Elliott Studio Arts Series Sixty-Six
Model 66-001b
Vacuum Tube Reference Stereo Preamplifier
Table of contents:
Placement and hookup……………………………………………………………..3
Things to consider…………………………………………………………….…….4
Vacuum tube replacement………………………………………………………….6
Pictorial diagram……………………………………………………………………7
Contact information and Registration form……………………………………..9

Welcome to the wonderful world of vacuum tube audio!
Vacuum tube audio components can add a life to music that only the most
expensive solid-state gear can match. The Elliott Studio Arts 66-001p stereo
preamplifier was designed to give many years of musical satisfaction and add fun
to your listening experience. Although not inexpensive the 66-001b was designed
for the ‘real-world’ music lover and is a high value in performance and nononsense design.
The 66-001b is custom designed and hand-built. It features point-to-point
circuitry, hand matched high-temperature components and wiring, and custom
wound input and output transformers. The casework is heavy gauge steel. The
aluminum circuit panel floats on nitrile dampeners to minimize microphonics. The
entire circuit panel provides a low-impedance ground plane for ultra low noise.
The input transformer is a 2:1 step-down unit wired in 'balanced to ground'
configuration, which is the absolute best way to cancel common mode noise
(induced AC hum and spuria, RF, etc) coming in from the interconnects.
Additionally, all unbalanced inputs are routed through the same transformers, but
at a 1:1 ratio. This will allow switching between balanced and unbalanced
sources without the usual 6dB increase in gain from balanced sources. It also
ensures that all signals have the same path through the circuit. The line stage
runs in ‘parallel feed’ mode and utilizes local feedback to stabilize gain and lower
distortion, and the output transformer lowers the overall gain and noise at the
same time lowering the output impedance. Extensive capacitive bypassing at
every amplification stage ensures powerful dynamic sound. The separate power
supply is overbuilt utilizing computer-grade filter capacitors and a choke for an
ultra-clean and ‘stiff’ reservoir. Both the high voltage for tubes and the filament
supply is regulated. The AC input has RFI filtering and surge limiting.
Functional features include balance control, mono and mute switch, along with
the volume and source select. There is a ¼” stereo headphone jack for private
listening, suitable for low to medium impedance headphones.
Please be aware that this is tube preamp, it gets hot and has high voltage
potentials inside that can be hazardous to your health. Please refer all service to
a qualified technician; we will gladly supply full schematic documentation and
replacement parts upon request.
You are qualified to replace the tubes and fuse. Please carefully follow the
procedures outlined below so you don’t cause harm to yourself or the preamp.
Placement and hookup of your shiny new preamp
Place the preamp on a level non-resonant surface with plenty of ventilation
above and below. The power supply umbilical is 6 feet long, make sure to locate
the power supply well away from the preamp and its sensitive input circuitry. It
also should live on a level non-resonant surface with plenty of ventilation.