Line Arrays — History and Theory
Mention is made of the vertical orientation of sound sources as far back as 1896. Line arrays were also popular in the 1950s and 60s because of the ability to provide excellent vocal range intelligibility in reverberant spaces. Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 are excellent representations of high performance “vocal range” line arrays. These line arrays, like all vertically oriented sources in the past were, what could best be termed, limited bandwidth line arrays.
Figure 3 shows an Electro-Voice line array from the 1970s. It represents a relatively elegant solution to achieving high vocal intelligibility. It should be noted that the source separation of
this design is roughly six inches, relating to a wavelength of
2.26kHz. The line array behaved very well up to that 2 kHz range. It should also be noted in the Figure 3 that a high
frequency horn was employed above that frequency limit in order to achieve appropriate extended bandwidth and fidelity up to and beyond 10 kHz. This is a classic embodiment of a limited bandwidth line array and as we shall see in this presen­tation, only recently have solutions been brought to the state of the art to enable line array technology to truly be full band­width and extend beyond the 10-15 kHz region.
Before we begin discussing bandwidth for modern day line
arrays, it is important to begin with a discussion of basic radiation of sound. Figure 4 represents a spherical shape whose radius “r” can vary with time.
Figure 5, Equation 1 describes the acoustical performance
of this pulsating sphere. This pulsating sphere, or simple source is a useful theoretical tool describing the mathematics of radiating sound.
Figure 5, Equation 1
p.c ( Vs2) ave (4πa2)
1 + (ka)
Where: K = W/
= time averaged power
VS= velocity
Figure 5, Equation 2
Condition:Ka << 1
or λ >> a
Line Arrays
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 4
b=6'' ƒ = 2.26 KHz
Figure 3
One of the key requirements of this pulsating sphere, or simple source, is that KA is always much less than 1 (Figure 5, Equation 2). That is to say the wavelength must always be much greater than the dimensions of the radiating device itself. An ideal simple source is almost infinitely small and thereby meets the requirement that KA is always much, much less than 1.
Simple sources, of course, don’t exist in the real world as radiating devices always some dimension and those dimensions, in order to radiate sufficient acoustic power, become large compared to most audio frequencies. (It is important to define the term high frequency and low frequency at this point. When one considers the term high frequency, one always assumes a particular value associated with that frequency. One could assume 5 kHz to be a relatively high frequency and it certainly would be if the radiating device were an 18-inch direct radiating loudspeaker. 5 kHz conversely, is a very low frequency if the device radiating that wave front were a very small dimension, a high frequency super tweeter, for example. The important thing to note here is that the term high frequency or low frequency is a term that describes the wavelength in comparison to the dimensions of the radiating device itself. Throughout this discussion of line arrays, whenever the term high or low frequency is used, it is always assumed that a low frequency has an associated wavelength much longer than the dimensions of the radiating source and the term high frequency relates to wavelengths that are much shorter than the dimensions of the radiating source.)
Figure 6 is an Array Show representation of a theoretical simple source. As can be seen from this slide, the radiation is purely omnidirectional, implying that any wavelength radiated is always long compared to the dimensions of the radiating device. It is common in sound reinforcement practice to assume that subwoofers or bass enclosures are essentially omnidirectional.
Figure 7 shows an Electro Voice XDS subwoofer enclosure. Although the 100 Hz being radiated is a relatively low frequency (wavelength approximately 11.3 ft), examination of the associated polar in this figure shows that the radiation at + and – 90 degrees from the central axis is 6dB to 7dB down from that on axis and the radiation at 180 degrees opposite the main lobe is also 7dB to 8dB down. The XDS is a relatively large subwoofer from a physical standpoint. (36''H x 45.92''W x 29.88''D). The radiator is not omni directional.
To further illustrate the point, Figure 8 shows an Electro Voice TL15-1 base enclosure. This is a single 15-inch, direct radiating enclosure of very small dimension. It can still be seen from examination to polar response in this figure that the response at +/- 90 degrees is still 3 dB down from that on axis. Again, not omni directional radiation. These figures, indicate the importance of the radiated frequencies being substantially longer than the dimensions of the device if true omni direc­tional radiation is to occur. Given the initial descriptions of these theoretical simple sources or pulsating spheres it is now appropriate to bring a second sphere into the discussion.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9 represents two spheres or simple sources separated by a distance B. The assumption here is that B is always much, much less than the radiated wavelengths. If this condition occurs, than the two point sources will generate double the pressure and the directivity is still that of a single point (omni). This is a simple and intuitive case where two radiating sources simply generate twice the pressure of the single source.
Figure 10 shows these two point sources separated by a distance of 12 inches. The polar response shown is that of those two point sources radiating 100 hz signal. Again, the space in B is much, much less than the wavelength, and as a result, the radiation continues to be that of an omni-directional condition. (Again, this is only a theoretical case, as point sources do not exist in practice.) This representation is extremely useful when we look at Figure 11, which is the same two point sources as that of Figure 10. The distance continues to be 12 inches, but now the frequency has been raised to 630 hz. (B approximately equivalent to 1/2 of the wavelength.)
Examination of Figure 11 shows that at 0 degrees on axis and at 180 degrees the radiation is summing coherently and the radiation at –90 degrees and +90 degrees (-y/,+y on the Array Show polar plot) is experiencing cancellation. The radiation of +x and –x, or that of the radiation on axis, has seen a 3 dB gain in pressure associated with the pressure addition of the two sources. Figure 11 begins to illustrate the principles underlying successful application of a continuous line of vertical sources (that of a line array).
Figure 12 is extremely interesting as well as it explains the “historical” applications where line arrays were limited bandwidth devices, such as those referenced in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 earlier in this discussion. The two point sources continue to be spaced by 12 inches, but now the frequency has been raised to 2500 hz. In this case, the space B is equal to twice the wavelength. Examination of the polar response shows substantial polar lobing errors. It describes exactly the response of any group of sources, whether they are vertically oriented or horizontally oriented when the wave­lengths become shorter than the device spacing.
Figure 12 is a clear representation of difficulties that system designers face when trying to provide full bandwidth radiation (i.e. greater than 16 kz) with real world radiating sources. The peaks and nulls in the diagram of Figure 12 are easily heard in real world applications and have always been taken as a “necessary evil” when orienting sources. The previous polar diagrams also require some explanation.
In definition of terms, Figure 13, the beamwidth is defined as the included angular separation between the –6 dB points, reference to the 0 db (+x) axis. The term Q is the ratio of the acoustic intensity on that reference axis at some reference distance to a true point source radiating the identical acoustic power. Again, the true point source is useful from a mathematical standpoint to enable us to define the acoustic intensity ratio of real world devices to theoretical omni
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
directional radiators. Of most interest when designing line arrays is the term directivity index. The directivity index, di = 10 log base 10(Q), represents the acoustic gain associated with the increased directional radiation of higher Q devices.
The fundamental operation of a vertical source of radiators or a line array depends heavily on gain related to directivity index. These gains, of course, are also dependent on having the directivity index be constant with regards to frequency. (Constant gain versus frequency is a critical operating parameter for uniform SPL distribution).
Figure 14 is another Array Show representation illustrating the concept of beamwidth, Q and directivity index. Here two point sources, again spaced 12 inches apart, are shown. The applied frequency is 1250 Hz. In this condition the spacing B is approximately the equivalent to the wavelength associated with 1250 hz. In Figure 14 the beamwidth is 30 degrees, the Q is 2 and the directivity index associated with that Q is slightly over a 3 dB gain.
It can also be seen from Figure 14 that the lobing pattern
begins to suggest that spacings greater than those equal to the radiated wavelength begin producing unacceptable polar lobing errors. For this reason, successful application of full band with line arrays requires that the spacing always be less than the radiated wavelengths. Figure 15 now takes our two point sources and begins to build a continuous vertical orientation of sources. Although still theoretical in nature, the representation shown in Figure 15 is exactly what is used to generate the proper mathematical description of the line array. The sources still have a separation of B but now we’ve replaced two sources with N number of sources. A theoretical line array occurs when the spacing B tends toward 0 and the number of sources grow towards infinity. Again, although both conditions are impossible to satisfy in real world applications, the designer’s challenge is to approximate small source separation and as great a number of sources as geometry, physical spacing, and safe hanging practice will allow. It should also be noted that one of the key points to all line array discussions is noted in Figure 15, and that is all sources must be both equal in magnitude and of equal phase.
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
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