2EWCM 809/NH3/S 5/98 ing
economy setpoint (terminals 13 and 14
have free voltage contacts, “rSIP” parameter).
Suction probe: input terminals 15 and 16.
Televis System: RS 485, input terminals
19, 20 and 21.
Compressor alarms inputs: when active, the compressor output is swiched off
(terminals from 22 to 39, “ALIP” parameter).
Compressor relay outputs: to supply
the contactors of the compressors (terminals from 44 to 61).
The EWCM is provided with two levels of
parameters programming: operating “oPr”
and Configuration “CnF”.
To have access the “oPr” menu, push and
release the “prg” button and then the “UP”
To have access the “CnF” menu, push the
“prg” button twice and then the “UP” arrow.
If a password has been activated, the
“PAS” label will be showed before entering
the programming.
To exit the programming mode, push the
“prg” button another time, all the changes
will be automatically memorized.
After entering programming, to display a
parameter label push the “UP” or “DOWN”
- to show a parameter value push the “set”
- to modify the parameter value push the
“UP” or “DOWN” arrows;
- to exit the parameter value push the ”set”
The passwords “Psc” and “Pso” are provided to enter the Configuration and
Operating parameters programming.
To activate the password enter the programming mode, select the password label and set the password number.
System capacity
CPnU: ComPressor nUmber.
Number of compressors installed.
CtyP: Compressor tyPe.
0 = compressors having different power
(Neutral Zone Control);
1 = compressors having the same power
(Proportional Control).
Note: compressors having the same power, but without partial reduction valves.
- Neutral Zone (dead band) is used with
compressors having a big power.
- Proportional control is used with small
power compressors.
CPSt: ComPressor Step.
Number of steps of each compressor (only
Parameter Description Range Default Unit
CPnU ComPressor nUmber 1…11 7 number
Ctyp Compressor tyPe 0 / 1 1 number
CPSt ComPressor Step 1…6 1 number
PC1…PC11 Power Compressor 1…11 1…255 1 number
FtyP Freon tyPe / / /
PA04* Pressure At 0…4 mA 0…8 0,5 Bar
PA20* Pressure At 0…20 mA 0…31 8 Bar
CAL** CALibration –0.5…0.5 0 Bar
CAL*** CALibration –5…5 0 °C
SEP SEt (alarm) Polarity 0 / 1 1 number
rSIP reduced Set Input Polarity 0 / 1 1 number
ALIP ALarm Input Polarity 0 / 1 1 number
StPP Step outPuts Polarity 0 / 1 1 number
Psc Password configuration 0…255 0 number
tAb tAble of parameters / / /
Pri Primes 0…59 0 minutes
HoUr HoUrs 0…23 0 hours
daY dAY 1…7 0 number
dEU dEfault Unit 0 / 1 / 2 0 number
Pbd Proportional band 0.1…5 0,4 Bar / °C / °F
onon on/on (compressor) 0…255 5 minutes
oFon oFF/on (compressor) 0…255 5 minutes
don delay on 0…5000 15 seconds
doF delay oFF 0…255 5 seconds
donF delay on/oFF 0…255 15 seconds
FdLy First deLay on 0 / 1 1 number
FdLF First deLay oFF 0 / 1 1 number
odo output delay at on 0…255 0 seconds
LSE Lower SEt 0.1 / HSE 0.2 Bar / °C / °F
HSE Higher SEt LSE / 25 5 Bar / °C / °F
StrS Start time reduced Set 0…24 0 hours
SPrS Stop (time) reduced Set 0…24 0 hours
rSd1…rSd7 reduced Set day 1…7 0 / 1 0 number
UAro Unit Alarm override 0 / 1 1 number
Aro Alarm override 0…255 15 minutes
PAO Power Alarm Override 0…255 30 minutes
LAL Lower ALarm 0.01…25 5 Bar
HAL Higher ALarm 0.01…25 5 Bar
tAo time Alarm override 0 255 minutes
SEr SErvice 1…9999 3000 hours
PEn Pressurestat Errors number 0…15 5 number
PEI Pressurestat Errors Interval (time) 0…15 15 minutes
CPP Compressor Probe Protection 0 / 1 0 number
SPr Step Probe protection 0 / CPnU 1 number
PoPr Power (with faulty) probe 0 / n 0 number
rELP rELative Pressure 0 / 1 1 number
Loc keyboard Lock function 0 / 1 1 number
Pso Password operating 0…255 0 number
FAA FAmily Address 13…14 13 number
dEA dEvice Address 0…14 0 number