Eliwell ECH 200BD ""Adaptive User Manual

ECH 200BD "Adaptive" Electronic Controller for mono and bi­compressor Chillers with Adaptive Algorithm
<IMG INFO> 396,8
1 Summary................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 How to use this manual ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Models available............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Connection diagrams ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Configuration of analogue inputs ................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Configuration of digital inputs.................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Configuration of outputs.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.4.1 Relays................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4.2 Triac ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4.3 Alarm...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
4.4.4 Fan module pilot output ................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
4.4.5 Optional output ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
4.4.6 Remote keyboard output ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Physical quantities and units of measurement........................................................................................................................ 13
4.5.1 Temperature- or pressure-based operation............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.2 Units of measurement.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
4.6 Serial outputs ..................................................................................................................................................................................14
4.6.1 Copy card device...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
5 User interface......................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Keys.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Displays.............................................................................................................................................................................................15
5.2.1 Display.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
5.2.2 SET display for air-air machines (for models Ech 2xxB only) ................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.2.3 Led ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
5.3 Remote keyboard............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
5.4 Parameter programming – Menu levels ...................................................................................................................................18
5.4.1 Visibility of parameters and sub-menus .....................................................................................................................................................................................20
6 System configuration........................................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Compressors..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.1 Compressor configuration..............................................................................................................................................................................................................21
6.1.2 Compressor on/off sequence .........................................................................................................................................................................................................21
6.1.3 Compressor timing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Condensation fan ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.1 Fan configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
6.2.2 DRV module ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Reversing valve................................................................................................................................................................................23
6.4 Hydraulic pump ..............................................................................................................................................................................23
6.5 Internal anti-freeze/supplementary electrical heaters ..........................................................................................................24
6.5.1 Supplementary electrical heaters................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.6 External anti-freeze electrical heaters .......................................................................................................................................25
6.7 Boiler .................................................................................................................................................................................................25
7 Adaptive .................................................................................................................................................................. 26
7.1 Adaptive function........................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.1.1 Adaptive function: regulator ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.1.2 Set point offset (for ET<MT) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.1.3 Set point regression (for ETMT) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
7.1.4 Protection in Cooling mode........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
7.1.5 Protection in Heating mode ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
7.1.6 Notes.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
7.1.7 Example .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
7.2 Fan control in Defrosting mode .................................................................................................................................................. 29
7.3 Antifreeze function for units with heat pump.......................................................................................................................... 29
8 Temperature control functions .........................................................................................................................30
8.1 Selection of operating mode from analogue input................................................................................................................30
8.2 Setting set points ............................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Dynamic set point ..........................................................................................................................................................................31
8.4 Switching from digital input........................................................................................................................................................ 33
8.5 Load control..................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.5.1 Compressor control – regulation algorithm.............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
8.5.2 Condensation fan control .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
8.5.3 Reversing valve control ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................36
8.5.4 Hydraulic pump control.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
8.5.5 Anti-freeze/supplementary electrical heater control .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
8.5.6 External anti-freeze electrical heater control............................................................................................................................................................................ 37
8.5.7 Supplementary electrical heater control.................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
8.5.8 Boiler control ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
9 Functions.................................................................................................................................................................38
9.1 Recording hours of operation......................................................................................................................................................38
9.2 Defrosting.........................................................................................................................................................................................38
9.2.1 Defrost start .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
9.2.2 Defrost end ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.3 Counter mode.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.4 Start defrost temperature compensation...................................................................................................................................................................................39
9.3 Power failure.................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
10 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
10.1 List of alarms ................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
10.1.1 TABLE OF DIGITAL ALARMS: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
10.1.2 TABLE OF ANALOGUE ALARMS: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
11 Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................46
11.1 Description of parameters............................................................................................................................................................ 46
11.1.1 Configuration parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................................................46
11.1.2 Compressor parameters (CP) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
11.1.3 Fan control parameters (FAN) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
11.1.4 Alarm parameters (ALL)............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49
11.1.5 Anti-freeze/boiler parameters (FRO)......................................................................................................................................................................................50
11.1.6 Defrost parameters (DFR)......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
11.2 Table of parameters....................................................................................................................................................................... 51
12 Technical features................................................................................................................................................. 55
12.1 Technical information...................................................................................................................................................................55
12.2 Electromagnetic characteristic.................................................................................................................................................... 55
12.3 Dimensions.......................................................................................................................................................................................55
12.4 Regulations ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
13 Use of the device ................................................................................................................................................... 57
13.1 Permitted use................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
13.2 Forbidden use .................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
14 Responsibility and residual risks........................................................................................................................ 58
15 Disclaimer ...............................................................................................................................................................59
16 Examples of air conditioning circuits............................................................................................................... 60
16.1 Air-water chiller 1 compressor ....................................................................................................................................................60
16.2 Air-water chiller 2 compressor ....................................................................................................................................................61
16.3 Water-water Chiller 1 compressor.............................................................................................................................................. 62
16.4 Water-water Chiller 2 compressor.............................................................................................................................................. 63
16.5 Air-water heat pump 1 compressor ........................................................................................................................................... 64
16.6 Air-water heat pump 2 compressors.......................................................................................................................................... 65
16.7 Water-water heat pump 1 compressor ..................................................................................................................................... 66
16.8 Water-water heat pump 2 compressors.................................................................................................................................... 67
17 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................................68
18 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................68
18.1 CF Modules ......................................................................................................................................................................................70
18.1.1 CF modules: technical data......................................................................................................................................................................................................70
18.1.2 CF modules: connections .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
18.1.3 CF modules: mechanical assembly......................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
ECH 200 BD
Copy Card......................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
18.3 EMC filter..........................................................................................................................................................................................72
18.4 Param Manager.............................................................................................................................................................................. 72
18.4.1 PCInterface interface module ..................................................................................................................................................................................................73
18.5 Sonde................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
ECH 200 BD
Cross references
Icons for emphasis
This manual is designed to permit quick, easy reference with the following features:
References column:
A column to the left of the text contains references to subjects discussed in the text to help you locate the information you need quickly and easily.
Cross references:
All words written in italics are referenced in the subject index to help you find the page containing details on this subject; supposing you read the following text: ”when the alarm is triggered, the compressors will be shut down” The italics mean that you will find a reference to the page on the topic of compressors listed under the item compressors in the index. If you are consulting the manual “on-line” (using a computer), words which appear in italics are hyperlinks: just click on a word in italics with the mouse to go directly to the part of the manual that discusses this topic.
Some segments of text are marked by icons appearing in the references column with the meanings specified below:
Take note: information on the topic under discussion which the user ought to keep in mind
Tip: a recommendation which may help the user to understand and make use of the information supplied on the topic
under discussion.
Warning! : information which is essential for preventing negative consequences for the system or a hazard to personnel, instruments, data, etc., and which users MUST read with care.
Ech 200 Family
Ech 200 is a compact device that permits control of air conditioning units of the following types:
condensing units
single-circuit, with 1 or 2 compressors (steps). It is possible to control condensation fan speed proportionately for currents of up to 2 A without using external devices.
Main characteristics:
Temperature control based on inlet or outlet probe, depending on the type of machine and its configuration
Condensation control
Input may be configured for an NTC temperature probe or for a 4...20 mA signal (through parameters)
Automatic change-over
Boiler or supplementary electrical heater control for heating
Internal fan control up to 3 steps in the air-air application
Dynamic set point
Parameter setting from the keyboard or through a personal computer
Copy card for uploading and downloading parameter maps
Remote keyboard (up to 100 m) which may be connected up directly without a serial interface
4-20 mA or 0-10 V output (optional internal card)
User interface with a menu featuring 2 different levels of access through password management
Interface menu may be fully configured from a PC.
3.1 Models available
The ECH 200 family’s models (base, keyboard and expansion) and a reference tabel containing the base parameters are illustrated below:
CH 200
Models available
Expansion EXP200 is available for only model Ech 211.
Base parameters
Model ECH 210 BD ECH 215 BD
Circuits 1 1
Compressors (in chiller) 2 2 Compressors (in heat pump) 1 2
Stages 1 1
Relays (2A 230 V~) 4 5 Triac (2A 230 V~) 1
Digital input 5 5 Analog output Analog input 4 4 Srew connectors
Remote keyboard
Remote on-off Heat pump control Defrost Condensing pressure control Water pump control Electric heater
Dynamic set point
Water free cooling Water flow alarm High pressure alarm Low pressure alarm Thermal compressor alarm Thermal fan alarm Antifreeze alarm High water temperature alarm
ECH 200 BD
Connection to
probe AI3
configured as NTC
Before proceeding with any operation, first make sure that you have connected up the power supply to the device through an appropriate external current transformer. Always follow these rules when connecting boards to one another and to the application:
Never apply loads which exceed the limits set forth in these specifications to outputs;
Always comply with connection diagrams when connecting up loads;
To prevent electrical couplings, always wire low voltage loads separately from high voltage loads;
4.1 Connection diagrams
There are 2 ECH 200 BD models:
ECH 210 BD: 2 step chiller + modbus
ECH 215 BD: 2 step chiller + modbus
12AC AI1
D E F G H
A: alarm output E: relay 1 B: LC filter F: relay 2 C: CF control G: relay 3 D: TK/relay 5 (only for 215B) H: relay 4
ECH 200 BD
Connection to
probe AI3
configured as
4..20mA C
12AC AI1
D E F G H
Instrument configuration is determined by the values of the parameters associated with inputs and outputs.
A: alarm output E: relay 1 B: LC filter F: relay 2 C: CF control G: relay 3 D: TK/relay 5 (only for 215 BD) H: relay 4
Analogue inputs
Analogue inputs:
4.2 Configuration of analogue inputs
There are 4 analogue inputs:
3 NTC type temperature probes
1 input which may be configured for an NTC probe or a 4...20 mA signal.
The inputs, which shall henceforth be referred to as AI1…AI4, are configured as shown in the table below:
Pa. Description
Pa H05
Pa H06
Pa H07
Pa H08
Configuration of analogue input AI1
Configuration of analogue input AI2
Configuration of analogue input AI3
Configuration of analogue input AI4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Probe absent
Probe absent
Probe absent
Probe absent
NTC input Inlet water/air
NTC input Outlet water/air, anti­freeze NTC input Condensation
NTC input Condensation
Digital input Request for
Digital input, Request for
4...20 mA input for condensation
Multifunctional digital input
Digital input Request for regulation algorithm Digital input for antifreeze
4...20 mA input for dynamic
set point
NTC input Outdoor temperature
NTC input Differential
Not permitted Not permitted
NTC input Anti-freeze for water­water machines with automatic (internal) reversing of coolant gas
NTC input Anti-freeze for water­water machines with automatic (internal) reversing of coolant gas
Not permitted
NTC probe Regulation alogorithm in
heating mode
for water­water machines with manual reversal on water side Not permitted
ECH 200 BD
Digital inputs
Digital inputs:
Digital inputs:
If input AI3 is defined as a 4...20 mA input, the scale bottom value of the pressure input is also signfiicant: Pa H09, maximum input value; sets the corresponding value to a current of 20 mA
4.3 Configuration of digital inputs
There are 5 voltage-free digital inputs, which will henceforth be identified as ID1…ID5. AI1, AI2 e AI4 may be added to these if they are configured as digital inputs (through parameters Pa H05, Pa H06, and Pa
A total of 8 digital inputs is thus available.
The polarity of digital inputs is determined by the parameters listed below:
Parameter Description
Pa H10 Polarity of digital input ID1 Active if closed Active if open Pa H11 Polarity of digital input ID2 Active if closed Active if open Pa H12 Polarity of digital input ID3 Active if closed Active if open Pa H13 Polarity of digital input ID4 Active if closed Active if open Pa H14 Polarity of digital input ID5 Active if closed Active if open Pa H15 Polarity of input AI1 (configured as digital) Active if closed Active if open Pa H16 Polarity of input AI2 (configured as digital) Active if closed Active if open Pa H17 Polarity of input AI4 (configured as digital) Active if closed Active if open
Inputs ID1 and ID2 cannot be configured and fulfill the following functions:
ID1 : High pressure input
ID2 : Low pressure input
The functions of the other inputs may be configured using parameters:
AI1, AI2: (Refer to Analogue inputs: configuration table)
ID3, ID4, ID5 and AI4: as shown in the table below
Digital input
configuration parameters
Configuration parameter ID3
Configuration parameter ID4
Configuration parameter ID5
Configuration parameter AI4
If more than one of the parameters appearing in table 3 is configured with the same value, the function will be called up in response to at least one of the inputs.
Parameter code
Pa H18 Thermal
Pa H19 Thermal
Pa H20 Thermal
Pa H21 Thermal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
switch compressor 1
switch compressor 1
switch compressor 1
switch compressor 1
Thermal switch ­fan
Thermal switch ­fan Thermal switch ­fan
Thermal switch ­fan
Flow switch
Flow switch
Flow switch
Flow switch
Remote heat cool
Remote heat cool Remote heat cool
Remote heat cool
0 1
Remote On-off
Remote On-off
Remote On-off
Remote On-off
Thermal switch compressor 2
Thermal switch compressor 2 Thermal switch compressor 2
Thermal switch compressor 2
Request step 2
Request step 2
Request step 2
Request step 2
4.4 Configuration of outputs
The table below shows the outputs depending on the model with the symbols used in the labels that are associated to the instrument and that will be shown next to the tabel.
N° Symbol Capacity N° Symbol Capacity N° Symbol N° Symbol N° Symbol N° Symbol N° Symbol
ECH 210 BD 4 NO1..NO4 2A 1 TK 2A -- -- 1 KEYB 1 SERIAL 1 ALL 1 TC
ECH 215 BD 5 NO1..NO5 2A 0 -- -- 1
Relays Triac Optional Keyboard Serial Alarm
(digital) 1 KEYB 1 SERIAL 1 ALL -- --
ECH 200 BD
RELAYS 2(2)A 250V~ TRIAC(TK) 2A 250V~
Model Ech 210 BD
RELAYS 2(2)A 250V~
Model Ech 215 BD
4.4.1 Relays
NO1 - compressor, 2A resistive 250V~ (¼ HP at 240V~ , 1/8 HP 120V~ )
NO2 - configurable, 2A resistive 250V~ (¼ HP at 240V~ , 1/8 HP 120V~ )
NO3 - configurable, 2A resistive 250V~ (¼ HP at 240V~ , 1/8 HP 120V~ )
NO4 - configurable, 2A resistive 250V~ (¼ HP at 240V~ , 1/8 HP 120V~ )
NO5 – fan on-off, 2A resistive 250V~ (¼ HP at 240V~ , 1/8 HP 120V~ ) (for model ECH 215BD only)
Outputs NO2, NO3, NO4 may be configured as shown in the table below:
Pa. Description
Pa H22 Pa H23 Pa H24
If multiple outputs are configured to run the same resource, the outputs will be activated in parallel.
The maximum load present on the different outputs simultaneously must NOT exceed 8A
IA3 IA2 IA1IA4 ID3 ID2 ID1ID4ID5TC12~ 12=
IA3 IA2 IA1IA4 ID3 ID2 ID1ID4ID5TC12~ 12=
Relay NO2
Pump Internal fan speed 1 Not permitted Not permitted configuration Relay NO3
Reversing valve Internal fan speed 3 Second compressor or
configuration Relay NO4 configuration
Anti-freeze electrical
3456789 2 1
3456789 2 1
0 1 2 3
Not permitted
capacity step
Internal fan speed 2 Boiler Not permitted
TK output:
4.4.2 Triac
TK – control of condensation fan or supplementary anti-freeze electric heaters.
For model Ech 210 BD the maximum current is 2A-250V~. For model Ech 210 BD NO downstream remote control of triac is permitted
For model Ech 215B NO triac is expected.
The TK output may be configured as shown below:
Pa. Description
Pa F01 Configuration of
TK output
condensation fan control
0 1 2 3
ON-OFF temperature fan control
Anti-freeze electric heaters for water­water machines with gas reversal
ON-OFF fan control in response to compressor
Open collector
4.4.3 Alarm
ALL - 12-24 V~ output for alarm, maximum current 500 mA.
For models Ech 2xx BD the following parameters are available:
Pa H56 = determines the polarity of the alarm output:
0 = output is active (closed contact) when an alarm is active and when the machine is switched off.
1 = in the same conditions, the contact is open
Pa H57 = determines if the alarm is on with the machine on off from keyboard, with remote off and on stand-by
0 = alarm output not enabled in OFF or standby
1 = alarm output enabled in OFF or standby
The power supply to the alarm output must be kept separate from the controller power supply.
4.4.4 Fan module pilot output
TC - low voltage output piloting external fan control modules.
4.4.5 Optional output
EXP – optional internal output with configurable output.
For model Ech 210 BD the optional output is digital type and is open collector for piloting the second compressor’s relay:
4-20 mA or 0-10 V
Optional output:
Rear view: rear view of the control module External relay: external relay
For model Ech 215 BD the optional output is ANALOGUE type and can be used for piloting 4-20mA or 0-10V fans (through parameter Pa H25)
4-20 mA GND 0-10 V
Parameter Pa H25 must be configured to suit the version used, as shown in the table below:
Pa. Description
Pa H25 Optional output
configuration parameter
The analogue output value is directly proportionate to the external fan control. For example: if the external fan control has an output of 50%,
with Pa H25= 1, the 4...20 mA output will have a value of 12 mA (50% calculated on the range 4…20), while the 0-10 V output will not be significant.
with Pa H25= 2, the 0-10 V output will have a value of 5 V (50% calculated on the range 0…10), while the 4...20 mA output
will not be significant.
Rear view: rear view of the control module
0 1 2
Open Collector output for
compressor 2
Proportional condensation
fan control, 4-20 mA
Proportional condensation
fan control, 0-10 V
4.4.6 Remote keyboard output
KEYB - The keyboard output may be used for a remote keyboard.
Connect as shown in the diagram below:
ECH 200 BD
24 25 26
based operation
Temperature- or
4.5 Physical quantities and units of measurement
4.5.1 Temperature- or pressure-based operation
Parameter Pa H49 may be used to select two different types of machine: operated on the basis of temperature or of pressure.
If Pa H49= 0, parameters Pa H07=0 (probe AI3 absent), Pa F01 = 3 are forced (operation in response to a request from the compressor) .
if Pa H49= 1 (temperature-based operation), parameters Pa HO7, F01 are forced as follows: H07= 1 (probe AI3 operating on the basis of temperature), F01= 3 (operation in response to a request from the compressor). During
defrosting, Pa d08 will be used as the defrost start temperature, and Pa d09 as the defrost end temperature.
REMOTE KEYBOARD: Remote keyboard
REAR VIEW: Rear view 24: blue 25: white 26: black
if Pa H49= 2 (pressure-based operation), parameters Pa H07, F01 will be forced as follows: H07= 2 (probe AI3 operating on the basis of pressure), F01= 0 (proportional operation). During defrosting the following parameters are used: Pa d02 as the defrost start pressure and Pa d04 as the defrost end pressure.
If Pa H49= 3, there are no constraints on the parameters.
Pa H49 Pa H07 Pa F01
0 0 probe AI3 absent 3 operation in response to a request from the
1 1 probe AI3 temperature 3 operation in response to a request from the
2 2 probe AI3 pressure 0 proportional operation 3 No constraints No constraints
4.5.2 Units of measurement
Control temperature may be displayed in:
degrees °C, with decimal point
degrees °F without decimal point.
Please remember the connection between the two measurement units: °F = °C x 9/5 + 32
The unit of measurement is determined by setting parameter H52:
Pa H52 Unit of
0 Degrees °C 1 Degrees °F
ECH 200 BD
Connection of
Copy Card
4.6 Serial outputs
There are 2 asynchronous outputs on the control:
channel for serial communication with a personal computer through an Eliwell interface module
channel for serial communication with a standard Eliwell keyboard. Power supply 12 VDC (2400, e, 8, 1).
4.6.1 Copy card device
Copy Card is a device that, if connected to the TTL serial port, allows to quickly program the instrument parameters. The
connection diagram is shown below:
Uploading and downloading data is made as follows:
This operation allows to download programming parameters to Copy Card.
Operations to be performed are:
Insert the Copy Card when the instrument is on
A password will be requested to perform this operation
On the display, it is shown - - -
Type the password value corresponding to the parameter value Pa H47
Hold down both keys
On uploading , a display appears - - -
Disconnect Copy Card
Before performing UPLOAD, Copy Card is formatted. This operation causes all data entered in the Copy Card to be cleared. The formatting operation cannot be cancelled.
This operation allows to upload programming parameters to instrument.
Operations to be performed are:
Insert the Copy Card when the instrument is off
Turn on the instrument
Start uploading parameters into the instrument
On uploading, Occ appears on the
If the copy fails, Err appears on the display
Turn off the instrument
Disconnect Copy Card
Turn on the instrument
A: Copy Card device B: connection through TTL cable C: channel for serial communication D: basic module
ECH 200 BD
On-off – Reset
Mode and on-off
: set
The interface on the front panel of the instrument can be used to carry out all the operations connected to the use of the instrument, and in particular to:
Set operating mode
Respond to alarm situations
Check the state of resources
5.1 Keys
Selects operating mode:
If the heating mode is enabled, each time the key is pressed the following sequence occurs:
stand-by Æ cooling Æ heating Æ stand-by
if heating mode is not enabled:
stand-by Æ cooling Æ stand-by
In menu mode, this key acts as a SCROLL UP or UP key (increasing value).
Resets alarms, and turns the instrument on and off.
Press once to reset all manually reset alarms not currently active.
Hold down the key for 2 seconds to turn the instrument from on to off or vice versa. When it is off, only the decimal point remains on the display. In menu mode this key acts as a SCROLL DOWN or DOWN key (decreasing value)
Pressing the “mode” and “on-off” keys at the same time.
If you press both keys at the same time and then release within 2 seconds, you will move one level deeper in the display menu. If you press both keys for more than 2 seconds you will move one level up. If you are currently viewing the lowest level in the menu and you press both keys and release within 2 seconds, you will go up one level.
5.2 Displays
The device can provide information of all kinds on its status, configuration, and alarms through a display and leds on the front panel.
5.2.1 Display
Normal display shows:
regulation temperature in tenths of degrees celsius with a decimal point, or in degrees fahrenheit without a
decimal point.
the alarm code, if at least one alarm is active. If multiple alarms are active, the one with greater priority will be
displayed, according to the Table of Alarms.
If temperature control is not analogue and depends on the status of a digital input (AI1 or AI2 configured as
digital inputs), the “On” or “Off” label will be displayed, depending on whether temperature control is active or
When in menu mode, the display depends on the current position. Labels and codes are used to help the user
identify the current function.
Decimal point: when displaying hours of operation, indicates that the value must be multiplied x 100
5.2.2 SET display for air-air machines (for models Ech 2xxB only)
To make easier the user interface in air-air versions, if iyou place parameter Pa H53 = 1, the set for the selected mode will be displayed; pressing UP e DOWN keys on the remote keyboard directly modifies the set of the current mode. You cannot directly modify the set in the local keyboard.
ECH 200 BD
5.2.3 Led
Led compressor 1.
ON if compressor 1 is active
OFF if compressor 1 is off
BLINK if safety timing is in progress
Compressor 2 (or capacity step) led
ON if compressor (capacity step) is on
OFF if compressor (capacity step) is off
BLINK if safety timing is in progress
Defrost led
ON if defrosting is in progress
OFF if defrosting is disabled or has been completed
BLINK if timing is in progress (defrost interval)
Electrical heater/boiler led
ON if the internal anti-freeze electrical heater or boiler is on
OFF if the internal anti-freeze electrical heater or boiler is off
Heating led
ON if the device is in heating mode
Cooling led
ON if the controller is in cooling mode
If neither the HEATING led nor the COOLING led is on, the controller is in STAND-BY mode
5.3 Remote keyboard
The remote keyboard on the display is an exact copy of the information displayed on the instrument, with the same leds;
Remote keyboard
It performs exactly the same functions as those described in the display section. The only difference is in use of the UP and DOWN keys (to increase and decrease value), which are separate from the MODE and ON/OFF keys. Connection with the controller is illustrated below:
ECH 200 BD
24 25 26
REMOTE KEYBOARD: Remote keyboard
REAR VIEW: rear view of the control module
ECH 200 BD
The terminals of the remote keyboard are associated with the following colours:
24 Æ blue
25 Æ red
26 Æ black
Be cautious when connecting these terminals because they are reversed against the connector’s terminals.
5.4 Parameter programming – Menu levels
Device parameters may be modified using a Personal Computer (with the required software, interface module and cables), or using the keyboard. If using the keyboard, access to parameters is arranged in a hierarchy of levels which may be accessed by pressing the “mode and “on-off” keys at the same time (as described above). Each menu level is identified by a mnemonic code which appears on the display.
ECH 200 BD
Menu structure
The structure is set up as shown in the diagram below:
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Level 4
Control Probe Current Alarm
Set point SEt
Analogue Inputs TP
Alarms Err
Digital inputs Id
Parameters PAr
Password Pss
Operating Hours
Label Set Cooling Coo
Label Set Heating HEA
Input Code t01...t04
Current alarms Code E00
Input Code 01...05
Configuration Parameters CnF
Compressor Parameters CP
Fan Parameters FAn
Alarm Parameters ALL
Pump Parameters PUP
Antifreeze Parameters Fro
Defrost Parameters dFr
Password Value
Compressor 1 hours OH1
Set Cooling Value
Set Heating Value
Analogue Input Value
Digital Input Status
Parameter Index H01...
Parameter Index C01...
Parameter Index F01...
Parameter Index A01...
Parameter Index P01...
Parameter Index r01...
Parameter Index d01...
Number of hours Parameter
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Compressor 2 hours OH2
Pump hours OPH
ECH 200 BD
Number of hours Parameter
Numero ore parameto
5.4.1 Visibility of parameters and sub-menus
With a personal computer, interface key (copy card), suitable cables and the “Param Manager” software, it is possible to restrict the visibility and modification of parameters and entire submenus. A “visibility value” may be assigned to each parameter, as described below:
Value Meaning
0003 Parameter or label visible at all times 0258 Parameter or label visible if user password entered correctly (password = Pa
0770 Parameter or label visible if user password entered correctly (password = Pa
H46). Parameter cannot be modified.
0768 Parameter visible from PC only.
Some visibility settings are factory set. For more information, please refer to the “Param Manager” instructions.
Power step
Polarity NO3
In this section we will look at how to configure parameters for various loads on the basis of the type of installation to be controlled.
6.1 Compressors
Ech 200 BD can control systems consisting of one cooling circuit with 1 or 2 compressors. If there is a capacity step, it will be considered as a compressor. Each compressor is piloted by a device relay.
Compressors will turned on or off depending on the temperatures detected and the temperature control functions that
have been set (refer to the section on Compressor controls – regulation algorithm)
6.1.1 Compressor configuration
The first compressor must be connected to output NO1;
The second compressor, if there is one, must be connected to output NO3, with the following parameter settings:
Pa H48=2 (2 compressors per circuit)
Pa H23=2 (output NO3 configured as compressor/capacity step) or Pa H25=0 (open collector output for the
second compressor/capacity step).
If the open collector output is used, an external relay will be required for compressor management.
If NO3 is configured as a second compressor/capacity step output, polarity may be selected using the parameter
Pa H51, polarity of compressor 2/ capacity step output (on relay 3 only).
0= relay ON if compressor 2/ capacity step ON,
1= relay ON if compressor 2/ capacity step OFF.
The polarity of NO1 is unvariable:
relay ON if compressor 1/ capacity step ON
Balancing hours of
Unvaried sequence
Safety timing
-on timing
On-on timing
Off-on and on-on
comp. diagram
6.1.2 Compressor on/off sequence
The order in which the compressors come on may be modified using parameter Pa H50, compressor on sequence:
Pa H50=0 compressors come on depending on the number of hours of operation (balancing hours of operation)
Pa H50=1 compressor 1 is turned on first, followed by compressor (or capacity step) 2 (unvaried sequence).
If Pa H50= 0, the compressor with the least hours of operation comes on first, unless it is subject to: a current compressor shutdown alarm (refer to table of alarms)
safety timing in progress.
If Pa H50= 0, the compressor with the most hours of operation is turned off first.
If Pa H50=1: compressor 2 (capacity step) is turned on only if compressor 1 is already on. compressor 1 is turned off only if compressor 2 (capacity step) is already off. If there is a compressor 1 shutdown alarm, compressor 2 will be turned off immediately.
6.1.3 Compressor timing
The turning on and off of compressors must comply with safety times which may be set by the user using the parameters specified below:
There is a safety interval between the time a compressor goes off and the time the same compressor comes back on (compressor on…off safety time, controlled by parameter Pa C01); This interval of time must elapse when the “ECH 200 BD” is turned on.
There is a safety interval between the time a compressor is turned on and the time it is turned on again (compressor on...on safety time, controlled by parameter Pa C02) .
Pa C01
Pa C02
COMPR: compressor Time: seconds x 10
Pa C01: ON-OFF safety time Pa C02: ON-ON safety time
On-on and off-off
diagram for 2
On-on and off-off
diagram for 2
If the system includes 2 compressors (or capacity steps) there are intervals of time which must pass between turning on of the 2 compressors (Pa C06) and turning off of the 2 compressors (Pa C07). An amount of time determined by parameter
Pa D11 (compressor on delay during defrosting) must pass between turning on a compressor and a capacity step.
The off time interval between compressors is not applied in the event of a compressor shutdown alarm, in which case they stop immediately.
Pa C05
Pa C07
COMPR1: compressor 1 COMPR2: compressor 2 Time: time in seconds
Pa C05: on time interval between compressors Pa C07: off time interval between compressors
6.2 Condensation fan
Various fan piloting modules can be connected to “Ech 200”, based on the models available Look at the following table:
Ech 210 * *
6.2.1 Fan configuration
The reference is to the fan control unit located outside near the heat exchanger which normally acts as a condenser. If a heat pump is used, the exchanger will operate as an evaporator.
First of all, connect the fan up correctly to the appropriate output (refer to connection diagrams).
The fan output may be configured to work proportionately or as ON-OFF.
Pa F01 – Selection of triac output mode (TK and TC):
The fan may also be controlled by the output associated with the optional board:
Pa H25 – configuration of optional board:
If the output is configured as proportional TK the PICK-UP, PHASE SHIFT and IMPULSE DURATION parameters are also significant.
TK TC 4-20mA 0-10V
TK: 230V~/2A command
TC: control signal for fan control modules (500w,1500w,2200w)
4-20mA o 0-10V: standard command for fan control through external module (inverter).
On model Ech 210 BD, the fan may be controlled with a proportionate output with a maximum load of 2A.
0= proportional fan output (TK)
1= ON-OFF fan output; in this mode the fan will be off if the proportional control has an output of 0 , on at
maximum speed (no capacity step) if control output is greater than 0.
2= external anti-freeze electrical heater control, for water-water machines with gas reversal
3= fan command for ON-OFF operation in response to compressor request. In this mode the fan is turned off
and on depending on compressor status.
0= Open Collector output for second compressor
1= 4...20 mA fan speed output
2= 0-10 V fan speed output
ECH 200 BD
Phase shift
Impulse duration
diagram of the
DRV module
Every time the external fan is started up, power is supplied to the exchanger fan at maximum voltage, and the fan operates at maximum speed, for an amount of time equal to Pa F02 seconds; after this time the fan operates at the speed set by the regulator.
Pa F02 = Fan pick-up time (seconds)
Determines a delay during which it is possible to compensate the different electrical characteristics of the fan drive motors:
Pa F03 = duration of fan phase shift, expressed in microseconds x 200.
Determines the duration of the TK output piloting impulse in microseconds x 200
Pa F04= triac piloting impulse duration
6.2.2 DRV module
If a DRV three-phase fan module is used, follow the diagram below:
TF: current
6.3 Reversing valve
The reversing valve is used only when operating in “heat pump” mode.
It is active if:
relay 3 configuration parameter Pa H23= 0.
heat pump is enabled, Pa H28= 1.
The reversing valve is off if the instrument is OFF or on stand-by.
Polarity may be configured using the following parameter:
Pa H38= Reversing valve polarity
0: relay active in cool mode
1: relay active in heat mode
In cooling mode the reversing valve is never active.
6.4 Hydraulic pump
The hydraulic pump must be connected to the output of relay NO2 (refer to connection diagram). It is active only if the corresponding parameter, Pa H22, is set to 0.
The pump may be configured to function in three different ways using parameter Pa P01:
Pa P01 = 0 : continuous operation
Pa P01 = 1 : operation when called up by regulation algorithm (compressor)
Pa P01 = 2 : cyclic operation
CONTINUOUS OPERATION: Pump is on at all times.
ECH 200 BD
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