©2018 Eliminating Lighting all rights reserved. Information, specifications, diagrams, images, and
instructions herein are subject to change without notice. Eliminator logo and identifying product
names and numbers herein are trademarks of Eliminator Lighting. Copyright protection claimed
includes all forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory
or judicial law or hereinafter granted. Product names used in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. All nonEliminator brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Eliminator Lighting and all affiliated companies hereby disclaim any and all liabilities for property,
equipment, building, and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct or indirect economic
loss associated with the use or reliance of any information contained within this document, and/or as
a result of the improper, unsafe, insufficient and negligent assembly, installation, rigging, and
operation of this product.
Eliminator Lighting USA
4295 Charter Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058
Te l: (323) 948-0480 | Fax: 888-287-5224 | www.eliminatorlighting.com | info@eliminatorlighting.com
An updated version of this document may be available online.
Please check www.eliminatorlighting.com for the latest revision/update of this document before
beginning installation and use.

Limited Warranty (USA Only)
Trouble Shooting and Frequently Asked Questions
Tech ni ca l Spec if ica ti on s

Please read and understand all instructions in this manual carefully and thoroughly before attempting
to operate this product. These instructions contain important safety and use information.
UNPACKING: This product has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped in perfect condition.
Carefully check the shipping carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the
carton appears to be damaged, carefully inspect your product for damage and be sure all
accessories necessary to assemble the product have arrived intact. In the event damage has been
found or parts are missing, please contact our customer support team for further instructions.
Please do not return this product to your dealer without first contacting customer support at the
number listed below. Please do not discard the shipping carton in the trash. Please recycle
whenever possible.
Te l: ( 32 3) 948 -0480 | Fax: 888-287-5224 | www.eliminatorlighting.com | info@eliminatorlighting.com
Eliminator Lighting warranty is valid from the date of purchase for a period of one year (365 days)
and covers manufacturing defects only. Serial number, place of purchase with dated valid receipt
must be submitted at time of service. Eliminator Lighting warranty does not cover items or parts
prone to wear and tear: lamps, fuses, brushes and belts. Eliminator Lighting warranty is only valid
with-in the United States.
All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and accompany a
return authorization (R.A.) number. The R.A. number must be clearly written on the outside of the
return package. A brief description of the problem as well as the R.A. number must also be written
down on a piece of paper and included in the shipping container. If the unit is under warranty, you
must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. Items returned without a R.A. number clearly
marked on the outside of the package will be refused and returned at customer’s expense. You may
obtain a R.A. number by contacting customer support.