Emanate Health IPA User Manual

Emanate Health IPA
PCP Provider Manual 2020
Emanate Health IPA
PCP Provider Manual 2020
Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
remittance advice (ERA/835) files from NETWORK MEDICAL MANAGEMENT.
2. POLICY: a. It is the policy of NETWORK MEDICAL MANAGEMENT to provide eligible
providers the means of receiving electronic remittance advice in lieu of paper. NETWORK MEDICAL MANAGEMENT has a standard procedure that is followed through to ensure provider registrations for ERAs are processed in a timely manner.
b. The ERA registrations are completed for eligible Providers no later than eighteen
(18) business days upon receiving a fully completed ERA Enrollment form.
3. PROCEDURE: a. Eligible providers will submit via email a fully completed ERA Enrollment form to
b. All information provided from the submitted ERA Enrollment Form will be verified
by the Provider Network Operations department. Any discrepancies in the form will be relayed back for corrections to the contact name provided from the enrollment form. Upon complete verification, submitted ERA Enrollment form will then be forwarded via email to Encounter.Data@nmm.cc with the subject line of ERA Registration.
c. Testing Phases:
i. Encounter team will coordinate with Rule meister and clearing house for
first phase testing.
ii. Once ERA testing has passed with the clearing house, second phase of
testing will be performed with requesting provider.
iii. Upon successful testing with provider, ERA will be moved into production.
d. Changes and updates to this policy and procedure will be made on an as-
needed basis
e. Network Medical Management ERA Enrollment Form
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