Ematic ETV190 User Manual

User Manual
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the manual completely.
Please keep this manual for future reference.
Important Safety Instructions.................................. ..... ........................................... ..... ..... ...........1
Important Notice ............... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... .........4
Preparations ........... ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. .5
Identification of Controls .. ..... ................... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .......7
Connections........... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... .11
Basic Operations..... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ..................1 4
Getting Started . ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... .15
Troubleshooting..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... ..... .............. ..... .24
Specifications..... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... 26
...... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... ................... ..... .....27Wall mounting operation
Important Safety Instructions
Elect ric al energy c an perfor m man y useful fu nctions , but i t can al so ca use perso nal i njur ies a nd proper ty damage i f imp roperly handl ed. This p rod uct has bee n enginee red a nd man ufa ctured wi th th e high est p riority o n safety. But IM PROP ER US E CAN RESULT IN POTEN TIAL EL ECTRICA L SH OCK O R FIRE HAZA RD. In orde r to pr event pot ential da nge r, plea se ob serve the fol low ing instr uctions w hen i nsta lli ng, opera tin g and cl ean ing the pro duct. To ens ure your sa fet y and prolo ng the serv ice life of y our TV pro duc t, please r ead the fol low ing pr eca utions ca ref ully b efo re using th e product .
1. Read t hes e instruc tions-- -Al l operati ng instru cti ons must be r ead and und ers tood b efo re the prod uct i s oper ate d.
2. Keep t hes e instruc tions-- -Th ese safet y and opera tin g instruc tions mus t be ke pt in a safe pl ace for fut ure r efer enc e.
3. Heed a ll wa rnings- --A ll war nin gs on the pro duct and in t he in structi ons must be o bse rved c los ely.
4. Foll ow al l instruc tio ns-- -Al l operati ng in stru cti ons must be f oll owed .
5. Do not u se th is appara tus n ear wa ter ---for ex amp le, ne ar a ba thtub,
washb owl , kitchen s ink, or lau ndr y tub, in a wet b asement , or ne ar a swi mmi ng pool, a nd th e like. Do not us e imm ediatel y after mov ing f rom a low tem peratur e to hi gh tempe rat ure envir onment, a s thi s causes co ndensat ion , whic h may r esult in fi re, elect ric s hock, or ot her hazar ds. The app ara tus shall n ot be expos ed to d ripp ing o r splashi ng an d that n o obj ects fille d wit h liquids , such as vas es, s hall b e pla ced on the ap par atus .
6. Clea n onl y with dry cl oth ---U npl ug this pro duc t from t he wa ll outlet b efore clean ing . Do not use li quid clea ner s or aer oso l cleaner s. Us e a damp c lot h for clean ing .
7. Venti lat ion---D o not block a ny ve ntilati on openin gs. I nstall in a ccordan ce with th e man ufactur er instru cti ons. The v ents and ot her openi ngs i n the ca bin et are des ign ed for vent ilation . Do no t cove r or bl ock these v ent s and op eni ngs since i nsu ffi cie nt ventil ation can c aus e over hea ting and/ or sh orte n the l ife of the produ ct. D o not place t he produc t on a be d, sofa, ru g or other si mil ar sur fac e, since t hey c an block ve ntilati on op enin gs. This p rod uct is not de sig ned fo r bui ltin insta lla tion; do no t place the p rod uct in a n enc losed pla ce su ch as a bo okc ase or rack , unl ess prope r ventila tio n is provid ed or the man ufa ctur er' s instruc tio ns are fol low ed.
8.Hea t sou rces--- Do not inst all n ear an y hea t sources s uch a s radi ato rs, heat regis ter s, stoves , or other ap par atus (inc luding am pli fier s) th at produc e hea t.
9.Gro und ing or Pola riz atio n-- -Do not def eat t he saf ety p urpose of t he po lari zed o r groundi ng-type p lug . A polari zed p lug has two b lad es with one w ider than t he ot her. A groun din g type plug h as two blad es an d a thir d gro unding pr ong . The w ide blade o r the t hird pron g are provi ded f or you r saf ety. If the p rovided p lug d oes no t fit i nto your ou tle t, con sul t an electr ici an for rep lac ement of th e obsolet e out let.
10.Po wer c ord prote ction-- -Pr otect the p owe r cord f rom b eing walk ed on or pinc hed p arti cul arly at plu gs, c onve nie nce recep tac les, and th e point whe re th ey exi t fro m the appar atu s. NOTE: w her e the mains p lug or an app lia nce co upl er is used as t he di scon nec t device, t he di scon nec t device sh all remai n readi ly op erable.
11.Att ach ments-- -Only use a tta chments /access ori es spe cif ied by the ma nuf actu rer. D o not use att ach ment s not recom men ded by the ma nufactu rer. U se of impro per attac hme nts ca n res ult in acci den ts.
Important Safety Instructions (Continued)
12. Sta nd- --Use onl y with the ca rt, s tand, tri pod, brac ket , or table sp ecified b y the
manuf act urer, or sol d with the ap par atus . Do no t place the p rod uct on a n uns table troll ey, stand , tri pod or tabl e. Placin g the p roduct on a n unstabl e bas e can ca use t he produ ct to f all, resu lting ins eri ous perso nal injur ies a s well a s dam age to the pr oduct. When mo unt ing the pro duct on a wal l, be s ure to foll ow the manu fac ture r's i nstruct ion s. Use onl y the m ounting h ardware r eco mmen ded b y the manuf act urer.
13. Mov e car efully- --When a ca rt is u sed, use ca ution whe n mov ing th e car t/appar atu s combi nat ion to avoi d injury fr om ti p-ov er. Su dden stop s, ex cess ive f orce and un eve n floor s urf aces can ca use the pro duc t to fall fro m the troll ey. Never a tte mpt to move t he TV unle ss the AC powe r cor d has been di sconnec ted .
14. Lig htn ing---U npl ug thi s app aratus du ring ligh tni ng storms o r when unus ed fo r long perio ds of t ime. For add ed pr otectio n for this te lev ision equ ipment du rin g a ligh tni ng storm, o r whe n it is left un att ended and u nused for l ong p erio ds of t ime, unpl ug it f rom th e wal l outlet an d disco nne ct the ante nna. Thi s will prev ent d amag e to th e equipme nt du e to lig htn ing and power -li ne surges .
15. Ser vic ing---R efer all se rvi cing to qua lified se rvi ce per son nel. Serv ici ng is re qui red when th e apparat us ha s been d ama ged in any wa y, such as po wer -supply c ord or plug i s dam aged , liq uid has bee n spi lled o r obj ects have f allen int o the a ppar atu s, the appar atu s has been ex posed to ra in or m oist ure , does not op era te nor mal ly, or h as be en droppe d.
16. Rep lac ement par ts---In c ase t he produc t needs rep lac emen t par ts, make su re th at the s erv ice perso n use s repla cem ent parts s pecifie d by th e manufac turer, or th ose w ith th e sam e charact eri stic s and p erforma nce a s the origi nal p arts. Use o f unautho riz ed par ts ca n result in f ire , elec tri c shock and /or o ther d ang er.
17.Ov erl oading- --D o not ov erl oad wall ou tlets, ex ten sion c ord s, or conve nie nce re cep tacles on o the r equi pme nt as this can res ult i n a risk of fir e or electr ic sh ock.
18.En ter ing of obje cts a nd liq uid s---Nev er in sert a n obj ect into th e pro duct t hro ugh vents o r ope ning s. Hi gh voltag e flows in the pr odu ct, and ins erting an o bje ct can c aus e electri c sho ck and /or s hort inte rna l part s. Fo r the same re aso n, do no t spi ll water o r liq uid on the pr oduct.
19.Da mag e requiri ng servic e-- -If any of th e followi ng co ndition s occurs, u npl ug the p owe r cord from t he AC ou tlet , and reque st a qu alified s ervice pe rso n to per for m repairs . a. When t he po wer cord or p lug is dama ged . b. When a l iqu id is spill ed on the pro duc t or whe n obj ects have f all en int o the p roduct. c. When t he pr oduct has b een expos ed to r ain or wate r. d. When t he pr oduct doe s not opera te pr operly as d escribe d in th e oper ati ng instru cti ons. Do not to uch t he contro ls other th an th ose descr ibed in the o per atin g ins tructio ns. I mpro per a djustme nt of c ontr ols n ot descr ibe d in the inst ruction s can c ause d ama ge, which o fte n requ ire s extensi ve ad just men t work by a qua lified te chn ician. e. If the p rod uct has bee n dropped o r the c abinet ha s been dama ged i n any wa y. f. When t he pr oduct dis plays an ab nor mal condi tion or exh ibi ts a dis tin ct change i n per form anc e. Any notic eable abn orm alit y in the pr odu ct indica tes that th e pro duct need s servici ng.
20.Sa fet y checks- --Upon co mpl etio n of se rvice or re pai r work , req uest the se rvi ce tec hni cian to per for m safe ty check s to en sure that t he produc t is in p roper ope rating co ndi tion .
21.Wall or cei lin g moun tin g---Whe n mou ntin g the p roduct on a w all o r ceil ing , be sure to in stall the p rod uct accor ding to the met hod r ecommen ded by the ma nuf acturer. This i s a saf ety featu re.
Important Safety Instructions (Continued)
22. Pow er so urce--- This prod uct i s intende d to be suppl ied b y a list ed po wer suppl y ind icat ed on t he markin g label. If y ou
are not s ure o f the type of p ower supp ly to y our home, c onsult yo ur pr oduc t dea ler or loca l pow er com pan y. For a dde d prote cti on for this p roduct du rin g a ligh tni ng storm, o r whe n it is le ft un attende d and u nuse d for l ong perio ds of time, u npl ug it from th e wal l outlet an d disconn ect t he cable sy stem. Th is will pre ven t dama ge to t he produc t due t o ligh tni ng and powe r line surge s. Wh en the unit h as to be used w ith a nother po wer suppl y vol tage , the p ower cabl e mus t be cha nge d. Consul t your produ ct de aler. The s ocket out let shoul d be in stal led n ear the equ ipm ent an d eas ily acces sible. Us e onl y the power c ord desig nat ed by our dea ler to ensu re sa fety a nd EM C. When con nec ting o the r product s suc h as VCR s and p ersonal c omputer s, you sho uld t urn off th e power of th e unit for pr ote ction aga inst elec tri c shoc k.
23.Pa nel p rotecti on- --Th e dis play pane l used in thi s pro duct i s mad e of glass. There for e, it can bre ak when the p rod uct is drop ped or impa cte d upon b y oth er object s. Be care ful n ot to be inju red by brok en gl ass pi ece s in case the d isp lay pa nel b reaks.
24.Pi xel d efect-- -The disp lay p anel is a ver y high tech nol ogy pr odu ct, givin g you f inel y det ailed pic tures. Oc cas ionally, a few non-a cti ve pixels m ay appear o n the s cree n as a fi xed point o f blu e, gre en or r ed. Pleas e not e that t his d oes not affect the perfo rma nce of your p roduct.
WARNIN G: Fo r continu ed safety, apparat us wi th class I co nstruct ion s hall b e con nected to a m ain s sock et ou tlet with a prote cti ve earthi ng connec tio n.
Important Notice
About Temperature
About After-Image
Do not us e in ho t and cold ro oms ( loca tio ns)
● When th e uni t is used in ro oms (loca tio ns) with lo w tempera tur e, the p ict ure may
leave t rai ls or appea r slightl y del ayed . Th is is no t a mal functio n, an d the un it wi ll
recov er wh en the temp erature r etu rns to norm al.
● Do not le ave t he unit in a ho t or cold loc ati on. Als o, do n ot leave th e uni t in a loc ati on
expos ed to d irect sun light or ne ar a he ater, a s thi s may cause t he ca bine t to de form
and the t o mal functio n.
● Stora ge te mperatu re: 0°C to +5 0°C
● Work ing tempe rat ure: 5°C to + 40°C
The ext end ed use of fix ed image pr ogr am materi al can caus e a per mane nt af ter-ima ge
on the sc ree n.
This ba ckg round ima ge is viewa ble o n norm al pr ograms in t he fo rm of a st ati onary fix ed
image . This typ e of ir reversi ble scree n det erio rat ion can be li mit ed by ob ser ving the
follo win g steps:
A. Redu ce th e brightn ess/con tra st settin g to a minimu m vie wing l eve l.
B. Do not d isp lay the fix ed image fo r ext ended per iods of tim e.
C. Turn th e pow er off whe n not in actu al use.
Impor tant I nfor mati on Reg ardi ng Use o f Vid eo Gam es, Co mput ers,
Capti ons or O ther F ixed I mage D ispl ays.
● Do not al low a s till pict ure to be dis pla yed fo r an ex tended pe rio d, as th is ca n cause a
perma nen t after-i mage to rem ain o n the scree n.
Examp les o f still pic tures inc lud e logo s, vi deo games , com pute r ima ges, tele tex t and
image s dis played in 4 :3 mode.
Cleaning and Maintenance
● The pe rmanent a fte r-image o n the scree n res ulti ng fr om fixed im age u se is no t an
opera tin g defect an d as such is no t cov ered b y the w arranty.
● This p roduct is n ot de signed to d isplay fi xed i mage s for e xtended p eri ods of t ime .
Do not le t ima ges displ ay in 4 :3 mod e for e xtended p eri ods of t ime .
To clea n thi s unit , wip e with a soft , dry c loth.
If the su rfa ces are ext remely di rty, use a so ft cl oth dippe d in a soap and w ate r solu tio n or
a weak de ter gent solu tion.
● Use eye gla ss cleane r to remove s tub born d irt f rom the scr een .
● Never u se al cohol, pa int thinn er or b enzi ne to c lean this u nit .
● Befor e usi ng a chemic ally trea ted c loth, rea d the instr uct ions t hat c ame with th e
cloth c are fully.
Using the Remote Control
■ Use the r emo te contro l by pointi ng it t owards th e remote se nso r wind ow of t he set. Ob jec ts betwee n the remot e con trol and se nsor wind ow ma y prev ent p roper opera tio n.
Cauti ons r egardin g use o f remo te co ntrol
■ Do not ex pos e the remot e control t o sho ck. In addi tion, do no t exp ose the rem ote contr ol to l iquids, a nd do not pla ce in a n area w ith h igh humid ity.
■ Do not in sta ll or place t he remote c ont rol under d irect sun lig ht. The he at may c aus e deforma tio n of the u nit .
■ The re mote cont rol m ay not work p roperly i f the r emote sen sor windo w of th e main u nit i s under dir ect s unli ght o r strong light ing . In such a cas e, change t he an gle of the li ghting or t he TV set, o r ope rate t he re mote cont rol c lose r to th e remote senso r win dow.
Preparations (Continued)
Antenna Connection
INSTALL the uni t in a roo m wher e dire ct lig ht wil l not fa ll upo n the sc reen . Total d arkn ess or a r efle ctio n on the p ictu re
scree n may ca use ey estr ain. S oft an d indi rect l ight ing is r ecom mend ed for c omfo rtab le vie wing .
Optim um rec epti on of co lour r equi res a go od sig nal an d will g ener ally m ean th at an ou tdoo r ante nna mu st be us ed.
The exa ct typ e and po siti on of th e ante nna wi ll dep end up on you r part icul ar are a.
Hea dphon e RF
It is recommended th at th e 75- ohm c oax ial c abl e be us ed to e lim ina te in terference and noise w hic h may o ccu r due t o rad io wa ve
The antenna cable sh oul d not b e bun dle d wit h the p owe r cor d and t he li ke.
If the antenna is not in sta lle d pro per ly, cont act y our dealer for assi sta nce .
Aud io
Vid eo R
Power Connection
Inser t the AC pl ug int o a conv enie ntly l ocat ed AC out let.
This pr odu ct should b e operate d onl y from the ty pe of power s our ce ind ica ted on the ma rki ng lab el.
Alway s unp lug the AC cord f rom p ower outl et when not u sin g for a lo ng pe riod of tim e.
Identification of Controls
Main Unit (control panel)
Press this b utt on to t urn the uni t ON fr om STANDB Y mode. Pr ess i t aga in to turn th e set b ack t o STAN DBY.
To access INPU T SOURCE m enu
3. M ENU Press this b utt on to acces s the m enu m ain page.
4. C H+/-
Press thes e two b uttons to d ire ctl y change th e TV c hannel; In menu oper ati ons, thes e but ton s serve as up /do wn bu ttons.
5. V OL+/-
Press the VO L+ or V OL - butto n to di rectly incre ase o r decreas e the s oun d volume le vel ; In menu oper ati ons, thes e but ton s serve as ri ght /le ft button s.
Function s of CH +/-, VOL+/ -, MEN U, SOURCE a nd PO WER a re also pro vid ed to t he remote c ont rol . This oper ati on manua l pro vid es a descri pti on ba sed on oper ati ng fu nctions w ith t he re mote cont rol .
+ 20 hidden pages