PPC-10G Installation and User Manual
List of Illustrations
Fig. 1 PPC-10G link at the point of installation ...................................................................... 6
Fig. 2 PPC-10G product code legend (mind L2 link is not covered in this Manual) ...................... 7
Fig. 3. Delivery package (typical) ........................................................................................ 9
Fig. 4. Antenna package .................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 5. Transceivers and accessories boxes .......................................................................... 9
Fig. 6. Examining LoS...................................................................................................... 11
Fig. 7. Antenna radiation pattern is an elongated cone with side lobes in reality ..................... 12
Fig. 8. Clearance in Fresnel zone ...................................................................................... 12
Fig. 9. Photos of PPC-10G can be installed on vertical or horizontal pipe ................................ 13
Fig. 10. Stationary cable layout diagram ............................................................................ 14
Fig. 11. Connectors in Mounting Kit for each PPC-10G radio (included to delivery) .................. 14
Fig. 12. Cross-connection box with power, UTP and fiber cables to transceiver ....................... 15
Fig. 13. DC power connector pins ..................................................................................... 15
Fig. 14. Transceiver sockets (#1, #2, #3, #4) ................................................................... 16
Fig. 15. Transceiver and tools at site of installation. ............................................................ 17
Fig. 16. It is more easy to put the antenna on top of the pipe than reassemble the mount to “hug”
the pipe ......................................................................................................................... 17
Fig. 17. A plastic tie strip tightening on the pipe stand will not allow the mount to slip down during
installation procedure and thus prevents antenna from possible damage ............................... 18
Fig. 18.. Remove protective tape waveguide hole on antenna and transceiver ........................ 18
Fig. 19. Check for “H” and “V” polarization labels on antenna ............................................... 18
Fig. 20. Photo of V-polarization (left) and H-polarization (right) red label ............................... 19
Fig. 21. Position of sockets to be directed down, not up ....................................................... 19
Fig. 22. Grounding wire position ....................................................................................... 20
Fig. 23. RSL meter indicates -99.9 if the antenna is not aligned to opposite one ..................... 20
Fig. 24. Antenna radiation pattern has central beam and side lobes ...................................... 21
Fig. 25. The technicians should coordinate their antenna adjustments on both sides of the link 21
Fig. 26. Antennas A and B to an alignment that is above (B) and below (A) the LOS. .............. 22
Fig. 27. Check RSL meter indication when running alignment procedure ................................ 22
Fig. 28. During antenna alignment, RSL indication should change from -99 to actual “RSL at
alignment mode’ value for your distance according Link Budget Calculator (see
http://linkbudgetcalc.elva-1.com ) .................................................................................... 22
Fig. 29. Diagram for relevance of RSL meter indication to antenna side lobes ......................... 23
Fig. 30. Wireless channel throughput at different weather conditions for 70/80 GHz band when
using adaptive modulation .............................................................................................. 24
Fig. 31. PPC-10G radios LAN / WAN web access connectivity – over LAN at each side or over the
Internet ......................................................................................................................... 25
Fig. 32. Example of PPC-10G label with Hi symbols on the back of the radio body ................... 25
Fig. 33. Case of admin connection to both radios with backup channel .................................. 26
Fig. 34. Case of admin connection to each radio while there is NO backup channel ................. 27
Fig. 35. Login as Installer with default password 111111 ..................................................... 28
Fig. 36. Press the Operational radio button ........................................................................ 28
Fig. 37.Change password for Web Interface access to this radio ........................................... 29
Fig. 38. Check and if necessary adjust actual time settings for the radio ................................ 29
Fig. 39. Change IP address of the radio from default to actual one ........................................ 30
Fig. 40. 2+0 package with transceivers and accessories ...................................................... 31
Fig. 41. 2+0 package with antenna and dual polarization adapter ......................................... 31
Fig. 42. Two transceivers assembled with dual polarisation adapter ...................................... 32
Fig. 43. Mind polarisation label on DPA .............................................................................. 32
Fig. 44. Install 3 bolts on positions of “5, 15 and 35 minutes“ on the antenna flange .............. 33
Fig. 45. Use 6 bolts to screw diplexer to antenna flange ...................................................... 33
Fig. 46. Do not allow the appearance of an uneven gap between the antenna and the diplexer . 34
Fig. 47. Adjust the diplexer rotation using the element marked by red oval ............................ 34