E 108
CAUTION! Please read and
understand these instructions
before installing or operating
this unit.
Model: E 108
Lamp: 2 x LL-64514 120V 300W
Weight: 24 lbs.
Size: 16”H x 11”W x 14.5”L
Fuse: 10 Amp
Supply Voltage: 120V
Working Position: Any Safe position
Duty Cycle: 10 min. on,10 min. off
Colors: Multiple Colored Lenses
Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty
Operating Instructions:
The E 108 is a powerful effect for clubs and dj’s. The
E 108 creates a dramatic cluster of 40 multi-dichroic
colored beams. This unit features an internal microphone that allows the beams to be triggered by
sound. The E 108’s beams bounce up and down to
the beat of the music. The E 108 is ready to be hung
or set on the ground in a safe position. When mounting this unit to truss be sure to use a clamp. Plug the
unit in to a standard 110 wall outlet. After plugging
the unit in, the fixture will react to the beat of the
music via the sound active internal microphone. The
unit has a sensitivity knob on the rear of the unit that
makes more or less sensitive to sound. Turing the
knob in clockwise direction will make the unit more
sensitive to sound. The unit requires sound to activate the movement.
Lamp Replacement: Disconnect the units main
power supply. Unscrew and remove the thumb
screws on the top of the fixture. Remove and replace
the bulbs. Reassemble and reconnect the power
supply. Be sure to follow all the handling instruction
that are included with your new lamp.
1 Year Limited Warranty: Eliminator Lighting warranty is valid from the date of purchase.
Our 1 year limited warranty covers manufacturing defects only. Serial number, place
of purchase with dated valid receipt must
be submitted at time of service. Eliminator
Lighting warranty does not cover items or
parts prone to wear and tear: lamps, fuses,
brushes and belts. Eliminator Lighting warranty is only valid with-in the United States.
Caution! Never open unit when in use.
Always disconnect main power before serving or replacing lamp. Remember to always
replace with the exact same type lamp and
This fixture is fitted with halogen
lamps which are highly susceptible
to damage if improperly handled.
Never touch lamp with bare fingers
as the oil from your hands will shorten lamp life. Also, never move fixture
until lamp has had ample time to
cool. Remember, lamps are not covered under warranty conditions.
©Eliminator® Los Angeles, CA. - wwwEliminatorLighting.com