ELGA MEDICA Pro 30, MEDICA Pro 120, MEDICA Pro 60 Operator's Manual

MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 - US
Operator Manual
ELGA MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual
` MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 – 07/14 Page 1
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MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual ELGA
Page 2 MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 - 07/14
1.1 Use of this Manual ....................................................... 3
1.2 Customer Support ....................................................... 3
1.3 HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTES ................................. 3
1.4 Electricity ..................................................................... 3
1.5 Pressure ...................................................................... 3
1.6 Sanitization Chemicals ................................................ 4
1.7 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)4
1.8 Consumables. ............................................................. 4
2. INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ............................ 5
2.1 Installation ................................................................... 5
2.2 Commissioning ............................................................ 5
3. CONTROLS ......................................................................... 6
3.1 User Recognition Keys ................................................ 7
3.2 System Preferences .................................................... 7
3.3 Setting Consumable Replacement Reminders ......... 15
4. OPERATION ...................................................................... 17
4.1 Night service/Operational day (screen 030) .............. 17
4.2 Continuous Recirculation (24/7) (screen 029) .......... 17
5. MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 18
5.1 Replacing Composite Vent Filter (L136) ................... 18
5.2 Replacing Medpure L1 (LC174) ................................ 18
5.3 Replacing Ultra-Microfilter (LC109) ........................... 19
5.4 Replacing UV lamp (LC105) ..................................... 20
5.5 Replacing Protek L1 (LC175) or Protek L2 (LC177)
Pre-treatment Cartridges ........................................... 21
5.6 Replacing E- Cartridge (LC181) standard on R
E variant only ............................................................. 22
5.7 RO modules .............................................................. 22
6. SANITIZATION ................................................................... 23
6.1 RO sanitization (Step 1) ............................................ 23
7. EMERGENCY BYPASS ...................................................... 26
7.1 Emergency bypass (MEDICA R/RE/RX)................... 26
7.2 Emergency bypass (MEDICA B/S/SE) ...................... 26
7.3 Calculation for Medpure L1 Cartridge life ................. 27
8. TROUBLE SHOOTING ....................................................... 28
9. KEY TO CONTROL PANEL ............................................... 29
10. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ........................................... 30
11. WARRANTY/CONDITIONS OF SALE ............................... 32
12. USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS ........................................... 34
ELGA MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual
` MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 – 07/14 Page 3
1.1 Use of this Manual
ELGA LabWater strive to produce manuals that are as simple and accurate as possible. However, should you feel they can be improved in any way please email us at info@elgalabwater.com
This manual guides you through the installation, commissioning and basic operation of the MEDICA 30/60/120 allowing you to obtain a guaranteed supply of purified water to meet your requirements.
1.2 Customer Support
Service support and consumable items are available from your local supplier or distributor. Please contact info@elgalabwater.com for further information.
CAUTION! Cautions are given where failure to
observe the instructions could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and processes.
1.4 Electricity
It is essential that the electrical supply to the MEDICA 30/60/120 is isolated before any items are changed or maintenance work performed.
The external isolator providing power to the unit should be positioned so that it is easily accessible.
1.5 Pressure
The water supply should be isolated and residual pressure released prior to removal of any components or carrying out work on the unit.
Switch off the process and relieve pressure in the distribution loop by opening a point of use or dispense tap.
MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual ELGA
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1.6 Sanitization Chemicals
During the sanitization cycle Minncare Cold Sterilant is used and relevant safety guidance is included in this handbook. Please refer to the manufacturer for material safety data sheets.
Minncare Cold Sterilant is EPA registered as a sterilant, high level disinfectant, and sanitizer.
Spent Minncare Cold Sterilant is acidic and requires normal neutralization as specified by your local state and local regulations.
1% of Minncare Cold Sterilant has a pH of 3.5.
1.7 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Material safety data sheets covering the various replaceable components are available upon request. Contact your local ELGA LabWater distributor.
1.8 Consumables.
Service Life*
Max. Shelf
LC105 (UV lamp)
12 months
5 years
LC109 (UMF)
12 months
2 years
LC136 (Vent filter)
6 months
2 years
LC174 (Medpure L1 cartridge)
3-12 months
2 years
LC175 (Protek L1)*
6 months
2 years
LC 177 (Protek L2)*
12 months
2 years
LC180 (RO cartridge 60 L/hr)
3 years
2 years
LC181 (E-Cartridge)**
3 years
2 years
* Service Life is an estimate only, and will depend on the
application and feed water quality. Care should be taken to order
the correct consumable items.
** Optional - Consumables not fitted as standard. Fit only after
consultation with ELGA Technical Support
ELGA MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual
` MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 – 07/14 Page 5
2.1 Installation
The unit is supplied with a quick start manual that allows the unit to be quickly installed and commissioned.
It is recommended that a trained ELGA representative carry out the installation of the product.
2.2 Commissioning
The unit is supplied with the software set in a commissioning mode that must be completed before being used to supply the application.
It is recommended that a trained ELGA representative complete the installation of the product.
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The MEDICA control panel has a range of control icons. General icons are as follows. Further icons are described in the appropriate sections a complete listing is included in Section 11.
Turns the unit on/off
Shift Up
Replacement dates
Mute Alarm
Control panel
ELGA MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual
` MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 – 07/14 Page 7
3.1 User Recognition Keys
Your unit is supplied with the following User keys: Master Key (Black) 1off User Key (Blue) 4off Sanitization Key (Green) 2off The Master Key should be stored in a safe place. The Master Key
controls the access level of the other User Keys. User Keys only have access to customer preference screens. Sanitization Keys start the sanitization process and stop the general
user from accidentally starting sanitization.
CAUTION! If the Master Key is lost a new Key can only
be programmed by ELGA Service Engineers.
3.2 System Preferences
When the MEDICA unit is started for the first time after completing the commissioning routine the following steps should be carried out to set up your choices:
Note: Your choices can be changed and implemented
during normal operation. It is not necessary to stop the unit.
Step 1 - System access (User Key)
The User Key prevents unauthorized access to specific settings. This ensures consistent system performance and operation.
Note: The User Key does not prevent access to the
PROCESS function in case of emergency.
1. SWITCH on the main electrical supply to start the
controller set-up sequence. This takes several seconds.
2. PRESENT the ‘Master Key’ (black) or the ‘User key’
(blue) to the reader ensuring clean contact of both metallic components.
3. The display will show a padlock
4. REMOVE ‘Key’ from the reader.
5. The display will show a key
6. PRESS button.
Note: If no buttons are pressed the system will relock
after 5 seconds
Present the Master or User Key
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Step 2 - Clock (screen 018)
1. PRESS to edit time
OR PRESS to proceed to step 3.
2. PRESS and HOLD to increase or to decrease
3. PRESS to step cursor onto minute.
4. PRESS to increase or to decrease minutes.
5. PRESS .
Step 3 - Date (screen 019)
The date is used to initiate change reminders, the date will appear on printed records.
1. PRESS to edit date
OR PRESS to proceed to step 4.
2. PRESS and HOLD to increase or to decrease
3. PRESS to step cursor onto month.
4. PRESS to increase or to decrease month.
5. PRESS to step cursor onto year.
6. PRESS to increase or to decrease year.
Step 4 - Audible alarm enabled/disabled (screen 020)
This screen provides the option of eitherturning on the audible alarm, causing it to sound (while the alarm icon flashes) or turning off the audible alarm meaning it will remain quiet
1. PRESS to change mode ( = ON)
OR PRESS to proceed to step 5.
2. PRESS .
Note: The visual alarm cannot be disabled.
Audible alarm enable screen
Set date screens
Setting clock time
ELGA MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US Operator Manual
` MEDICA Pro 30/60/120 US MANU40594 Version 1 – 07/14 Page 9
Step 5 –Set units of measure - Volume (screen 021)
This screen allows units of water volume to be set, to either Litres or US Gallons. This only indicates the volume in the reservoir.
1. PRESS to change (L or USG)
OR PRESS to proceed to step 6.
2. PRESS .
Step 6 - Set UOM – Pressure (screen 022) R/RE variants only.
This screen allows preferred displayed units of water pressure to be set, to either, psi or Bar. This only indicates the pressure as measurement in the recirculation loop.
1. PRESS SCROLL to change mode (psi or bar)
OR PRESS TICK to proceed to step 7.
Step 7 - Water purity unit setting (screen 023)
This screen allows preferred displayed units of water purity to be set, to either, M.cm or µS/cm. This only affects the quality measurement in the recirculation loop.
1. PRESS SCROLL to change mode (M.cm or
OR PRESS to proceed to step 8.
2. PRESS .
Step 8 - Uncompensated water quality (screen 024)
A U will indicate uncompensated readings (recirculation loop only) in the normal process screen.
1. PRESS to change ( = Uncompensated water
quality ON) OR PRESS to proceed to step 9.
2. PRESS .
Note: This mode is for validation purposes only
and should not be selected as standard.
Uncompensated water quality
Set units of measure - volume
Set units of measure - pressure
Water purity unit setting
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