Elgato EYEHOME User’s Guide

Elgato Systems, LLC
EyeHome User’s Guide
© 2004 Elgato Systems, LLC 900 Kearny Street, Suite 750 San Francisco, CA 94133-5145
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Welcome to EyeHome 2 EyeHome System Requirements 2 Installing the EyeHome Software 3 Connecting EyeHome to a Television 3 Connecting EyeHome to a Network 4 Launching EyeHome for the First Time 5 Registering EyeHome Online 5
Using EyeHome
Login Screen 6 EyeHome Screen 7 EyeTV Screen 9 Movies Screen 10 Music Screen 11 Pictures Screen 12 Web Screen 13
Remote Control
Remote Control 14 Remote Commands 15
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Setup Screen 19 Options 19 Network 21 Time 22 Update 22
Stopping EyeHome 23 Starting EyeHome 23 Resetting EyeHome 23 Loss of Image 24 Loss of EyeHome Server 25 Content Not Available 25 Downloading Updates 26 Getting Help 26
Technical Specs
EyeHome Specifications 27 Limited Warranty for EyeHome 29
EyeHome User’s Guide
InstallationChapter 1
Welcome to EyeHome!
Thank you for purchasing EyeHome. This guide shows you how to use EyeHome to transmit movies, music and pictures from your Macintosh to a television set. It covers installing and configuring the EyeHome hardware and software, and includes instructions for using the most common features of the EyeHome system.
EyeHome System Requirements
EyeHome requires the following minimum system configuration:
Any Mac with a PowerPC® G4 500 MHz or G5 processor
that meets Apple’s requirements for OS X support
A built-in Ethernet port, or Ethernet card
Mac OS X 10.3 or later, or 10.2.8 or later with QuickTime 6.4
or later and QuickTime for Java 1.4.1 or later (available via
system software update)
Minimum 20 MB free hard disk space
iPhoto, iTunes installed for viewing photo and music content
EyeTV installed for viewing Personal Video Recorder (PVR)
An Internet connection for some features (Web), and firmware
Chapter 1 · Installation
EyeHome User’s Guide
Step One: Installing the EyeHome Software
To install the EyeHome software:
• Insert the EyeHome CD into your CD/DVD drive.
• Launch the EyeHome installer, and follow the instructions (usually it will take only a few minutes).
Once the installation is complete, the EyeHome Preference Pane will be installed in the System Preferences. Use this control to turn the EyeHome server on and off.
Step Two: Connecting EyeHome to a Television
EyeHome can export video to a wide variety of formats. Choose from the following outputs, and then use the appropriate cables to hook EyeHome up to your television (cables are not included):
Video (Europe):
• Composite - This is the basic video connection connection. It uses a standard yellow-colored composite video cable with a RCA connector.
• SCART - This is the standard European video-audio connection.
Video (North America):
• S-Video – This is the video connection that provides better picture quality.
• Component - This is the best video connection possible. It uses three cables (Red, Green and Blue) to transmit video data. Note: For component to work, you must select Component in the EyeHome Settings (See Chapter 4, Preferences/Setup). Otherwise, the screen will have a blue tint.
• If your television or other display device supports HDTV video scan rates, you can set EyeHome to use 480p, 720p or 1080i resolutions with your component cables (See Chapter 4, Preferences/Setup).
Note: Do not use more than one video connection to EyeHome at a time. Picture quality could be severely degraded.
Chapter 1 · Installation
EyeHome User’s Guide
• RCA audio (not needed if using SCART connection) – Use standard red and white RCA audio cables to connect to your television.
• S/PDIF Optical - If you want the best audio possible, use this connection if your audio receiver or television supports it.
Step Three: Connecting EyeHome to a Network
EyeHome must be attached to a network to operate properly. Audio and Video data is transmitted from your Macintosh to EyeHome by a standard Ethernet cable.
Connect the included Ethernet cable to EyeHome, and then to a hub, router, or switch on the same network as your Mac. Some example setups are:
• You have one Macintosh, connected to the Internet via broadband. Connect EyeHome to the same hub, router or switch that your Mac uses, or if you’re lacking Ethernet ports, purchase a compact switch to connect EyeHome to your network.
• You have multiple Macs, connected to the Internet via broadband. Connect EyeHome to a free Ethernet port on your hub, router or switch, just like you would another Macintosh.
• You have one or multiple Macs, connected wirelessly to a Base Station, which may be connected to the Internet in turn. Use the free LAN (Local Area Network) port on your Base Station with EyeHome, or connect EyeHome to the LAN attached to that port.
In case that you want to use your Mac wirelessly, Elgato recommends to use
the Airport Express wireless adapter to add EyeHome to an existing wireless 802.11g wireless network.
If the network is properly constructed, then data should now be transmitted between the EyeHome hardware and the EyeHome server.
If you don’t have a network, you can directly connect the EyeHome hardware to your Mac via a cross-over Ethernet cable, which can be purchased separately.
EyeHome can take advantage of any Internet access you may have, either when
Chapter 1 · Installation
EyeHome User’s Guide
using the Web section of the EyeHome interface (Chapter 2, Using EyeHome), or to upgrade the firmware (Chapter 4, Preferences/Setup).
Launching EyeHome for the First Time
• Open the System Preferences in the Apple Menu, and then select EyeHome.
• Start the EyeHome server by turning Media Sharing on.
• At the top of the Sharing Preferences, give your Macintosh a more descriptive name. This is how EyeHome will identify your Mac on the network. EyeHome uses Apple’s Rendezvous technology to automatically find your Macintosh’s name.
• Turn on your TV, and select the correct A/V input.
• After plugging in the power cord your EyeHome hardware should turn on automatically. If not, turn on the EyeHome hardware using the included remote.
• The EyeHome startup screen will appear on your TV.
• Your EyeHome server should show up with your chosen Rendezvous name. Select it to start using EyeHome.
Registering EyeHome Online
Registering EyeHome entitles you to the following benefits:
• Notification of product updates
• Technical support
• Special Offers
To register:
• Open your web browser and go to
• Enter the requested information and click the “Register” button.
Chapter 1 · Installation
EyeHome User’s Guide
Using EyeHomeChapter 2
This section describes the functions of the EyeHome interface.
Login Screen
When you turn on the EyeHome unit, you will see a startup screen, followed by the Login screen. This is where you connect to the various Macs that are running EyeHome software on your network — and add, edit or delete links to these Macs if necessary.
Add – Usually, the EyeHome hardware will detect EyeHome software running on your Macintosh using Apple’s Rendezvous technology. If your Mac doesn’t show up, you can manually add it. Enter a name to identify that Macintosh, along with the IP address that can be found in the Network Preference Pane. You can use the alphanumerical keypad on the remote to enter letters, numbers and characters.
Edit – If you want to give your Macintosh another name, or if the IP address of your Macintosh ever changes, you can adjust the information in EyeHome by using this function.
Chapter 2 · Using EyeHome
EyeHome User’s Guide
Delete – To remove unwanted links to EyeHome servers, press the Delete button, and then check off those you wish to remove.
Once your Macs running EyeHome software are listed, there will be a colored circle next to them. If the circle is Red, then that means the EyeHome hardware has not yet detected that Mac. Once the circle turns Green, you can then login to your EyeHome.
After selecting your EyeHome, it will take a few seconds before the main EyeHome screen appears.
EyeHome Screen
The EyeHome interface is a convenient and powerful way to manage and use the video, audio and photos on your Macintosh. Instead of searching for various digital media stored around your Macintosh, everything is presented on your television for easy use.
EyeHome categorizes your media into the following sections:
EyeTV - All of your stored EyeTV recordings, sorted alphabetically
Video - Whatever QuickTime files that are in your Movies folder.
Chapter 2 · Using EyeHome
EyeHome User’s Guide
Specifically, MPEG-1 (.mpg), MPEG-2 (.mpg, .vob), MPEG-4, DIVX, 3IVX and XVID are supported. Other codecs used in .mov files are not supported. Aliases to content stored elsewhere are supported.
Music - Your entire iTunes library, sorted by playlist. Other items in your Music folder will also show up. Aliases to content stored elsewhere are supported.
Photo - Every image in your iPhoto library, sorted by album. Other items in your Pictures folder will also show up. Aliases to content stored elsewhere are supported.
Web - Safari bookmarks, as well as pre-chosen links
Jumping from one medium to another is a simple remote press. Instead of having to start up different applications, EyeHome can play back everything, formatted especially for your television.
To change sections, simply press the color-coded buttons on the remote, or use the arrow keys to navigate, and the OK button to choose. Once a section is active, you can press the right arrow key to start the selection process. Note that the top of the screen has context dependent commands, like Play All, Back, or Search, depending on your choice.
If you plan on using EyeHome for an extended period of time, you should set your Energy Saver preferences not to sleep your hard disks. This will make sure that the connection to the EyeHome server stays open.
Chapter 2 · Using EyeHome
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