Table of contents
In tro duc ti on................................................1
Rou ter of the PABX el meg T444 / el meg T484 ....................................1
What is a rou ter? ......................................................1
Rou ter of the PABX sys tem ................................................1
Which In ter net con nec tions are sup por ted? .......................................1
Di al-in in to the LAN (RAS)................................................2
RAS Call back:........................................................2
DHCP ser ver and IP ad dress al lo ca ti on ..........................................3
Di rect con nec ti on (DHCP) ................................................3
De fault set ting of the PABX ...............................................3
De fault IP ad dres ses for the lo cal area net work ......................................3
What are IP ad dres ses and sub net work masks ......................................4
Ex am ple with this PABX:..................................................4
Rou ter functions ......................................................4
Au to ma tic In ter net ac cess, fall back ............................................4
Short Hold ..........................................................4
Dy na mic ISDN........................................................4
DHCP ser ver .........................................................5
DNS ser ver ..........................................................5
DNS-Proxy ..........................................................5
Dy na mic DNS ........................................................6
Rou ter con trol via sys tem pho ne .............................................8
Sta tus dis play CAPI / TAPI in the Con trol Cen ter .....................................8
Con fi gu ra ti on ex am ples.........................................9
Ad dress as signment by DHCP -Re com men ded con fi gu ra ti on - (De fault setting)................9
Things to note for this con fi gu ra ti on. ...........................................9
Ad dress as signment wit hout DHCP (set / mi xed IP ad dres ses) ............................11
Things to note for this con fi gu ra ti on. ..........................................12
LAN-Client (PC) Con fi gu ra ti on .............................................12
PC set tings in Wind ows ope ra ting sys tem .......................................12
Sam ple con fi gu ra ti on of a net work with mi xed ad dress as signment.......................14
Sam ple con fi gu ra ti on of a net work with set ad dress as signment ............................15
Che cking the LAN clients (PCs) ............................................16
Con fi gu ra ti on for Wind ows 98SE/ME/2000/XP ....................................16
Che cking the TCP/IP Con fi gu ra ti on.................................17
Wind ows 98SE / ME....................................................17
Wind ows 2000 .......................................................17
Wind ows XP ........................................................19
Con fi gu ring In ter net ac cess on a PC..........................................20
In ter net Ex plo rer set tings / Wind ows In ter net op tions .................................20
Con fi gu re fi re wall fil ters........................................22
Ba sic in for ma ti on about fi re wall con fi gu ra ti on ....................................22
Four pla ce hol ders are pro vi ded to achie ve an ab strac ti on when de fi ning the fil ters: .................23
You can con fi gu re the fol lo wing pa ra me ters: ......................................23
Fil ter Wi zard .......................................................25
Ga ming - Fil ter .......................................................27