EW 4800
Temperature regulators and process controllers
code. 9IS44040
rel. 11/06 -GB-
Scrolls through menu items
Increases values
Programmable by parameter
(see par. H31)
Scrolls through menu items
Decreases values
Programmable by parameter
(see par. H32)
Opens QuickStart menu
ESC (exit) function
Accesses the Setpoint
Opens the Programming Menu
Activates functions
Confirms commands
Display and Leds
Flashes when Autotuning is active;
otherwise OFF;
ON if the Soft Start function is active;
OFF in all other cases;
out1 - out2
ON when output active; otherwise OFF;
Flashes if there is a delay, a protec-
tion, or activation is blocked
ON for output active;otherwise OFF
ON if there is an alarm; otherwise
OFF; flashes if an alarm is switched off;
Indicates whether the temperature
display is in °C or °F;
Off for other units of measure
Set value (SV):
Used to display the
setpoints, parameter
values, function statuses,
other statuses.
Setting the Setpoint
The following procedure is to be followed in order to set the 2 setpoint values in the device: SEt1 and SEt2
When the initial display
is present, press and release
the Set key.
The PV display shows label SEt1, and the SV
display shows the current Setpoint value. Press
the Set key again to display the Setpoint 2 in
the same way.
The UP and
DOWN keys can be used
to change the Setpoint
value shown on the SV
When the Set or “fnc” key
is pressed, or the timeout has
elapsed (15 sec), the new
value appears and the initial
display returns
2 3
Programming menu
The programming menu contains all the parameters needed for setting the device functions, and is divided into two levels user level
and installer level:
• When the Set is pressed on the main
display for 3 seconds, the user can access the
Parameter Programming menu;
the USEr label appears, to indicate user
level of the menu.
User level access:
• Indicated by label USEr press and release
the Set key to open the folders containing
the user level parameters
Installer level access (InSt):
• Indicated by label UsEr the UP and DOWN
keys can be used to display the InSt label,
which indicates the access point of the folders containing the installer level parameters.
When InStis displayed, press and release the
Set key
How to change the parameter values (in both levels):
• Press the UP and DOWN keys to scroll
through all the user level folders and, on the
desired folder, press the Set key to access
the parameters in the folder (for example,
the ALAr folder).
• When the Set key is pressed on the ALAr
folder, the first parameter in the folder is
displayed, as follows:
- PV display: parameter label (PAO)
- SV display: current parameter value (0)
The Set key can be used to scroll through all
the parameters in the folder.
• To change the value of a displayed parameter, use the UP and DOWN keys. When
the parameter has been set to the desired
value, press “fnc”, or allow the 15 second
timeout to elapse, to save the new parameter setting.
• Now press and release the “fnc” key to return
to the previous display levels.
At any level of any of the menus, press the “fnc” key, or allow the 15 second timeout to elapse, in order to return to
the previous menu level. The last value shown on the display will then be stored in memory.
Process value (PV):
Used to display the
process value, and the
labels of parameters,
alarms and functions.
Label Alarm
E1 Probe 1
HA1 High
LA1 Low
EAL External
tOA Autotuning
nOC Autotuning
Problem solving
• check the probe
• replace probe
• Wait for the temperature value read by the
probe to come back
below HA1/2-AFd
• Wait for the temperature value read by the
probe to come back
above LA1/2-AFd
• Stop the alarm manually
by pressing a key
• if H11=10, the regulators are activated
again only after the
digital input is disabled
• Press 'set' button to
restore the normal display
• Press 'set' button to
restore the normal display
Label E1 shown on main display but not in the ALAr
Alarm created in the ALAr
folder through label
Alarm created in the ALAr
folder through label
Alarm Led lit continuously;
Alarm indicated in the
ALAr folder through label
If H11=10, the regulators
are blocked.
Autotuning is blocked
Label tOA shown on SV display
Autotuning is blocked
Label nOC shown on SV
• measured values are outside the
nominal range
• regulating probe faulty/short-circuited/open
• value read by probe > HA1/2 after
time “tAO”. (see “ALARMS MIN MAX”
diagram and description of parameters
“HA1/2” and “Att” and “tAO”)
• value read by probe < LA1/2 after
time “tAO”. (see “ALARMS MIN MAX”
diagram and parameters “LA1/2” and
“Att” e “tAO”)
• alarm regulating with delay set
by parameter H14 from D.I. active
if H11=9 or 10 (see H11 and H14)
• Autotuning cycle aborted within
AtO time out
• Autotuning cycle failure before
time out
QuickStart Menu
In the main menu, the “fnc” key can be pressed to open the QuickStart menu and access the special functions, which are useful for setting
and managing the device, for example the Functions Folder and the Alarms Folder (if at least one alarm is present).
The following is a description of the menu structure and the functions in the individual folders:
After pressing the “fnc” key, the UP and
DOWN keys can be used to scroll through
the folders in the menu
When a label is selected, the Set key can be
pressed to access the corresponding folder.
Alarms Folder*
On the ALAr label, press Set to access the alarms
This folder contains all the alarms managed by the
If no alarms are present, the folder does not
appear in the menu.
If there are alarms present,
the UP and DOWN keys can
be used to scroll through and
display them
* Appears only if at least one alarm is present.
Programs Folder
The unit can be used to program 2 different sequences, each with 8
steps; the individual steps can be set in the StEP folder in the parameter
setting menu. (see “STEP Folder” on page 3)
The Pro folder can be opened and the desired steps in the 2 possible
sequences (programs) can be set by pressing the Set key.
When the desired program has been set, it can be activated by selecting
the special StEP function in the Functions folder.
To indicate that a program is running, the display on the device shows SV
and the current step, from first (Step 0) to last (Step 7).
Minimum temperature alarm
Maximum temperature alarm
Temperature less than or equal to LA1/2 (LA1/2 with sign)
Temperature less than or equal to set+LA1/2 (LA1/2 positive only)
Temperature greater than or equal to set+HA1/2 (HA1/2 positive only)
Temperature greater than or equal to HA1/2 (HA1/2 with sign)
Returning from maximum
temperature alarm
Returning from minimum
temperature alarm
Temperature greater than or equal to LA1/2+AFd Temperature greater than or equal to set + LA1/2 + AFd
set -|LA1/2|+AFd
Temperature less than or equal to set+HA1/2-AFd
Temperature less than or equal to HA1/2-AFd
Absolute temperature value (par “Att”=0) Abs(olute)
Temperature relative to Setpoint value (par “Att”=1) rEL(ative)
if Att=reL(ative) LA1/2 must be negative: therefore,
set+LA1/2<set since set+(-|LA1/2|)=set-|LA1/2|
On the FnC label, the Set key can be pressed to
access the functions.
The label will be displayed,
with the current status of the
To scroll through the available
functions, use the Set key.
To change the status of a
function, use the UP and
DOWN keys.
Function Label Status of D.I. Key Indication
function default function active
Soft Start SStr ON 1 1 LED S.Str ON
Stand-by Stnb OFF 5 5 /
Autotuning* Auto OFF 7 7 LED Tun flashing
Start work cycles/sequences** StEP OFF 8 8 /
Reset work cycles/sequences*** rStS OFF - - /
Reset PID* rStP OFF - - /
* function visible if H01=2-3-7-8-9-10-11
** If pressed during a work cycle, the device goes into STOP status. In this status, the cycle time
must stop and be re-started by a START command.
*** Visible only if work cycles have been enabled. When pressed, the cycle is reset and the device
is brought into the STOP position.
Functions Folder
SP1+ LA1/SP2 + LA2
SP1+ HA1/SP2 + HA2
EW 4800 3/9
The Copy Card is an accessory which, when connected to the TTL
serial port, allows quick programming of the device parameters
(upload and download of a parameter map to or from one or
more devices of the same type). The upload (label UL), download
(label dL) and key formatting (label Fr) operations are performed
as follows:
• The FPr folder, located in the USEr level of the
programming menu, contains the commands
necessary for using the Copy Card. Press Set to
access the functions.
• Scroll with the UP and DOWN keys to find the
desired function. Press the Set key and the
desired function (upload, download or
formatting) will be carried out.
• If the operation is successful, the display
shows y; otherwise, it shows n.
Download reset: Connect the key with the device OFF. When
the device is switched on, the programming parameters are loaded into the device; After the lamp test, the display shows the
following for about 5 seconds:
• label dLY, if the operation is successful
• label DLn otherwise.
• after the reset download operation, the device will operate
with the settings in the map that has been newly loaded.
• see folder FPr, “Parameters” on page 4-5
• Connect Copy Card with "MEMORY MODULE" label upside”
Copy Card
Passwords can be set to limit the accesses to each parameter
management level. The two different passwords can be activated
by setting parameters PA1 and PA2 in folders “diSP” (PA1 at USEr
level and PA2 at InSt level). The password is enabled if the value
of parameter PA1/PA2 is different from 0.
• To access the “Programming” menu, hold
down the “set” key for more than 5 seconds”.
If it has been set, the PASSWORD will be
requested; press Set again.
• If activated (value different from 0), password PA1 must be entered. Carry out
this operation by selecting the correct value
using the UP and DOWN keys, then confirm by
pressing the Set key.
If the password entered is incorrect, the device displays label
PAS1 again and the operation must be repeated.
Password PAS2, for the InSt level, works in the same way as password PAS1.
STEP Folder
Only Installer level (InSt) shows the StEP folder, which can be
used to store two working programs, each consisting of up to 8
steps; 9 parameters must be set for each step. The operations
for setting these parameters correctly are described below.
Press and release the Set key on the StEP folder label to access
the folder:
• Use the UP and DOWN keys to select
one of the two programs available, and
press Set on either 1 or 2.
• The first parameter (01), corresponding
to the first step (00) is then displayed;
use the Set key to scroll through the
• To change the value of a parameter,
use the UP and DOWN keys.
Each label is made up of 4 digits, which indicate the step and the
number of the parameter it contains:
To exit from any level of the StEP folder, simply press the “fnc”
key, or allow the 15 second timeout to elapse.
Indicates the number of
the step (from 00 to 07)
Indicates the number of the
parameter (from 01 to 09)
StEP Folder Parameters - Prog 1/2
-328...2910 0
0...1 0
Parameter Description - Parameters Table
0x01 Step activation delay. Defines the delay at which the step is activated after starting.
If it is the first step in the program, it is activated by the “Start process” key
During the delay time, the working set is the one defined by Fine Step mode.
0x02 Step duration. Defines the length of time of the step: expressed in hours/minutes;
if set a - - - indicates that the step ends when a temperature is reached.
0x03 Length of time from start, or from when Setpoint is reached. Defines whether step duration is
to be calculated from when the step started (value 0), or from when the Setpoint (value 1) is
reached within the step.
0x04 Setpoint step. Defines the regulation set for the step.
0x05 Regulator active. Indicates which regulator is active in the step:
On1=on/off1; On2=on/off2; Ne=neutral zone; Cyc=cyclic;
PH=Pid heating; PC=Pid cooling; PHC=Pid heating/cooling;
0x06 Enable/disable Soft Start. Indicates whether the Soft Start function is enabled during the step.
0x07 AUX relay mode. Indicates a mode for the AUX relay, if configured, during the the step between
ON, OFF and Duty Cycle
0x08 Fine step mode. Indicates the way in which the step ends; any of the following can be selected:
1= end program; 2*=go to next step, maintaining the current setpoint;
3*=go to next step waiting for the new set point (unregulated);
4=go back to start of sequence; 5=go back to sequence No. xx; 6=infinite duration,
maintaining the setpoint
0x09 Go back to sequence No.xx. indicates the sequence number to go back to. This parameter has a
value only if parameter 0x08 is set to 5.
* NOTE: The values 2 and 3 are disabled only for parameter 0708, therefore the setting of values 2
and 3 is not possible for this parameter.
Range Default* U.M.