Download Manager
Using thisprogram you can load newsystem software via your PCinto the PABX. This ispossible using the integra
ted USB portofyour PABX. IfanISDNcard is alreadyinstalledin your PCyoucan also updatethesystem software via
the internal ISDNconnectionof thePABX.System software isprovided in thedirectory »Firmware« onthe CD supp
lied with the system. The current system software is available for downloading on the Internet at »www.Funk«.
Configuration TAPI
Using TAPI Configuration you can adapt the TAPI driver for a program that uses that driver. You can also check
which MSN is assigned to which terminal device, define new line names and can set the dialing parameters.
First configure the PABX. Then, you must configure the TAPI interface. In the »WIN-Tool Launcher« use the pro
gram »TAPI Configuration«.
If youhave conductedinstallation upto thispoint youmust nowalso updatethe TAPIdriver asfollows: Click on the
icon »TAPIConfiguration« and then in thedialog screen»TAPIConfig« click»Configure TAPI«. This program crea
tes a link to the PABXsystem. The subscribersare displayed when this link has been set up. Youcan cancel thisdis
play by clicking the button »OK«. The TAPI configuration has then been updated.
If you wish tomakeacall whileina TAPIconfiguration,you must alwaysfirstdial the lineaccessdigit(0) before dia
ling an external phone number.
Other programs on the CD
The Control Center monitors allISDN router activites while Internetconnections are establishedor terminated.The
program is launchedautomaticallyafter beinginstalledevery time thesystem is started.Itindicates forinstance:The
provider, the duration of the existing connection, the port (ISDN or DSL), the external IP address assigned by the
provider (if applicable),andthe volume ofthetransferred data foruploadand download. AnInternetconnection can
also be established or severed via the Control Center.
You have the option of selecting to establish Internet access manually or automatically.
If the connectionis established automatically (»Activate automatic connection establishmentwith Internet Service
Provider« is active), opening the Internet browser automatically establishes an Internet connection via the ISDN
router (factory setting )
Additional costs may be incurred if the Internet connection is established unintentionally or not disconnected
when desired.We recommend that you do not activatethe item»ActivateAutomatic Connectionto Internet Servi
ce Provider« in your PABX system.
If theconnection is established manually (»Activate automatic connection establishment withInternet ServicePro
vider« is active), a connection to the Internet is only established with the »connect« button in the Control Center«.
The connection is severed with the »disconnect« button.
If Internet accessfor the routeris blocked bythe Control Centerbutton »inhibit«, itcan be re-activatedusing the but
ton »enable«. The functions are then restored as configured.
If access to the Internet has been blocked through the Control Center, this inhibit is canceled automatically by a
PABX system reset, for example interruption of power supply.
Other programs on the CD PABX and PC