Elgas miniELCOR SCR1, miniELCOR Operation Manual

Device Description
Operation Manual
Mounting instructions
Device settings
Single-channel conversion device of gas volume at measurement conditions to
volume at base conditions. Approved for installation in potentially explosive
January 2010
Rev. 6g
Safety Measures
This measurement device can be operated only by an operator trained in compliance with the technical terms, safety regulations, and standards. It is necessary to consider any other legal and safety regulations stipulated for special applications. Similar measures also apply for special applications. Similar measures also apply for using the accessories. The operator training must be in compliance with Decree no. 50.1978 Coll.
The information in this manual does not have the burden of a legal obligation from the manufacturer’s side. The manufacturer reserves the right to implement changes. Any changes in the manual or in the product itself can be performed at any time without any previous alert, with the goal of improving the device or fixing any typographical or technical mistakes.
2 Devicetechnicaldescription.....................................................................7
3 Safetyinstructions...................................................................................14
4 Metrologycharacteristics........................................................................16
5 Connectinginputsandoutputs................................................................21
6 Communicationwithdevice....................................................................29
7 Descriptionoffunction............................................................................33
8 Puttinginoperation................................................................................44
9 Deviceoperation.....................................................................................45
Used symbols and definitions
Symbol Meaning Unit AGA8-G1 ... Calculation method of gas compressibility factor AGA8-G2 ... Calculation method of gas compressibility factor AGA8-92DC ... Calculation method of gas compressibility factor AGA NX-19 mod ... Calculation method of gas compressibility factor
ASC ... Accredited Service Center BTS … Base Transceiver Station CL 1 ... Module for realization of product output 4-20mA CRC ... Checksum – used for data protection CTR ... Communication protocol DATCOM-Kx ... Some of the products of series DATCOM-K (DATCOM-
DATCOM-K4, DATCOM-K4/A) DLMS ... Communication protocol DC ... Direct Current voltage dE … addition (difference) of energy MJ dV … addition (difference) of primary volume Vm or Vc m
dVb … addition (difference) of base volume m3 dVc … addition (difference) of corrected primary volume m3 dVm … addition (difference) of primary volume m3 E … Energy MJ Es … Estimated value of energy MJ EDTxx … Digital pressure or temperature transducer EDT 23 or
EDT 34 EMC ... Electromagnetic compatibility and resistance EMI ... Electromagnetic radiation firmware, FW ... Software equipment loaded in the device GOST NX-19 ... Method of gas compressibility calculation ( related with
AGA NX-19 mod) according to VNIMS directive (valid at
temperature range -23°C to +60°C)
Combustion heat MJ/m3 IS ... intrinsic safety, intrinsically safe JBZ-0x ... Some of the JBZ-01, JBZ-02, JBZ-02/A products Modbus ... Communication protocol designed by Modicon [15] M900 ... Specific communication protocol SGERG-88 ... Calculation method of gas compressibility factor, more
details in Chyba! Nenalezen zdroj odkazů. SNAM ... Communication protocol SW ... Software for PC C ... Conversion factor ­K ... Ratio of compressibility factors (Z/Zb) ­kp ... Gas meter constant (number of impulses per 1 m3) imp/m3 N ... Number of input impulses from gas meter imp p ... Absolute pressure at measurement conditions kPa pb ... Absolute pressure at base conditions kPa
Notice :
This handbook issue describes device functions with firmware FW 4.xx which is compatible with previous firmware version 2.xx. All different features will be mentioned respectively.
Chapters describing new device features of FW ver. 4.xx are marked with (*).
Qm ... Flowrate at measurement conditions ( further primary
Qb ... Flowrate at base conditions m3/h T ... Absolute temperature at measurement conditions (T = t +
t ... Gas temperature °C Tb ... Absolute temperature at base conditions K V ... Volume Vm or Vc Vm ... Volume at measurement conditions (further primary
Vc ... Corrected volume at measurement conditions ( volume
corrected based on correction curve of gasmeter)
Vb ... Volume at base conditions (hereinafter also the
standardized volume)
Vbs ... Error volume at base conditions (hereinafter also the
error standardized volume)
Vs ... Error volume at measurement conditions (hereinafter
also the error operational volume)
Vd ... Difference of primary volume m3 Vbd ... Difference of base volume m3 Vf ... Tariff pulse counter of primary volume Vbf ... Tariff pulse counter of base volume Z ... Compression gas factor at measurement conditions Zb ... Compression gas factor at base conditions
1 Introduction
1.1 Basic device description
The Gas-volume conversion device miniELCOR (hereinafter only “the device”) is a measuring instrument designed for the conversion of the gas volume measure at measurement conditions to volume at base conditions.
The information on the gas volume passing through is measured using the impulse outputs of the gas meter. The gas temperature and pressure are measured by integrated converters. The device calculates the ratio of compressibility factors of gas using standard methods or a constant value is used.
The device has been constructed and approved pursuant to the EN 12405-1 standard as a conversion device type 1 (compact system) and can be supplied as a T, PT, or PTZ conversion device.
From safety point of view device is constructed according to EN 60079-11 like intrinsic safe.
It is manufactured and supplied in compliance with the following European Parliament directives:
1994/9/EC Equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility 2004/22/EC Directive on measuring instruments
Device is put onto market and into usage according to above mentioned
standards and is marked with CE mark.
The device is built in a casing with sturdy plastic with IP66 protection. It is
equipped with a graphic display and a 6-button keypad. Furthermore, it has impulse inputs for the connection of a gas meter with LF or HF impulse output and binary inputs. Device with FW version 4.xx and higher is suitable for connection via encoder NAMUR or SCR. If applied encoder SCR the only miniELCOR SCR1 variant is allowed. The binary inputs can work as check inputs to check the connection with a gas meter or can have a different function, e.g. monitoring the conditions of safety snap locks, doors, etc. The device has 4 available outputs. These can be configured as impulse or binary outputs, or as data outputs for the CL-1 module. When using this module, an analog current output can be realized.
The device is powered by a lithium battery. The life cycle of the battery is 6
years in the defined work mode. In the case of a battery power supply, one can also use the impulse outputs. An external power supply source can be used in applications with higher demands.
The device has a data archive of the measured values with an adjustable
structure and storing period. The binary archive stores changes on the binary inputs and the occurrence of the monitored events (limits, etc.) Error conditions are stored in an status archive. It is possible to program the storing of important quantities and calculations and storage of some statistical values in the daily and monthly archive. The archive has settings for service and metrology; in case of changes of settings, the acts influencing the device parameters are recorded. The other logs are available as well , see more in 7.3.
For communication with its superior system, the device has a serial interface
RS-232 and RS-485. Various communication protocols installed in the device allow easier connection to the SCADA systems. The device cooperates with common phone, radio, GSM, and GPRS modems, and in case of an alarm condition, it can initiate the connection.
The device can be enhanced by one non-metrology converter for measuring
pressure or temperature. This enhancement can be performed without breaking the official mark on an already installed device.
1) Basic configuration of the device offers following inputs and outputs:
- analog input (pressure P - metrologic channel)
- analog input (temperature T - metrologic channel)
- 4x digital input DI1 to DI4 (binary, pulse); input DI1 can be used for connecting
encoder NAMUR
- 4x digial output DO1 to DO4 (binary, pulse, analog)
- communication channel RS485/RS232 for communication with suprordinate
- input of external power supply
- option: connection one digital pressure or temperature transmiter EDTxx (as
nometrologic) to internal bus by help expansion board KP 065 08. This enhancement can be accomplished by end user on already installed device without breaching of metrological seal.
2) Device variant with SCR encoder ensures following inputs and outputs:
- The same like at basic device variant ( see ad 1) however without possibility
of connection of digital transducer EDTxx
- 1x input for SCR encoder connection by means of extention board KP 065 09
The device can be configured using the supplied SW [22] for PCs. This SW also allows the readout, display and archive of both the immediate measured values as well as the contents of the internal device archives.
1.2 Function principle
1.2.1 Conversion using equation of state
The device obtains data on the gas flowing through via impulses (N) from an lf or hf sensor located in the gas meter. The volume at the measuring conditions (V) is calculated from the number of impulses (N) and gas meter constant (kp).
The device obtains other data on the gas flowing through from the temperature and pressure converters – gas temperature (t) and absolute pressure at measuring conditions (p). This data is used to calculate the conversion factor (C) which is influenced also by these other factors: Absolute temperature at base conditions (Tb), absolute pressure at base conditions (pb) and compressible factor of the gas at base conditions (Zb).
Volume at measuring conditions (operational volume):
V =
Ratio of compressibility factor:
K =
Conversion factor:
C =
pb (t + 273.15) K
Volume at base conditions (standardized volume):
= V * C
Gas compressibility factor expresses the deviation of properties of natural gas from the properties of an ideal gas. By setting the parameters, it is possible to choose a specific method for calculation of the compressibility factor pursuant to the standard (AGA NX-19 mod, AGA8-G1, AGA8-G2, SGERG-88 or AGA8-92DC). A constant compressibility value can be used for other gases besides natural gas. If the pressure or temperature value gets out of the limits of validity of the chosen standard for calculation of compressibility, the device calculates using a default compressibility value.
The device calculates the gas flow from the impulse frequency on the input in real time using mathematical filtration from the input signal.
Operational flow:
Q = V / t [m
Where: ∆V ............................ increment of operational volume
∆t ............................. time between the impulses with an accuracy
of one hundredth of a second
The value of the immediate flow displayed on the converter display is updated every 10 seconds.
Standardized flow:
= C * V / t [m3/h]
1.2.2 Error values of volumes at measuring conditions and
volumes at base conditions
For calculation during error conditions (i.e. in case of a converter error, deviation of the quantity value from the working range, or device error), the device has counters of the error volume at measuring conditions (Vs) and error volume at base conditions (Vbs). These counters are interconnected with the pertinent counters of volume at normal conditions.
A detailed description of device behavior during normal and error conditions is in Article 4.4.
1.2.3 Volume correction at measurement conditions
Device enables to compensate gasmeter error according to predefined correction curve from gasmeter test certificate. This function and parameters Vc can be activated only by manufacturer or by Acreditive service to ensure that used gasmeter correction curve in dependance on flowrate Qm is valid within working conditions.
Error of measurement is corrected by usage of function f(Qm). For corrected volume is:
Vc = Vm x f(Qm)
... Corrected volume at measurement conditions Vm ... Primary volume Qm ... Primary flowrate
Linear interpolation method is used for getting values between calibration points. File with correction values is to be inserted into device with help of service programme 22. Information about insertion of correction curve into device is logged in setup archive.
The principle of volume calculation are seen on Fig. 1
Condition for usage of volume correction.
1. Correction is used only in case that gasmeter transmits at least 10 pulses per second resulting in usage only HF sensors.
2. Under Q
correction is not applied and over Q
value of correction
coefficient given for Q
will be used.
Conversion of volume on energy (*)
Device enables to calculate consumpted quantity of gas directly in energy form. This conversion uses value of combustion heat H
. Calculation is made with
adding of differences dV
( and dV
multiplied by actual value of combustion heat
dE=Hs x dVb, dEs=Hs x dV
Two other counters ( energy counter E and estimated energy counter Es) are
dedicated for measurement in configurable energy units: MJ, kWh, Btu.
Note : No conversion of absolute counter value (E or Es) is accomplished after
change of units. Following increases are added already respecting new units.
Principle diagram of energy calculation is drawn at Fig. 1
Combustion heat Hs
To get correct conversion it is necessary to enter correct value of combustion heat and relative conditions. Then device will make new conversion of relative temperature for defined relative conditions and final value will be used for energy calculation. In case of AGA8-92DC method combustion heat is not entered but calculated directly from gas composition according to EN ISO 6976. For the other methods value Hs (MJ/m3) must be entered manually and always under those relative conditions:
combustion temperature/ temperature of gas = 25°C / 0 °C
Fig. 1 Volume and energy calculations - Scheme
1.3 Device dimensions
Fig. 2 Device dimensions
2 Device technical description
2.1 Device architecture
The device’s electronics are laid out on three basic boards.
The bottom part of the casing contains the board of inputs and outputs containing the battery and back-up battery and terminal box for connecting the pressure and temperature sensors and any device inputs and outputs. The connections related to the metrology function of the converter are protected by covers which are secured with official mark.
Optionally, the input board can have an extension board for connecting an additional digital pressure (EDT 23 type) or temperature (EDT 34 type) converter. This additional digital converter communicates with the converter using the protocol Modbus RTU interface RS-485.
If SCR encoder is required it can be arranged only by manufacturer or by authorised service center. Those two subjects will ensure appropriate labelling placed on housing.
The lid of the housing contains a processor board which is protected by a cover and secured by an official mark. The board cover has an opening for access to the service switch. The service switch can be use to enable/disable the setting of the device parameters using a service SW.
Fig. 3 Main parts of the device
2.2 Device power supply
2.2.1 Supply battery
The device is powered by a built-in battery (lithium) with a voltage rating of
3.6 V. The life cycle of the battery depends especially on the configuration of the device, the frequency of communication, and the time the display is on. The consumed capacity is calculated during the device’s activity and the capacity decrement is recorded in its memory. The device will issue an alert to replace the battery 90 days before the expected discharge (error messages E9 – see Table 8.
Defined mode with life cycle of the supply battery of more than 5 years:
Archiving period of the data archive 1 hr
Communication with device 2 min/day
Showing on the display 2 min/day
Period of input impulses 10 Hz
Measuring period 15 s
Surrounding temperature 25 °C
expansion board KP 065 09 ( SCR encoder ) is not used
If the device is operated with higher consumption than in the defined mode, it is necessary to count on a more frequent replacement of the battery or use a network power source.
2.2.2 Replacement of supply battery
. It is suitable to disconnect the discharged battery as soon as possible. While the battery is being replaced, the device does not measure pressure or temperature, but counts the incoming lf impulses (but does not convert the number of pulses, this will be performed only when the supply battery is connected again) and insures that the real time clock is running. The data stored in the device archives and parameter settings will remain preserved.
Discharged batteries belongs at hazardous waste category. According to OEEZ (2002/96/ES) directives and and other internal directives battery must not be disposed together with household waste. Withdrawing duty is applied over discharged battery.
2.2.3 Back-up battery
The battery ensures the back-up of important functions in case of discharge or replacement of the supply battery. The back-up battery can be replaced in an accredited service center after the official and security mark is broken (replacement can not be performed in a potentially explosive atmosphere). It is necessary to use the same type of battery. Only recommended type of battery may be used.
Due to correct calculation of remaining battery capacity after replacement it is
mandatory to reset this information with service SW tool [22].
Replacement of battery is allowed also at hazardous zone but only with
recommended type of battery.
Defined mode for life cycle of back-up battery of 10 years
Storing, temperature 25 °C
Backed-up inputs (DI1 – DI4) not connected or connected contacts
Does not depend on the presence of the supply battery
Defined mode for life cycle of back-up battery of 4 years
Backed-up inputs (DI1 – DI4) short-circuited
Without powering battery
Self-discharging of batteries
The back-up and supply batteries are lithium. Their capacity drops due to self­discharging. The recommended time frame for their replacement is 10 years, even if the battery was never connected.
2.2.4 External power supply
Usage of external power supply is necessary in case of appliance of:
- NAMUR HF pulse input
- Binary output
- NAMUR encoder.
External power supply is recommended in case of increased current consumption regimes like:
- frequent communicationi (more than once a day),
- frequent LCD displaying
- SCR encoder usage.
An approved intrinsically-safe source must be used for the external power supply. In case a NAMUR type sensor is not connected to the device, one can use the built-in sources of the communication modules DATCOM-Kx or sources JBZ-01, JBZ-02.
If the NAMUR sensor is connected to the device, one must always use an external power source JBZ-01 or JBZ-02.
Fig. 4 Examples of external power supply
2.3 Security marks
Security marks located on the device indicate the technical condition of the device regarding unauthorized handling.
Security mark of the manufacturer (metrology mark)
- its design is stipulated by the Approval certificate on the quality management system for production, output control, and testing pursuant to Enclosure no. 2, procedure D, ND no. 464/2005 Coll., issued by the Notified person no. 1383. Such security mark has the same importance for the user as the so called Official mark pursuant to the Act on Metrology.
In case such a mark is broken, the manufacturer does not guarantee that the properties of the device are in compliance with the EC Certificate on type verification.
User mark
- control mark of the user (seals) as needed
Mark of manufacturer
- control mark of manufacturer as needed
Fig. 5 Security marks (device without SCR encoder)
Fig. 6 Security marks of miniELCOR SCR
2.4 Product label
Fig. 7 Product label English version
Fig. 8 Product label – original certification for ZONE 1
3 Safety instructions
3.1 General
The device has been approved pursuant to the guideline 94/9/CE and an EC certificate on type verification (ATEX) has been issued for it’s use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Respecting this guideline is included in the CE compliance notation.
3.2 Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Based on the EC certificate in type verification 08 ATEX 0324X, the device can be operated in potentially explosive atmospheres with a classification of ZONE1 (potentially explosive atmosphere during normal operation) and ZONE2.
Device is fully in compliance with EN 60079-26 ed.2 (viz [4]) and ATEX approval 08 ATEX 0324X was extended by Supplement n.3 for hazardous ZONE 0.
Indication of the device regarding safety against explosion:
II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T3
miniELCOR Zone 0
II 2G Ex ib IIB T4/T3
miniELCOR SCR Zone 1
Environment temperature for temperature class T4: -25 °C to +40 °C
Environment temperature for temperature class T3: -25 °C to +70 °C
When connecting a device, it is necessary to consider the electrical characteristics of the connecting cables and abide by the requirements of the pertinent safety standards. Furthermore, it is necessary to abide by the Special conditions of use provided these certificates contain them. The parameters of non­explosiveness of the device are listed in 13.
3.3 Risks of usage
Device cabinet is produced from polycarbonate material. Foil keypad of polystyrene is placed on top cover. In some extreme cases electrostatic charge accumulated on surface of cabinet could cause explosion. To avoid explosion it is strictly recommended to keep the following rules:
The entire device has been constructed and approved as intrinsically safe. That means that only approved devices (intrinsically safe devices, consecutive devices) or so called simple devices complying with the EN 60079-11 standard and complying with the intrinsically safe parameters listed in the EC Certificate on verification type [16] can be connected to the device connectors.
The pertinent safety standards must be met when connecting.
At hazardous zones device must not be installed at places where outer conditions could create an electrostatic charge.
Device may be cleaned by humid wiper.
3.4 Special conditions of use
3.5 Using device variants for different groups of gas
Individual variants of device can be used only with certain groups of gas
according to this table.
Group of gas
Device variant
miniELCOR yes yes yes
miniELCOR SCR no yes yes
1. The device must not be installed and located in an environment with a potential danger of electrostatic charge of the device casing (e.g. by flowing air, etc.) Only a damp cloth must be used if the device is being cleaned, to prevent from creation of electrostatic charge.
2. Only the following types of supply batteries are admissible in the device: Saft LS33600, Saft LS14250.
4 Metrology characteristics
4.1 Measuring temperature
This device uses the PT1000 temperature sensor to measure temperature. The temperature sensor’s connection is two-wired. The influence of the length and the characteristics of the cable used are considered during calibration and therefore do not influence the accuracy of the temperature measuring.
The temperature measuring range is -25 °C to +60 °C. The measuring period is common for both the measuring of temperature and pressure and it can be custom set at a range from 1 s to 30 s. The temperature measuring units can be adjusted.
Replacement of the temperature sensor is protected by the security mark of the manufacturer (metrology mark) and can be performed solely at an Accredited Service center (ASC).
During device configuration, the user must enter the constant parameter Default temperature value. This value will be used for the calculation of compressibility instead of the measured temperature value in the following cases:
- The value of the measured temperature deviated from the measuring range
- An error occurred when measuring the temperature
4.2 Measuring pressure
Pressure measuring is ensured by an analog converter. The converter contains a piezoresistive silicon sensor with a resistant stainless steel membrane. The device electronics ensures the correction of non-linearity and the temperature dependency of the pressure sensor based on the calibration data saved in the device memory. The measuring range of the pressure converter must be requested by the customer when ordering the device. The available pressure ranges are listed in chapter 12.
The measuring period is common for both the measuring of temperature and pressure, and can be custom set at a range from 1 to 30 s. The pressure measuring units can be set.
Replacement of the pressure converter is protected by a security mark of the manufacturer (metrology mark) and can be performed solely at an Accredited Service center (ASC).
During device configuration, the user must enter the constant parameter Default pressure value. This value will be used for the calculation of compressibility instead of the measured pressure value in the following cases:
- The value of the measured pressure deviated from the measuring range
- The device is manufactured without the pressure converter (so called TZ or T corrector)
- An error occurred when measuring the pressure
4.3 Compressibility calculation
4.3.1 PTZ, TZ conversion
The compressibility factor is calculated from the composition of the gas listed in the parameters, using one of the following methods implemented in the device: AGA NX-19-mod, SGERG-88, AGA8-G1, AGA8-G2 or AGA8-92DC.
Calculation of the compressible factor is performed in each measuring period. In the SGERG-88 and AGA8-G1 methods the value of the heat of combustion is entered for the combustion temperature 25°C / gas temperature 0°C. The service SW contains a built-in calculator for the conversion of the heat of combustion at different temperatures.
Due to the required accuracy of the device, the use of the individual methods of calculation of compressibility is limited by the pressure and temperature ranges pursuant to the following table:
measuring range
80 ÷ 520 kPa -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C 200 ÷ 1000 kPa N/A -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C 400 ÷ 2000 kPa N/A -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C 700 ÷ 3500 kPa N/A -10 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
1400 ÷ 7000 kPa N/A -10 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
80 ÷ 1000 kPa N/A -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
400 ÷ 7000 kPa N/A -10 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
Table 1 Limitation of standard validity range of compressibility calculation
At device there is applied compressibily calculation method GOST NX-19 which
is not approved by ČMI certificate.
Usage of method GOST NX-19 is limited only for temperature range from -23°C
to +60°C.
Default compressibility
For the set method during each calculation, it is checked whether the measured pressure and temperature value are in the valid interval of the pertinent method. If some of the values are outside the valid interval, the so called default compressibility is used for the conversion. The value of the default compressibility must be entered by the user during device configuration.
4.3.2 PT, T conversion
The device also allows the setting of the ratio of compressibility factors (K) as a fixed constant. The range of the entered constant is not limited.
4.4 Volume measuring and calculation
For measuremet and volume calculation there are used following counters for each channel.:
Vm - Primary volume counter Vc - Corrected volume counter (volume corrected based on gasmeter
correction curve) V - Volume Vm or Vc Vs - Counter of the operational volume at error conditions (error
operational volume) Vb - Counter of volume at base conditions (standardized volume) Vbs - Counter of standardized volume at error conditions
4.4.1 Operation at error conditions
In case of the occurrence of error conditions, the device, at the same time as counting the impulses in the counter of the volume at measuring conditions (V), starts to count the impulses in the counter of the error volume at measuring conditions (Vs). The values of the volumes at base condition (Vb) will stop being counted in the counter of the volume at base conditions (Vb), and will be counted from the default values of pressure or temperature and will be stored in the counter of the error volume at base conditions (Vbs). During this condition, the values are not stored in the counter of volume at base conditions (Vb).
Fig. 9 Storing impulses in counters
If a default compressibility is used during the calculation for the reason of deviation of accuracy for the set calculation standard outside the allowed value (see article 4.3.1), whereas p or t are not outside the measuring range, the converted volume is stored in the error counter.
If corrected volume V
is used primary volume counter can be linked to Vm or
at error conditions..
4.4.2 Recognition of gas flow direction change of gas meter (*)
Flow direction detection is enabled for gasmeter equipped with two phases shifted LF sensors or encoders. Both ways are approved for custody transfer at EC type approval amendement. Corrector evaluates gas flowrate respecting direction changes ( Pict. 9) under following terms:
- If primary volume additions are positive in such case volume processing is made by standard procedure ( for example increasing of Vm and Vb, or Vms and Vbs).
- If gas flow direction is changed device will fix the value of primary volume counter at the moment of turn. When gas flows back only primary volume Vm (or V
is updated. The other counters are frozen.
- After returning back to correct direction counting will get blocked out into apropriate counters (Vb, Vbs) only after reaching level of primary volume where reversed flow was started up. Primary volume counter is equivalent to gasmeter counter all the time.
Fig. 10 Processing of volumes during reversed flow
5 Connecting inputs and outputs
5.1 Inputs
A total of 4 digital inputs marked as DI1 to DI4 can be connected to the device. The inputs are brought out at the terminal board inside the device. The digital inputs can be adjusted using the service SW as a binary or as a LF impulse. The DI1 and DI2 can also be set as HF impulse or binary type NAMUR. In devices with FW ver.
4.xx input DI1 may be setup also for connection with NAMUR encoder
Input Binary
DI1 DI2 ­DI3 - √ - - DI4 - √ - -
Table 2 Digital inputs setting options
5.1.1 LF impulse inputs
Serves to read impulses from a gas meter. The flow measuring function can be chosen for these inputs. The back-up battery ensures preservation of counters’ conditions and reading the impulses of the LF inputs also in case of the discharge or replacement of the supply battery. After connection of the supply battery, the impulses read during the outage of voltage of the supply battery are added to the error counters. The LF impulse input is, on the DI1 and DI2 inputs, connected between the terminals LF+ and LF- (see Fig. 12).
Changing measuring units, setting the gas meter constant
The measuring units of the impulse inputs can be changed using the service SW [22]. The conversion constants of the gas meter and S/N of gas meter can be set using the service SW as well as directly from the device keyboard. When setting the value of the gas meter constant, only decimal folds or fractions in range from 0.01 to 100 are expected.
Number of places of counters of lf impulse inputs
In the case of lf impulse inputs, the counter works with 9 valid digits, the gas meter constant influences the size of the maximum number from 9 999 999.99 (for constant = 0.01) to 99 999 999 900 (for constant = 100).
5.1.2 HF impulse inputs (NAMUR)
The inputs DI1 and DI2 can be configured for processing HF impulses from the sensors of type NAMUR. Due to the fact that these sensors require a supply voltage higher than the voltage of the supply battery of the device, the converter must have an external supply voltage higher than 7 Vdc (e.g. from JBZ-02) for the registration and processing of HF impulses.
The flow measuring function can be chosen for these inputs. The back-up battery ensures the preservation of counters’ conditions in case of an outage of the external supply even in the case of discharge or replacement of the supply battery,
but it does not ensure the counting of the impulses. The terminals for the HF NAMUR inputs are marked HF+ and HF- (see Fig. 12).
Changing measuring units, setting the gas meter constant
The impulse inputs measuring units and the gas meter constant can be adjusted using the service SW. The gas meter constant and S/N of gasmeter can be also set from the device keyboard.
Number of places of counters of the hf impulse inputs
In the case of hf impulse inputs, the counter works with 9 digit places.
5.1.3 Connection with gasmeter via encoder (*)
Gasmeter can be connected with corrector via encoder. Digital value of gasmeter counter is transferred into EVC. Two types of encoders are supported like NAMUR and SCR.
The usage of encoders is approved for metrological reasons by EC- type certificate TCM 143/06-4664, Adition 1.
Encoder NAMUR
No special HW is required for NAMUR encoder usage. The only condition for NAMUR encoder data processing is usage of IS external power supply JBZ-02 ( or JBZ-01).
Encoder SCR
To process data from SCR encoder miniELCOR SCR type must be used complemented with KP 065 09 board. This board must be complemented directly only by manufacturer. Additional assembly at customer side is not allowed. Encoder board is connected with input board via IS RS485 Bus ( there is used connector dedicated for digital transducer connection ( see Pict.3 and Pict.4). This type of encoder can be also used for only battery powered EVC but it is too much energy consuming. Enduser should take care about it during parameterisation. Encoder NAMUR input
Connection between EVC and encoder is made with shielded two wires cable. NAMUR encoder may be connected only via digital input DI1. Terminals for encoder are the same like for HF pulse input marked HF+ and HF- ( correct signal polarity is important.). NAMUR encoder connection must be setup in EVC parameters with SW Telves 22. Encoder SCR input
Connection between EVC and encoder is made with shielded two wires cable via terminals marked A and B board SCR (KP065 09). No matters on conductor polarity. Encoder data are transferred into EVC at default measurement period. The shorter measurement period has bad impact on battery life.
23 Device specification with encoder
Data from encoder are transferred into EVC via shielded two wires cable. Together with absolute value of gasmeter counter there are transferred other additional data like S/N , gasmeter constant, number of figures nine for counter overturning). These additional data are read out with service SW 22 usable at device parametrisation.
In case of error at communication between EVC and encoder then:
- At actual value primary volume is displayed with asterisk symbol “ * “ .
- If error of communication is longer than 10 min there is volume difference added into estimated volumes immediately after restart of communication.
Fig. 11 Encoder SCR board (without cover)
If SCR encoder is used at battery regime at standard 30s measurement period battery life will be decreased down to 2 years.
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