4 material) for best noise immunity
1.3 Expansion Boards
The 64 pin expansion connector, with all LPC2148 I/O pins available, allows the LPC2148
Education Board to be expanded with new and exciting hardware. The experiments can be
more advanced and complex by using the expansion boards. The list below presents the first
set of available expansion boards. As seen, many of the boards are communication oriented.
• Ethernet board (10Mbps) with SPI interface
• Bluetooth™ board with UART interface
• ZigBee™ board with SPI interface
• MP3 decoder board with SPI interface
• Graphical monochrome LCD (240x128 pixels) with parallel interface
Embedded Artists have a broad range of LPC2xxx based boards that are very low cost and
developed for prototyping / development as well as for OEM applications. Modifications for
OEM applications can be done easily, even for modest production volumes. Contact
Embedded Artists for further information about design and production services.
1.4.1 Design and Production Services
Embedded Artists provide design services for custom designs, either completely new or
modification to existing boards. Specific peripherals and I/O can be added easily to different
designs, for example, communication interfaces, specific analog or digital I/O, and power
supplies. Embedded Artists has a broad, and long, experience in designing industrial
electronics, in general, and with Philips LPC2xxx microcontroller family, in specific. Our
competence also includes wireless and wired communication for embedded systems. For
example IEEE802.11b/g (WLAN), Bluetooth™, ZigBee™, ISM RF, Ethernet, CAN, RS485,
and Fieldbuses.
1.4.2 LPC2xxx QuickStart Boards and Kits
Visit Embedded Artists’ home page,, for information about
other QuickStart boards / kits or contact your local distributor.
The core part of the design is the Philips LPC2148 microcontroller. It’s an ARM7TDMI-S
CPU core with a lot of different peripheral units and on-chip memory (512 kByte FLASH
and 32-8 kByte SRAM). There is no external memory bus interface. Figure 4 below
illustrates the CPU section of the design.
Figure 4 - LPC2148 Education Board Schematic, page 1: CPU
The microcontroller crystal frequency is 12.0000 MHz. This frequency has been selected in
order to allow maximum execution speed (5 x 12 MHz = 60 MHz, which is the maximum
frequency). The on-chip UART peripheral includes a fractional baud rate generator that
allow standard baud rates to be generated from the 60 MHz base clock. The USB clock is
also generated from the 60 MHz clock without any problems.
There is also a 32.768 kHz crystal clock for the on-chip real-time clock peripheral unit or
RTC for short. The microcontroller can be placed in a very low power mode while the RTC
operates and keeps track of time. Power for the RTC (during these low power modes) comes
from the VBAT input pin. Power is sourced either from the +3.3V power supply or the
external VBAT_IN signal (available on the expansion connector), depending on which one
have highest voltage.
The LPC2148 also contains an Analog-to-Digital Converter or ADC for short, as well as a
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC). These two peripheral units need a reference voltage,
which is supplied from the VREF input pin.
Jumper J6 selects two different sources for VREF. The CPU power supply (+3.3V) is used
and divided by 3/2. The power supply is low-pass filtered for noise immunity. The precision
of the power supply is 1%. Alternatively an external precision voltage is used, the VREF_IN
pin on the expansion connector.
The power supply uses a conventional low-dropout voltage regulator, the Sipex SP1117. The
LPC2148 need only a single +3.3V voltage and has an internal 1.8V regulator for powering
the core. Some other processors in the LPC2xxx series require both a +3.3V and a +1.8V
voltage. For a full specification of the SP1117 voltage regulator see the datasheet from Sipex
(also included on the CD-ROM).
Figure 5 below illustrates the voltage regulator part of the design. As seen, power can come
from either an external power adapter via a standard 2.1 mm power connector or from the
USB connector. Diode D4 keeps the USB interface from being reverse-fed. Normally, power
is taken from the USB connector, but in some cases the 2.1 mm connector can be used, for
example when the power need for expansion boards is high and the USB cannot supply the
needed current (≥500mA).
A transient suppression diode (D5) protects the board from power surges via the power
There are three pads to ease measurements of the incoming (+5V) voltage and the generated
(+3.3V) voltage, see PAD1 – PAD3. When ON, a small green LED indicates the presence of
+3.3V voltage. See Figure 26 on page 27 for a description where the pads and the green
LED are placed on the PCB.
2.1.3 Page 1: RS232 and ISP
UART#0 on the LPC2148 is connected to a RS232 interface via a Sipex SP3232E standard
RS232 interface chip. It’s a 3.3V powered chip with integrated ESD protection in order to
minimize the risk of damaging the interface. The RS232 interface is not a full interface, only
the receive and transmit signals are connected to UART#0. There are two UART channels
on the LPC2148 and only channel #1 has all control signals needed for a full modem
implementation. Channel #0 only has receive and transmit signals. Channel #1 is free and
used by some of the expansion boards.
Even though the CPU clock crystal is 12.000 MHz, any standard baud rate can be generated
since both UART channels have a fractional baud rate generator. ‘Fractional’ means that the
clock frequency does not have to be divided by an even integer value. It can also be divided
by a fractional value, which means that a lot more baud rates can be achieved from basically
any clock crystal frequency. There is even an autobauding capability, meaning that basically
any baud rate can be detected. Read more about this functionality in the LPC2148 datasheet.
The interface can be disconnected by removing jumper J3 and J4, in case an external
interface is to be designed (for example on a prototype board).
Finally there is a special circuit to automate the ISP feature (In-System Programming). With
the help of two control signals (RTS and DTR), the processor can be placed in the bootloader
mode. The bootloader uses UART#0 for downloading new program images into the
processor (either into FLASH or into RAM). DTR controls the processor reset and RTS can
pull signal P0.14 low. If the processor samples P0.14 low after reset the bootloader is
entered, else the application code is executed. The automatic ISP functionality can be
disabled by removing jumpers J5 and J7. Note that some terminal programs (notably
Windows™ Hyperterminal) control the RTS/DTR signals in an unfavorable way so that the
board always enters bootloader mode or is always in reset more. In these cases, the jumpers
must be removed or a serial cable with only receive and transmit signals must be used.
Figure 6 below illustrates the RS232 and ISP part of the design.
The LPC2148 also contains a USB 2.0 device interface as one of its peripheral units. Figure
7 below illustrate the USB part of the design. Low-pass filtering is added for noise
immunity. The USB interface supports the Soft Connect functionality and voltage sense (see
LPC2148 User’s Manual for more information about these functions). The Soft Connect
feature is controlled by IO-pin P0.31 and is activated by placing a 1.5 kohm resistor between
the D+ signal and +3.3V. A green LED also is ON when the resistor is resent. The voltage
sense feature is handled by IO-pin P0.23, which is connected to VCC of the USB interface.
Figure 7 - LPC2148 Education Board Schematic, page 1: USB
2.1.5 Page 1: JTAG
The JTAG interface is a standard 20-pin (2x10) connector with shoulders – ‘standard’, at
least in the ARM world. The JTAG interface shares 6 general IO-pins (GPIOs) and is
enabled by shorting jumper J9, i.e., pulling P1.26 low during reset. When the JTAG interface
is enabled, the 6 IO-pins cannot be used for other purposes than the JTAG interface. Figure 8 below illustrates the JTAG part of the schematics.
To use the JTAG interface of the LPC2148 Education Board a special JTAG interface pod
must be used. This pod must be integrated with a debugger in order to do anything useful
with it. There exist many different manufacturers of JTAG interface pods.
2.1.6 Page 1: Expansion Connector
The LPC2148 Education Board is not just a monolithic design. Via the expansion connector,
it’s possible to expand the design. All LPC2148 pins are available on the expansion
connector, which is a standard 2x32 pin list with 100 mil pin spacing. Figure 9 below
illustrates the expansion connector part of the design.