Designed for non-destructive thickness measurement, the portable MiniTest 7200 / 7400 FH
measuring systems are suit able for in the field or laborator y use. Working on the mag neto-static
principle, the gauges enable quick and easy measurem ent on non-ferromagnetic m at er ials.
The measuring system consists of a handy sensor, which is connected via a cable to the base and
display unit for visualization and processing of readings. For measur ement , specially treated targ et
balls made of a ferromag netic material are used as a r eference. For measurement , a target ball is
placed on the material to be measured so that the material thickness between target ball and
sensor will be measured. The measuring system comes with sensor stand ( available as an option)
to add additional comfort of handling during measurement.
For documentation a portable data printer is available. The measuring system may also be
connected to a PC for data communication.
For taking reading s, the sensor is placed on the surf ace of the m easuring object, the target ball is
placed on the opposite side of sample. The sensor is placed on the opposite side of sample.
Equipped with a strong perm anent magnet, the sensor at tracts the target ball and holds it exactly
over its sensor tip. W hen moving the sensor, the tar get follows accordingly. The presence of the
target ball will change the magnetic field near the sensor tip. The magnetic field changes according
to the distance between target ball and sensor tip. T he change of mag netic f ield increases with the
distance between target ball and sensor t ip getting smaller and can be taken as a reference for the
material thickness of the sample to be measured. The sensor incorporates a Hall element to
capture the change of magnetic field and to translate it into thickness.
For measuring hollow parts, a target ball is placed into the interior of sample and the sensor is
placed on the opposite side in order to attract the t arget ball exactly over the sensor tip. For taking
readings, the sensor is moved over the surface of sample. For measuring sheets, the sensor is
placed on the surface of sheet and t he target ball is placed near the sensor on the opposite side of
sheet. The target ball will automatically center on the correct measuring position and the
measuring processes can be started.
For measuring large-sized parts, the sensor can be guided manually over the sample to be
measured. For measuring small part s, it is recommended to use the sensor stand supplied with the
Suitable for use in industrial production areas, the measuring systems MiniTest 7200 / 7400 FH
measure hollow parts, containers and sheet material of all kinds such as bottles, cans, inject ions
moldings, car bodies, glass, SMC components etc made of non-magnetic (non-f er r it e) m at erials.
This section refer s to persons to use the gauge for the first time. This section explains the main
features of the gauge and how to take readings.
2.1 Insert Batteries and connect Sensor
a) Take gauge and batteries from the carrying case.
b) Push the battery compartment lid at the gauge bottom in arrow direction (as shown below)
c) Inser t bat teries into the battery compartment. Respect polarities (as shown below).
d) Close lid.
b) c)
e) Take requested sensor (FH4 or FH10) form t he carrying case. Plug sensor into the sock et on
top of the base unit (as shown below). Make sure the nib of plug is correctly inserted into the
guide way of socket. The red mark ing at t he probe plug must be positioned correctly to the red
marking at the sensor plug .
f) Fully engage the sensor plug into the sensor sock et t o t he stop.
This setting can be made at initial use or as requested at any time (see section 11.1)
Press the red ON/OFF button on the left side of gauge and ESC simultaneously to switch on and to
go to initialization menu.
1. A banner appear s with a language option.
User arrow keys ↑↓ to go to your requested language option.
Press OK to confirm or ESC to abor t.
2. On display appears “Total Reset”. A Total Reset restores factory settings. To abort Total
Reset, press Function key “No” (section 11.1)
a) Start Screen appears showing company logo, gauge version
and sensor type that is currently connected (see illustr. on the
Flashing antenna symbol if sensor is
b) After approx. 2 seconds, the gauge switches automatically into
measure mode and is ready to take readings. The Measure Screen will appear without any reading being shown.
c) At initial switch-on the gauge is in “Direct Mode“ (see section
7.1.1). For this mode, the factory calibration is preset (for more
detailed information on “Calibration” topics please refer to section
6). The Status Line provides informat ion on the active calibration
method and the active batch (MiniTest 7400 FH) Please check
whether the target ball size as adjusted mat ches your application
(for more det ails on targ et ball size pleaser refer to sect ion 5.2.2
“Target ball size”).
Active batch, here: Pet bottle
(only with Minitest 7400 FH)
Status line
d) The factory calibration is for q uick and easy measurement when larger measuring errors are
acceptable. For other calibration methods please refer to section 6.2.
e) For measurement, please use the sensor st and supplied with the gauge. Place the measuring
object on the sensor. Place the target ball on the opposite side. For measuring hollow parts,
place the ball inside the sample. Equipped with a strong permanent magnet, the sensor attracts
the target ball and holds it exactly over its sensor tip. Hold t he measuring object in rectangular
position to the sensor and move it smoothly over the sensor. Press OK to store the reading into
memory. Press Function key “Statistics” to view readings and the numerical st at istics.
For measuring large-sized sheeting material or large hollow parts, place the senor on the
surface of sample. The t arget ball is placed on the opposite side near the sensor. Keep the
sensor in rectangular position to the surface and move it across the surface of sam ple.
measuring values, statistical data, histog ram and
3. Description of the measuring system
3.1 Basic unit
3.1.1 General Remarks
Graphics display
160 x 160 Dots
3.1.2 Operating keys
trend diagram.
Robust scratch resistant plastics housing.
ON/OFF button
Command and
navigation key
Function keys
Use the ON/OFF button to switch the gauge ON or OFF. If you press ON/OFF butt on and ESC
simultaneously, the initializing procedure will be perform ed ( for more details please refer to section
The Function keys may assume different functions according to the menu being active. Their
current properties are displayed in the line upper to the Function keys.
The command and navigation key block may also assume different functions:
Press OK to confirm settings, store values or select menu items.
Press ESC to abort actions or to quit submenus.
Use ARROW k eys to navigate through the menu or change sett ings.
If the alphanumerical block has been activated, OK and ESC keys also assume navigation
The Function keys and the command and navigation k ey block may be backlit on request. This
adds additional comfort in poor light condit ions ( for more details please refer t o section 10.5.2)
Press the “Help” Function key for calling the context-or ient ed on-line “Help“.
3.1.3 Sockets and interfaces
Multi-purpose socket
Sensor socket
IR Interface
The basic unit features a sensor socket for connecting the FH 4 or the FH 10 sensor. The multipurpose socket is used for connecting the mains unit, the foot switch, the alarm device or the
RS232 interface cable.
3.1.4 Power supply Batteries and storage batteries
Both models, MiniTest 7400 FH and MiniTest 7200 FH, are powered by a set of four alkalinemanganese cells, 1.5V, AA LR6 size (Batteries included in the standar d supply schedule.) .
As an alternative, both models may be operated on rechargeable NiMH (type AA-HR6) storage
batteries or via a power supply unit (available as an option). Please use only products as
recommended by ElektroPhysik (See section 14.3, Accessories).
If you wish to use the storage batteries, they must be recharge using the external charger unit
(available as an option). Please also refer to section 13.1 “Care and maintenance” for more details.
• Remove batteries or storage batteries from the instrument if you are not going to use it for a
longer period of time.
• The battery symbol on display indicates the battery state.
• For field use, replacement batteries should be m ade available.
• Erratic readings due to low battery voltage do not occur because the g auge switches off or
• Used or defective batteries or storage batt er ies m ay contain hazardous substances and
must be disposed according to the legal provisions of your count r y. Power supply unit
For mains operation, the power supply unit must be used. If oper at ed via the power supply unit,
batteries should be inserted to supply the internal time clock, otherwise, after approx. 1 minute, the
settings of the real-tim e clock will go lost as soon as supply from the mains is cut.
The power supply unit comes with two different adapter plug versions ( Eur o and US plug). If the
power supply unit comes with an adapter plug connected that does not match your socket, sim ply
change the adapter plug accordingly.
Simply remove the adapter from the power supply unit and fix the ot her one as r equired.
The adapter has not been designed for frequent change.
3.2 Sensors FH 4 and FH 10
3.2.1 General Remarks
In this new SIDSP (Sensor integrated digital signal processing) procedure, all necessary
measuring signals are created and complet ely processed in the sensor itself. Only the completely
processed digital readings are transferred to the base unit for display, statistical evaluation and
data storage. Unlike the comm only used analog procedures, the new SIDSP procedure excludes
any error influences on the measuring data during transfer over the probe cable. The result is a
measuring accuracy and constancy of readings that has been unmatched so far. T he complete
sensor technique is integrated into a robust stainless-steel housing.
3.2.2 Sensor Models
Two sensor models are available:
FH 4 sensor to cover the 0 …4 mm range
FH 10 sensor to cover the 0…10 mm range.
Both sensors feature a wear-resistant sensor tip most suitable also for hard materials such as
glass, for instance.
Both sensor types come with a spring-loaded V-grooved sensor stand. The use of the sensor stand
ensures increased reproducibility of readings by adding stability of t he sensor dur ing measurement
so that even small parts can be measured without problems.
4.3.2 Measure Mode –Graphics Screen with MiniTest 7400 FH
Time clock
Target ball size, measuring unit
The current
function keys.
For setting the Real-Time Trend display option, select “Act ive Batch” form the Main Menu. Press
OK to confirm. Select “Configuration” from the Batch Menu and press OK to confirm. Use the arrow
keys to move to the “Graphics” option. O N or OFF is highlighted. Use arrow keys to make your
selection and press OK to confirm or the “ESC” navigation button to restore pr evious setting and to
go back to the previous menu level.
To take full advantage of the real-time trend it is necessar y to t oler ance lim its (see also section
8.11 „Upper specification limits (USL) and lower specification limits (LSL)“.
The numerous MiniTest FH 7400 / 7200 features can be accessed via the different menus that are
divided into submenus.
Press the Function key “Main menu“ in order to get access to the main menu.
Select an item from the Main Menu (e.g. Database) and pr ess OK to confirm. You will go to a
submenu. Use the arrow keys to select the requested it em and press OK to confirm.
To go back to the previous menu level press ESC.
According selected submenu you can
View settings (e.g. Gauge specs = Gaug e specifications in the Setup Menu)
Select preset parameters (e.g. 100% brightness from the Display Menu)
Make numerical or alphanumerical entries (e.g. Ent er a dir ectory name in the database / new
directory option).
4.4.1 User Preferences
Use the arrow keys to select your requested menu item, e. g. Language.
Press OK to confirm. T he cur r ent selection will be highlighted. Use the
arrows to select the requested parameter ( e. g. English) and press OK to
confirm. To undo your selection, press ESC and you will return t o the
previous menu level.
As soon as the alphanumeric block is activated, ESC and OK will
assume navigation functions to the left or right. Choose your character
by placing the cursor over the requested character. After a certain period
of time, the entry will be accepted automatically without the need to
confirm. This period of tim e can be specified under User Pref erences in
the “Entry accepted” option. See also section 10.5.5 for further
reference. Complete your entry by pressing Function key “Ready” and
then confirm “Save changes?” by pressing OK.
4.4.3 Alphanumerical Entries (on MiniTest 7400 FH)
For alphanumerical entries you can use as many as 15 characters for
entering a name. ESC and OK assume navigation funct ions to the left or
right. Choose your character via the alphanumerical block. Your
selection will be automatically accepted after the previously specified
period of time. This period of time can be set under User Pref erences in
the “Entry accepted” option. See also section 10.5.5 for further
reference. Complete your entry by pressing Function key “Ready”.
Complete your entry by pressing Function key “Ready” and then confirm
“Save changes?” by pressing OK.
Make sure that the operator has been properly instructed regarding the use of thickness gauges
and has basic knowledge of the specific req uir ements for measurement of the application. The
operator should have basic knowledge of the following:
• Selection of a measuring device suitable for his application
• Fundamentals on the magneto-static m easur ing principle
• Influences on the magnetic f ields t hr ough the surrounding field
• Influence of the surf ace pr oper t ies of the material to be tested (roug hness, build-up on the
• Statistical evaluation of measuring series
• Gravity influencing the reference ball
5.1.1 Limitations to magneto-stati c t hi ckness measurement
The information obtained f rom thickness measurements according to the magneto-static principle
only refer to those parts of the test object that have been covered by the magnetic sensor . For t hat
reason, be careful to draw conclusion on other parts of the measuring object that have not been
covered by the sensor during measurement. In g eneral, such conclusions are only admissible if
comprehensive experience and approved methods of statistical data acquisit ion ar e available.
5.2 Batch Configuration / Necessary Settings
Before taking reading s, it is necessary to make a few settings in the Configuration menu. The
Configuration always refers to a cer t ain m easuring series (Batch).
5.2.1 Batch
You can continue to take readings in the active batch
You can create a new batch (only with MiniTest 7400 FH model)
You can choose an exiting batch from the database (please r efer to section 7.2).
According to sensor type and the shape of measuring object, a
Use arrow keys to move to “Target Ball” size and press OK. Use arrow
keys to adjust the requested tar g et ball size. Press O K to confir m your
setting or press ESC to undo your setting. If you undo, you will
get ball setting option and go back to the previous
5.2.2 Target Ball Size
suitable target ball must be set. This can be made in the Configuration
menu, menu item “Targ et ball” (also refer to section 6 “ Calibr at ion” .
automatically quit tar
menu level.
5.2.3 Data Logging Mode
In the data logg ing mode you can specif y how you wish readings to be stored in memory. Several
modes are available:
manually or via footswitch (Current reading, MIN, MAX)
Automatic (Auto)
Note: For logging data into memory please always proceed as follows: Put the sensor into the
correct measuring position, press ESC. Then readings can be taken.
5.3 Preparing Measurement
Before measurement, the probe must be adapted to the ambient temperature. In case of high
variations in temperature, the targ et ball must be lifted f rom the probe tip at regular intervals (e.g.
every other minute). This is to compensate f or f r equency drif t due to variations in temperature. It is
recommended to switch on the gauge for warming up around 2 to 3 minutes in order to ensure
maximum measuring accuracy.
5.3.1 Calibration
According to your setting of task , you may use different calibration methods. Measuring accuracy
depends on the selected calibration method. Please refer to section 6 for more details on this
There are three calibration methods available:
For measuring large-sized parts, t he sensor can be guided manually over the measuring sample.
For measuring thick samples (6 m m and thicker) make sure to k eep the sensor in vertical position
to the sample. When holding the sensor in horizontal position, due to the influence of gravity on the
steel ball, the readings will be higher than the actual t hickness.
5.3.3 Using the Sensor Stand
For measuring small part s, bottles or other cylindrical bodies the sensor stand (supplied with the
sensor) and a footswitch (available as an option) should be used.
Put the sensor into the stand and secure with the red sensor stand
retaining ring.
5.4 Take Readings
5.4.1 Measurement without Sensor Stand
For measurements on large-sized sheeting m aterial or large hollow parts, place the sensor onto
the surface of the object to be measured. Place an appropriate targ et ball on the opposite side of
object near the sensor. The t arget ball will be attr acted by the strong permanent mag net of sensor
and be positioned centrally just opposite of the sensor t ip. Keep the sensor in right-angle posit ion
to the object to be measur ed and scan continuously over the surface. For storing readings, please
refer to section 5.5.1.
If you are using the sensor stand, position the sample on the sensor tip and keep it in r ight-angle
position to the sensor. Place the appropriate tar get ball on the opposite side of obj ect. Make sure
to keep the right -angle position while moving the object continuously over the sensor. For stor ing
readings, please refer to section 5. 5.1.
When measuring small hollow parts such as bottles e.g., put the target ball inside the object and
place the object onto the v-grooved device of sensor stand. Turn the object unt il the target ball is
centered directly over the sensor tip. Then move the object continuously over the v-groove of
sensor stand. For storing readings, please r efer to section 5.5.1.
5.4.3 Delete Readings
Please refer to section 8.2.2 “Delet e Single Readings“.
5.5 Storing Readings into Statistics Memory
5.5.1 Data Logging Mode
During measurement, readings can be stored into memory manually or automatically. Data in
memory will be used for statistics.
The following storing options are available:
Storing the current reading manually or automatically
Storing the minimum reading (only manually)
Storing the maximum reading (only manually).
The Data logging mode can be specif ied in the “ Conf igur ation” submenu. Use ar row keys to select
the Data logging mode option and pr ess OK to conf irm. You can chose f rom t he following setting
Curr. reading (Current reading)
Make your selection and press OK to confirm. If you wish to undo your setting (before OK has
been pressed) press ESC and the gauge will return to t he pr evious menu level.