This guide incl udes information and mainte nance instructions
that are spec if ic t o y our mod el of computer. Some illustra tions
in this guide may look different than your computer because
hardware options and port locations may vary. For all other
computer information, see the online User Guid e.
For more information
For more information about your computer, visit eMachines’
Support page at
shown on your computer’s label. The Support page also has
links to additional documentation and detailed specifications.
or the Web address
Acces sing the online Us er
In ad d i t i on to th is g u i de, th e User Guide has been included on
your hard drive. The User Guide is an in-dep th, easy-to-read
manual that includes information on the following topics:
•Help and technical support
•Using and customizing Windows and other software
•Controlling audio and video settings
•Using the Internet
•Protecting your files
•Playing and rec ording media
To a c c es s t h e User Guide:
•Click Start, All Programs, then click eMachines
eMachine s contact inf ormation
The label on the side of your computer case contains
information that identifies your computer model and serial
number. Customer Care will need this information if you call
for assistance.
Technical Support
telephone number
Serial number
Micr osof t Cer tificate of
The Micros of t C er tificat e of A uthentic ity label f ound on t he t op
of your computer includes the product key code for your
operating system. If you ever reinstall Windows from the
installation DVD, you will need to enter these numbers to
activate Windows.
Chapter 1: Ab out Th is Refe rence
Chapter 2
Checking Out Your Computer
• Front
• Back
DVD/CD drive
DVD/CD drive
Memory card reader
Power button/
power ind ica tor
Chapter 2: Checking Out Your Computer
USB por ts
Micropho ne ja ck
Headphone jack
DVD/CD d riveUse this drive to listen to audio CDs, install
Memory card
USB portsPlug USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices (such as
Microph one j ackPlug a microphone into this jack. This jack is
Headphone jackPlug powered, analog front speakers, an
games and programs, watch DVDs, and store
large file s onto r ecordable di scs (depen ding on
drive ty pe). This dri v e may be a CD , recor dable
CD, DV D, re co rd ab le DVD, B lu - ray , o r H D DVD
drive. For more information about your drive,
see “Using optical drives” on page23.
Insert a me mory card from a digita l came ra,
MP3 player, PDA, cellular telephone, or other
device into the memory card reader.
Press this button to turn the power on or off.
You can also configure the power button to
operate in Standby/Resume mode or
Hibernate mode. The power indicator lights
when the computer is turned on.
a USB external dri ve, printer, scanner, camera,
keyboard, or mouse) into these ports. For more
information about using USB ports, see
“Installing a printer, scanner, or other device”
on page 27.
color-coded pink.
external amplifier, or headphones into this
jack. This jack is color-coded green.
Your computer’s hardware options and port locations may vary from this
Voltage switch
Power connector
Chapter 2: Checking Out Your Computer
Case cover thumbscrew
PS/2 keyboard port
Monitor (VGA) port
IEEE 1394/FireWire™ port
USB po rt s
S/PDIF jack (optional)
Microphone jack
speaker jack
TV tuner
Wireless network antenna (optional)
Wireless net work antenn a
connectors (optional)
PS/2 mouse port
Parallel port
Ethernet (network) jack
Center/subwoofer jack
Surround L/R speaker jack
Audio in/side speaker jack
Case cover thumbscrew
Video card (optional)
Modem (line) jack
Telephone jack
Vol t ag e sw it chThe switch is preset at the factory. Make
sure that this is set to the correct voltage for
your area. F or mo r e information on setting
this corre ctly, see “Checking the voltage
selection” on page15.
Pow er connectorPlug the power co rd into thi s connect or . F or
PS/2 keyboard portPlug a PS/2 keyboard into this port.
Monitor (VGA) portPlug a VGA (blue connector) monitor cable
IEEE 1 394/ FireWire™
USB portsPlug USB (UniversalSerial Bus) devices
S/PDIF output jack
Microphone jack
(pink plug)
speakers jack (green
-ORFront s pe ake rs ja ck
more inf ormation on connecting po wer , s ee
“Preparing pow e r connec tions ” on page14.
into this port.
Plug IEEE1394 (also known as Firewire™)
devices (such as a digital camcorder) into
this 6-pin IEEE1394 port. For more
information, see “Installing a printer,
scanner, or other device” on page27.
(such as a U SB Iome ga™ Z ip™ dr i v e, printer,
scanner, camera, keyboard, or mouse) i nto
these port s. For m ore inform ation , see
“Installing a printer, scanner, or other
device” on page 27.
Plug an optical cable from an amplifier or
entertainment system into this jack for
digital sound.
Plug a microphone into this jack.
This jack is u ser configura ble for one of the
Headphone: Plug headph ones or amplified
speakers into this jack (Default).
Stereo out: Plug your front left and right
speakers into th is j ack.
For more information, see “Configuring the
audio jacks” on page26.
TV tuner (optional)Plug a video tuner or antenna into this
Wireless netwo rk
antenna (optional)
and connectors
Case thumbscrewRemove this screw before opening the case.
PS/2 mouse portPlug a P S/2 m ouse in to this port.
optional jack.
Connect this antenna to your wireless
network antenna card (optional).
Chapter 2: Checking Out Your Computer
Parallel portPlug a par allel de vice (such as a printer)
into this port.
Ethernet (net work)
jack (orange plug)
Surround L/R
speaker jack
(black plug)
Audio in/side
speaker jack (blue
-ORSide speaker jack
Video card (optional)Plug a VGA (blue connector) or DVI (white
Modem jack
Plug an Etherne t ne t work cable or a device
(such as a DSL or cable modem for a
broadband Internet connection) into this
jack. For more information, see “Learning
about the Internet” in the online User Guide.
Plug your center speaker and subwoofer
into this jack.
For more information, see “Configuring the
audio jacks” on page26.
Plug your rear right and left speakers into
this j ack.
For more information, see “Configuring the
audio jacks” on page26.
This jack is u ser configurab le for one of the
Stereo in: Plug an external audio input
source (such as a stereo) into this jack so
you can record sound on your computer
Stereo out: Plug your side left and right
speaker s into th is j ack.
For more information, see “Configuring the
audio jacks” on page26.
connector ) monit or into a port on this card,
if installed.
Plug a modem cable int o this jack. F or mo re
information, see “Connecting a dial-up
modem” on page16.
Telephone jack
Plug the cord from your telephone into this
Chapter 3
Setting Up and
• Working safe ly and comf ortably
• Preparing pow er connect ions
• Connect ing to a br oadband modem
or network
• Connect ing a dial-up modem
• Starting y our computer
• T urning off your comput er
• Restar ting (rebooting) y our
• Using the keyboard
• Using the mouse
• Using optical driv es
• Adjusting the volume
• Configuring t he audio jacks
• Installing a printer, scanner , or other
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
Wo rking safel y and
Before using your computer, follow these general guidelines
for setting up a safe and comfortable work area and avoiding
discomfort and strain:
•Keep hands and arms parallel to the floor.
•Adjust the screen so it is perpendicular to your line of
sight, and the top of the screen is no higher than eye
•Place your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.
•Keep ventilation openings clear of obstructions.
Top of screen is not
higher than eye level
Hands and arms are
parallel to the floor
Screen is perpendicular to
your line of si ght
Feet are flat on the floor
Reduc ing e y e strain
Sunlight or bright indoor lighting should not reflect on the
monitor screen or shine directly into your eyes.
•Position the comput er desk and screen so you can avoid
glare on your screen and light shining directly into your
eyes. Reduce glare by installing shades or curtains on
windows, and by installing a glare screen filter.
•Use soft, indirect lighting in your work area. Do not use
your computer in a dark room.
•Set paper holders at the same height and distance as the
•Avoid focusing your eyes on your computer screen for
long periods of time. Ev ery 10 or 1 5 minute s, look around
the room, and try to focus on distant objects.
Setting up your comp uter de sk and chair
When you are setting up your computer desk and chair, make
sure that the desk is the appropriat e height and the chair helps
you maintain good posture.
•Select a flat surface for your computer desk.
•Adjust the height of the computer desk so your hands
and arms are positioned parallel to the floor when you
use the keyboard and touchpad. If the desk is not
adjustable or is too tall, consider using an adjustable
chair to control your arm’s height above the keyboard.
•Use an adjustable chair that is comfortable, distributes
your weight evenly, and keeps your body relaxed.
•Position y our chair s o the k ey board is at or slig htly below
the lev el of y our elbow . Thi s position lets y our s houlders
relax while you type.
•Adjust the chair height, adjust the f orward tilt of the s eat,
or use a footrest t o distribute your weight evenly on the
chair and relieve pressure on the back of your thighs.
•Adjust the back of the chair so it supports the lower
curve of your spine. You can use a pillow or cushion to
provide extra back support.
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
Sitting at y our comput er
•Avoid bending, arching, or angling your wrists. Make
sure that they are in a relaxed position when you type.
•Do not slouch forward or lean far back. Sit with your back
straight so your knees, hips, and elbows form right
angles when you work.
•Take breaks to stand and stretch your legs.
•Avoid twisting your torso or neck.
Av oiding discomf or t and injury fr om r epetitiv e
•Vary your activities to avoid excessive repetition.
•Take breaks to change your position, stretch your
muscles, and relieve your eyes.
•Find ways to break up the work day, and schedule a
variety of tasks.
Preparing po wer connec tions
Prot ecting f rom po wer s ource pr oblems
High voltages c a n e nter your co mputer through both t he power c ord and
the modem conne ction. Pro tect y ou r com puter by using a surge protec tor. If you
have a telephone modem, use a surge protector that has a modem jack. If you
have a cable modem, use a surge protector that has an antenna/cable TV jack.
During an electrical storm, unplug both the surge protector and the modem.
During a power surge, the voltage level of electricity coming
into your computer can incr ease to f ar above normal levels and
cause data loss or s y stem damage. Protec t y our comput er and
peripheral devices by connecting them to a surge protector,
which absorbs voltage surges and prevents them from
reaching your computer.
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) supplies battery power
to your comput er during a pow er f ailure . Although y ou cannot
run your computer for an extended period of time wi t h a UPS,
a UPS lets you run your computer long enough to save your
work and shut down your computer normally.
Checking the voltage selection
If you set the voltage selection switch incorrectly, your system will be
damaged. Make sure this switch is set correctly fo r your location before turning
on your computer. In the United States, the utility power is supplied at a nominal
115 volts at 60 Hz. The power supply should always be set to this when your
computer is operating in the United States. In other areas of the world, such as
Europe, the utility power is supplied at 230 volts at 50 Hz. If your computer is
operating in an environment such as this, the voltage switch should be moved
to 23 0 .
The power sup ply, a component built into your computer,
provides power to the system board, add-in cards, and
peripheral devices. The power supply’s voltage selection for
your location is ty picall y se t at t he f ac t ory, but you can change
it to match the electrical service available in your usage area
(such as while in another country) . Use the power selection
switch on t he back of your computer to set the voltage to 115V
or 230V.
To set the voltage selection switch:
1Disconnect your computer’s power cable.
2Use a tool such as an opened paper clip to slide the
voltage selection switch to the correct voltage position.
The switc h is locat ed on the back of y our computer, near
the power cable connector. For the locati on, see “Back”
on page 8.
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
Connec ting to a br oadband
modem or netw ork
Your computer may be equipped with a built-in Ethernet (network) jack.
For information about setting up a wired or wireless Ethernet network, see the
online Us er G ui d e.
You can connect your computer to a cable or DSL (broadband)
modem or to a wired Ethernet network.
To connect to a broadband modem or to an Eth ernet
1Insert one end of the network cable into the network
jackon the back of your computer. For the location,
see “B ack” on page 8.
2Insert the other end of the network cable into a cable
modem, DSL modem, or network jack.
Connec ting a dial-up modem
To reduce the ri sk of fire, use only N o. 26 AWG or l arger
telecommunications l ine cord.
Your computer may have a 56K modem that you can use with
a st an dard tel ep ho ne li ne to co nn ect to th e i nte rnet or fax
To connect the modem:
1Insert one end of the modem cable into the modem
jackon the modem at the back of your computer. For
the loca tion, se e “Back” on page8.
2Insert the other end of the modem cable into a t elephone
wall jack. (The modem will not work with digital or PBX
telephone lines.)
3If you want, you can connect a telephone to the PHONE
jack on the modem on the back of your computer.
Starting y our computer
To start your computer:
1Connect the power, network, mouse, keyboard, and
monitor cables to your computer according to the setup
2Press the power button on the front of your computer.
If your computer does not turn on, check the power
cable connections.
Yo ur computer has a built-in, variable-speed fan. In additi on, y o ur
computer uses a powerful processor which produces heat and has its
own cooling fan. Both the system fan and processor fan can run at
different speeds at times to ensure correct system cooling. You may
notice an increas e in the fan noise when the fan is running at high speed
and a decrease in the fan noise when it switches to normal speed.
3If you are starting you r computer for the first time,
follow the on-screen instructions to sel e ct the language
and time zone and to create your first user account.
4Attach and turn on any USB or audio periphera l devices,
such as printers, scanners, and speakers. If you need to
attach a peri pheral device to the p aralle l port , turn o ff
your computer first. See the documentation that came
with each device for its setup instructions.
5To open your computer’s main menu, click Start. From
that menu, you can run programs and search for files.
For more information on using your computer’ s menus,
see “Using Window s” and “Customi zing Wi ndow s” i n the
online User G uid e.
Waking up y our comput er
For more information about changing the power button mode, see the
“Custom izin g Wi nd ows ” ch ap ter in the on li ne User G ui de.
When you have not used your computer for several minutes,
it may enter a power-saving mode called Standby. While in
Standby mode, the power indicator on the power button
If your computer is in Standby mode, move the mouse, press
a key on the keyboard, or pre ss the power button to “wake” it
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
T ur ning off y our computer
When you turn off your computer, certain components in the power
supply and system board remain energized. In order to remove all electrical
power from your computer, unplug the power cord and modem cable from the
wall outlets. We recommend disconnecting the power cord and modem cable
when your computer will not be used for long periods.
If for some re ason you cannot use the Shut Down option in Windows to
turn off y our c ompu ter, press an d hold the power button for about five seconds,
then re le ase it .
To turn off your computer:
1Click Start, then click Tur n O ff C o mp u te r.
2Click Turn O ff.
3If for some reason you cannot use Windows to turn off
your computer, press and hold the power button for
about five second s. The computer turns off.
4To comp let ely dis connect a ll pow er (such a s f or serv icing
internal components), also disconnect the power cord.
Re starting (rebooting) y our
If your computer does not respond to keyboard or mouse
input, you may need to restart (reboot) your computer.
To r e s ta r t yo u r co m p u te r :
1Click Start, then click Tur n O ff C o mp u te r.
2Click Restart.
3As a part of th e regul ar start up pro cess, a p rogram to
check the disk status runs automatically. When the
checks are finished, Windows starts.
Using t he ke yboar d
The keyboard has several different types of keys and buttons.
Your keyboard also has status indicators that show which
keyboard feature is active.
Enhanced keyboard
Editing buttons
Function keysIndicators
Audio playback buttonsNavigation keys
Windows keysApplication key
Directional keys
Standard k eyboard
Function keys
Navigation keys
Numeric keypad
Internet buttons
Windows keysApplication key
Directional keys
Numeric keypad
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
Editing bu ttonsPress these buttons to copy, cut, and paste.
Function keysPress these keys to start program actions. Each
Audio playback
Internet buttonsPress these buttons to launch your Internet home
Navigation keysPress these keys to move the cursor to the
IndicatorsShow if your N
Windows keysPress one of these keys to open the Windows
Application keyPress t his key to access s hor tcut menus and help
Directional keysPress these keys to move th e curs or up, down,
program u ses diff erent func tion k eys f or diff erent
purposes. See the program documentation to
find out more about the function key actions.
Press these buttons to play your audio files and
to ad jus t the vol um e.
page, search, or e-mail programs.
beginning of a line, to the end of a line, up the
page, down the page, to the beginning of a
document, or to the end of a document.
keys are activated. Press the corresponding key
to activate the function.
Start menu. These keys can also be used in
combination wit h ot her keys to open utilities like
F (Find/Search), R (Run), and E(Computer).
assistants in Windows.
right, o r left.
Numeric keypadPress these keys to type numbers when the
numeric keypad (NUMLOCK) is turned on.
Using t he mouse
Right button
Left button
The mouse is a device that controls the pointer movement on
the computer display. This illustration shows the standard
As you move the mouse, the pointer (arrow) on the display
moves in the same direction.
Scroll wheel
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
You can use the left and right bu ttons on the mouse to select
objects on the display. You can use the scroll whe el on the
mouse to move through a document. This feature is not
available in all programs.
To...Do this...
Move the point er
on the compute r
Select an object
on the compute r
Start a program
or open a file or
Access a
shortcut menu
or find more
about an obj ect
on the display.
Move an object
on the compute r
Move the mouse around. If yo u
reach the edge of your mouse
pad and need to move the
mouse farther, l ift the mouse
and place it in the middle of the
mouse pad, then continue
moving the mouse.
Position the pointer over the
object. Quickly press and
release the left mouse button.
This is called clicking.
Position the pointer over the
object. Quickly press and
release the left mouse button
twice. This is called
Position the pointer over the
object. Quickly press and
release the right mouse button
once. This is called
Position the pointer over the
object. Press the left mouse
button and hold it down. Move
(drag) the ob ject to th e
appropria te part of the
computer display. Release the
button to drop the object where
you want it. This is called
clicking and dragging.
For more information about how to adjust the double-click
speed, pointer speed, right-hand or left-hand configuration,
and other mouse settings, see the “Customizing Windows”
chapter in the online Use r Gu id e. For instructions on how to
clean the mouse, see “Cleaning the mouse” on page53.
Using optical dr iv es
Your optical drive has the following basic components:
•Activity indicator LED
•Manual eject hole
•Eject bu tton
Loading an optical disc
To insert an optical disc:
1Press the eject button on the optical disc drive.
When you place a single-sided disc in the tray , make sure that the
label side is facing up. If the disc has two playable sides, place the disc
so the name of the side you want to play is facing up.
2Place the disc in the tray with the label facing up.
3Press the eject button to close the tray.
Identifying optical driv e types
Your computer may contain one of the following drive types.
Look on the front of the drive for one or more of the fol lo wing
If your optical drive has
this logo...
Y our drive type
Use your drive for...
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, and accessing data.
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, accessing data, and
creatin g CDs .
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, accessing data,
creating CDs, and pla y in g D VDs.
Chapter 3: Set ting Up and Ge tting Started
If your optical drive has
this logo...
Y our drive type
Double layer
Use your drive for...
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs, and
accessing data.
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs,
accessing data, and recording
video and data to CDs and
DVD+ R o r DV D+ RW di sc s.
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs,
accessing data, and recording
video and data to CDs and
DVD+ R, DV D +RW, DV D- R, and
DVD- RW d is cs .
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs,
accessing data, and recording
video and data to CDs and
double layer DVD+R discs.
Note: To use the doub le layer
capability of the double layer
recordable DVD drive, the blank
DVDs you purchase must sta te
Double Layer, Dual Layer , or DL.
Using other types of blank
media will result in less
Blu-ray Disc
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs,
accessing data, and recording
video and data to CDs and
DVD- RA M, DVD -R , o r DV D- RW
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs,
playing Blu-r ay Disc s, accessing
data, and recording video and
data to CDs, DVD-RAM, DVD-R,
DVD-RW, and Blu-ray discs.
Installing programs, playing
audio CDs, playing DVDs and
HD-DVDs, accessing data, and
recording vi deo an d data to
and HD-DVD discs.
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