IRIS-Net™– The first comprehensive audio control
solution from front to back
From the introduction of the first IRIS (Intelligent Remote Integrated Supervision) software platform for amplifiers in 2002, EV has been
developing a robust audio control protocol and new innovative audio hardware. The first was the RL line of remote controlled amplifier
products. These amplifiers offered an amazing level of user control and monitoring, which brought reliability and ease of use to a wide
range of users. Now EV is introducing the NetMax™ N8000, a comprehensive digital audio system controller — the next link in the IRIS-
Net audio processing chain.
IRIS-Net is EV’s answer to the ever-increasing complexity of audio system designs. It is a comprehensive software platform, which
encompasses a huge array of control options. All aspects of the audio chain are under its supervision and control. The key areas of signal
processing, supervision and signal routing are all manipulated under its shell.
The new NetMax N8000 is the central player in the IRIS-Net solution. It offers an extremely flexible hardware platform that allows for field
level customization of the unit to nearly any application. This customization goes far beyond what is available today from other platforms.
Everything from the matrix size and configuration to the processing power can be customized in the field, making it easy to design the best
solution value for the customer.
. . .Only EV can offer it ALL.
Distributed vs. Central processing – The N8000 and IRIS-Net
gives you both!
Now you don’t have to make the choice as to where your processing power resides. IRIS-Net gives you the ability to choose BOTH! IRIS-Net
enables you to process all or part of the audio signal in a central component like the NetMax N8000 or to conduct the processing and
supervision remotely at the amplifier. This gives the system designer incredible flexibility in designing the system. You can now design the
system for the ultimate in reliability or design for efficiency and value. The IRIS-Net solution gives you all the hardware and software pieces
to accomplish both objectives.
Open Architecture – Extensively Tested
m has been extensively tested in a variety of venues. Even prior to its intr
The IRIS-Net softwar
software underwent extensive testing and scrutiny. The software interface and hardware component design were made with the user and
designer in mind. The open ar
within IRIS-Net and its hardware components.
e platfor
e of the hardware and IRIS-Net user protocol allow for the seamless functioning of external devices
oduction the system har
dware and

The N8000 – A Comprehensive DSP
Hardware Platform
The EV NetMax N8000 is an extremely flexible audio control processor for a wide
range of applications. Presented in a compact 2RU configuration, you can configure
the N8000 a number of ways to fit the need at hand. By simply selecting the right
combination of I/O cards, the N8000 matrix can be configured IN THE FIELD to one
of 6 layouts. In addition, up to a full 32 channels of digital audio are available when you
can add CobraNet™ functionality to any of these configurations for extended flexibility.
Superior Audio Performance
The N8000 provides the same legendary audio dynamic range as our amplifiers and
signal processors. Superior A/D and D/A conversion technology and wideband
electronics ensure that the NetMax N8000 will be transparent in the audio chain.
Optional extended processing power
Up To 1000 MIPS
The N8000’s processing power can be enhanced by simply plugging in an additional processor. This comes in
handy if your application calls for future expansion. You only need to purchase the processing power needed
today, knowing that the system can be upgraded at any time.
Multiple N8000 units can be networked together to provide an extended “super matrix” for complex audio
processing tasks. Several examples of the power of a multi-processor NetMax system are shown in the
following pages.
Easy Interface To The Outside World
The N8000 can be configured from the web, an Ethernet connection using IRIS-Net, an RS-232 interface or a common USB link. In addition, the N8000
can talk thr
the N8000 comes equipped with a GPIO network so it can control and be controlled through simple logic signals and contact closures.
ough its integrated CAN bus with any compatible IRIS-Net har
dware such as the Electro-Voice RL/RT amplifier series. For even more flexibility
Beyond Audio Processing
In addition to the sophisticated audio functions of the NetMax N8000, it is also equipped with diverse control functions. The clock /calendar scheduling
system makes it possible to program one-time or recurring events. The schedule options are varied and can be set to occur annually, monthly, weekly,
, hourly or even within smaller time inter
With the event control, reactions to certain events or system states can be configured including changing entire system parameters at the touch of a
button or schedule.
vals. In addition, daily pr
ograms can be set up.
Full System Monitoring
Faults in the device or in the complete NetMax system ar
sites if necessary.
ecorded in an internal log file with date and time. In addition, you can define which types of errors or events should be
Faults and other events ar
recorded. The log can be read out and displayed on the screen at any time. When used in conjunction with Electro-Voice RL series amplifiers, the NetMax
system has the ability to monitor the amplifier, speaker line and speaker through a sophisticated impedance monitoring protocol.
e r
e detected automatically and can be displayed on the PC scr
een or transmitted to external

Comprehensive Control
Visually Based Signal Routing
IRIS-Net provides the system designer with a
comprehensive and easy-to-use interface to control any
aspect of the NetMax N8000 digital matrix or RL
amplifier. From assigning macros, setting schedules,
unning system checks or setting up channel equalization
it can all be done from this one interface.
The main design module gives a comprehensive view of the overall system design as it is being built. You can “drill
down” in each element to control all functions in the unit.
ehensive DSP contr
IRIS-Net provides a broad array of DSP tools that enable the designer to control
nearly any aspect of the audio signal, filters, delays and EQ parameters, along with
many other functions that ar
e easily available and can be quickly configur
Comprehensive Macro Functionality
In the NetMax N8000 complex operations can be integrated into single functions. For example, several functions combined into a single scene preset and
can be changed manually or automatically at any time.
The N8000 Built In Browser Interface
The N8000 comes equipped with a built in graphical control interface accessible though any web browser. This interface
allows for full system control of a variety of system control functions and parameters. The interface is also equipped
with sophisticated security pr
otection to pr
otect against unauthorized operation.