Table of Contents
Feature Overview....4
Keypad functions....
To change the mode of operation....7
To change the units of measure....7
To turn limits on/off....7
To set a new target torque when % is the default.....8
To recall the last cleared torque....8
To save a torque value to memory....8
To view the attached transducer information....8
Menu Functions
To enter the menu mode....9
To recall memory.... 9
To change the % tolerance value....11
To make high low limits the default tolerance method....11
To change the display clear (reset) method....12
Entering the limits value....12
Power Standby Mode ....12
Entering Numbers....13
Zeroing the Display....13
Torque Sensors (transducers) and Overload ....14
Transducer Mounting Positions ....15
Checking for Accuracy ....16
Calibrating and bypassing the smart transducer calibration data....18
Selecting Custom Transducers ....20
Printing and Sending Data....20
Battery and Power....21
General Operation
Suggested mounting positions....6
Quick Start....7
To send memory to a printer or computer....10
To erase memory....10
To set filters....10