elsner elektronik Sewi KNX AQS, Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D Installation And Adjustment

Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D
Indoor Air Quality Sensors
Item numbers 70394 (AQS), 70397 (AQS/TH-D)
Installation and Adjustment
1 Contents
1. Description ........................................................................................... 5
1.0.1. Scope of delivery .......................................................................................... 6
1.1. Technical data ........................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. Measuring accuracy ...................................................................................... 7
2. Installation and start-up ....................................................................... 7
2.1. Installation notes ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Installation location .................................................................................................. 8
2.3. Construction of the sensor ...................................................................................... 9
2.3.1. Housing from the outside ............................................................................ 9
2.3.2. Printed circuit boards / connections .......................................................... 10
2.4. Assembly ................................................................................................................ 10
2.5. Notes on mounting and commissioning .............................................................. 11
3. Addressing the equipment ................................................................. 12
4. Maintenance ....................................................................................... 12
5. Transfer protocol ............................................................................... 13
5.1. List of all communication objects ......................................................................... 13
6. Parameter setting .............................................................................. 28
6.1. Behaviour on power failure/ restoration of power .............................................. 28
6.2. General settings ..................................................................................................... 29
6.3. Temperature Measurement ................................................................................... 29
6.4. Temperature threshold values .............................................................................. 30
6.4.1. Threshold value 1, 2, 3, 4 ........................................................................... 30
6.5. Temperature PI control .......................................................................................... 32
6.5.1. Heating control level 1/2 ............................................................................. 37
6.5.2. Cooling control level 1/2 ............................................................................. 40
6.6. Summer Compensation ......................................................................................... 42
6.7. Humidity Measurement ......................................................................................... 43
6.8. Humidity threshold values .................................................................................... 44
6.8.1. Threshold value 1, 2, 3, 4 ........................................................................... 44
6.9. Humidity PI control ................................................................................................ 46
6.10.Dewpoint measurement ........................................................................................ 49
6.10.1. Cooling medium temp. monitoring ........................................................... 49
6.11.Absolute humidity ................................................................................................. 51
6.12.Comfort field .......................................................................................................... 52
6.13.Air Pressure Measurement ................................................................................... 53
6.14.Air pressure threshold values ............................................................................... 54
6.14.1. Air pressure threshold value 1-4 ............................................................... 54
6.15.CO2 Measurement ................................................................................................. 57
6.16.CO2 threshold values ............................................................................................ 57
6.16.1. Threshold value 1, 2, 3, 4 ........................................................................... 57
6.17.CO2 PI-control ........................................................................................................ 60
6.18.Variable comparator .............................................................................................. 62
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • from ETS programme version 1.1
Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
2 Contents
6.18.1. Control variable comparator 1/2/3/4 .......................................................... 62
6.19.Computer ................................................................................................................ 63
6.19.1. Computer 1-8 ............................................................................................... 63
6.20.Logic ........................................................................................................................ 67
6.20.1. AND logic 1-8 and OR logic outputs 1-8 ................................................... 67
6.20.2. AND logic connection inputs ..................................................................... 69
6.20.3. Connection inputs of the OR logic ............................................................. 72
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • from ETS programme version 1.1
Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
3 Clarification of signs
Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting of the device must only be carried out by a competent electrician.
This manual is amended periodically and will be brought into line with new software releases. The change status (software version and date) can be found in the contents footer. If you have a device with a later software version, please check www.elsner-elektronik.de in the menu area "Service" to find out whether a more up-to­date version of the manual is available.
Clarification of signs used in this manual
Safety advice.
Safety advice for working on electrical connections, components, etc.
ETS In the ETS tables, the parameter default settings are marked by
... indicates an immediately hazardous situation which will lead to death or severe injuries if it is not avoided.
... indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may lead to death or severe injuries if it is not avoided.
... indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may lead to trivial or minor injuries if it is not avoided.
... indicates a situation which may lead to damage to property if it is not avoided.
4 Clarification of signs
5 Description

1. Description

The Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D for the KNX bus system measures the CO
Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D additionally measures the temperature, the air humidity and the air pressure and calculates the dew-point. The sensor can output a warning to the bus as soon as the comfort field, as per DIN 1946, is left.
Via the bus, the indoor sensors can receive external values and process it further with its own data to a total value (mixed value, e.g. room average).
All measurement values can be used for the control of limit-dependent switching out­puts. States can be linked via AND logic gates and OR logic gates. Multi-function mod­ules change input data as required by means of calculations, querying a condition, or converting the data point type. In addition, an integrated manipulated variable compar­ator can compare and output variables that were received via communication objects.
Integrated PI-controllers control ventilation (according to humidity or CO tion) and heating/cooling (according to temperature).
Measuring the CO The share of internal measurement value and external value can be set as a percentage
Threshold values can be adjusted per parameter or via communication objects
PI controller for ventilation according to CO (one-stage) or Ventilate (one or two-stage)
8 AND and 8 OR logic gates, each with 4 inputs. All switching events as well as 16 logic inputs in the form of communications objects can be used as inputs for the logic gates. The output of each gate can be configured optionally as 1­bit or 2 x 8-bit
8 multi-function modules (computers) for changing the input data by calculations, by querying a condition or by converting the data point type
4 actuating variable comparators to output minimum, maximum or average values. 5 inputs each for values received via communication objects
Additional functions Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D:
Measuring the temperature and air humidity (relative, absolute), each with mixed value calculation. The share of internal measurement value and
external value can be set as a percentage
Bus message, whether the values for temperature and air humidity are within the comfort field (DIN 1946). Dew point calculation
Air pressure measurement. Output of the value as normal pressure and optionally as barometric pressure
PI-controller for heating (one or two-stage) and cooling (one or two-stage) according to temperature. Regulation according to separate setpoints or basic setpoint temperature
concentration in a room.
concentration of the air with mixed value calculation.
concentration: Ventilate/Air
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
6 Description
PI controller for ventilation according to humidity: Ventilate/Air (one-stage) or Ventilate (one or two-stage)
Summer compensation for cooling systems. A characteristic curve matches the target temperature in the room to the external temperature and sets the minimum and maximum target temperature values
Configuration is made using the KNX software ETS. The product file can be down­loaded from the Elsner Elektronik website on www.elsner-elektronik.de in the “Ser­vice” menu.

1.0.1. Scope of delivery


1.1. Technical data

Housing Plastic Colour White (Cover glossy, skirting matt) Assembly Surface, wall or ceiling installation Protection category IP 30 Dimensions Ø approx. 105 mm, height approx. 32 mm Total weight approx. 50 g Ambient temperature Operation 0…+50°C, storage -30…+70°C Ambient humidity max. 85% RH, avoid condensation Operating voltage KNX bus voltage Bus current max. 20 mA Data output KNX +/- bus plug-in terminal BCU type Integrated microcontroller PEI type 0 Group addresses max. 2000 Assignments max. 2000 Communication objects Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D: 363
CO2 sensor:
Measurement range 0...2000 ppm Resolution 1 ppm Accuracy* ± 50 ppm ± 3% of the measured value Temperature sensor (only Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D): Measurement range 0°C…+50°C Resolution 0.1°C Accuracy* ±0.5°C at 0...+50°C Humidity sensor (only Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D): Measurement range 0% RH … 85% RH Resolution 0.1% RH
Sewi KNX AQS: 210
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
7 Installation and start-up
Accuracy ± 7,5% RH at 0…10% RH
Pressure sensor (only Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D): Measurement range 300 mbar … 1100 mbar Resolution 0.1 mbar Accuracy ±4 mbar
* Follow the instructions on Measuring accuracy.
The product conforms with the provisions of EU directives.
± 4,5% RH at 10…85% RH

1.1.1. Measuring accuracy

Deviations in measured values due to interfering sources (see chapter installation site) must be corrected in the ETS in order to achieve the specified accuracy of the sensor (offset).
During Temperature measurement, the self-heating of the device is taken into con­sideration by the electronics. The software compensates the self-heating by reducing the measured temperature by 1.0°C.

2. Installation and start-up

2.1. Installation notes

Installation, testing, operational start-up and troubleshooting should only be performed by an electrician.
CAUTION! Live voltage!
There are unprotected live components inside the device.
National legal regulations are to be followed.
Ensure that all lines to be assembled are free of voltage and take precautions against accidental switching on.
Do not use the device if it is damaged.
Take the device or system out of service and secure it against unintentional use, if it can be assumed, that risk-free operation is no longer guaranteed.
The device is only to be used for its intended purpose. Any improper modification or failure to follow the operating instructions voids any and all warranty and guarantee claims.
After unpacking the device, check it immediately for possible mechanical damage. If it has been damaged in transport, inform the supplier immediately.
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
8 Installation and start-up
The device may only be used as a fixed-site installation; that means only when assem­bled and after conclusion of all installation and operational start-up tasks and only in the surroundings designated for it.
Elsner Elektronik is not liable for any changes in norms and standards which may occur after publication of these operating instructions.

2.2. Installation location

Install and use only in dry interior rooms! Avoid condensation.
The sensor is installed surface mounted on walls or ceilings.
When selecting an installation location, please ensure that the measurement results of
temperature, humidity and CO
ences. Possible sources of interference include:
Direct sunlight
Drafts from windows and doors
Draughts from ducts coming from other rooms or the outdoors
Warming or cooling of the building structure on which the sensor is mounted, e.g. due to sunlight, heating or cold water pipes
Connection lines and empty ducts which lead from warmer or colder areas to the sensor
Measurement variations from such sources of interference must be corrected in the ETS in order to ensure the specified accuracy of the sensor (offset).
are affected as little as possible by external influ-
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
9 Installation and start-up
Fig. 1 A Recess to open the hous-
ing. When closing the housing, the recess aligns to the marking on the skirt­ing

2.3. Construction of the sensor

2.3.1. Housing from the outside

Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
10 Installation and start-up
Fig. 2 1 a+b Long holes for mounting (hole distance 60 mm) 2 Sensors for temperature, humidity, pressure (only Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D) 3CO
-Sensor 4 Programming button 5 Programming LED 6KNX-terminal BUS +/­7 Cable bushing A Mark for aligning the cover
3 4
Fig. 3
Open the housing. To do this, carefully lift the cover from the skirting. Start at the recess (Fig. 2: A).

2.3.2. Printed circuit boards / connections

2.4. Assembly

Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
11 Installation and start-up
Fig. 4
Lead the bus cable through the cable busching in the skirting.
Fig. 5
Screw the skirting to the wall or the ceiling.
Hole distance 60 mm.
60 mm
Fig. 6
Connect the KNX bus to the KNX terminal.
Fig. 7
Close the housing by positioning the cover and snapping it into place. To do this, align the recess on the cover to the marking on the skirting (Fig. 1+2: A).

2.5. Notes on mounting and commissioning

Never expose the device to water (e.g. rain) or dust. This can damage the electronics. You must not exceed a relative humidity of 85%. Avoid condensation.
The air slots on the side must not be closed or covered.
After the bus voltage has been applied, the device will enter an initialisation phase last­ing a few seconds. During this phase no information can be received or sent via the bus.
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
12 Addressing the equipment

3. Addressing the equipment

The equipment is delivered with the bus address 15.15.254. You can program a differ­ent address in the ETS by overwriting the address 15.15.254 or by teaching the device via the programming button.
The programming button is on the inside of the housing (Fig. 2: No. 3).

4. Maintenance

The air slots on the side must not get dirty or covered. As a rule, it is sufficient to wipe the device with a soft, dry cloth twice a year.
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
13 Transfer protocol

5. Transfer protocol

Temperatures in degrees Celsius Air pressure in Pascal Air humidity in % Absolute air humidity in g/kg and/or g/m CO2 content in ppm Variables in %

5.1. List of all communication objects

Abbreviation flags:
C Communication R Read WWrite T Transfer UUpdate
No. Text Func-
1 Software version Output R-CT [217.1] DPT_Ver-
41 Temperature sensor: Malfunction Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 42 Temperature sensor: External
43 Temperature sensor: Measured value Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
44 Temperature sensor: Total
45 Temperature sensor: Min./Max.
measurement query
46 Temperature sensor: Minimum
47 Temperature sensor: Maximum
48 Temperature sensor: Min./Max.
measurement reset
51 Temp. threshold value 1: Absolute
value 52 Temp. threshold value 1: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 53 Temp. threshold value 1: Switching
delay from 0 to 1 54 Temp. threshold value 1: Switching
delay from 1 to 0
Input -WCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Input/ Output
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Flags DPT Typ Size
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
2 bytes
2 bytes
2 bytes
1 bit
2 bytes
2 bytes
1 bit
2 bytes
2 bytes
2 bytes
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
14 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
55 Temp. threshold value 1: Switching
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output 56 Temp. threshold value 1: Switching
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output block 58 Temp. threshold value 2: Absolute
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
59 Temp. threshold value 2: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 60 Temp. threshold value 2: Switching
delay from 0 to 1 61 Temp. threshold value 2: Switching
delay from 1 to 0 62 Temp. threshold value 2: Switching
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output 63 Temp. threshold value 2: Switching
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output block 65 Temp. threshold value 3: Absolute
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
66 Temp. threshold value 3: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 67 Temp. threshold value 3: Switching
delay from 0 to 1 68 Temp. threshold value 3: Switching
delay from 1 to 0 69 Temp. threshold value 3: Switching
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output 70 Temp. threshold value 3: Switching
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output block 72 Temp. threshold value 4: Absolute
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
73 Temp. threshold value 4: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 74 Temp. threshold value 4: Switching
delay from 0 to 1 75 Temp. threshold value 4: Switching
delay from 1 to 0 76 Temp. threshold value 4: Switching
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output 77 Temp. threshold value 4: Switching
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
output block 311 Humidity sensor: Malfunction Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 314 Humidity sensor: External
measurement 315 Humidity sensor: Measured value Output R-CT [9.7] DPT_Val-
Input -WCT [9.7] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
2 bytes
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
15 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
316 Humidity sensor: Total measurement Output R-CT [9.7] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
317 Humidity sensor: Min./Max.
measurement query 318 Humidity sensor: Minimum
measurement 319 Humidity sensor: Maximum
measurement 320 Humidity sensor: Min./Max.
measurement reset 331 Humidity threshold value 1: Absolute
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Output R-CT [9.7] DPT_Val-
Output R-CT [9.7] DPT_Val-
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.7] DPT_Val-
1 bit
2 bytes
2 bytes
1 bit
2 bytes
332 Humidity threshold value 1: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 333 Humidity threshold value 1: Delay
from 0 to 1 334 Humidity threshold value 1: Delay
from 1 to 0 335 Humidity threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 336 Humidity threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 337 Humidity threshold value 2: Absolute
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.7] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
338 Humidity threshold value 2: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 339 Humidity threshold value 2:
Delay from 0 to 1 340 Humidity threshold value 2:
Delay from 1 to 0 341 Humidity threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 342 Humidity threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 343 Humidity threshold value 3: Absolute
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.7] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
344 Humidity threshold value 3: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 345 Humidity threshold value 3:
Delay from 0 to 1 346 Humidity threshold value 3:
Delay from 1 to 0 347 Humidity threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 348 Humidity threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
16 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
349 Humidity threshold value 4:
Absolute value
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.7] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
350 Humidity threshold value 4: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 351 Humidity threshold value 4:
Delay from 0 to 1 352 Humidity threshold value 4:
Delay from 1 to 0 353 Humidity threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 354 Humidity threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 381 Dewpoint: Measured value Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
382 Coolant temp.: Threshold value Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
383 Coolant temp.: Actual value Input RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
384 Coolant temp.: Offset change
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:+ | 0:-) 385 Coolant temp.: Current offset Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
386 Coolant temp.: Switching delay from
0 to 1 387 Coolant temp.: Switching delay from
1 to 0
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
2 bytes
388 Coolant temp.: Switching output Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 389 Coolant temp.: Switching output
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
block 391 Absolute humidity [g/kg] Output R-CT [14.5] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
392 Absolute humidity [g/m²] Output R-CT [14.17] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
394 Ambient climate status:
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
1 = comfortable | 0 = uncomfortable 395 Ambient climate status: Text Output R-CT [16.0]
bytes 401 Air pressure sensor: Malfunction Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 402 Air pressure sensor: Normal
measurement [Pa]
403 Air pressure sensor: Barometric
measurement [Pa]
404 Air pressure sensor: Min./Max.
measurement query
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
4 bytes
4 bytes
1 bit
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
17 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
405 Air pressure sensor: Min. normal
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
measurement [Pa]
406 Air pressure sensor: Min. barometric
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
measurement [Pa]
407 Air pressure sensor: Max. normal
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
measurement [Pa]
408 Air pressure sensor: Max. barometric
Output R-CT [14.58] DPT_Val-
measurement [Pa]
409 Air pressure sensor: Min./Max.
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
measurement reset
410 Air pressure sensor: Pressure range
Output R-CT [16.0]
411 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Absolute value
412 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Input/ Output
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:+ | 0:-)
413 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Delay from 0 to 1
414 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Delay from 1 to 0
415 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output
416 Air pressure threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block
417 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Absolute value
418 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Input/ Output
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:+ | 0:-)
419 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Delay from 0 to 1
420 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Delay from 1 to 0
421 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output
422 Air pressure threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block
423 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Absolute value
424 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Input/ Output
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:+ | 0:-)
425 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
Delay from 0 to 1
Flags DPT Typ Size
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
1 bit
RWCT [14.58] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
2 bytes
2 bytes
RWCT [14.58] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
2 bytes
2 bytes
RWCT [14.58] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
2 bytes
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
18 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
426 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Delay from 1 to 0
427 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output
428 Air pressure threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block
429 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Absolute value
430 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Input/ Output
RWCT [14.58] DPT_Val-
4 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:+ | 0:-)
431 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Delay from 0 to 1
432 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Delay from 1 to 0
433 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output
434 Air pressure threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 441 CO2 Sensor: Malfunction Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 442 CO2 Sensor: External measurement Input -WCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
443 CO2 Sensor: Measured value Output R-CT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
444 CO2 Sensor: Total measurement Output R-CT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
445 CO2 Sensor: Max. measurement
query 446 CO2 Sensor: Maximum
measurement 447 CO2 Sensor: Max. reset
measurement 448 CO2 threshold value 1: Absolute
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Output R-CT [9,008] DPT_Val-
Input -WC- [1.017] DPT_Trig-
Input/ Output
RWCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
1 bit
2 bytes
1 bit
2 bytes
449 CO2 threshold value 1: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 450 CO2 threshold value 1:
Delay from 0 to 1 451 CO2 threshold value 1:
Delay from 1 to 0 452 CO2 threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 453 CO2 threshold value 1:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
19 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
454 CO2 threshold value 2:
Absolute value
Input/ Output
RWCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
455 CO2 threshold value 2: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 456 CO2 threshold value 2:
Delay from 0 to 1 457 CO2 threshold value 2:
Delay from 1 to 0 458 CO2 threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 459 CO2 threshold value 2:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 460 CO2 threshold value 3:
Absolute value
Input/ Output
RWCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
461 CO2 threshold value 3: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 462 CO2 threshold value 3:
Delay from 0 to 1 463 CO2 threshold value 3:
Delay from 1 to 0 464 CO2 threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 465 CO2 threshold value 3:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 466 CO2 threshold value 4:
Absolute value
Input/ Output
RWCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
467 CO2 threshold value 4: (1:+ | 0:-) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 468 CO2 threshold value 4:
Delay from 0 to 1 469 CO2 threshold value 4:
Delay from 1 to 0 470 CO2 threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output 471 CO2 threshold value 4:
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Switching output block 472 CO2 controller: Block (1: block) Input -WC- [1.2] DPT_Bool 1 bit 473 CO2 controller: Setpoint value Input/
474 CO2 controller: Setpoint value
Input -WC- [1.2] DPT_Bool 1 bit
RWCT [9,008] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
(1:+ | 0:-) 475 CO2 controller: Control variable
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
ventilation 476 CO2 controller: Control variable
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
ventilation level 2
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
20 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
477 CO2 controller: Ventilation status
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1:ON | 0:OFF) 478 CO2 controller: Status ventilation
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
level 2 (1:ON | 0:OFF) 481 Temp. controller: HVAC mode
(priority 1) 482 Temp. controller: HVAC mode
(priority 2) 483 Temp. controller: Mode frost/heat
Input -WC- [20.102] DPT_H-
1 byte
Input RWCT [20.102] DPT_H-
1 byte
Input RWCT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
protection activation 484 Temp. controller: Block (1 = Blocking) Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit 485 Temp. controller: Current setpoint Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
486 Temp. controller: Switching
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(0: Heating | 1: Cooling) 487 Temp. controller: Setpoint comfort
heating 488 Temp. controller: Setpoint comfort
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
heating (1:+ | 0: -) 489 Temp. controller: Setpoint comfort
cooling 490 Temp. controller: Setpoint comfort
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
cooling (1:+ | 0: -) 491 Temp. controller: Basic 16-bit
setpoint shift 492 Temp. controller: Setpoint standby
heating 493 Temp. controller: Setpoint standby
Input/ Output
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
heating (1:+ | 0: -) 494 Temp. controller: Setpoint standby
cooling 495 Temp. controller: Setpoint standby
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
cooling (1:+ | 0: -) 496 Temp. controller: Setpoint eco
heating 497 Temp. controller: Setpoint, eco
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
heating (1:+ | 0: -) 498 Temp. controller: Setpoint eco
cooling 499 Temp. controller: Setpoint, eco
Input/ Output
RWCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
cooling (1:+ | 0: -) 500 Temp. controller: Control variable,
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
heating (level 1)
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
21 Transfer protocol
No. Text Func-
Flags DPT Typ Size
501 Temp. controller: Control variable,
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
heating (level 2) 502 Temp. controller: Control variable,
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
cooling (level 1) 503 Temp. controller: Control variable,
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
cooling (level 2) 504 Temperature controller: Variable for
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
4/6-way valve 505 Temp. controller: Status heating
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
level 1 (1:ON | 0:OFF) 506 Temp. controller: Status heating
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
level 2 (1:ON | 0:OFF) 507 Temp. controller: Status cooling
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
level 1 (1:ON | 0:OFF) 508 Temp. controller: Status cooling
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
level 2 (1:ON | 0:OFF) 509 Temp. controller: Comfort extension
status 510 Temp. controller: Comfort extension
time 515 European Summer Time: Outside
temperature 516 European Summer Time: Setpoint
value 517 European Summer Time: Block
RWCT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
Output Input RWCT [7.5] DPT_Time-
2 bytes
Input -WCT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Output R-CT [9.1] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
Input -WC- [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit
(1 = Blocking) 521 Humidity controller: Block (1: block) Input -WC- [1.2] DPT_Bool 1 bit 522 Humidity controller: Setpoint value Input/
523 Humidity controller: Setpoint
Input -WC- [1.2] DPT_Bool 1 bit
RWCT [9,007] DPT_Val-
2 bytes
value (1:+ | 0:-) 524 Humidity controller: Control variable
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
dehumidification 525 Humidity controller: Control variable
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
dehumidification level 2 526 Humidity controller: Control variable
Output R-CT [5.1] DPT_Scaling 1 byte
humidification 527 Humidity controller:
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit Dehumidification status (1:ON | 0:OFF)
528 Humidity controller:
Output R-CT [1.1] DPT_Switch 1 bit Dehumidification 2 status (1:ON | 0:OFF)
Sensors Sewi KNX AQS and Sewi KNX AQS/TH-D • Version: 10.09.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
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