All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any
means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping,
or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or
registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no
claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the
publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for
damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the
use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the
publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial
damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.
Printed: May 2018
The HENSON 9000 is manufactured in the United Kingdom by
Elektron Eye Technology Ltd.
Broers Building
J.J. Thomson Avenue
Tel : 01223 371 000
at our manufacturing site in South West London.
Elektron Eye Technology Ltd.
29 Central Avenue
West Molesey
Elektron company notices
Im portant warnings
Revision history
Help/Manual information
Quick start
Smart Supra Single Stimulus test
Smart Supra Multiple Stimulus test
ZATA Threshold test
Esterman Binocular Driving test
Visual field tests
Smart Supra tests
Multiple Stimu lu s
Pa tient instructio ns
Presenting and selecting different multiple st imulus
pattern s
Missed stimu li in multiple stimulus suprathreshold
Single Stimu lus
Standard a nd Mu lti-s ampling Algorithms
Pa tient instructio ns
Settin g the test in tensity
Single Stimu lus a lgo rithm
Multiple Stimu lu s algorithm
Test O pti on s
Exten din g th e test
Adding and correctin g presentations
Changin g the supra-th reshold increment
Analysing the res ults
ZATA Threshold test
Blind spot
Exten din g th e 24-2 test
Fovea mea su remen t
Global In dices
Prin tin g
Pa tient instructio ns
Stimulus locatio ns
Entering patien t details
ZATA con trols
Esterman Binocular Driving tests
Pa tient Instruction s
Stimulus locatio ns
General information
Preparing the patient
Ali gn in g th e patient
Pa tient Instruction s
Refractive correction
Auto timing
Catch trials
Changing eyes
Demonstrating the test
Entering patient data
Entering the patient's date of birth
Fixation targets
Help facility
Help Rx
Printing the results of a field test
Response button
Saving visual field data
Video camera
Editing data in the database
Visual field chart
Finding a record in the database
List/Tree views
Im port records
Moving through the database
Im age files
Printing a database record
Saving records in database
Progression analysis
Glaucoma Staging System: GSS II
Utilities program
Opening an existing visual field database
Creating a new visual field database
Copying a visual field database
Merging databases
Transferring records between databases
Im port Henson 6000 records
To find out more about Henson perimeters visit our website:
or scan the QR code opposite.
Henson 9000 Perimeter
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
1. 1
Elektron company notices
The Henson 9000 is manufactured in the United Kingdom by
Elektron Technology UK Ltd.,
Broers Building,
J.J. Thomson Avenue,
The Henson unit must be used in accordance with the operating instructions.
Please read the instructions before attempting operation.
The instructions in this guide are to be viewed as an accompaniment to correct training on this
Contact your sales agent for details of on-site training or contact the manufacturer for details of
training videos and webinar training sessions.
The results of a test are only to be analysed by a suitable qualified person, and it is the
responsibility of the practice manager/owner to ensure that only suitably trained personnel are
operating this equipment.
The only warranties for Elektron Eye Technology UK Ltd. products and services are set forth in
the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that to preserve the
environment, this product must be recycled after its useful life as required by law and must not
be disposed of with your household or commercial waste. It is your responsibility to dispose of
your waste electrical and electronic equipment by handing it over to a designated collection
point for the proper recycling of such equipment. The separate collection and recycling of your
waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that
it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more
information about the authorised collection location nearest to you, please contact your local
city office, your household waste disposal service or the agent from whom you purchased the
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
This unit must be connected
to an earthed electricity
Hazardous voltages are
present inside this unit. No
user-serviceable parts inside
No modification of this
equipment is allowed
This equipment is not
suitable for use in an oxygen
rich environment
The instrument is not
suitable for operation in
environments where
handling of fluids is normal
This equipment should be
kept dry at all times
1. 2
Important warnings
Backing up your data
It is strongly recommended that you regularly back up the database of patient records on an
external hard drive, or other suitable removable media, to avoid any possibility of data loss.
This simple procedure is described later in this manual in Database Backup.
Allergy advice
The chin and head rest pads are made from a low allergy Silicone, but you should check with
the patient that the do not have an allergy to silicone before allowing them to touch the
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Version 1.0
August 2013
New version for V2.0 software
Version 1.1
May 2014
For version 2.1 onwards software
Version 1.2
July 2014
Additional Installation Information
Version 1.3
October 2014
Updated information on supra
threshold tests, database operations
and general formatting.
Version 1.4
May 2015
Changes to patient instructions in
the first person. Additional
formatting changes and corrections.
Version 1.5
Added Progression information to
coincide with Version 3.4 Software
Version 1.6
April 2017
Changes for Version 3.5 Software
release - addition of integration,
changes to Database images,
additional language support.
Version 1.7
May 2018
Changes for Version 4.0 Software
release - new GUI for all test
programs, changes to suprathreshold programs. Elektron Eye
Technology branding applied.
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
1. 3
Revision history
To determine the version of installed software, click ABOUT on the main menu.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
To send Feedback, click the feedback button and enter details in the box.
Pressing send will generate an email with the files attached.
Information for the software Versions after the 3.5 release
The release version of software called 3.5 contained some important changes to the way
the software operates. These may not affect your operation of the instrument if you do not
use the database or have any practice management integration, but it is important that you
understand them if you do.
The previous versions of the software stored a PDF copy of the printout alongside the
database in an images folder.
The image stored is now a JPEG picture file. The database will operate in the same way as
before except that the 2 eyes plots (threshold tests) are shown on different tabs.
The quality of the JPEG picture file can be set in the options program.
If you currently use the PDF file for another reason, and the JPEG file cannot be substituted
then an additional PDF file can still be created when saving. The location for this can be set
in the options program (PDF tab)
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Consult manual
WEEE Directive
Power Off (0)
Power On (1)
Type B Applied Part
Hazardous voltage
CE mark
Protective earth
AC Mains
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
1. 4
Help/Manual information
Many of the images in this help manual have 'hot spots'. If you place the cursor over one of
these and click then you will jump to a new page giving further information on a topic.
Some of the screen shots in this manual may differ slightly from the software installed on your
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved. Reproduction, translation, or adaptation of this manual without prior written
permission of Elektron Technology UK Ltd. is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright
Elektron Technology UK Ltd. shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions
contained herein.
The following symbols are used in the manual and on the instrument.
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1. 5
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Windows 10 are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Adobe and Acrobat (R) reader(R) are registered trademarks of Adobe systems.
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Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
Quick start
To start a visual field test or one of the menu bar items click over that item on the start-up
To get more help on an item in the start-up screen click that item on the image below.
See Appendix 3 for installing and setting up the software.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
15Quick start
2. 1
Smart Supra Single Stimulus test
After selecting the test and entering the patient's date of birth you will be presented with
the Smart Supra Single Stimulus test screen below.
To get m ore help on a test screen item click over the item in the im age below.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
2. 2
Smart Supra Multiple Stimulus test
After selecting the test and entering the patient's date of birth you will be presented with
the Smart Supra Multiple Stimulus test screen below.
To get m ore help on a test screen item click over the item in the im age below.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
17Quick start
2. 3
ZATA Threshold test
After selecting the test, you will be asked whether this is a new or an existing patient.
Depending on your response you will then either need to enter patient details or select the
specific patient's details from the database. Once this has been done you will be presented
with the ZATA Threshold test screen below.
To get m ore help on a test screen item click over the item in the im age below.
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Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
2. 4
Esterman Binocular Driving test
After selecting the relevant Group 1 or Group 2 test you will be presented with the test screen
To obtain more help on a test screen item click over the item in the image below.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
19Visual field tests
Visual field tests
The following visual field tests are available with the Henson 9000:
Smart SupraSingle Stimulus: Choose this test to screen large
numbers of patients. It is a fully automated test where the patient presses a response
button every time they see a stimulus.
Smart SupraMultiple Stimulus: Choose this if speed is important.
It is approximately twice as fast as the single stimulus strategy in patients with little or
no defect. This is a Semi-Automated test.
ZATA Threshold(Zippy Adaptive Threshold Algorithm): This strategy
replaces the classic Full threshold algorithm. It is much faster than the Full and Fast
Threshold programs and will normally be the program of choice for monitoring visual
field loss. The ZATA program uses a Bayesian algorithm and adaptive terminating
criteria to make the best use of prior data. This is a fully automated test where the
patient presses a response button every time they see a stimulus.
Esterman Binocular Driving Test: The Drivers Test program is
designed to see whether or not a patient meets the UK DVLA visual field requirements
for Group 1 and Group 2 driving. Again, this is a fully automated test where the patient
presses a response button every time they see a stimulus.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3. 1
Smart Supra tests
There are two different Supra-Threshold tests provided with the Henson 9000 software, Single
and Multiple stimulus:
Both incorporate three levels of testing.
Both can be run in an age-related (Total Deviation) or threshold-related (Pattern
Deviation) mode.
The flow chart below gives the different stages of a Supra-Threshold test.
See also:
Fixation targets
Default threshold setting
Establishing the test intensity
Analysing the results
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
21Visual field tests
3.1 .1
Multiple Stimulus
The Smart Supra Multiple Stimulus test is used to rapidly screen the visual field. The test is
semi-automated but requires more perimetrist involvement than the single stimulus equivalent.
With a skilled perimetrist this can result in more reliable results with less variability.
The perimetrist should instruct the patient on what to do, ensure that they have the correct
refractive correction in front of their eye and that they are correctly positioned and
Each presentation is composed of a pattern of 2, 3 or 4 stimuli.
1.After each presentation the patient tells the perimetrist how many stimuli they saw.
2.If the patient gives the wrong number then the perimetrist should repeat the
3.If on the second presentation the patient still reports the wrong number, the perimetrist
asks the patient where the stimuli they saw were. Any missed stimuli are then marked
as misses. It is often useful when trying to establish which stimuli were missed to
ask the patient to report the clock hour positions of the seen stimuli.
4.If on the second presentation the patient reported the correct number then the
perimetrist should proceed to the next pattern. In this case it is assumed that the error
in the first presentation was a false one.
5.If there is some doubt, the perimetrist can re-present the pattern. There is no limit to
the number of times it can be presented.
Missed locations can be tested at higher intensity levels to quantify the depth of any defect.
At the beginning of the test the threshold is determined. Stimuli are then initially presented
at an intensity that 95% of patients with no field loss should see.
The test has 3 levels, it starts testing just 26 points. It can be extended to 54 and 86
The test can be customised with the addition of extra stimulus locations.
To get m ore help on a test screen item click over the item in the im age below.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3.1 .1.1
Patient instructions
It is important that the patient understands what they need to do during the test.
Below is a set of instructions that we have found work well.
The eye not being tested should be occluded and the test eye must be correctly aligned with
the patient sitting comfortably.
Threshold set by age
The test is going to take about 2 minutes.
You must look at the central red light and keep your eye as still as possible.
The technician is going to present patterns of 2, 3 or 4 light spots.
Not all of the spots will be the same intensity.
After each presentation he/she will ask you how many you saw.
The technician may ask you where you saw the lights.
Add when setting the threshold by measurement
To begin with, the lights will be fairly bright.
They will then get dimmer and dimmer until they cannot be seen.
You should not guess. If unsure it is advisable to say "none".
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
23Visual field tests
3.1 .1.2
Presenting and selecting different multiple stimulus patterns
The currently selected multiple stimulus pattern is represented on the screen by the red circles.
To present this pattern to the patient click or press the space bar.
To go forward or back to another pattern click or press the left or
right arrow keys on the keyboard.
All the patterns within the current test level are represented by a line of buttons along the
bottom of the screen:
To select a specific pattern click the pattern button.
Each pattern button shows the number of stimuli in the pattern.
The number on the button is initially green and turns black once the pattern has been
presented. If there is a missed stimulus in the selected pattern then the number is shown in red.
When extending the test to a higher level, additional pattern buttons will appear.
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Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3.1 .1.3
Missed stimuli in multiple stim ulus suprathreshold test
It is not unusual for a patient with no visual field loss to miss the occasional stimulus. To
differentiate between these and misses due to genuine field loss, the pattern should be
presented a second time.
If the incorrect number is given twice then establish which stimuli were missed by:
1.Asking the patient where they saw stimuli. It is often helpful at this stage to tell the
patient to consider the bowl as a clock face and to give the hour positions of the
2.To mark a location as missed move the mouse to the missed location, click the left
button and from the pop up select .
To correct mistakes (i.e. remove stimuli marked as missed) repeat 2 but select .
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
25Visual field tests
3.1 .2
Single Stimulus
The Smart Supra Single Stimulus test is ideal for screening the visual field.
The fully automated test requires no intervention other than to instruct the patient on what
to do, ensure that they have the correct refractive correction in front of their eye and that
they are correctly positioned and comfortable.
The test intensity is derived either from the patient's age or from a measurement taken
at the beginning of the test.
There are two different test algorithms, Standard and Multi-sampling
The patient responds to each seen presentation by pressing the response button.
This test incorporates a number of false positive catch trails that help to discourage the
patient from predicting the next presentation.
The test can be customised with the addition of extra stimulus locations.
To get m ore help on a test screen item click over the item in the im age below.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3.1 .2.1
Standard and Multi-sampling Algorithms
Smart Supra test algorithms define what the patient has to do for a test location to be marked
as seen or missed.
The single stimulus test offers two different algorithms, Standard and Multi-sampling.
When your machine was installed one of these algorithms would have been set as the default
within the Options program.
You can change the test algorithm at the onset of a test by clicking
Standard algorithm
In this algorithm the patient has to miss a flash at each test location twice, or see it once, before
it is marked as missed or seen. Having to miss the stimulus twice before the location is marked
as a miss reduces the number of false positives misses. This algorithm has been part of the
Henson software for many years.
Multi-sampling algorithm
In this algorithm the patient has to miss a flash at each test location twice, or see it twice before
it is marked as seen or missed. This algorithm is new to the Henson 9000 and takes a little
longer, as there are more presentations, but is more robust to response errors and is less
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
27Visual field tests
3.1 .2.2
Patient instructions
It is important that the patient understands what they need to do during the test.
Below is a set of instructions that we have found work well.
The eye not being tested should be occluded and the test eye must be correctly aligned with
the patient sitting comfortably.
Threshold set by age
The test is going to take about 2 minutes.
You should press the response button when you see a light flash.
Not all of the flashes of light are the same intensity.
Some presentations are deliberately blank so do not press the button unless you
are sure you saw a light flash.
You must keep looking at the central red light and keep your eye as still as possible.
If you want to take a break, you can hold down the response button. The test will
pause until the response button is released.
The first few presentations are a demonstration, so do not worry if you make a
mistake at the beginning.
Add when setting the threshold by measurement
At the beginning of the test the light will be very dim.
Do not worry if you do not see many lights
Only press the button when you are sure.
The lights will brighten up later on.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3.1 .3
Setting the test intensity
The Smart Supra tests present stimuli at intensities that are above the patients estimated
threshold. It uses one of two techniques to establish the patient's threshold:
Age related (Total Deviation). The level is set by the age of the patient.
This is the fastest method but can lead to errors when a patient's threshold departs
from the average value for their age, e.g. when there are media opacities.
Threshold related (Pattern Deviation). The level is set by a series of
measurements taken at the onset of the test. The algorithm is different for Single
and Multiple Stimulus tests.
When your machine was installed one of these techniques would have been set as the default
method within the Options program.
You can change the method at the onset of a test by clicking the Test Options button which
presents the following options form.
The perimeter will revert to the default method for the second eye or when starting a new
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
29Visual field tests
3.1 .3.1
Single Stimulus algorithm
The threshold sensitivity is measured at four test locations, one in each quadrant. The
locations are displaced 9 degrees from the vertical and horizontal meridians.
At each location a repetitive bracketing algorithm (1dB steps, six presentations) is
The average intensity of the last four presentations, at each of the four test locations, is
then taken as the threshold. To guard against the inclusion of data from locations
where the threshold is abnormally depressed, the algorithm excludes data from
locations where the average of the last four presentations is below the 95% confidence
limits of the expected age setting. If all test locations are excluded, the threshold is set
at 4dB below the age setting.
Ten demonstration presentations are made prior to the collection of data.
E le k tr o n E ye T ec h n o lo g y 2 0 18
Henson 9000 Perimeter User Manual
3.1 .3.2
Multiple Stimulus algorithm
Perimetrist task.
1.Present the current pattern by clicking Present .
2.Ask the patient how many stimuli they saw, the pattern can be repeated if necessary.
3.Click either or depending on whether or not they saw any stimuli.
4.Keep repeating 1-3 until the threshold has been established when the test will
automatically jump to the Supra-Threshold testing mode.
The algorithm starts by presenting a pattern that should be easily seen. At each subsequent
presentation it reduces the intensity until the patient reports (twice) that none are seen.
If none were seen on the first presentation then the algorithm increases the test intensity.
It is important to tell the patient what is going to happen, i.e. that the patterns are going to get
dimmer and dimmer until they cannot see any of the stimuli. This helps to put the patient at
ease when the stimuli get too dim to see.
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