Transformer Installation
1.) Place the speaker face down (if possible) and remove the back access hatch.
2.) Locate the 4 mounting holes for the transformer at the top of the baffle board
above the woofer.
3.) With the wiring and connector on the transformer pointing to the LEFT, align the
mounting holes in the transformer mounting feet with the holes in the baffle
4.) On each of the 10-24 machine screws provided in the kit, place a lock washer,
then a flat washer.
5.) Apply a drop of thread locking compound to the threads near the end of each
screw. Insert the screws into the mounting holes and tighten securely, taking
care not to cross-thread the T-nuts.
6.) Feel underneath the left side of the circuit board on the back of the input panel
and locate the two input wires with a flat connector in the middle. (If connectors
are not present, see Special Instructions below.)
7.) Carefully withdraw the connector and unplug the two halves from each other.
8.) Unplug the short pigtails from the Voltage Selector wiring harness. These are
only required on early production units which did not have connectors preinstalled.
9.) Plug the connectors on the end of the Voltage Selector wiring harness into the
mating connectors from the input panel.
10.) Route the wiring harness around to the left of the woofer and, using the four #6
screws, mount the Voltage Selector board to the left of the transformer within
easy reach of the transformer connector. (4 pilot holes are provided for this
purpose but may be obscured by finish overspray.)
11.) Secure wiring harness to baffle above and below the woofer on the left side
using the cable ties and self-tapping #8 screws.
12.) Plug the transformer connector onto the desired voltage header, taking care to
align all 8 pins.
13.) Apply the “Transformer Equipped” label over the 8 ohm wattage listings on the
Input Panel and mark the corresponding box for the selected voltage.
14.) Replace the back access hatch and tighten all screws securely and evenly.
FRX+ Series
Special Instructions for Early Units Without Pre-Installed Connectors
1.) Remove Input Panel mounting screws and pull the panel out far enough to gain
access to the solder lugs.
2.) Unplug the short pigtails from the Voltage Selector wiring harness.
3.) Unsolder the BLACK wire from the lug and solder the BLACK wire from the Red/
Black pigtail in its place. Do the same with the RED wire.
4.) Follow the RED wire you just unsoldered to where it is soldered to the P.C.B.
and unsolder it at the board. Solder the GREEN wire from the Green/Black
pigtail in its place. Do the same with the remaining BLACK wire.
5.) Reinstall the Input Panel in the enclosure.
6.) Resume installation of the kit at step 9.
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone:952/884-4051, Fax:952/884-0043
© Telex Communications, Inc. 9/2003
Part Number 38110-228 Rev A
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Specifications subject to change without notice.
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