Electric Scree n
CineTension2 Series
Users Guide
www.elit es cre en s. com/ eliteinfo@elitescreens.com

Accessories for Cine Tension 2
① IR ② RF
Red 1 2V (+)
④5/12V trig ger cable
Green 0V (-)
Please always point to the eye
receiver when using the IR remote
IR”eye” receiver
Batter ies
⑦ Bu
le level
www.elit es cre en s. com/ eliteinfo@elitescreens.com

Important Safety and
arningPrecaution s
1. Be sure to read this manual beforeuseand followtheprocedures specified:
Pl e a s e re t a i n th i s m an u a l f or future re ference.
To av oid any damage, do not use any accessories not r ecommended by the
manufacturer. Handle the device carefully during transportation to avoid impact.
Do not put the device on uneven or inclined surfaces.
Do not put heavy objects on the power cord; affix the power cord properly to avoid
someone tripping over it.
Never over load the power cor d to prev e n t electrical shock or fire.
G uard the device from any liq uid or foreign object to av oi d electr ical shock or f ire due to
loose contact or shor
2. If any accessories need to
circu it.
e replaced, be careful to avoid a shortcircuit.
3. There are no user serviceable parts in the device. Nobody except authorized technicians can
open this device. To prevent the risk of electrical shock or fire, protect this device against
moisture and rain.
Make sure tha
T he rating label on the product indicates the rated voltage.
Do not handle the power plug when your hands are wet or your feet are in contact with water.
th e po w e r s o u r c e t h i s d e v i ce i s c o n n e c t e d to has a continuous power flow.
4. Do not use this device under thefollowingcircumstances:
Disc o nnect th e power cord un der the conditio n of heavy win d, rain, thunder or
lightni ng.
Avoid direct sunshine , rain show er or moisture.
Keep away from fire sources and high temperature to prevent this device from overheating.
Cut off the power su
efore transportation or maintenance.

Indivi dual modifica tions to this product are prohibited and will void the warranty. Please contac t
our Service Department for any questions.
This equipmen
ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
To ensure safe and reliable operation, direct connection to a properly grounded power source is advised.
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet using a circuit different from where the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician f or help
ower outlet su
has been tested and found tocomply withthe limits for a Class B digital device,
ower to the unitshouldbe close to the unit a nd eas ily accessible
www.elit es cre en s. com/ eliteinfo@elitescreens.com

1. 5/12V Trigger: The built-in 5/12V trigger
input for your new CineTension2 allows your screen
3-prong power cab le
to synchronize its drop and rise with the projector's power
cycle. The screen drops when the projector powers up and
retracts when the projector powers down. The 5/12 volt
adaptor connects to your projectors trigger output via a
separate cable that may or may not be provided by th e
projector manufacture. The trigger feature will not work
without an output cable from the projector, but it can be
tested using a 9-volt battery by simply connecting the Red
(+) and Green (-) cable to the 9-volt battery.
RJ-45 input connection for
5/12 volt trigger inside
Red: DC 12 +
Green: 0 V -
2. Wall Box and IR (Infrared) Eye Receiver: The 3-way Wall Box switch enables the consumer to
manually operate the screen's drop/rise capabilities. The IR “eye” protrudes from the bottom of the casing to present a low
profile line-of-sight control option for your IR remote. It is a low-vis ibility alternative to using the wall box kit and its
ability to protrude from the bottom of the screen allows line-of-sight control even in a recessed ceiling installation.
3-way Wall box switch
Bubble Level: Included with the installation package is a small bubble level that can be useful in
determining if the screen is perfectly level when installing.
Please use the Down sign side as the bottom.
The Bubble should be in the middle position to determine that it is level.
www.elit es cre en s. com/ eliteinfo@elitescreens.com