Elpas3 Personal Safety Bracelet
5-WTG41100-0, 5-WTG41120-0 (Mother Tag), 5-WTG41102-0 (Security Band)
he Elpas3 Personal Safety Bracelet is an attractive bracelet that provides around-the-clock
monitoring of medical patients and assisted living care residents who require added safety.
he bracelet bundles tri-tech (in Mother Bracelet – quad-tech, includes LF transmission) Real-Time
Location System (RTLS) technologies to deliver precise real-time positioning data so that a host RTLS
safety application or an integrated physical security platform can track the whereabouts of the
individual anywhere within the facility.
Note: IR is optional. If irrelevant, users can deactivate IR functionality to conserve battery.
Elpas3 Personal safety Bracelet includes RF reception as well as transmission to allow two-way communication with
Eiris. Eiris can acknowledge when it receives an RF message.
he bracelet features a large duress call button designed especially for senior citizens. Pressing the
button causes the tag to transmit positioning data that identifies the person requiring assistance and
he precise building location of the involving medical or safety incident for speedier and more effective
response efforts.
Note: It is optional to replace the button cover of the tag with a standard plastic cover.
he Mother version also pairs with an Elpas Infant Protection Charm. With the press of the bracelet
button, the infant charm flashes a color, indicating the two are paired. When a user presses the button
again, the bracelet transmits an LF signal that tests if it matches with the Infant Protection Charm.
Once the pairing is made, only the wearer of the Mother Bracelet can exit designated areas with the
baby who wears the Infant Protection Charm with which it is paired.
he bracelet enables immediate near-exit location awareness for administering patient/staff escort
procedures and for preventing unauthorized transfers into or out of protected building areas.
Installation Guide
Product Specifications
RTLS Technologies RF Reception and Transmission (433MHz); IR Reception (125KHz) ; LF Reception (125KHz) ; LF Transmission (in Mother Bracelet)
RF (Motion/Stationary) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds
IR (Motion/Stationary) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds
Supervised Events LF Entry/Exit: Button Press/Release, Motion/Stationary, Low Battery
RF Under LF
Power Source
Battery Life 12-36 months depending upon usage
LED Indicator Low Battery (flashes every ten sec when below 2.6 Volts), Button Press (flashes three times), LF Field (flashes three times)
Tag & LF ID Codes Factory-Programmed
Housing IP65, Nylon Plastic
Weight 41.1 grams (1.45 ounces)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 46.9 x 41.0 x16.8mm (1.84 x 1.61 x 0.65 inches)
Operating Environment
Management Software Eiris
Regulatory CE, FCC, IC compliant and certified
Warranty 1 year limited warranty
Product offerings and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Not all products include all features.
Entry into LF: 3 transmissions (each @ 2ms in duration), 0.5secs apart; every 2 seconds.
After 10 minutes under LF: Returns to 10 seconds while in motion
3.0V/560mAH lithium battery, CR 2450
Temp: -30°C to 70° C (-22°F to 158°F)
Humidity: 100% non-condensing
Part Number Description
5-BTE00433-1 Elpas Infant Protection Charm
5-PB063011 Disposable Secure Hospital ID Band (set of 50)
5-WTA90007 Canvas Wristband with Lock Pin (set of 5)
5-500130 Lock Pin Removal Magnet
5-WTD09012 Security Band (set of 5). To insert, remove band adapters
5-WTD09009 Band Lock Key (set of 5)
5-WTD09017 WTD No Button Cover (set of 5 with 20 screws)
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V4/Jan 2016
Elpas Personal Safety Bracelet – User Guide
Initial Activation
The bracelet is shipped from the factory in Sleep Mode to
conserve battery power during shipping.
To activate the bracelet from sleep mode:
Button Press
Orient the tag front-cover side up.
Next press & hold down the call
button for at least 5 seconds.
If the wake-up process is successful the LED Indicator on the
front of the bracelet will illuminate for 3 seconds.
Tag Cover Replacement
Place the bracelet back cover side up. Then
Unscrew the 4 screws, flip the badge back
side down, and remove the front cover.
If the PCB is removed from the back cover
in the process, replace it. Make sure both
pins inserted inserted in their respective
hole from the bottom of the PCB.
Close the front cover so that the screw holes
are aligned. Tighten the 4 screws snugly into
place. Do not over-tighten as this may strip
the case threads.
Attaching the Hospital Band Adapters
Place the bracelet back cover side up. Then
Unscrew the 4 screws and remove the back
Position the bracelet front cover side down.
Next insert the two hospital band adapters
into the grooved slots which are located on
either side of the front cover.
Close the back cover such that the screw
holes are correctly aligned. Tighten the 4 screws snugly into place.
Do not over-tighten as this may strip the case threads
Battery Replacement
Change the bracelet’s status in the host
RTLS application to ‘Inactive’.
Place the bracelet back cover side up.
Then Unscrew the 4 screws and remove the
back cover.
Slide the battery out from under the battery
holder. Dispose of used battery in accordance
with local regulations.
Replace the battery ensuring that the positive
(+) side of the battery faces up.
Close the back cover such that the screw holes are correctly
aligned. Tighten the 4 screws snugly into place. Do not over-tighten
as this may strip the case threads.
Change the bracelet’s status in the host RTLS application back to
Disabling IR
By default, IR functionality is on.
1. Press button B1 (the large one) for five seconds. The LED
Flashes five times.
A single flash means IR is now on.
A double flash means IR is now off.
2. While the LED flashes, press the button again, three short
presses, to change from the current state. The LED flashes
again, as before, to indicate the new state.
Note: If you do not press three times in five seconds (while the LED flashes),
the tag remains in the original state.
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V4/Jan 2016