1. Get Prepared .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Product Description .................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Hardware Preparation ............................................................................................. 5
1.3. Software Preparation ............................................................................................... 8
1.3.1. Software Needed ........................................................................................... 8
1.3.2. Download System Image ........................................................................... 10
2. Installation System ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1. Install Configured Raspbian system .................................................................... 11
2.2. Install Official Raspbian System ........................................................................... 14
3. Advanced Function ............................................................................................................. 20
3.1. Touch Screen Calibration ....................................................................................... 20
3.2. Install Virtual Keyboard .......................................................................................... 22
3.3. Modify Display Orientation ................................................................................... 26
4. FAQ ......................................................................................................................................... 27
4.1. Compatible Systems ............................................................................................... 27
4.2. White /Blank Screen ............................................................................................... 27
4.3. Kernel Crash ............................................................................................................. 29
4.4. Touch Screen Issue ................................................................................................. 29
4.5. Performance Issue .................................................................................................. 30
4.6. NOOBS Issue ............................................................................................................ 31

This manual is used only for our Elegoo 3.5 inch screen for Raspberry Pi and
Raspbian system. If you are using Linux system this manual wouldn’t be a perfect
reference and if you are using no-Linux system then you can skip this manual.

1. Get Prepared
1.1. Product Description
(2)3.5 inch touch screen size:
3.5inch touch screen,480×320 resolution ratio
Resistive touch screen function
Compatible with all versions of Raspberry Pi
CE and RoHS certificated
8 : 5

(4)Raspberry Pi GPIOs used by 3.5 inch touch screen
1.2. Hardware Preparation
1,17 3.3V Power positive(3.3V input)
2.4 5V Power positive(5V input)
3,5,7,8,10,12,13,15,16 NC NC
6,9,14,20,25 GND GND
19 LCD_SI/TP_SI SPI data input of LCD/Touch Panel
21 TP_SO SPI data output Touch Panel
22 RST Reset
24 LCD_CS LCDs chip selection, low active
26 TP_CS Touch Panel's chip selection, low active
Touch Panel interrupt, low level while the
Touch Panel detects touching
LCD instruction control, Instruction/Data
Register selection
SPI clock of LCD/Touch Panel
(1)A computer(better with desktop);
(2)A Raspberry Pi (Pi3 is recommended which is also used in next tutorial)

(3)Elegoo 3.5 inch TFT screen;
(4)One Micro SD with at least 4 GB space,32GB is preferred;

(5)One Micro USB cable (USB type-A to USB type B Micro)
(6)One SD card reader

(7)One network cable
1.3. Software Preparation
1.3.1. Software Needed
(1)SDFormatter.exe,used to format SD card

Attention: The above 3 software are available in CD Where there is a file named
(2)Win32DiskImager.exe,used to write system into SD card
(3)Putty.exe,textual interface used on PC

(4)Advanced IP Scanner,go to
1.3.2. Download System Image
download the local area network (LAN) IP scanner software which can be used
(1)Download the configured Raspbian system image (with drivers pre-installed)
from below link:
(2)Download the official Raspbian System Image from Raspberry official website --
and choose the zip file with PIXEL.