ElectSys Emerald ICE User Manual

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Emerald ICE
Digital Key
Telephone System
Flash Voicemail User Guide
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Record of Revisions
Catalogue Number
Release Date Supercedes Comments
Initial Release August 12, 2003
Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide Record of Revisions
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
Capabilities ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Document Overview ............................................................................................................. 1-3
Document Conventions ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Applicable Documents.......................................................................................................... 1-4
2 Learning the System..........................................................................................................2-1
The * Key................................................................................................................................. 2-1
The # Key................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Interrupting the Prompts - Dial Ahead Function.............................................................. 2-2
How to Use this Guide.......................................................................................................... 2-2
3 Getting Started ................................................................................................................... 3-1
Accessing Your Mailbox ....................................................................................................... 3-1
Disconnecting from the System ........................................................................................... 3-1
4 Basic Operations................................................................................................................. 4-1
Reviewing Your Messages.................................................................................................... 4-1
Playback Controls.................................................................................................................. 4-2
Options while Reviewing ..................................................................................................... 4-2
Skip a Message ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Cancel Play of Messages....................................................................................................... 4-3
Replay a Message................................................................................................................... 4-3
Save a Message....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Delete a Message.................................................................................................................... 4-4
Reply to a Message ................................................................................................................ 4-4
Send a Call Directly to Voice Mail....................................................................................... 4-4
5 Message Information......................................................................................................... 5-1
Send a Copy to Someone Else.............................................................................................. 5-1
Sending a Message ................................................................................................................ 5-2
To send a message:................................................................................................................ 5-2
6 Additional Operations ...................................................................................................... 6-1
Changing Your Mailbox Greeting....................................................................................... 6-1
What is a Good Mailbox Greeting? ..................................................................................... 6-1
Reviewing Your Greeting..................................................................................................... 6-2
Deleting Your Greeting......................................................................................................... 6-2
Recording Your Name ..........................................................................................................6-3
Temporary Greeting..............................................................................................................6-3
Review Your Temporary Greeting...................................................................................... 6-4
Delete Your Temporary Greeting........................................................................................ 6-4
Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide Table of Contents
7 Passwords ............................................................................................................................ 7-1
Outcall Notification ............................................................................................................... 7-1
Turn Outcall On/Off.............................................................................................................. 7-2
Table of Contents Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide
List of Tables
Table 1. Document Conventions ............................................................................................1-4
Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide LIST OF FIGURES
The Emerald ICE Voice Flash Voice Mail is a powerful, compact voice processing system that uses state-of-the-art Digital Signal Processing hardware and software, interfaced with the Emerald ICE compact communications platform.
All voice processing uses digital voice processing chips for the utmost in voice clarity and reliability.
This compact, high-performance, solid-state voice processing system has been designed to provide today’s business with a feature-rich system enabling small companies to project the image of a much larger company. Since a large majority of all telephone transactions require only one-way communications, the voice mail function contributes to streamlining business communications.
The purpose of this manual is to provide instructions for programming using the System Administrator’s Mailbox.
Programming is performed through either a series of easy-to-follow menus accessed from HyperTerminal on a PC or by the System Administrator’s Mailbox. Refer to the Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Installation Manual for instructions on the programming performed on a PC.
Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide 1-1
The basic system includes the ability to:
Send messages in telephone answering and voice mail mode.
Send copies of messages.
Send messages to multiple destinations.
Obtain a summary count of messages waiting for review.
Delete, reply, save, or skip a message.
Receive message information indicating the date, time, and sender information, if
Change recorded name, personal greeting, and password.
In addition, the system provides:
Playback controls when sending or reviewing messages.
A temporary greeting.
In order to simplify message storage, two queues are used. The new message queue stores all messages which have not been reviewed by the subscriber. The saved message queue is used to store already reviewed messages for future action.
As messages are recorded, they need to be stored in such a way that they can be retrieved efficiently. The system stores messages in mailboxes.
Users, or subscribers, are assigned mailbox numbers for their private use. Each mailbox is protected by a user-defined password. Thus, subscribers are the only ones who can retrieve messages left in their mailboxes.
More than one person can use the system at the same time. Each port allows one user access to the system. A port is a path to the system. For example, up to eight users could be recording or reviewing messages at the same time with an eight-port system. Since not all users would be accessing the system at the same time, many users can be supported. User commands are just one digit long. They do not have to be memorized since the system is constantly prompting users about what to do.
By using a Touch Tone® phone, you can receive or send messages from any location through your voice mailbox. If you are busy in your office or away on a business trip, customers, vendors, or other employees can leave you detailed messages in your voice mailbox. Since the mailbox is password-protected, these messages are completely confidential.
1-2 Emerald ICE Flash Voice Mail Mailbox Owner’s Guide
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