Elgato 4K60 S+ operation manual

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm ful inter feren ce, and (2) t his devic e must acc ept any in terfer ence re ceived , including i nterf erence t hat may ca use undes ired ope ration.
This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital dev ice, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instr uctions, may cause harm ful inter ference t o radio comm unicatio ns. Howev er, there is no gu arantee t hat inter ferenc e will not occ ur in a parti cular inst allation. If this e quipment do es cause har mful inter ference t o radio or telev ision recep tion, which c an be deter mined by tur ning the equip ment off and on, t he user is enco uraged to tr y to correct the in terfere nce by one of th e following me asures:
- Reori ent or reloca te the receiving a ntenna.
- Incre ase the sep aration bet ween the eq uipment and r eceiver.
- Connect th e equipment in to an outlet on a circui t differen t from that to which t he receive r is connecte d.
- Consu lt the dealer o r an experien ced radio/ TV technician fo r help. FCC C aution: Any c hanges or mo dification s not expres sly approv ed by the par ty respon sible for comp liance could vo id the user‘s
authorit y to operate t his equipmen t For que stions abo ut Elgato pr oduct compl iance with F CC regulati ons, please co ntact:
Compl iance Offi cer, Corsair Me mory Inc., 47100 Ba yside Pkw y, Fremont , CA 9453 8, USA
Ratin g: 5 V, m in 2.4 A
+ R-R-CSI-20GAP9901
Appli cant Name (상호명 ): Cor sair Memor y, Inc. Prod uct Name (제품명칭) : Game Captu re 4K60 S+ Model No.(모델명): 20 GAP99 01 Manuf actured Yea r & Month (제조연월): Pl ease refer t o gift box sti cker Manuf acturer & C ountry of O rigin (제조자 및 제조국가) : Corsair Mem ory, Inc./ Ma de in Taiwan Part: 51GA P9901
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide 2
Guide de prise en main rapide 6
Guía de inicio rápido
Guida rapida
Guia rápido
Hurtig star t guide
Инструкция по началу работы
Skrócona instrukcja obsługi
دليل البدء السريع
PC Recording
Download Elgato 4K Capture Utility to get started.
min. 5V, 2.4 A
LED Status
Device connected to PC via USB
Recording – Slow flashing
Standby – Slow flashing
When using 4K60 S+ for PC recording, POWER and USB must be connected. Only use the power supply shipped with your product.
Booting – Flashing Error message – Rapid flashing
(no sign al, HDCP, SD card err or, SD card lock ed, SD car d full, SD card to o slow)
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