Concrete must be cut
backaround niche to
allow fora compact
plaster seal
120cm min.
Water level
Rigid conduit
45cm min. from water
line to top of lens
Figure 3
Mounting plate
Tra ns former
Ligh t
Figure 2
A) Preparing to Install
1 Before installation, a circuit system
diagram must be designed by a
certified engineer.
2) The circuit system must comply with
local laws and regulations and
must be carried out by qualified
3) Make sure the voltage is 12V and
the terminal box is at least 120cm
from the poolside (Figure 3).
4) Upon installation, top of the light
must be at least 45cm from water
surface (Figure 3).
6) The wire connections inside the terminal box must be sealed by leak-proof tapes to
prevent water from leaking into the terminal box through the cables.
1) Refer to section "Preparing to Install”.
2) Make 2 holes on the pool wall (Figure 8).
3) Place the o-rings between the Mounting Plate and the pool wall and tighten it with the Nut on
the other side of the pool wall (Figure 9).
4) Put the cable sequentially through the sealing Nut, the sealing O-ring and the cable hole on
the mounting plate; then tighten the Nut (Figure10).
5) Wrap extra cables behind the light to make sure it could be taken to the pool surface for
future maintenance. Then, hang the light onto the Mounting Plate and tighten the screws
(Figure 11).
Fiberglass Pools / Vinyl Pools Installation
Figure 9 Figure 10Figure 8 Figure 11
Never o per at e thi s Under water L igh t fo r mor e than 10 s eco nd s unl es s it is
total ly su bm erg ed in wat er. Wit hou t to tal s ubmer sio n, t he li gh t ass embly w ill
get ext rem el y hot , which m ay resu lt in s er iou s injur y to po ol u ser s, i nst aller s, or
bysta nde rs , or in d amage t o prope rty .
Be sure p owe r is o ff be fore in stall ing o r re mov ing lam p. Al lo w lam p to c ool
befor e rel am pin g.Thi s light f ixt ur e use s a Halog en Quar tz la mp . Do No t touch
lamp wi th ba re h and , this ma y sever ely r ed uce i ts life . Use the p las ti c fur nishe d
with th e rep la cem ent lam p to elim ina te f ing er prin ts fr om g ett in g on la mp.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 4
Figure 5
7) The cables connecting the lights and the transformers must be at least 6mm and the
distance between them must not exceed 30m (Figure 2); otherwise the lights will not
function properly.
B) Pool Installation
1) Embed the Wall Mount into the concrete wall, making sure that it is parallel to the side
of the pool(Figure 4).
2) Place the Mounting Plate on the concrete wall and tighten it with 4 screws. The conduit
must be next to the Mounting Plate (Figure 5).
3) Note that the light must only be installed on a flat or concave surface.
4) Wrap extra cables behind the light to make sure it could be taken to the pool surface
for future maintenance (Figure 6).
5) Hang the light onto the Mounting Plate and tighten the screws (Figure 7).
1) Clean the O-ring installation position and put the O-ring.
2) After install the O-ring. Put the transparency lid and then put the cover. (Figure 13)
3) While install the cover with the base, please to note that the sign of “TOP”from the base
should meet with the sign of “TOP for the cover. (Figure 14)
4) Rotate to the station position and then to use screw driver that to tighten. (Figure 15)
5) For Unassembled, please to reverse the sequence.
Assembly for CP100
(Figure 12)
Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15