Eltron PRIVILEGE P500, PRIVILEGE P600 User Manual

User’s Guide
P500 and P600
1997 Eltron International Inc.
User’s Manual No. 980179-001 Rev. A
This manualcontains installation and operation information for the Privilege Series card printers manufactured by EltronInternational Incorporated, Simi Valley, California.
Before returning any equipment to Eltronfor in-warranty or out-of-warranty repair, contact Re­pairAdministrationfora Return MaterialsAuthorization(RMA)number.Repacktheequipment in the originalpacking material and mark the RMA number clearly on theoutside. Ship theequip­ment, freight prepaid,to the address listed below:
Eltron Repair Administration, USA
41 Moreland Road
Simi Valley, CA. 93065
Phone: +1 (805) 579-1800
FAX: +1 (805) 579-1808
Label Printers: Card Printers:
Eltron International, Europe Eltron International, Europe
Eltron House Zone Indutrielle, Rue d'Amsterdam
Molly Millars Lane 44370 Varades, France
Wokingham RG41 2QZ England Phone: +33 (0) 240 097 070
Phone: +44 (0) 1189 770 300 FAX: +33 (0) 240 834 745
FAX: +44 (0) 1189 895 762
This document containsinformation proprietaryto EltronInternational Incorporated.This docu­ment and the information contained within is copyrighted by Eltron International Incorporated and maynot be duplicated in fullor in partby any person without written approval from Eltron. While every effort has beenmade tokeep theinformation containedwithin currentand accurate as ofthe date of publication, no guarantee isgiven or impliedthat the document is error-free or thatitisaccurate with regard toanyspecification.Eltronreservestherightto make changes,forthe purpose of productimprovement, at any time.
Privilege, Privilege P500 and Privilege P600 are service marks. PrivilegeCard is a trademarkof PrivilegeCard,S. A., asubsidiaryofEltronInternationalIncorporatedand Eltron isatrademarkof Eltron International Incorporated.Windows andMS-DOS areregistered trademarksof Microsoft Corp. All othermarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
980179-001 Rev. A iii
We Need To Hear From You!
To Establish Your Warranty Period And Provide Access To Technical Support,
Send Us Your Product Registration Card Today!
Eltronwarrantsthemechanism, control electronicsandpowersupply,undernormaluse and serv­ice, to be free from defects inmaterial andworkmanship fora periodof twelve(12) monthsfrom the dateof purchaseby theend user.Eltron warrants the print headand Laminatorhead, under normal useand service,to befree from defects in materialand workmanshipfor a period of one yearor 40,000passes(whichever occursfirst)from thedateof purchasebythe enduser.Proof of purchaseor productregistrationisrequired. Ifproofof purchase orproductregistration cannot be established,shipment datetothe originalbuyer(dealer ordistributor)will beusedto establishthe warranty period.
Failureto exercise cautiontoprotect the equipmentfromelectrostatic dischargedamage,adverse temperatureandhumidityconditions or physicalabusemayvoidthewarranty.Failure to useonly Eltron approved media may void the warranty. Eltron will, at it’s option, repair or replace the equipment or any parts which are determined to be defective within this warranty period, and which are returnedto Eltron F.O.B. factory of origin.
The warranty set forth above is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is ex­pressed or implied. Eltron specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fit­ness for aparticular purpose.
This equipment hasbeen tested and foundto comply with the limits of a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part15 ofthe FCC Rules.These limitsare designedtoprovide reasonableprotection against harmful interferencewhen theequipment isoperated in acommercial environment.This equipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequencyenergy and,if notinstalled andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there isno guaranteethat interference willnot occurin aparticularinstallation. Opera­tionof thisequipmentin aresidentialarea islikelyto causeharmfulinterference inwhichcase the user will berequired to correct the interference at his own expense.
This device complieswith Industry Canada ICS-003 class B requirements. Cet equipement estconforme a l’ICS-003 classe B de la norm Industrielle Canadian
iv 980179-001 Rev. A
Icon Descriptions
Indicatesamechanicalhazard,suchas one as­sociated with moving parts, capable of result­ing in equipment damage or personal injury.
Indicates an electrical hazard, such as an ex­posedvoltagepoint, capableofcausing electri­cal shock and personal injury if touched.
Indicates information of particular interest that requires consideration in the associated con­text.
Indicatesapartthatcan operate at anelevated temperature capable of causing pain or a burn if touched.
Indicates an area where an electrostatic dis­charge (ESD) can cause component damage. Use a grounding wrist band.
Indicatesthatfiberdeposits from fibrousclean­ing materials (e.g., cotton swabs) can reduce print quality.
Indicates that exposure to dust and other air­borne particles can contaminate the printer and reduce print quality.
Indicates that except for card and ribbon load­ing and maintenance, the cover must remain closed.
980179-001 Rev. A v
declaresthat the
déclareque le
bescheinigt,daß dasGerät
declaraque el
P500 Card Printer P600 Card Printer
isin conformancewiththe requirements oftheEuropean CouncilDirectiveslistedbelow:
estconforme auxspécificationsdes directives del'UnionEuropéenne ci-dessous:
dernachstehend angeführtenDirektivendes EuropäischenRats:
conlos requisitosdelas Directivas delConsejoEuropeo, segúnlalista siguiente:
èconforme allespecifichedelle sequenti direttivedell’UnioneEuropea:
89/336/EEC EMC Directive 92/31/EE EMC Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive
Onthe approximationofthe lawsof MemberStatesrelating toElectromagneticCompatibility andProductSafety.
Baséessur lalégislation desEtatsmembres relativeà lacompatibilitéélectromagnétique età lasécurité desproduits.
berdie AnnäherungderGesetze der Mitgliedsstaateninbezug aufelektromagnetischeVerträglichkeit und
laaproximación delas leyesdelos PaísesMiembros respectoala Compatibilidadelectromagnética
Basatesulla legislazionedeglistati membrirelativa allacompatibilitáelettromagnetica ealla securezza deiprodotti.
Thisdeclaration isbasedupon compliance oftheproduct tothefollowingstandards:
Cettedéclaration reposesurla conformité duproduitaux normessuivantes:
DieseErklärung basiertdarauf,daß das Produktdenfolgenden Normen entspricht:
Estadeclaración sebasaen el cumplimientodelproducto conlassiguientes normas:
Questadichiarazione sibasasulla conformitá delprodottoalle normesequenti:
ylas Medidasdeseguridad relativasal producto.
EN 55022-A, CISPR 22RF Emissions Control EN 500082-1 IEC 801Immunity to Electromagnetic Dicturbances EN 60950 IEC 950 Product Safety
vi 980179-001 Rev. A
HughGagnier, President ELTRONINTERNATIONAL, Inc. 41Moreland Road SimiValley, CA93065-1692 U.S.A.
Table of Contents
Getting Started .......................1
Introduction ..........................1
Unpacking Privilege Card Printers ...............4
Check List ...........................5
Installation ...........................7
Upgrading to Expanded Memory ...............13
Expanded Memory Board Installation .............15
Operation ..........................17
Major Components ......................17
Controls & Indicators .....................18
Ribbon Preparation ......................20
Ribbon Loading ........................21
Handling the Media ......................25
Card Gate Adjustment .....................26
Printer Access and Usage ...................30
Printing ............................31
Adjustments ..........................32
Physical Processes .......................33
Cleaning The Printer......................37
Cleaning Stationary Card Path Items .............40
Cleaning the Card-Feed Roller.................41
Cleaning the Upper and Lower Cleaning Rollers........42
Print Head Cleaning ......................44
Cleaning the Transport and Platen Rollers ...........45
Cleaning Laminator Rollers ..................49
Magnetic Card Stripe Encoder ................51
Introduction ..........................51
Media Loading Orientation ..................52
Ensuring Data Reliability....................52
Encoding ...........................53
When to Clean the Encoder ..................55
Cleaning the Encoder .....................55
Adjustments ..........................55
Smart Card Contact Station .................57
Introduction ..........................57
Media Loading Orientation ..................58
Adjustments ..........................58
Smart Card Chip Interface ...................59
Media Jams ..........................60
980179-001 Rev. A vii
Appendix A
Trouble Shooting ......................61
Other Support Resources ...................64
Parallel Interface Cable Wiring.................65
Supported Card Media and Ribbon ..............65
Printer Features and Options .................68
Appendix B
Supplies and Accessories ..................71
Accessories ..........................71
Print Ribbons .........................72
Special Ribbons ........................72
Card Media ..........................73
Miscellaneous Supplies ....................73
Installable Options .......................73
Appendix C
Windows Card Printer Driver ................75
Installation of Printer Drivers..................75
Using the Windows 95 Driver .................83
Using The Windows 3.1 Driver ................92
Glossary ...........................101
viii 980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Privilege Multiple-
Station Card Printers
Thissectioncontainsinformation ontheinstal­lation of Eltron’s P500 and P600 Privilege Multiple-Station card printers.
Introduction Eltron’s Privilege Series card printers offer a
low cost, high quality solution to those re­quiring computer-controlled printing and en­coding of credit card style plastic cards. Card applications include personalized identifica­tion, access control, visitor, membership, pro­motion and luggage card, badges and tags.
980179-001 Rev. A 1
Getting Started
300 dots-per-inch print resolution for crisp, clear printing.
High resolution color dye sublimation tech­nology supporting 32.7K colors for photo quality imaging, along with:
Monochrome thermal transfer technology for solid imaging of Bar Codes, Text and Graphic Objects, each producable from command parameters, making related bit map downloads unnecessary.
A Bar Code command thatcanproduceen­codedcardprinting inanyof 10 residentbar codeformats,and aTextcommand thatcan produce text using 2 resident fonts.
A 3-Track Magnetic Stripe Encoder option that writes and then read-verifies data, supporting cards with high- or low­coercivity magnetic stripes. P500s can have either up- or down-facing stripe encoders.
P500s have Windows™ design and print user software and a Windows™ printer con­trol driver that supports True Type fonts.
Efficiently designed to fit in minimum foot­print,with asee-through coverthat offersus­ers a view of the process while offering protection from exposure to environmental contaminants.
Produces duplex (two-sided) Prints on ei­ther plain or preprinted plastic card materi­als.
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Models All printers have parallel printer ports. P500s
Include WindCard™ Classic Software. Printers may be ordered in any of the following stan­dard configurations:
Model No. Description
104525-001 • 104674-001 • 104674-002 • 104674-003 • 104674-004 • 300020-001 120V 300020-002 230V
Color Printer withLaminator
Multiple Station ColorPrinter
Expanded Mem-
ory (P500)
Low Coercivity
High Coercivity
Encodes Down-
facing Stripe
Encodes Up-
facing Stripe
Power Cord
980179-001 Rev. A 3
Getting Started
Privilege Card
Packing Materials
Supply Kit:
Supply Kit:
• Printer Cable
• Printer Cable
• Power Cord
• Power Cord
• Manuals
• Manuals
• Card Weight
• Card Weight
• Card Catcher
• Card Catcher
• Software (P500)
• Software (P500)
Printers ship in a carton and protective bag. Keep all packing material in case the need to move or reship the printer arises.Avoidtouch­ingtheelectricalconnectorstoprevent electro­static discharge damage while setting up the printer.
Foam End
Foam End
Printer in
Printer in
Shipping Bag
Shipping Bag
Thedischargeof electrostaticenergythat accu­mulates on the surface of the human body or other surfaces can damage or destroy the print head or other electronic components used in this device.
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
When unpacking the Privilege card printer (and card media), be aware that a clean and nearly dust free environment is required for properoperation andstorage.Theprintquality can be effected by dust, body oils and acids (i.e., finger prints) and exposure to other for­eignmaterialsduringunpacking orhandlingof the printer and media.
Check List Your PrivilegeCard Printershipswiththeitems
listed below:
Printer (Check for proper Model):
Interface Cable
Power Cord
980179-001 Rev. A 5
Getting Started
Card Feeder Weight
Card Catcher
- Printer User’s Guide
- WindCard Software
- Windows Driver(s)
Ifanyitems aremissing,contact yourdealerfor replacement parts.
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Cardmedia,ribbon, andsuppliesare available from yourEltrondistributororcallELTRONat (800) 344-4003 for the distributor nearest you.Refer toAppendixBforcompletesupplies ordering information.
Installation The following sections serve as a guide to
printer,WindCard™software,andWindows™ card printer driver installations.
Step Ê
Step Ë
Attach Power
Figure 1-1
Rear Panel
With help from another person, remove the printer from the carton and protective plastic bag.
AC power supplied to Privilege card printers must be current limited to 16-amps or less us­ing an associated circuit breaker or other such electrical device.
Place the printer in a clean, dust free loca- tion that allows easy access to all sides of the printer. Never operate the printer while it rests
on a side or upside down.
Set the AC power switch to the OFF (0) posi­tion.
980179-001 Rev. A 7
AC Power Switch:
AC Power Switch:
1 = ON
1 = ON
Getting Started
Power Switch
Figure 1-2
Switch OFF Switch ON
Never operate the printer in a location where the operator, computer, or printer can get wet. Personal injury could result.
Attach the AC power cord to the AC power re­ceptacle in the rear of the printer.
Figure 1-3
Attach the AC power cord to a grounded elec­tricaloutlet ofthe propervoltageandplugtype.
Figure 1-4
AC Outlet
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Step Ì
Attach Interface
Figure 1-5
Attachandsecurethesupplied DB-25 (female) to DB-25 (male) parallel printer cable between the parallel port of the host computer and the parallel interface connector on the back of the printer.
Intermittent or unpredictable operationmay occur from unsecured connectors.
See Appendixes A and B for cable specifica­tions and ordering information.
Step Í
Applying Power
Setthepowerswitchto ON (1). Notethatmes­sagesappearon the LCDscreensasthe printer cycles through the power-on sequence. Also note that READY appears at the end of the se­quence. If theseeventseitherfailtooccuror an ERROR message appears instead of READY, refer to Appendix A - Trouble Shooting.
980179-001 Rev. A 9
Getting Started
Step Î
Windows™ 3.1
Startthehostcomputer.AfterDOShasloaded, start Windows™. Insert the WindCard™ disk­ette into a floppy disk drive. From the Win­dows™ Program Manager‘s File pull-down menu, select R
Enter A:SETUP (or B:SETUP if you placed the diskette in drive B). Press the Enter key.
Follow the installation instructions on the screen to install the software.
Refer to Section 2, Operation, for information on loading cards and ribbons and for initializ­ing the printer for operation.
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
See Appendix C for loading WindCard™ soft­ware into other operating platforms and the Windows™ Printer Driver file.
980179-001 Rev. A 11
Getting Started
12 980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Upgrading to
Expanded Memory
Users can field upgrade P500 printers to in­clude ExpandedMemory.P600salreadyhave thismemory.Onlythe CPUboardofModule 1 (the Print Station board) exhibits improved performance with the Expanded Memory in­stalled. The Memory Extension Board plugs intotheCPU boardof Module 1. Accesstothis board requires removal of the rearprintercase assembly.
Avoid unnecessary risks! Removal of the RearCase ofthe printerexposes CircuitBoards thatcontainalithium batteries. These batteries operate for long periods of time and, replace­ments may never become necessary. Anyone replacing these batteries subjects his or herself to the following risk:
A Danger of Explosion exists if a battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
980179-001 Rev. A 13
Case removal exposes circuit points that, if touched with power on, can present a hazard. Therefore, never remove any case
component without first unplugging the Power Cord.
Getting Started
Case Removal
Figure 1-6
Screws Holding Rear
Case Removal
Step ·
Using a one-millimeter Allen wrench, remove the two screws holding the top of the case. Then, using amediumPhillipsscrewdriver,re­move the eight screws that secure the back of the case.
Remove Allen
Remove Allen
Without letting the rear case move backward fromitspositionwhilesecured, lifttherear case straight up. Wires attached to the switches and LCDs restrict how far the rear case can sepa­rate from the printer. Therefore, after freeing therearcasefrom the printer,resttherear case at a position that does not stress the wires.
Figure 1-7
Rear Case Removed
980179-001 Rev. A
Getting Started
Case Removal
Step 3
Figure 1-8
Bracket Removal
Expanded Memory
Board Installation
Removal of the upper Phillips screws frees a bracket. First note the proper position of this bracket, and then remove the bracket. If replaced improperly, the rear case screws can­not be refastened.
The addition of an Expanded Memory board in Module 1 of a P500 allows the host com­puter to download all image data in a continu­ous stream, instead of the single color downloadsfollowed byassociated printingthat occur without this addition. Multiple-card printing occurs much faster with this option in­stalled. Rear case removal gives access for this upgrade.
980179-001 Rev. A 15
Before touching any of the circuit components on either the printer or the Expanded Memory board,be sureto dischargeany staticchargeby touching the metal chassis. Better yet, wear a grounding wrist band.
Getting Started
Installing the
Memory Board
Figure 1-9
Expanded Memory
Plug the Expanded Memory Board into the two connectors on the upper right section of theCPU boardof Module1. Matchtheconnec­torssuchthat the ExpandedMemoryboardre­mains confined within the boundaries of the CPU board, not oriented to extend over the edge.
Installing the
Memory Board
Step ·
Replacethebracketand printer casebyrevers­ing the steps performed during their removal.
980179-001 Rev. A
This section contains information on the op­eration of the Privilege card printer.
Figure 2-1 shows a P600 Card Printer. Note that both models have similar appearances—except,the P500hasaLamina­torwhere theP600 hasasecondPrintStation.
Figure 2-1
Major Components
Print or
Print or
980179-001 Rev. A 17
Controls &
The Power
Figure 2-2
Printer Controls
and Indicators
All the card printer controls and indicators, ex­cept for the power switch, reside on the top of the printer.
The POWER SWITCH is located on back panel of the printer. Placing the switch in the ON (1) position applies power to the printer. Placingtheswitchin the OFF(0)positionturns off the printer. See Figures 1-1 and 1-2 in Sec­tion 1.
The POWER SWITCH also works in con­junction with the Panel Button. See the Panel Button on the following pages.
Module-2 LCD
Module-2 LCD
and Button
and Button
Module-1 LCD
Module-1 LCD
and Button
and Button
18 980179-001 Rev. A
The following LCD messages can appear:
Module 1 Print
Module 2 Print
Station (P600)
INITIALIZING Printer Initializing • WARMING UP P500 Laminator Wait • READY Ready to Print • PRINTING Printing in Progress • LAMINATING Lamination in Progress • OUT OF RIBBON New Ribbon Required • OUT OF CARD More Cards Required • COMMAND ERROR Command/Parameter Error • MECHANICAL ERROR Mechanical Problem • ENCODING ERROR Read Verify Error • READING ERROR Error Reading Mag.Stripe • ROTATION ERROR Card-Flip Error • TEMPERATURE ERROR Laminator Temp. Wait • COVER OPEN To Proceed, Close Cover
Module 2 Lami-
nation Station
980179-001 Rev. A 19
See Appendix A for troubleshooting tips.
Figure 2-3 Ribbon and Empty Core
Step 1
Step 2
Both the Print Stations and the P500 Lamina­tion Station require the same pre-installation ribbon preparations. To prepare a ribbon, the taped end must be refastened to an empty core. Eltron recommends the following:
Place both the ribbon and an empty core on end, next to one another, and touching. For Lamination ribbons, the notched end of the empty core must face up.
Untape the end that fastens the ribbon end to the roll while leaving the tape attached on the supply side.
Step 3
Figure 2-4
Unwind enough ribbon to reach the empty coreandtapetheend down. If boththeribbon rollandthe emptycoreare kept touchingwhile the tape is refastened, ribbon should be cen­tered on thecore.Animproperlypreparedrib­boncanresultin wrinkling in theprinterduring ribbon advances.
980179-001 Rev. A
Wind one or two turns of ribbon onto the rib­bon core.
Step 4
Ribbon Loading Ribbon loading involves the placement of the
prepared ribbon onto the Supply and Take-up spindles.Similarprocedures applytoPrint Sta­tions and Laminators, as follows:
Ribbon Loading
Lift open the cover.
Step 1
Figure 2-5
Raising the Cover
Ribbon Loading
Step 2
Press down on the Print/Lamination Head Re­lease Latch to raise the Print Head. The Print Head springs upward when released.
Press Here
Figure 2-6
Raising the Print
Press Here
to Raise
to Raise
Print Head
Print Head
980179-001 Rev. A 21
DO NOT TOUCH the Print Head or nearby electronic components. Discharged electro­static energy from a person’s body or from equipment can damage or destroy print heads and other printer components.
Atthis pointconsider interruptingribbon instal­lation to perform a cleaning, as described fur­ther on in this section. At the very least, wash off any buildup on the Cleaning Rollers.
Ribbon Loading
Step 3
Using a prepared ribbon, unroll a comfortable amount from the supply side to span the dis­tance between the Supply and Take Up spin­dles. Then, at the same time, slide the Supply and Take Up Cores onto their respective spin­dles.
Make suretopushbothfullyontothespindles. Also make very sure that the ribbon comes off ofthetop oftheSupply Spindleandfeeds onto the top of the Take Up Spindle.
Note that for proper seating the take-up cores of Lamination Ribbons have a slot that must align with a screw on the take­up spindle.
Take extra care when installing a Print Station ribbon. Printing with a reversed ribbon can damage the Print Head or make an extensive cleaning necessary.
980179-001 Rev. A
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