HA-5 Handle
Mount Kit
Installation Instructions
HA-5 Handle Mounting Kit
The HA-5 Handle Mounting Kit features a threaded attach point that allows for a Zx4 or Zx5 loudspeaker to be flown
using a PSA-V Strong-Arm (Sold Sep arately) to obtain desired orientation and sound coverage.
HA-5 Handle Mount PSA-V Strong-Arm
Step 1: Remove Handle Bolts and Handle Step 2: Attach HA-5 and Handle Bolts Step 3: Attach PSA-V Strong-Arm Mount
Spigot to Attach to Beam or
Truss Clamp
WARNING: Suspending any object
is potentially dangerous and
should only be attempted by
individuals who have a thorough
knowledge of the techniques and
regulations of rigging objects
*Note - Please consult PSA-V
User Manual for additional
Fully Assembled with HA-5 Handle
Mount and PSA-V Strong-Arm
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone:952/884-4051, Fax:952/884-0043
© T elex Communications, Inc. 2/2005
Part Number 38110-441 Rev A
speakers be suspended taking into account all
current national, federal, state and local
regulations. It is the responsibility of the installer
to ensure that Zx4 and Zx5 speakers are safely
installed in accordance with all such regulations. If
Zx4 or Zx5 speakers are suspended, ElectroVoice® strongly recommends that the system be
inspected at least once a year. If any sign of
weakness or damage is detected, remedial action
should be taken immediately.
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
Other International locations. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
For warranty repair or service information, contact the Service Repair department at:
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: 866/78AUDIO
overhead. Electro-Voice® strongly
recommends that Zx4 and Zx5
800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831
+ 49 9421-706 0 Fax: + 49 9421-706 265
+ 1 952 884-4051 Fax: + 1 952 736-4212
Specifications subject to change without notice.