No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
the prior written permission of eLine Technology.
The EyStream trademark is the property of eLine Technology. All other trademarks included in
document are the property of their respective own ers.
All information contained in this document is current as of the publication date. eLine reserves the
right to change or update this document without the prior notification of or to any third party.
Purpose of the Document
This document, titled User guide contains the information necessary for building, implementing,
and operating a security system based on EyStream.
The structure of this document enables the user to get acquainted with the software package and
then, depending on the user's level of train ing, choos e sections of interest for more detailed study.
The chapters in this guide, whether they are informativ e or serve as a reference, have th eir own
internal structure.
The chapters Introduction and Description of the Software Package are intended to gen erally
acquaint the user with the technical features and functionality of the EyStream software package,
as well as with the key stages of building a security system based on the software
Recommendations to the user/administrator for installing the software and configuring equipment
are presented in detail in the chapter Installing the EyStream Software Package. The chapter Lic
ensing of the software product contains instructions on how to register a license to use the
EyStream software package..
Startup and shutdown of the software package are described in the chapter Launching and Closing
the EyStream Software Package.
The chapter Configuration of the EyStream Software Package presents step-by-step instructions
on configuring user-specific settings and activating the required functionality. This information is
useful for system administrators as well as for operators with permissions to manage system
Recommendations on configuring the user interf ace, working in various video surveillance modes,
and utilizing the functional capabilities of the EyStream software package are presented in
chapter Working with the EyStream Software Package.
Chapter Description of utilities contains a description of additional software utilities employed
when working with the software package.
The Appendices contains a glossary of the product's basic terms and definitions. It also lists all
known issues that you may encounter while using EyStream.
Purpose of the EyStream Software Package
The EyStream software package is an entry-level product in the EyStrea m product line
(for an
Video and audio surveillance of guarded locations, video analysis, and rapid response to suspicious
by eLine. Security systems based on EyStream range from home security systems
apartment or house) to professional security systems for small and mid-size businesses
automotive service centers, shops, parking structures, etc.).
situations without operator involvement, and storage and export of obtained data are just a few of
EyStream's many functions.
The EyStream software package enables the user to accomplish a wide spectrum of tasks, as it
works both with digital equipment and with analog video cameras (through video capture cards),
and also makes it possible to create a hybrid security system containing both kinds of equipment.
The EyStream software package supports touchscreens.
Description of the Software Package
Basic principles of building a security system based on
the EyStream software package
Building a security system based on the EyStream software package includes the following
recommended stages:
1. Selecting a configuration for the security system (with the help of professionals)
2. Building a separate local area network with restricted access
3. Calculating the sufficient bandwidth required for each segment of the local area network
4. Selecting and configuring the software and hardware platform on which the selected security
system configuration will be implemented (selecting and configuring personal computers to
act as servers and clients in accordance with the requirements, as referenced in the section
titled Implemen tation Requirements fo r the EyStream Software Package , Operating
system requirements)
5. Selecting and connecting reliable equipment that is optimally suited for a specific security
system (with the help of professionals)
6. Training personnel to work with the EyStream software package in accordance with the
requirements (see the section titled Requirements f or Personnel Quantity and Qualifications)
Basic subsystems of the EyStream software package
and their functions
In order to determine the required configuration for a security system, first you must become
familiar with the func tional capabili ties of the EyStream software package. The following
subsystems provide these capabilities:
1. The video subsystem
2. The audio subsystem
3. The analytics subsystem
4. The PTZ subsystem
5. The event registration subsystem
6. The notification subsystem
7. The relay subsystem
These subsystems can interact in either a single-server or multi-server (distrib uted) system.
This section provides information on the software’s basic functions.
Video subsystem
The video subsystem encompasses all the tools that provide for the acquisition of video data, its
processing, and its storage on media.
Video data comes in from IP devices connected over TCP/IP or from analog video cameras
connected through video capture cards.
Video data in the EyStream software package is processed automatically by the analytics
subsystem o r manu ally by an operator. Depending on the task, the results of the video data
processing are transferred to and utilized by other subsystems of the software package, including
the event registration subsystem , the notification subsystem, and others.
The following system objects enable the functions of the vid eo subsystem:
1. Camera
2. IP server
The functions of the video subsystem take place throug h the following user interfaces:
1. Video surveillance monitor
2. Viewing tile
3. Control elements accessible to the user in the Layouts tab
Thanks to EyStream's video subsystem, the user can utilize the following functions:
1. Viewing video images in a supported resolution from a video camera while simultaneously
listening to the audio from a microphone linked to that camera ( if it is connected to an IP
server) or connected to it physically
2. Displaying information in a viewing tile:
a. Current time
b. Name of video camera
c. Audio volume
d. Indicator of recording of video image from a camera
e. Video stream settings (if configured accordingly; see the section Configuring Display
of Video Statistics)
3. Video image processing
a. Digital zooming
b. Contrast adjustment
c. Deinterlacing
d. Sharpness adjustment
4. Modifying layouts, including changing the sizes of viewing tiles
5. Displaying a magnified video image from a selected video camera (viewing tile)
6. Displaying a snapshot initiated by an operator, without interrupting video recording
7. Color coding a viewing tile (video camera) to indicate its status: Alarm, No alarm, Snapsh
ot, etc.
8. Video recording can be performed:
a. continuously;
b. video recording initiated by a detection tool or by an operator, with a pre-alarm
recording option;
c. scheduled video recording.
Recording to archive (video and audio streams are written to one file)
Storage and export of single frames and video sequences
Playback of video image recorded to the archive from one or more video cameras (in the
latter case, playback will be synchronous) with simultaneous playback of sound recorded
together with the video
In the case of synchronous playback of video from several video cameras,
the sound is played back only from the microphone of the active video
Working with alarms registered by one or more video cameras:
a. Navigating between archive recordings of alarms
b. Viewing brief information on an alarm and its recording in the archive
c. Filtering alarms
Using any Client to view video footage from all Servers over TCP/IP
The Audio Subsystem
The audio subsystem encompasses all the tools that provide for the collection of audio data, its
processing, and its storage on media.
Audio data comes in from microphones which are either linked to video cameras (onl y for video
cameras connected to IP servers) or physically connected to video cameras (embedded and
external mi crophones).
The indicator that a microphone is linked/physically connected to a video camera
is that it will be a child of the video camera object
Audio data is processed both automatically by the analytics subsystem and manually by the
operator. Depending on the task, the results of the audio data proces sing are transferred to an d
utilized by other subsystems of the software package, including the event registration subsystem,
the notification subsystem, and others.
The Microphone system object enables the functions of the audio subsystem. You can access
these functions through the Viewing tile context menu.
Thanks to EyStream's audio subsystem, the user can utilize the following functions:
1. Listening to audio from a microphone linked to a video camera while simultan eously viewing
video images from that camera
2. Recording to archive (video and audio streams are written to the same file)
3. Simultaneous playback of the video and audio recordings of an event
4. Using any client to listen to audio from all servers over TCP/IP
The Analytics Subsystem
The analytics subsystem encompasses all the tools that provide for automatic analysis of incoming
video and audio data.
The operator also has the option of analyzing video and audio data manually
Depending on the task, the results of the data analysis are transferred to and utilized by other
subsystems of the software package, such as the event registration subsystem, the notification
subsystem, the relay subsystem, and others.
Integrated use of the following types of detection tools enables the functions of the analytics
1. Situation analysis detection tools
2. Basic video detection tools
3. Basic audio detection tools
4. On-board detection tools of video cameras (video stream processing)
5. Embedded analytics (processing of signals from a "dry contact" sensor of a video camera).
The results of the video data processing appear on the video surveillance monitor.
Thanks to EyStream's analytics subsystem, the user can utilize the following functions:
Setting detection zones and/or masks
Detecting the beginning and/or stop of motion of an object in a set area of a video camera's
field of view
Detection of an object crossing a set line in a video camera's field of view
Detecting the appearance and/or disappearance of an object in a set area of a video
camera's field of view
Detecting abandoned items in a set area of a video camera's field of view
Detecting loitering (prolonged presence) in a set area of a video camer a's fi eld of view
Detecting changes in the position of a video camera in space
Detecting loss of image quality
Detecting the absence/presence of an audio si gnal from a micro phone
Detecting noise
Functions for video stream processing, provided by the on-board vi deo camera detection
tools that are part of EyStream
Processing of signals (non-contact/contact) from embedded "dry contact" sensors of video
cameras, with the possibility of configuring the execution of a specific action when such
signals are received (see next item)
Setting the responses that are automatically executed when a detection tool is triggered
(individually for each detection tool)
Simultaneous use of various types of detection tools
The PTZ Subsystem
The PTZ subsystem encompasses all the tools that provide for remote control of a PTZ device and
the lens of a video camera.
In the EyStream software package, the Telemetry system object enables the functions of the
PTZ subsystem. You can access these functions through the PTZ device control panel.
You can also control a PTZ device with a physical USB joystick (the system
automatically determines when such a device is connected to a computer with
EyStream installed)
Thanks to EyStream's PTZ subsystem, the user can utilize the foll owing function s:
Setting and using preset video camera positions (presets)
Automatic modification of video camera position along a route offered in the camera's list of
presets (patrolling)
Controlling a video camera's lens: Modifying the parameters of the iris, focus, and opti cal
Manual modification of a video camera's horizontal and vertical tilt angle using a virtual
The Event Registration Subsystem
Event registration subsystem – all the tools that provide for the collection of data about system
events, processing, and its storage on media.
In the EyStream software package, the system (internal) log, which is kept by default, along
with the utility for managing optional external logs, enables and implemen ts the functions of the
event registration subsystem.
Thanks to EyStream's event registration subsystem, the user can utilize the following functions:
Real-time display of error data
Storage of system event data in a local database on the server
Viewing of system event data stored in the system log
Searching for data about system events which occurred within a certain time period
Filtering by event type when searching the syste m log
Filtering by a key phrase found in the system descrip tion of an event when searching the
system log
Exporting system event data in the required format
Logging of data about the required events in external logs and archiving and storing it on
The Notification Subsystem
The notification subsystem encompasses all the tools that provide for notification of the user
about events which have occurred in the system.
In the EyStream software package, the following system objects enable the functions of the
notification subsystem:
The notification subsystem does not require a user interface.
Thanks to EyStream's notification subsystem, the us er can utilize the following functi ons when
detection tools are triggered:
Audio notification
SMS notification
E-mail notification
The Relay Subsystem
The relay subsystem encompasses all th e tools that provide f or the triggering of an execution
device connected to the embedded rela y port of a video camera or IP server when a detection tool
(including one which processes the embedded sensor of a video camera or IP server) is triggered.
In the EyStream software package, Relay system objects enable the functions of the relay
subsystem. The relay subsystem does not require user interfaces.
Thanks to EyStream's relay subsystem, the user can configu re the triggering of a video camera's
or IP server's on-board relay when a detection tool is triggered.
Forensic Search in Archive Subsystem
The Forensic Search in archive subsystem is a set of tools for searching video recordings in the
archive by using video image metadata. The video image metadata include information on the
trajectories of object motion in the video camera’s field of view, object col or, etc. (depending on
the algorithms being executed on the video camera).
In the EyStream software package, the function s of the Forensic Search in archive subsyste m
are enabled by the object trajectory database (which is created when the sof tware package is
installed). These functions can be accessed through the video sur veillance monitor.
Thanks to EyStream's Forensic Search in archive subsystem, the user can utilize the following
Selection of a video camera from which it is necessary to record video image metadata to
the object trajectory database.
One-time searching by one of the criteri a related to the video camera’s fiel d of view:
Motion in a specific a rea
Crossing of a virtual line
Loitering of an object in a specific area
Simultaneous presence of a large number of objects i n a specific area
Motion from one area to another
Searching by the following parameters (optional):
Minimum size of an object
Maximum size of an object
An object’s color
Minimum speed of an object
Maximum object speed
Direction of an object’s motion
Maximum number of objects in an area
Length of time an object remains in an area
Functions of the Distributed Security System
You can create a distributed system within an EyStream Domain on EyStream.
EyStream Domain – a selected grou p of computers on which the server configuration of the
EyStream software package is installed. Linking the serv ers in a group makes it possible to set up
interaction between them, thus organizing a distributed system.
Only servers which belong to the same EyStream Domain can interact.
A distributed security system based on the EyStream software package offers the user the
following functional capabilities:
1. Viewing and manual processing of video and audio data from several servers on one client
2. Controlling video cameras connected to various servers from one client
3. Configuring all servers of the distributed system on one client
4. Execution of automatic responses when detection tools are triggered (audio notification,
triggering of relays, SMS and e-mail notification, etc.) within the distributed system.
EyStream provides the capability to build a distributed security system over a
virtual private network (VPN) by using OpenVPN software. To receive a utility for
automatic VPN configuration, contact EyStream technical support
EyStream Domain configuration is described in detail in the section titled Configuring EyStream
Specifications of the EyStream Software Package
Security systems based on the EyStream software package have the following primary
Number of servers in the distributed system Unlimited
Number of clients which support simultaneous
connection to the server
Number of servers which simultaneously
transmit video images to a client
Number of video capture channels for "live
video" processing on one Server
Number of simultaneously processed signals
coming from microphones
Number of audio output channels (to speakers,
headphones, etc.)
Number of PTZ devices used Unlimited
Number of video images displayed
simultaneously on a client's screen
Analog video camera support yes (through video capture cards)
IP device support
Number of archives in the system Unlimited
Video compression algorithms MJPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MxPEG, H.264,
Hardware decompression of vi deo H.264 on NVIDIA graphics cards which support
depends on the sound card used for playback
up to 25
IP cameras and IP video servers This list is
continuously expanding: support for new
hardware is added through updates to
Motion Wavelet
Driver Pack
Available video image resolutions resolutions supported by video cameras
Support for embedded video camera analytics yes
Support for touchscreens yes
Implementation Requirements for the EyStream
Software Package
Limitations of the EyStream Software Package
When working with EyStream, the u ser must keep in mind the limitations that the developer has
imposed on the system in order to ensure its operability.
No. Limitation
To work with EyStream software the
minimal requirements for OpenGL
Extensions availability can be checked using
the OpenGL Extension View er program (downl
This program also contains a large database of
data on OpenGL support in video cards of
various vendors.
2 To install EyStream, you must log in to
Windows as an administrator.
3 The computer name can contain only Latin
characters, Arabic numerals, and/or a minus
sign ( - ).
4 For proper installation of EyStream, there
should be no spaces at the beginning of the
name of the folder which contains the installer
Once EyStream has been installed, the
computer name cannot be changed
For all features of EyStream to work
the system must not have any
network activity. Make sure
restrictions on
that access is
open to all TCP and UDP ports
7 It is not possible to transfer a license from one
computer to another.
If you change any 2 of the basic hardware
components (motherboard, processor, hard
disk, video adapter, RAM, and network card)
on the computer hosting the EyStream
Server, your license will be invalid.
For example, this is the case when you chan ge
both CPU and motherboard. However,
changing a graphics card or upgrading RAM
will not affect the license.
Time must be synchronized among all
computers in the system (to be configured by
the user)
When using NOD32 Antivirus, it is strongly
recommended to either disable the Web
Access Protection service or to add the IP
addresses of IP cameras to the list of
exceptions for anti-virus scanning
Before installing EyStream, make sure the
video card drivers on the computer are fully up
to date
12 Users should access computers remotely by
using a NetBIOS name
The NetBiosName of the computer may
contain up to 15 characters.
When configuring the firewall, limiting the
network activity by ports is not allowed, since
EyStream uses the entire range of TCP ports
15 The Client cannot be started on a remote
desktop through the Remote Desktop
Connection utility built into Windows
In the current implementation , all users of the
EyStream software package should log in as
Administrators (see the sectio n titled Creatin
g and Configuring the Role and User System
17 If a computer is linked to an Active Directory
domain, one of the following conditions must
be met to enable disk access:
Access control lists must contain only local
or built-in groups and users.
Create an EyStreamFileBrowser user in
domain and add it to the Users group.
This behavior is typical only of file systems
that have access permissions (for example,
Operating system requirements
EyStream software package is compatible with 32-bit and 64- bit licensed versi ons of Microsoft
Windows operating system.
Windows versionSupported editionNote
Windows XP SP2
Windows XP
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
Windows XP SP3
Windows Server 2003
R2 SP2 (x86, x64)
Windows XP Home
Restrictions, imposed by OS edition (1 physical
processor, 5 SMB connections) – see
Windows XP
Windows XP Tablet PC
Windows XP Media
Center Edition
Standard Edition OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
Enterprise Edition
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
Datacenter Edition OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
Web Edition
Restrictions, imposed by OS edition (2 Gb
RAM, 2 physical processors) – see
Windows Vista SP2
(x86, x64)
Windows Server 2008
SP2 (x86, x64)
Home Basic
Restrictions, imposed by OS edition (1 physical
processor, 5 SMB connections) – see
Home Premium Restrictions, imposed by OS edition (1 physical
processor) – see
Business OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
Ultimate OS edition, enabling to use all realized product
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Full Installation type
is supported.Server
Core Installation type
is not supported
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Windows Server 2008
R2 SP1
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Web OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
HPC OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Standard OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Full Installation type
is supported.Server
Core Installation type
is not supported
Windows 7 SP1 (x86,
Web OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Restrictions, posed by
OS edition (2GB of
main memory, 1
physical processor, 1
monitor) - see http://
Home Basic
Restrictions, posed by
OS edition (1 physical
processor) - see http:
Stretch cards are
supported in 32-bit
version only
Home Premium
Restrictions, posed by
OS edition (1 physical
processor) - see http:
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Ultimate OS edition, enabling
to use all realized
product features.
Requirements for Personnel Quantity and Qualifications
The following roles have been defined for operating the EyStrea m software package:
Security system administrator
Security system operator
In special cases, one person can perform the functions of both the administrator and the operator.
The main duties of the administrator are to:
Update, configure, and monitor the operability of the security system’s hardware
Install, update, configure, and monitor the operability of basic and system software
Install, configure, and monitor software applications
Manage user accounts (this duty can be carried out by a user entrusted with system
administrator permissions ).
The administrator must have the skills necessary for network configuration, including routing and
firewall, as well as NetBIOS, DNS, and NTP network services.
Besides, the administrator must have high qualifications and practical experience installing,
configuring, and administering the software and hardware employed in the software package.
The software package is structured so that all accessible functionali ty can be managed by one
administrator or administration responsibilities can be divided among several users.
The main duties of an operator are to:
Work with the software’s GUI (graphical user interface)
Optimize the performance of the personal computer to carry out tasks using the
functionality provided in the software package
Create roles and users in the system (if the user has been granted the appropriate
The system operator must have experience wi th, and be a qualified user of, PCs running Microsoft
Windows and must be able to easily perform basic operations.
Interface of the EyStream Software Package
The interface of the EyStream software package consists of three expanding menus:
1. Layouts
When you click a tab’s icon, the tab expands and the previously expanded tab coll apses. One of
the menus is always expanded.
Access to any given menu is configured individually for each role in the system (see the section
titled Creatin g and Configuring the Role and User System Objects).
If the appropriate settings are enabled (see the section titled Configuring auto hide for panels ),
when there is no activity in the system, the sys tem first shrinks and then hi des the panel for
switching between menus, i.e., the control panel.
Installing the EyStream Software Package 3.0
Installing equipment
Types of Devices Used
An IP device is the source of the video signal (video data) for the EyStream software.
You can connect analog video cameras to EyStream via video capture cards, which
the software defines as IP devices
The following types of equipment are IP video and audio surveillance devices:
1. IP video cameras
2. Various types of IP video servers
IP video servers which use analog video cameras directly connected to them, digi tize the analog
video signal, and transmit it to users via TCP/IP. When working with analog video cameras
connected to IP video servers, users can utilize the same video image viewing and transmissi on
functions as with IP video cameras.
Connecting IP Devices
To work with IP devices, you need to connect the EyStream server to the local network where the
required IP devices are enabled.
Based on the video signal coming in from the IP device, an assessment is made of the guarded
location and the system responds to events registered for that location. The content and quality of
the obtained video information depends on how the IP device is installed and configured. There
are a number of rules that must be followed to obtain a high-quali ty video signal. In parti cular,
high-quality peripheral equipment (switch/router) must be used; Home/Of fice devices, which are
not intended for use in these kinds of security systems, are unacceptable.
IP devices connected to such equipment will transmit a video stream with an
unacceptably long delay (from 1.5 to 3 seconds per frame)
Detailed information about creating a local network and connecting IP equipment to it is presented
in the corresponding reference documents.
Configuring IP Devices in Windows
IP devices can be configured in Windows by using the following software:
1. Software included with the IP device This software is used to accomplish the following tasks:
a. Searching for network devices connected to the local network
b. Preliminary IP address assignment (without account of routing)
Without assigning preliminary IP addresses to the devices, it is not
possible to access their Web interface
2. Web interface of the IP device. This interface is used to accompl ish the following tasks:
a. Configuring the IP devices with consideration for routing
b. Configuring modes for the IP devices to work with video and audio signals
Configuration of IP devices in Windows is described in detail in the official reference
documentation for the respective devices.
c. Viewing video images coming in from IP devices in standard Web browser mode
Particulars of Configuration of Devices
Axis IP Devices
On page:
Stretch Cards
IP devices which partially support the ONVIF protocol
Sony IP Devices
Axis IP Devices
For Axis IP devices on which the Bonjour function is supported and enabled, changing the default
value of the Friendly name parameter is strongly discouraged. If an arbitrary Friendly name val
ue is set for an Axis IP device, a search for connected equipment in the EyStream software
package will give incorrect results for this IP device.
The Friendly name parameter is configured through the Web interface of the IP
device: Setup -> System options -> Network -> Bonjour
The default value of the Friendly name parameter is as follows: AXIS <model
name> - <mac address>, where <model name> is the model of the Axis IP
device and <mac address> is its MAC address (for example, AXIS 214 -
Stretch Cards
Only video cameras that support the same television standard can be simultaneously connected to
VRC6004, VRC6008,VRC6404HD, VRC6416, VRC7008L and VRC7016LX Stretch cards: they must
support either PAL or NTSC. The TV standard used in video cameras connected through a Stretch
card is set automatically during launch of the EyStream software package. Changes in the TVstandard parameter are invalid.
The TV standard parameter is located in the Video stream settings group, in
the properties of the Camera object, which is a child of the Stretch card object
For video cameras connected through Stretch cards, it is impossible to display
object tracking from embedded detection units in the viewing tile in EyStream
IP devices which partially support the ONVIF protocol
To connect IP devices which only partially support ONVIF functions to the EyStrea m software
package, you must use an ONVIF driver (1) with compatibility mode enabled.
Such video cameras include Hikvision models and early versi ons of firmwa re from
Sony, Samsung, and others.
Compatibility mode makes it possible to receiv e a video image from video cameras; however,
some capabilities of the EyStream software package will be unavailable.
Enabling compatibility mode for a video camera (2) connected using the ONVIF protocol (1) is
recommended if the connection settin gs are correct, but there i s no video image.
Sony IP Devices
Some Sony models support encoding of the video signal in two formats simultaneously. To use
this option you must perform the following steps:
Select the value Yes for the Video stream selection and Dual encoding settings.
From the Codec priority list, select the codec which will take priority when dual encoding.
Installation the EyStream Software Package
Types of Installation
The following two types of installations are available when installing EyStream to a personal
Server and Client— This type of installation is used to accomplish the following tasks:
Physical connection to a personal computer and software configuration of video and
audio capture devices (video cameras, microphones), event generation devices
(sensors, relays, etc.), and hard disks for organizing data archives
Configuring the security system architecture (creating the necessary system objects
and defining the connections between them)
Installing the software's user interfaces, which enable any user to connect to any
server within a single security system and to perform
administration/management/monitoring of a guarded location based on the
permissions granted by the administrator
Client – This type of installation is used for installing the software's user interfaces, which
enable any user to connect to any server within a single security system and to perform
administration/management/monitoring of a guarded location based on the permissions
granted by the administrator.
The way in which the basic properties of a computer in the security system depend on the type of
EyStream installation is presented later.
Properties / type of
Client Server and Client
A constant connection to
+ -
another machine is required
Devices are connected locally - +
A local user interface is
+ +
To install EyStream, regardless of the type of installation, you must perform the foll owing steps:
Insert the EyStream installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. A dialog box will display the
disk content
The EyStream distribution package requires installation packages for .NET
Framework 2.0 or .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. eyStream installation package will
automatically install
that software prior to installing the EyStream software
2. Run the Setup.exe file.
3. In the dialog box, choose the desired language from the list and click OK.
This setup wizard will now prepare for installation.
If .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed already, you will be asked to install it. To do this,
you must agree with the license agreement i n the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installation
program and then follow its interactive instructions.
The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 software is automatically bundled only with
4. Click Next on the setup wizard's welcom e screen.
5. To proceed with installation, accept the terms of the license agreement by sel ecting the
radio button next to I accept the terms of the License Agreement and click Next.
6. Select the EyStream software installation type in the dialog box by clicking the appropriate
option button and click Next.
7. Indicate the destination folders for installation of EyStream components and click Next.
Components include both EyStream and the databases used in its operation: the log
database and the object trajectory database.
You are advised to place the log database and object trajectory database
on a disk that has sufficient space. If you will be using only a log database,
the disk capacity must be at least 5% larger than the archive size. If you
will also be using a trajectory database, the di sk must b e at least 15%
larger than the archive.
When determining the required disk size, the siz e of the trajectory
database can be calculated with the following formulas:
Size of object trajectory database = N×T×( 0,5Gb / day)– sufficient
disk size;
Size of object trajectory database = N×T×(1Gb / day)– sufficient disk
size plus reserve sp ace;
Size of object trajectory database = N×T×(5Gb / day)– sufficient disk
size plus a large reserve.
N equals the number of video cameras in the system actively recording
metadata; T equals the period of time (number of days) that metadata will
be stored. By default, T = 30 days.
By default, the software will be installed to the directory C:\Program
Files\AxxonSoft\. By default, the log database and the object trajectory
database will be placed in the directory C:\Program
Files\AxxonSoft\AxxonSmart\Metadata (in the pg_tablespace and vmda_db
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