Case L (A) View W (A1) Screen W (A2) A3 Overall H (B) View H (B1) Screen H (B2) B3
F60NWV 60"(4:3) 1410 1219 1295 1380 1944 914 1849 915 118 400 180 95 1290 198 80
F72NWV 72"(4:3) 1661 1463 1539 1631 2127 1097 2032 915 118 400 180 95 1290 324 80
F84NWV 84"(4:3) 1891 1707 1783 1861 2310 1280 2215 915 118 400 180 95 1590 246 80
F100NWV 100"(4:3) 2224 2032 2108 2194 2594 1524 2459 915 118 500 180 95 1620 1087 50
F120NWV 120"(4:3) 2629 2438 2514 2599 3077 1829 2937 1093 126 500 190 100 1980 1290 50
F135NWV 135"(4:3) 2925 2743 2819 2895 3305 2057 3165 1093 126 500 190 100 1980 408 50
F150NWV 150"(4:3) 3235 3048 3124 3205 3407 2286 3267 966 126 500 190 100 1980 720 50
F80NWH 80"(16:9) 1958 1771 1847 1928 2026 996 1931 915 118 400 180 95 1290 285 80
F84NWH 84"(16:9) 2041 1860 1936 2011 2076 1046 1981 915 118 400 180 95 1290 230 80
F100NWH 100"(16:9) 2401 2214 2290 2371 2315 1245 2180 915 118 500 180 95 1620 1176 50
F120NWH 120"(16:9) 2845 2657 2733 2815 2742 1494 2602 1093 126 500 190 100 1980 1398 50
F135NWH 135"(16:9) 3177 2989 3065 3147 2929 1681 2789 1093 126 500 190 100 1980 464 50
F150NWH 150"(16:9) 3510 3321 3397 3480 3115 1867 2975 1093 126 500 190 100 1980 722 50
F56NWX 56"(16:10) 1410 1219 1295 1380 1792 762 1697 915 118 400 180 95 1290 198 80
F68NWX 68"(16:10) 1661 1463 1539 1631 1944 914 1849 915 118 400 180 95 1290 324 80
F80NWX 80"(16:10) 1891 1707 1783 1861 2097 1067 2002 915 118 400 180 95 1290 246 50
F95NWX 95"(16:10) 2224 2032 2108 2194 2340 1270 2205 915 118 500 180 95 1620 1087 50
Case L (A) View W (A1) Screen W (A2) A3 Overall H (B) View H (B1) Screen H (B2) B3
F60NWV 60"(4:3) 55.5 48.0 51.0 54.3 76.6 36.0 73.0 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 7.8 3.1
F72NWV 72"(4:3) 65.4 57.6 60.6 64.2 83.8 43.2 71.2 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 12.7 3.1
F84NWV 84"(4:3) 74.4 67.2 70.2 73.3 91.0 50.4 77.4 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 62.6 9.7 3.1
F100NWV 100"(4:3) 87.6 80.0 83.0 86.4 102.1 60.0 80.0 36 4.6 19.7 7.1 3.7 63.8 42.8 2.0
F120NWV 120"(4:3) 103.5 96.0 99.0 102.3 121.1 72.0 95.0 43 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 50.8 2.0
F135NWV 135"(4:3) 115.2 108.0 111.0 114.0 130.1 81.0 104.0 43 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 16.0 2.0
F150NWV 150"(4:3) 127.4 120.0 123.0 126.2 134.1 90.0 113.0 38 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 28.3 2.0
F80NWH 80"(16:9) 77.1 69.7 72.7 75.9 79.8 39.2 74.2 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 11.2 3.1
F84NWH 84"(16:9) 80.4 73.2 76.2 79.2 81.8 41.2 76.2 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 9.1 3.1
F100NWH 100"(16:9) 94.5 87.2 90.2 93.3 91.1 49.0 77.0 36 4.6 19.7 7.1 3.7 63.8 46.3 2.0
F120NWH 120"(16:9) 112.0 104.6 107.6 110.8 107.9 58.8 81.8 43 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 55.0 2.0
F135NWH 135"(16:9) 125.1 117.7 120.7 123.9 115.3 66.2 89.2 43 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 18.2 2.0
F150NWH 150"(16:9) 138.2 130.7 133.7 137.0 122.6 73.5 96.5 43 5.0 19.7 7.5 3.9 78.0 28.4 2.0
F56NWX 56"(16:10) 55.5 48.0 51.0 54.3 70.6 73.5 96.5 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 7.8 3.1
F68NWX 68"(16:10) 65.4 57.6 60.6 64.2 76.5 73.5 96.5 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 12.7 3.1
F80NWX 80"(16:10) 74.4 67.2 70.2 73.3 82.6 73.5 96.5 36 4.6 15.7 7.1 3.7 50.8 9.7 2.0
F95NWX 95"(16:10) 87.6 80.0 83.0 86.4 92.1 73.5 96.5 36 4.6 19.7 7.1 3.7 63.8 42.8 2.0
ezCinema Dimensions Table
The listed measurements are for general reference only. Please contact Elite Screens to verify product desig n and dimensions before attempting to integrate its products with any structural or furniture modification. Although a
manufacturer may offer product advice, it may be taken or disregarded at the integ rator’s discretion. Elite Screens will not be held responsible or be otherwise liable fo r faulty installations.
Updated 5/29/2014 EA www.elitescreens.com