Elgato EyeHome Manual with AirPort Express

Installation Guide
Setting up EyeHome
with AirPort Express
Wired or wireless, getting your EyeHome digital media player connected to your home network is easier than ever! The following instructions explain how to hook up EyeHome to a wireless network using AirPort Express
Installation Guide
Setting up your AirPort Express
First of all, the assumption is that you already have an 802.11 g network, using Apple’s
1. Launch Software Update from the Apple menu and update your AirPort the latest version.
2. Go to Applications/Utilities and open AirPort® Admin Utility.
3. Find your AirPort word for the Base station when prompted.
4. In the configuration window click the WDS pane. Check “Enable this base station as a WDS main base station”. If you have connected wireless computers to your base station check “Allow wireless clients on this base station”.
5. Click (+) to let AirPort drop down that lists all available base stations. Find your AirPort Express in the list, click it once, check “Auto configure as a WDS remote base station” and click OK.
technology. Your base station acts as a DHCP server for your network.
Software to
Extreme Base Station in the list and double click it. Type your pass-
Admin Utility search for your AirPort ExpressTM. A sheet will
base station
6. In AirPort
Admin Utility’s configuration window click “Update”. A sheet will drop down that says Settings for: <Your base station’s name>. Uncheck “Allow wireless clients on this base station” and select “Configure using DHCP” from the TCP/IP menu. Type in a password in the “Base Station Password” field and confirm it. Click OK.
7. A sheet will drop down that lists your AirPort Express up successful. Click OK to update the settings of your base stations.
8. Wait for the base stations to restart and for the AirPort® Admin Utility configuration window to close. Quit AirPort
Admin Utility and disconnect your AirPort ExpressTM from
the computer and connect it to EyeHome using an Ethernet cable.
For more information about setting up your Airport ExpressTM, contact Apple at
www.apple.com www.elgato.com/suppor
1 Setting up EyeHome with AirPort ExpressTM version 050131_4.1
. EyeHome Customer Support can also help you with issues relating to EyeHome at
with the attribute “WDS set