P h o e n i x i s t h e r e b i r t h
of patented Electro-Voice Manifold Technology.
In 1985 EV introduced the MT series to
address the needs of concert sound profes-
sionals looking for high SPL capabilities,
reduced distortion and constant coverage
using smaller enclosures. MT series achieved
these goals by utilizing revolutionary Manifold
Technology that employed multiple drivers on
a single horn. Not long after its introduction,
major sound companies deployed large MT
series systems for the world’s top tours, ush-
ering in a new paradigm in sound reinforce-
ment. Unique products included the quad
18-inch MTL-4 subwoofer and the MTH-4 with
four 10-inch woofers, four 2-inch compression
drivers and four 1.25-inch compression driv-
As line arrays came into vogue and manufac-
turers put more resources into their design,
the market for loud, ground stacked systems
with flying capabilities was neglected. As a
customer-driven company offering complete
application-specific solutions, EV recognized
the need to fill the void created by line array.
Phoenix, with second generation Manifold
Technology and all-new DVX woofer design,
specifically addresses the needs of custom-
ers in this market. From regional PA com-
panies to high-end concert touring, Phoenix
provides medium and long-throw solutions
for applications including festivals, clubs and
outdoor events—anywhere high SPL non-line
ers, all in a single enclosure. MT series was
quickly embraced as the worldwide standard.
array systems are required.

Electro-Voice® Manifold Technology
Unique to all Phoenix high-mid systems and monitors is patented Electro-Voice
Manifold Technology. Borrowing from the innovations of the original MT series, yet
employing the most advanced Electro-Voice technology, Phoenix manifolds boast
major advantages over single compression driver designs. More drivers means
higher power handling capacity and more SPL per horn, allowing the use of less
overall cabinets for the same output. Dual drivers offer the benefit of tremendous
headroom in the mid and high frequencies letting you confidently push that vocal
up and over the top of a dense mix or high stage volumes. Additionally, dual driv-
ers don’t have to work as hard as a single driver which results in less heat build
up in each driver and provides reliable roadworthy longevity. In the rare event one
driver fails, the integral redundancy of a dual driver system offers peace of mind
that the show will go on.