ELZAB Prima 2 User Manual

Version 1.1
Table of contents
Table of contents_______________________________________________ 1
1. Introduction ________________________________________________ 3
2. Specifications of the Prima2 scale _______________________________ 3
2.1. Scale presentation ________________________________________ 3
2.3. Dimensions ______________________________________________ 4
2.4. Display, keyboard _________________________________________ 5
2.5. Description of connectors ___________________________________ 6
3. Technical conditions of installation and operation of the scale __________ 6
3.1. Installation of the scale_____________________________________ 6
3.2. Environment _____________________________________________ 6
3.3. Other operating remarks____________________________________ 7
4. Operation __________________________________________________ 7
4.1. Turning on_______________________________________________ 7
4.2. Weighing ________________________________________________ 8
4.3. Zero setting______________________________________________ 8
4.4. Tarring__________________________________________________ 9
4.5. Transmission ____________________________________________ 10
5. Configuration of the scale _____________________________________ 11
5.1. Main menu _____________________________________________ 11
5.2. User menu______________________________________________ 12
6. Communication with the scale _________________________________ 20
6.1. Configuration of the communication parameters of the scale ______ 21
6.2. Description of the ELZAB protocol____________________________ 21
6.2.1. Reading the weight ____________________________________ 21
6.2.2. Checking the host connection of the scale __________________ 23
6.2.3. Sending the name of weighted commodity __________________ 23
6.2.4. Reading of the program version __________________________ 24
7. Error messages _____________________________________________ 24
7.1. Messages and errors displayed on the scale display______________ 24
7.2. Errors signalised acoustically _______________________________ 25
8. Conformity assessment (legalization)____________________________ 25
User Manual PRIMA 2 scale ELZAB S.A.
ELZAB S.A. User Manual PRIMA 2 scale
1. Introduction
The ELZAB PRIMA2 is a modern electronic scale with the strain pressure transducer and digital readout of results. It is dedicated to work with cash registers (in particular with cash registers produced by ELZAB) and other devices equipped with RS232 serial interfaces and USB.
The scale is available in three versions with different measurement specifications: as the single interval or double range scale. For comfortable reading of indicated weight the scale is equipped with two built-in LCD displays located on the front and the back of the case. There is also available an optional free-standing display as accessories.
Scale features:
x weighing the goods,
x weighing and subtracting the tare,
x automatic switching off the tare after having weighted the goods,
x automatic zero tracking (maintaining zero while unloaded),
x 3-button keyboard,
x two built-in displays showing the weight, messages and the ZERO, STABILITY, NET and
FIXED TARA indicators,
x ability to connect an additional graphic display,
x single interval (d = e = 5 g) or double range (I range: d
= e1 = 2g, II range: d2 = e2 = 5g)
x communication with external devices (cash register, computer, terminal) through the RS232
communication interfaces or USB (CDC class),
x transfer of the weighing results: after pressing the button on the scale, after receiving the
command from the communication interface or automatically,
x ability to work in the ELZAB SCALES SYSTEM,
x energy saving mode.
2. Specifications of the Prima2 scale
2.1. Scale presentation
PRIMA 2 scale
User Manual PRIMA 2 scale ELZAB S.A.
2.2. Technical Specifications
x Specifications common for all types of scales:
Scale type
non-automatic, electronic scale with the load strain
pressure transducer and digital readout of the weight
Display 5 digits, character height of 12,7 mm
Operating temperature range
-10 qC y 40 qC
Power Supply 5±0.5V / 0,25A
(through RS232 interface or USB)
Power consumption average 1W
1. RS232 (computer, cash register)
2. USB (computer, terminal)
3. RS232 (additional external display)
Number of scale intervals 3000
Initial zeroing range ±10% * Max = ±1.500g
Semi-automatic zeroing range ±2% * Max = ±0.300g
x Specifications of the single interval:
Class of accuracy III
Scale type Single interval
Minimum load Min = 100g
Maximum load Max = 15kg
Elementary and legalization scale intervals
d = e = 5g
Tare range (subtracting tare) T = -Max
x Specifications of the double range scale:
Class of accuracy III
Scale type double range
Weighing range I II
Minimum load Min = Min1 = 40g Min2 = 100g
Maximum load Max1 = 6kg Max = Max2 = 15kg
Elementary and legalization scale intervals
= e1 = 2g d2 = e2 = 5g
Tare range (subtracting tare) T = -Max
2.3. Dimensions
Scale type
width [mm]
depth [mm]
total weight
PRIMA 2 319 307 78 3,9
ELZAB S.A. User Manual PRIMA 2 scale
2.4. Display, keyboard
x Built-in display
x Additional external display
There may be displayed the following indicators:
Stable loading indicator
Exact zero indicator (weight less than ¼ of the e1or e interval)
Indicator of the tare stored for a single weighing
Indicator of the tare stored for several weighing
Scale range indicator (only it the double range scale)
The controls of the scale consists of the three keys.
The functions of the keys in the weighing mode are as follows:
TARING Turning on and off the tare
ZEROING Zeroing the scale, access to the scale menu
TRANSMITTING Transmitting the result to the cash register
••••••• ••• •
User Manual PRIMA 2 scale ELZAB S.A.
2.5. Description of connectors
CASH REGISTER/PC (RS232) connector – is used to connect cash register or PC
Contact No. Signal name
1, 2 +5V–cash register power supply input
3 TxD-serial output 4 RxD-serial input
5, 6 GND
PC PC/TERMINAL (USB) connector– is used to connect a PC
Contact No. Signal name
1 +5V–cash register power supply input 2D ­3D + 4 GND
ADDITIONAL DISPLAY connector– is used to connect an additional external display
Contact No. Signal name
1, 2 +5V – display power supply output
3 TxD – serial output 4 --------
5, 6 GND
3. Technical conditions of installation and operation of the scale
3.1. Installation of the scale
x the scale should be placed on a stable and level surface,
x the scale should be leveled so that the air bubble level indicator was in the center of the
circle drawn on the indicator. Level the scale with adjustable bolts. After having leveled the scale check for stability (all bolts touch the ground) and whether the platter is correctly placed on the feet,
x if the scale is working with an external display mount the display on the countertop of the
cash box. Connect the display to the scale,
x connect the USB or RS232 scale interface cable with the communicating device. Do not
connect or disconnect the interface while using the scale as this may damage the interface.
3.2. Environment
x The scale can be operated at temperatures from -10 to +40 ° C and humidity up to 85% in
an atmosphere free from corrosive substances. After a sudden change in temperature by more than 5 ° C the scale should acclimate for 2 hours before connecting the power supply (e.g. putting the scale into warm room after having transported it in the cold). Do not allow the formation of condensation. When working in areas with higher humidity, but within the limits stated above, it is advisable to turn off the power for 24 hours.
x The scale may not be subject to shocks and vibrations, can’t work near sources of strong
electromagnetic fields, can’t be exposed to strong sunlight for long periods and can’t work in the direct stream of air or in dusty areas.
ELZAB S.A. User Manual PRIMA 2 scale
3.3. Other operating remarks
x During turning on the power the platform should be empty. After turning the power on the
scale automatically runs its test and resets by taking as a zero the actual scale load. During the test, the display shows the version of the program, all indicators light up and the digits
change from 0 to 9. After completing the test displayed data shows zero and the
indicators light.
x If during subsequent operations of the scale the weight indicator will be different from zero
it is needed to reset the scale with empty platter
by pressing the
key (for small deviations) or
by turning off and on the power supply of the scale orperform the scale reset from the main menu.
x Avoid overloading or sudden load shocks of the platter. They can cause damage to the
mass transducer.
x It is recommended to check the correctness of weight readings of the scale using a standard
weight of at least 1/3 of the scale’s range. If you notice that the errors are larger than the limits are the scale should be immediately withdrawn from use and it is needed to contact the service.
x It is especially important to review the readings of weight after having transported and
installed the scale, before starting using it. Foreign objects should not touch the platter.
x The whole scale must be kept clean, not only for hygienic and aesthetic reasons but also for
measuring. Take care mainly of cleaning the platter and the space under the platter because the gathered crumbs of weighted goods may impede the free movement of platter, as well as affect the functionality of the transmitter. The housing can be wiped with a damp cloth. Too much water should not be used during the cleaning, which could pour into the interior of housing.
Note: Failure to comply with technical installation and operation conditions specified in this
user’s manual releases the manufacturer from any liability of an inappropriate functioning of the scale.
4. Operation
4.1. Turning on
After turning on the scale the internal test procedure runs for about 15 seconds checking the individual scale components and thermal stabilization of the measuring circuit. During the test all boxes of the display show consecutive digits and all indicators are lit. In order to precisely zero the scale any objects should not be put on the platter during the test and the platter shouldn’t be touched. If the stability of the scale will be disrupted the scale will wait to stabilize the load. After successful completion of the test the display should show:
User Manual PRIMA 2 scale ELZAB S.A.
4.2. Weighing
The commodity should be placed as gently as possible near to the central point of the platter. Proceed to load the scale evenly and without shocks or jolts. Negative readings below 20 units are
signalized by displaying
. When the maximum load is exceeded by 9 units
a message is indicated by displaying the
. Maximum load is automatically reduced
by the tare value if it turned on earlier.
Note: Do not overload the scale above the maximum capacity. Overloading can cause
damage to the scale and void the warranty.
After loading the scale the display shows the weight value (e.g. 3,200kg):
4.3. Zero setting
The scale features the indicator signalizing that the scale was reset to zero. The indicator is lit if the current platter load is less than ¼ of e
Initial zero setting when turning on the scale
After turning on the scale and running the display test the scale will be set to zero. The display will show only zero values and the
. indicator will be lit. Zeroing is possible if the weighing result during zeroing is stable and is in the range ± 10% of the weighing range of the zero stored during the calibration of the scale.
In case of exceeding the zero range the
message will be displayed and the scale
does not reset. The scale is locked until removing the load exceeding the acceptable range.
Zero setting with the use of the key
Zeroing is possible in the range no greater than ± 2% of the maximum scale readings in relation to the zero stored during turning on the scale (so-called "initial zero"). To reset the scale press
key. The scale will be reset if the two conditions are met:
- current indication is within the range no greater than ± 2% in relation to the load stored just after turning on the scale,
- indication of the scale will achieve stability within 5 seconds after pressing the key.
In case of exceeding the zeroing range the
error is displayed and the scale does not
reset. In case of instability the zeroing is not effected and the
error is displayed.
Automatic zero setting for negative readings
This reset type is done automatically if during several seconds the scale readings are negative or the scale in under loaded. Other terms and conditions of zeroing are the same as for the reset with the use of the key.
Zero maintaining i.e. „zero tracking”
This feature prevents from "sliding" of the scale’s zero resulting from various external factors that may affect the zero indication. It consists of an automatic reset when the platter is unloaded. Other terms and conditions of zeroing are the same as for the reset with the use of the key.
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