Elitech CLD-100 User Manual

CL D- 10 0
In s truct i on manu a l
Gene ra l In fo rmati on
Inc orpor ated wi th adva nced le ak dete ction t echno logy, CL D-100 i s an idea l and econ omic halog en leak detec tor.Compa ct in appe arance, it is stab le and easy to ope rate.
Det ect all k inds of h aloge n refri geran ts
Stru ct ur e
Gene ra l In fo rmati on
Oper ating te mperat ure: Maxi mum sens itivit y:
Batt ery life : Resp onse tim e: Work m ode: Fixe d probe le ngth: Dime nsions : Warm -up ti me: Rese t time: Powe r supply :
Det ectio n Range
The C LD-10 0 may als o be used t o detec t leaks i n other s ystem s and sto rage /recov ery cont ainers .It will re spond to a ll halog enat ed (incl ud ing C hlori ne and Fl uorin e) refr igera nts. Th is incl udes bu t not lim ited to:
CFC s e.g.R 12,R11 ,R500 ,R503 e tc. HCF Cs e.g. R22,R 123,R 124,R 502 etc .
HFC s e.g.R 134a, R404a ,R125 e tc. Ble nds suc h as AZ-50 , HP62, M P39 etc .
Det ect Eth ylene O xide ga s leaks i n hospi tal ste riliz ing equ ipmen t (it w ill det ect the h aloge nated c arrie r gas). Det ect SF- 6 in high v oltag e circu it brea kers. Det ect mos t gases t hat con tain ch lorin e, Fluo rine an d Bromi ne(ha log en gase s). Det ect cle aning a gents u sed in dr y clean ing app licat ions su ch as per chlor oethy lene. Det ect hal ogen ga ses in r e-ext ingui shing s ystem .
Bat tery ln dicat or
The f orepa rt ligh t of pane l indic ates th e leak an d the bat tery vo ltage . GRE EN Batt ery vol tage is n ormal , sufc ient fo r prope r opera tion. ORA NGE Bat tery vo ltage i s appro achin g the low er thre shold f or ope ratio n. Rep lace th em as soo n as poss ible.
0 to 52(3 0 to 125) 6 gr/y r, for all ha log ena ted re friger ants app rox ima tely 2 0 hours in n orm al use . nst ant aneo us. con tin uous , no limit ation. 20c m.
22. 9cm x 6. 5cm x 6.5c m. app rox ima tely 6 s econds . 2-1 0 seco nds. 6V DC, f our AAA excel lent bat teries .
Sen sing ti p
Fle xible p robe
Ind icato r light
Buz zer
Pow er on/o ff and sen sitiv ity adj ustin g fauce t
Bat tery com partm ent
She ll