Elmira Stove Works 1875CXALP, 1875CX, 1865STCWLP, 1865STCXWLP, 1855STXW Additional Information

The s t andard 350c.f.m.exhaustfan ,includedin the upper cabinetof your range, is factory-set torecirc ulat eairthrougha charcoal filter.It can also be usedtooutside-vent exhaustifthereis not more than one 90 degree elbow or more than ten feet between the rangeand the outside wall. This fan exhausts air only fromthe back of the rangecabinet – it cannotbe adaptedfor top-venting.
Height from floor to center of duct opening is 625/8". From left base cabinet countertop overhang to center of duct opening is 14". If installing a fourburner range into a 30 1/4" opening, dimension should be 8 5/8". Height from floor tocenterof duct openingis605/8"forshortlegmodels.
Attic In-Line ExhaustBlower Inst alla t ion
The in-line blower and ducting can be mounted to or between (allowing for 14"blower di­ameter) structural joists.Alternate installation: The exhaust duct can extendstraight up through the roof (similar to Installation #3). This method will require a roof flashing and cap, not included.
The optional in-line exhaust blower replacesthestandard3 5 0c.f.m.exhaustfanprovidedin your range cabinet, and is to be in­stalledby your contractor where your exhaust ducting exitsthe house.The inline blower should be orderedwhen you purchase yourrange-therangeandwiringmustbemodifiedtoaccommodatetheblower.(Theblowercanbeshippedinadvanceofthe rangefor installation– additional shipping chargeswill apply .)
If you are outside-venting your range with more than 10 feet of ducting, or more than one elbow…orifyousimplypreferamore powerful exhaust system … you should include the optional 636c.f.m.in-line exhaust blower. The #1518In-Line Blowerexha u sts smoke and cooking odors quickly and quietly,exitingthe house up to 35 feet from the range. If desired,the blower can be mounted in the basement or atticfor powerful, whisper-quiet operation.
• The blower can be mounted vertically, horizontally or at any angle.
• Backward-curved airfoil blades move maximum air with minimal sound.
• Fanand motor are precision balanced for quiet vibration-free operation.
• Blower wiring attaches to the junction box on the back of your range.
• 636 cubic feet / minute • 210Watts, 11 5Volt s, 1 .85 Amps,60 Hz • Blower length: 9-1/8"
• Blower diameter:13-1/2" (electrical box protrudes 1-3/4"D X 4-1/2"W from side of blower) • Inlet / outlet: 8"
• Exhaust blower with 8" inlet and outlet
• Adapterelbow–attachestobackofrange,convertsrangeoutletto3-1/4"X10"standardductsize.
• Duct adapter – converts3-1/4" X 10" duct to 8" round duct
• Back draft damper with spring return – preventscold air from entering house when blower is not in use.
• Outside louver grill – covers the exhaust outlet at soffit or foundation wall. Louvers automatically close when the blower is not in use.
• Duct extender – mounts to back of rangecabinet,replacing deflector plate.
• Duct pipe, roof flashing and roof cap (if required)are not included.
Basement In-Line ExhaustBlower Installation
The exhaust duct runs down the wall behind the range into the basement, where it exits through the foundation wall. The in-line blower and ducting can be mountedto or between (allowing for 14" blower diameter) structuraljoists.
Roof In-Line Exhaust Blower Installa t ion (stra ightup from cabinet)
Log homes and homes with a cathedral ceiling often require a top-ductedexhaust.Advise your dealer if you are using this application – a 7" round hole must be made in the top center of your range cabinet. We highly recommend locating your range in the kitchen prior to cutting the hole in the roof. (Ducting can also be routed through kitchen cabinets above range, if desired.) 7" duct pipe, 7" to 8" increaser, roof cap and roof flashing not included.
Outside Wall Exhaust Installation
There are two options for venting an Antique range directlythrough an outside wall behind the range:
1. Using the standard 350 CFM fan (noted above left), the exhaust outlet on the back of the rangecabinet can be connectedto standard3-1/4"X10"ducting and ventedthrough the wall behind the range.
2. For extra power, a 485 CFM Model 1519 wall-mounted exhaust fan canbeinstalledontheout- doorssideofthewall,exhaustingthroughthewall
back of the rangemust transitionto6 the standardexhaustfanprovidedin your range cabinet, and must be orderedwhen you order your range . Visit www.elmirastoveworks.com (ANTIQUE – RANGES – FEATURES – EXHAUST OPTIONS) for details.
round to connect to the externalblower. The Model 1519blower replaces
directly behind the range.The 3-¼
x10"duct from the