Elenco Electronics rc snap rover Insruction Manual

Copyright © 2008 by Elenco®Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced by REV-B Revised 2008 753131 any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
Basic Troubleshooting 1
Parts List 2
How to Use It 3
How It Works 5, 6
General Operating Instructions 6
DO’s and DON’Ts of Building Circuits 7
Advanced Troubleshooting 8
Project 1 9
Project 2 10
Projects 3, 4 11
Projects 5, 6 12
Projects 7, 8 13
Projects 9, 10 14
Projects 11, 12 15
Projects 13, 14 16
Projects 15, 16 17
Projects 17, 18 18
Project 19, 20 19
Projects 21-23 20
Other Snap Circuits®Products
Bonus Projects B1-B3 22
WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD - Never connect Snap
to the electrical outlets in your home in any way!
Table of Contents
1. Most circuit problems are due to incorrect assembly, always double-check that your circuit exactly matches the drawing for it.
2. Be sure that parts with positive/negative markings are positioned as per the drawing.
3. Be sure that all connections are securely snapped.
4. Try replacing the batteries in the Rover body and remote control unit.
5. Keep the wheels clean and free of lint, thread, or dirt.
Elenco®Electronics is not responsible for parts damaged due to incorrect wiring.
Basic Troubleshooting
Note: If you suspect you have damaged parts, you can follow the
Advanced Troubleshooting procedure on page 8 to determine which ones need replacing.
• Use only 1.5V AA type in the Rover body and 9V in the remote control
(not included).
• Insert batteries with correct polarity.
• Non-rechargeable batteries should not be recharged. Rechargable
batteries should only be charged under adult supervision, and should not be recharged while in the product.
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-
cadmium) batteries.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Remove batteries when they are used up.
• Do not short circuit the battery terminals.
• Never throw batteries in a fire or attempt to open its outer casing.
• Batteries are harmful if swallowed, so keep away from small children.
WARNING:• Always check your wiring before turning on a
circuit. Never leave a circuit unattended while the batteries are installed. Never connect additional batteries or any other power sources to your circuits. Discard any cracked or broken parts.
Warning to Snap Circuits®Owners: Do not use parts from other Snap Circuits®sets
with this kit. The Snap Rover
uses higher voltage which could damage those parts.
Page 22 and our website www.snapcircuits.net has approved circuits that you can use.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates use of the radio frequency spectrum in the United States to prevent products from interfering with each other.
RC Snap Rover
has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. RC Snap Rover
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If RC Snap Rover
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning RC Snap Rover®off and on, try to correct the interference by:
1. Moving RC Snap Rover®away from the receiver.
2. Contacting Elenco
Electronics for help by calling (800) 533-2441, or e-mail
us at help@elenco.com.
FCC regulations for your RC•Snap Rover®require you to accept any interference from authorized sources and that you shut down if you are causing interference with other authorized products.
You should never modify the electrical circuit components inside your R/C Receiver (RX1) or Remote Control transmitter as this may cause malfunctions or violate FCC regulations for this product.
Note: If you have a more advanced model, there are additional part lists in the other project manuals.
Important: If any parts are missing or damaged, DO NOT RETURN TO RETAILER. Call toll-free (800) 533-2441 or e-mail us at:
help@elenco.com. Customer Service • 150 Carpenter Ave. • Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.
Qty. ID Name Symbol Part # Qty. ID Name Symbol Part #
r 1
Rover Body 6SCRB
r 2
100μF Capacitor (non-polarized)
r 1 r 1
Remote Control Unit Antenna
r 1
White LED
r 1
Base Grid (11.0” x 7.7”)
r 1
100Ω Resistor
r 2
1-Snap Wire 6SC01
r 4
1KΩ Resistor
r 6
2-Snap Wire 6SC02
r 1
R/C Receiver
r 2
3-Snap Wire 6SC03
r 1
Slide Switch 6SCS1
r 1
4-Snap Wire 6SC04
r 1
Motor Control IC 6SCU8
r 1
5-Snap Wire 6SC05
r 1
Horn 6SCW1
r 1
6-Snap Wire 6SC06
r 1 r 1
Jumper Wire (Orange) Jumper Wire (Yellow)
r 1
7-Snap Wire 6SC07
r 1 r 1
Jumper Wire (Green) Jumper Wire (Purple)
r 1
0.02μF Capacitor 6SCC1
r 1 r 1
Jumper Wire (Gray) Jumper Wire (White)
Parts List (Colors and styles may vary) Symbols and Numbers
You may order additional / replacement parts at our website: www.snapcircuits.net
Note: Colors may vary
and are interchangeable.
Install six “AA” batteries (not included) into the bottom of the Rover body and one 9V•battery (not included) into the remote control unit. Install the antenna into the remote control unit by screwing it in.
The R/C Snap Rover Kit uses building blocks with snaps to build the different electrical and electronic circuits in the projects. Each block has a function: there are switch blocks, LED blocks, different length wire blocks, etc. These blocks are in different colors and have numbers on them so that you can easily identify them. The circuit you will build is shown in color and numbers, identifying the blocks that you will use and snap together to form a circuit.
For Example:
This is the switch block which is green and has the marking on it.
This is a blue wire block and comes in different wire lengths. This one has the number , , , , , or on it depending on the length of the wire connection required.
There is also a 1-snap wire that is used as a spacer or for interconnection between different layers.
A large clear plastic base grid is included with this kit to keep the circuit blocks together, it fits on top of the Rover body. You will see evenly spaced posts that the different blocks snap into, these keep your circuit together. The base has rows labeled A-G and columns labeled 1-10.
Next to each part in every circuit drawing is a small number in black. This tells you which level the component is placed at. Place all parts on level 1 first, then all of the parts on level 2, then all of the parts on level 3, etc.
Jumper wires are used to connect your circuits to the batteries and motors in the Rover body. Snap them on as shown in the projects. The colors are interchangeable, so it doesn’t matter which color you use.
Note: While building the projects, be careful not to accidentally make a direct electrical connection across the + and – snaps for the batteries (a “short circuit”), as this may damage and/or quickly drain the batteries.
How To Use It
Warning to Snap Circuits owners: Do not use parts from other Snap Circuits
sets with this kit unless directed to do so. The Snap
uses higher voltage which could damage those parts. Page 22 and our website www.snapcircuits.net has approved circuits that you can use.
Front of Rover
(Part designs are subject to change without notice).
Note: If you have a more advanced Model, there is additional information in your other project manual(s).
The base grid functions like the printed circuit boards found in most electronic products. It is a platform for mounting parts and wires (though the wires are usually “printed” on the board).
The blue
snap wires are just wires used to connect other components, they
are used to transport electricity and do not affect circuit performance. They come in different lengths to allow orderly arrangement of connections on the base grid.
The white, orange, yellow, green, gray, and purple
jumper wires make flexible
connections for times when using the snap wires would be difficult. They also are used to make connections off the base grid. The different colored wires all work the same way, and are interchangeable.
batteries (in the Rover body) produce an electrical voltage using a
chemical reaction. This “voltage” can be thought of as electrical pressure, pushing electrical “current” through a circuit. This voltage is much lower and much safer than that used in your house wiring. Using more batteries increases the “pressure” and so more electricity flows.
slide switch (S1) connects (ON) or disconnects (OFF) the wires in a
circuit. When ON it has no effect on circuit performance.
Resistors, such as the
100Ω resistor (R1) and 1KΩ resistor (R2), “resist” the
flow of electricity and are used to control or limit the electricity in a circuit. Increasing circuit resistance reduces the flow of electricity.
LED (D4) is a light emitting diode, and may be thought of as a special
one-way light bulb. In the “forward” direction (indicated by the “arrow” in the symbol) electricity flows if the voltage exceeds a turn-on threshold (about 3V); brightness then increases. A high current will burn out the LED, so the current must be limited by other components in the circuit. LEDs block electricity in the “reverse” direction.
0.02μF (C1) and 100μF (C4N) capacitors are components that can
store electrical pressure (voltage) for periods of time, higher values have more storage. Because of this storage ability they block unchanging voltage signals and pass fast changing voltages. Capacitors are used for filtering and delay circuits. Large values have a “+” marking that should always be connected to the higher voltage.
horn (W1) converts electricity into sound by making mechanical
vibrations. These vibrations create variations in air pressure which travel across the room. You “hear” sound when your ears feel these air pressure variations.
R/C Receiver (RX1) is a complex module containing a radio receiver
circuit, a specialized radio decoder integrated circuit, and other supporting
components. It includes resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transistors that
are always needed together. This was done to simplify the connections you
need to make, otherwise this circuitry would not fit on the base grid. A
description for this module is given here for those interested, see project #1
for a connection example:
Motor Control (U8) module contains 16 transistors and resistors that are
usually needed to control the motors. A description for this module is given
here for those interested, see project 1 for a connection example:
motors (in the Rover body) convert elecricity into mechanical motion.
Electricity is closely related to magnetism, and an electric current flowing in a
wire has a magnetic field similar to that of a very, very tiny magnet. Inside the
motor is a coil of wire with many loops wrapped around metal plates. If a large
electric current flows through the loops, it will turn ordinary metal into a
magnet. The motor shell also has a magnet on it.•When electricity flows
through the coil, it magnetizes the metal plates and they repel from the
magnet on the motor shell - spinning the shaft. A small gear is on the end of
the shaft and spins with it.
R/C Receiver:
(+) - power from batteries (–) - power return to batteries RBUT - right button function (active low) LBUT - left button function (active low) BYP1 - low frequency bypass BYP2 - high frequency bypass RF - right forward output (active high) RB - right backward output (active high) LF - left forward output (active high) LB - left backward output (active high) ABC switch - selects radio channel
Motor Control:
(+) - power from batteries (–) - power return to batteries RF - right forward control input RB - right backward control input LF - left forward control input LB - left backward control input R+ - right forward motor drive R – - right backward motor drive L+ - left forward motor drive L – - left backward motor drive
About Your Snap Circuits®Parts
Only connect
this part as
shown in the
Only connect
this part as
shown in the
Warning to Snap Circuits®owners: Do not use parts from other Snap Circuits®sets with this kit. The Snap Rover®uses higher
voltage which could damage those parts. Page 22 and our website www.snapcircuits.net has approved circuits that you can use.
Rover Rear:
(+) - power from batteries (–) - power return to batteries L+ - left forward motor drive L – - left backward motor drive R+ - right forward motor drive R – - right backward motor drive N1, N2 - not used
Rover Rear
Remote Control Transmitter:
When the levers in the Remote Control Unit are pushed, electrical contacts are made connecting the 9V battery power to the transmitter, indicating which commands the user wants sent to the Rover. Forwards/Backwards commands for each set of wheels and two extra functions are controlled by different levers or buttons. Each of these use a different set of electrical contacts which encode a sequence of electrical pulses; the pulse sequence depends on which command(s) are being sent. The spacing between the sequences represents which channel setting (A-B-C) the remote control is on. This allows three units to use the same operating frequency in the same room at the same time without interfering with each other. An electrical circuit that is tuned to a frequency of 27 MHz creates a signal that is sent to the antenna when the pulses are active. The antenna converts this electrical energy into radio energy, creating a stream of radio energy bursts, which travel through the air and are picked up by, and understood by, the radio receiver in the car. The frequency of 27 MHz was selected for your Rover with the approval of the FCC (the US government) to minimize radio interference between this product and all other electrical products.
Radio Receiver:
The Rover antenna collects radio energy and converts it back into electrical energy. If the Rover is turned on, then the radio receiver in the Rover is continuously monitoring the radio energy from its antenna. The receiver is basically a filter which is tuned to amplify any energy around 27 MHz and block energy the antenna picks up outside this region. If the Remote Control Transmitter is sending commands, then its radio signal
will be picked up by the receiver and converted back into the original pulse sequence. Decoding circuitry then determines which commands were sent by examining the pulses in the sequence. Signals are then sent to motors that drive the wheels to execute the commands, or the other R/C Receiver outputs to control other functions. Commands sent to other receivers using a different channel setting (A-B-C) are ignored.
Characteristics of Radio Reception:
Many factors affect the ability of the Rover to receive commands from its Remote Control Transmitter. A weak battery in the Transmitter will result in a weaker transmitted signal; if the battery is very weak then the Transmitter may not function at all. The Transmitter’s ability to convert electrical energy to radio energy is best when its antenna is fully extended and degrades as the antenna length is reduced. The same thing also applies to the Rover antenna’s ability to convert the radio signal back into electrical energy for the receiver. The Transmitter’s antenna transmits energy in all directions so as the range between it and the Rover is increased, less energy is received at the Rover. When operated with strong batteries and in an open area, the range will be at least 25 ft. Obstacles such as walls, furniture, and trees will degrade the radio signal’s ability to travel through air and reduce the operating range, but will never block it completely. In some cases more radio energy may travel from the Transmitter to the Rover by going around obstacles than by going through them. In the Rover, weak batteries will reduce power to the motor and degrade the receiver’s ability to filter, amplify, and decode commands from the Transmitter.
27 MHz
Pulse Sequence, depends on which command(s) are being sent and channel used
Sequence of Radio Frequency Pulses
Pulse Sequence, depends on which command(s) were sent and channel used
Gear Ratio
Gear Ratio
How It Works
Control For Two Other Functions
General Operating Instructions
Wheel shaft
Motor gear
Spins 128 times
faster than wheels
How It Works (continued)
Rover Drive Mechanism:
The small gear on the Motor drives a larger gear, which drives a larger gear, which drives two larger gears (one on each side), which drive larger gears. The last, largest gears are fixed on shafts that are attached to the front and back wheels, making them move. Note that interlocking gears spin in opposite directions. Also notice that in the sets of interlocking gears between the Motor and the gears on the wheel shafts, the number of “teeth” is increased each time (40-8, 44­8, 64-44, and 64-20), for 128:1 gear ratio overall. This means the Motor must rotate 128 times to rotate the wheels once. The reason for this is that if the Motor were to drive the wheels directly then the Rover would be so fast that it would be impossible to control. Using the gears to reduce the speed also makes the wheels move with much greater force, preventing the Rover from getting stuck in rough terrain and allowing it to carry heavy loads uphill.
Build the circuit for projects 1 or 2. Set the channel switches on the remote control unit and R/C Receiver module (RX1) to the same setting (A, B, or C). Place the Rover on a flat, open area, turn the ON/OFF switch on the remote control unit and the slide switch (S1) to ON, and extend the antenna on the Remote Control.
Push both levers forward to make Snap Rover
go forward. Push both levers backward to go backward. Push the left lever backward and the right lever forward to turn left. Push the left lever forward and the right lever backward to turn right.
The buttons on the remote control unit are used to control sounds or lights (or other special functions) as described in the projects.
operate Snap Rover®in the street.
Never drive your Rover in rain, snow, mud, sand, dirt, or on a wet floor, as damage may result.
Right control
Left control
Power switch
Power ON indicator LED
Channel selector switch
Left function
Right function button
After building the circuits given in this booklet, you may wish to experiment on your own. Use the projects in this booklet as a guide, as many important design concepts are introduced throughout them. Every circuit will include a power source (the batteries), a resistance (which might be a resistor, motor, integrated circuit, etc.), and wiring paths between them and back.
You must be careful not to create “short circuits” (very low­resistance paths across the batteries, see examples below) as this will damage components
and/or quickly drain your batteries. Only connect the
ICs using configurations given in the projects, incorrectly doing so may damage them. Elenco®Electronics is not responsible for parts
damaged due to incorrect wiring.
Here are some important guidelines:
include at least one component that will limit the current through a circuit, such as a resistor, motor, horn, or the RX1 and U8 modules (which must be connected properly).
use the LED and switches in conjunction with other components that will limit the current through them. Failure to do so will create a short circuit and/or damage those parts.
disconnect your batteries immediately and check your wiring if something appears to be getting hot.
check your wiring before turning on a circuit.
connect the RX1 and U8 modules using configurations given in the projects or as per the connection descriptions for the parts.
connect to an electrical outlet in your home in any way.
leave a circuit unattended when it is turned on.
Note: If you have a more advanced model, there are additional guidelines in your other project manual(s).
For all of the projects given in this book, the parts may be arranged in different ways without changing the circuit. For example, the order of parts connected in series or in parallel does not matter — what matters is how combinations of these sub-circuits are arranged together.
WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD - Never connect Snap Circuits®to
the electrical outlets in your home in any way!
You are encouraged to tell us about new circuits you create. Upon review, we will post them with your name in a special section on our website. If we use them in future manual revisions, we will send you a copy of the manual so you can show your family and friends. Send your suggestions
to Elenco
CAUTION: Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or
rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
DO’s and DON’Ts of Building Circuits
Placing a jumper wire directly across the battery snaps is a SHORT CIRCUIT.
When the switch (S1) is turned on, this large circuit has a SHORT CIRCUIT path (as shown by the arrows). The short circuit prevents any other portions of the circuit from ever working.
Warning to Snap Circuits®owners: Do not use parts from
other Snap Circuits®sets with this kit except for the circuits on page 22. The Snap Rover®uses higher voltage which could damage those parts. Our website www.snapcircuits.net also has approved circuits that you can use.
(+) (–)
+ 16 hidden pages