Electro-Voice MH6040AC Specifications

Coaxial Constant­Directivity Manifold Technology® Horn System
• For high-performance speech and music systems in large venues, indoors and out
• Includes HP640 high-frequency horn and mounting brackets
• Midrange covered by two 10-inch DL10X-SH drivers manifolded on a 60° x 40° constant-directivity horn.
• Response to 100 Hz eliminates supplemental low-frequency systems in many applications
• Large mouth has high directivity at low frequencies
• Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMD™) for outstanding intelligibility
The Electro-Voice MH6040AC is a wide­range, 60° x 40° mid-bass/high-frequency constant-directivity horn-and-driver system. With a contractor-installed high-frequency driver, it covers the frequency range of 100 Hz to 20,000 Hz with minimal equalization. The MH6040AC combines two world-pio­neering concepts developed by Electro­Voice: constant-directivity horns and Mani­fold Technology tentially high acoustic output, stable direc­tional characteristics, and extended low­frequency performance make it highly suit­able for music and speech reinforcement in large indoor and outdoor venues.
At the heart of the MH6040AC are two DL10X-SH 10-inch water-resistant drivers (U.S. Patent No. 4,547,632). The driver has been specially developed for the MH series of horns. It incorporates a unique diaphragm construction of Kevlar combination of high-technology materials produces a diaphragm with a strength-to­weight ratio on the order of twice that of conventional materials. Each driver is inte­grally mounted to the fiberglass horn bell via a heavy-duty mounting bracket and propri-
1. Kevlar® is a registered trademark of Du Pont.
. The MH6040AC’s po-
and epoxy.1 This
etary Aperiodic Enhancer Manifolding allows the output of two or more
drivers to be summed without the usual det­rimental interference problems in the pass­band. There are a number of additional ad­vantages to manifolding, including reduced distortion (see Figure 5) and increased effi­ciency at certain frequencies. There is also redundancy built into the system; in the un­likely event of a driver failure, one remains available. The DLX10-SH drivers are con­tained and sealed within fiberglass covers optimally tuned for maximum low-end per­formance and displacement control.
The frequencies above 1,250 Hz are handled by the Electro-Voice HP640 constant­directivity horn, in combination with a con­tractor-selected-and-installed high-fre­quency compression driver.
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMD™) Technology
The MH6040AC controls both acoustical and mechanical ring modes to provide dra­matically increased intelligibility, using tech­niques learned from the development of the Electro-Voice X-Array concert speakers. There is much less coloration of the sound from resonating sources, leaving only the
phase plug.
intended sound to be heard by the audience.
The MH6040AC is designed to be suspended safely and easily. The integral mounting brackets at the rear should be used as the main structural hanging location. There are also two structural hanging locations on the rear of the front flange to aim and stabilize the device. Electro-Voice recommends that each MH6040AC be independently sup­ported. The MH6040AC can be easily sus­pended with either the 60° or the 40° cover­age pattern horizontal. Note: the contractor­selected high-frequency drivers contribute to the overall weight of the MH6040AC. In the worst case (DH2A/4MT) an additional 48 lb is added. This should be taken into con­sideration when suspending the system.
It is recommended that the MH6040AC be mounted with the horn mouth angled at least 10 degrees down from horizontal. This will prevent any water that may get into the mouth of the horn from being funneled to the area of the woofers.
Electrical connections can be made using standard electrical boxes or weather-resis­tant boxes if used in adverse conditions. The mounting brackets incorporate a predrilled
MH6040AC Coaxial Constant-Directivity Manifold Technology
Horn System
flange to aid electrical box mounting. If the MH6040AC is suspended, it is recom-
mended that the unit be inspected at least once a year. If any sign of weakness is de­tected, remedial action should be taken im­mediately.
Equalization and Subpassband Protection
Horn System
The MH6040AC’s mid-bass section exhib­its typical constant-directivity horn charac­teristics, i.e., roll-off at the frequency ex­tremes. At higher frequencies, the roll-off ap­proximately matches the power-response of the DL10X-SH (6 dB per octave). At lower frequencies, directivity is lost when the mouth is no longer large enough to maintain directional control. These two consequences can be observed in the “humped” response in Figure 3. Equalization can be easily ap­plied with a graphic equalizer to give a flat response.
The high-frequency compression driver can be equalized with a graphic equalizer or an EQ module inserted into the Electro-Voice XEQ-2 (two-way) or XEQ-3 (two-way or three-way) active crossover/equalizer. The EQ module should be selected to suit the particular compression driver and the HP640 horn (see relevant data sheet). Because of its use in large arenas, where air loss can be significant, it is recommended that the sys­tem be equalized “on site” for optimum re-
MH6040AC Coaxial Constant-Directivity Manifold Technology
sults. The XEQ-3 and the mid-bass EQ mod­ule from the EQMT-2 can be used to pro­vide a good starting point for the equaliza­tion.
Electro-Voice strongly recommends the use of a 100-Hz high-pass filter to protect the drivers from unnecessary excursion and ther­mal stress.
The axial directivity factor R MH6040AC was computed at each of the one-third-octave center frequencies over the frequency range noted from the horizontal/ vertical polars shown in Figure 7. Directiv­ity index (D
) was taken over the same fre-
quency range.
of the
Plots of the MH6040AC’s 6-dB-down total included beamwidth angles are shown in Fig­ure 6 for each of the one-third-octave center frequencies noted.
Polar Response
The directional characteristics of the MH6040AC were obtained by selecting the horizontal and vertical details from a full set of polar data measured in EV’s large anechoic chamber. The measurement micro­phone was placed 6.1 m (20 ft) from the cen­ter of rotation of the horn which, in turn, is
0.94 m (3.08 ft) behind the mouth of the horn. See Figure 1.
Polarity of the DL10X-SH Drivers
For Manifold Technology
to operate cor­rectly, the drivers must be operated “in phase.” In other words, for parallel connec­tion, the DL10X-SH’s must be connected so the negative terminals of the drivers are con­nected together, and the positive terminals are connected together.
In the unlikely event the MH6040AC re­quires service, each DL10X-SH easily can be replaced or serviced by removing the back cover and then removing the driver. A ser­vice data sheet is available from Electro­Voice.
Power Handling Capacity
To our knowledge, Electro-Voice was the first U.S. manufacturer to develop and pub­lish a power test closely related to real-life conditions. A random-noise input signal is used because it contains many frequencies simultaneously, just like real voice or instru­ment program. The signal contains more energy at extremely high and low frequen­cies than typical actual program, adding an extra margin of reliability . The test combines not only the overall “long-term average” or “continuous” level—which our ears interpret as loudness—but also short-duration peaks which are many times higher than average, just like actual program. The long-term av­erage level stresses the speaker thermally
(heat). The instantaneous peaks test mechani­cal reliability (cone excursion). Note that the sine-wave test signals sometimes used have a much less demanding peak value relative to their average level. In actual use, long­term average levels exist from several sec­onds on up. The test performed lasts for eight hours, adding another extra level of confi­dence.
Specifically, the MH6040AC mid-band sec­tion is designed to withstand the power test described in EIA Standard RS-426A. The EIA test spectrum is applied for eight hours. The spectrum is obtained by filtering white noise (a particular type of random noise with equal energy per bandwidth). The filter ap­plies 6-dB-per-octave slopes below 40 Hz and above 318 Hz. When measured with a one-third-octave constant-percentage ana­lyzer, this filter produces a spectrum whose 3-dB-down points are at 100 Hz and 1,200 Hz with a 3-dB-per-octave slope above 1,200 Hz. This shaped signal is then further filtered with an 80-Hz, 12-dB-per-octave high-pass filter to prevent out-of-passband displace­ment. The amplifier is set to provide 600 watts into the 3.45-ohm EIA equivalent im­pedance (45.5 volts). Amplifier clipping sets instantaneous peaks at 6 dB above the con­tinuous power or 2,400 watts peak (91.0 volts). During this test, the mid-band sec­tion is not high passed at 1,250 Hz. The high­frequency section’s power handling is depen­dent on the selected driver combination. Please refer to the relevant engineering data sheet.
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specifications
The horn shall be of the constant-directivity type. It shall produce a horizontal beamwidth (6-dB-down angle) of -60°, deviating no more than +10° or –20° from this angle over the range of 400 Hz to 20 kHz. It shall pro­duce a vertical beamwidth of 40°, deviating no more than +20° or –15° over the fre­quency range of 325 Hz to 20 kHz. In addi­tion, it shall provide an acoustic load to be­low 100 Hz.
The MH6040AC mid-bass section shall op­erate over the range of 100 Hz to 4,000 Hz, with a recommended crossover frequency of
MH6040AC Coaxial Constant-Directivity Manifold Technology
Horn System
1,250 Hz, and be driven by two 10-inch, weather-resistant drivers with high-technol­ogy cones of Kevlar ented Manifold T echnology
and epoxy.1 The pat-
technique shall be exploited and result in a power-handling capacity of 600 watts per EIA Standard RS-
426. The average axial sensitivity shall be 105 dB SPL at 1 meter with 2.83 volts ap­plied. The frequencies above 1,250 Hz shall be produced by the supplied Electro-Voice HP640 TransPlanar
constant-directivity horn with user-selectable driver combina­tions.
The horn bell manifold chamber and back covers shall be constructed of fiberglass, foam and polyester resin. Two steel mount­ing rails shall be provided to coaxially mount the Electro-Voice HP640 horn. The horn shall have an integral rear mounting bracket made of black powder-coated 10-gauge steel. Brackets shall be provided at the front of the horn to stabilize and aim the MH6040AC.
The horn shall be 149.9 cm (59.0 in.) high,
99.1 cm (39.0 in.) wide, 153.4 cm (60.4 in.) long and weigh 75 kg (165 lb).
The horn shall be the Electro-Voice MH6040AC coaxial constant-directivity Manifold Technology
Limited Warranty
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in mate­rials or workmanship for a specified period, as noted in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-
uct data sheet or owner’s manual, beginning with the date of original purchase. If such malfunction occurs during the specified pe­riod, the product will be repaired or replaced (at our option) without charge. The product will be returned to the customer prepaid. Ex- clusions and Limitations: The Limited W arranty does not apply to: (a) exterior fin­ish or appearance; (b) certain specific items described in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual prod­uct data sheet or owner’s manual; (c) mal­function resulting from use or operation of the product other than as specified in the product data sheet or owner’s manual; (d) malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or (e) malfunction occurring at any time after repairs have been made to the product by anyone other than Electro­Voice Service or any of its authorized service representatives. Obtaining Warranty Ser- vice: To obtain warranty service, a customer must deliver the product, prepaid, to Elec­tro-Voice Service or any of its authorized service representatives together with proof of purchase of the product in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. A list of authorized service representatives is avail­able from Electro-V oice Service at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107 (800/234-6831 or FAX 616/695-4743). Incidental and Consequential Damages Excluded: Prod­uct repair or replacement and return to the customer are the only remedies provided to
the customer. Electro-Voice shall not be li­able for any incidental or consequential dam­ages including, without limitation, injury to persons or property or loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limita­tion of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Other Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Electro-V oice Speakers and Speaker Sys­tems are guaranteed against malfunction due
to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of origi­nal purchase. The Limited W arranty does not apply to burned voice coils or malfunctions such as cone and/or coil damage resulting from improperly designed enclosures. Electro-Voice active electronics associated with the speaker systems are guaranteed for three (3) years from the date of original pur­chase. Additional details are included in the Uniform Limited Warranty statement.
For warranty repair or service informa­tion, contact the service repair department at: 616/695-6831 or 800/685-2606.
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at 800/234-6831 or 616/695-6831, M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Stan­dard Time.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
MH6040AC Coaxial Constant-Directivity Manifold Technology
Horn System
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