Table of Contents.............................. TOC
Safety First ..................................... TOC
Product Description ...............................1
Important Features ...............................1
Model Summary ...................................2
Packing List ..........................................2
EVIDTM Product Family.........................3
Product Feature Identification ..............3
SAMTM (Strong-Arm-MountTM) System . 4
Step-by-Step Installation and Wiring....4
Step 1 - Mount the SAMTM Bracket ..4
Step 2 - Select Wattage Tap (Models
4.2t and 6.2t Only)............................5
Step 3 - Mount the Speaker to the
SAMTM Bracket .................................5
Step 4 - Wire the Speaker ................6
Step 5 - Secure the Seismic Tab
Connection Point..............................6
Step 6 - Test System Operation .......6
Packing List (12.1 Subwoofer) .............7
Product Feature Identification (12.1
Subwoofer) ...........................................7
Step-by-Step Installation and Wiring
(12.1 Subwoofer) ..................................8
Step 1 - Mount the Bracket ..............8
Step 2 - Install the Safety Line .........8
Step 3 - Wire the Speaker ................8
EVIDTM Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
Step 4 - Mount the Speaker to the
Bracket .............................................9
Step 5 - Test System Operation .....10
Safety Agency Compliance ................10
Maintenance .......................................10
Uniform Limited Warranty ................... 11
Exclusions and Limitations................. 11
Obtaining Warranty Service ............... 11
Incidental and Consequential Damages
Excluded ............................................. 11
Other Rights ....................................... 11
Speakers and Electronics ..................1 1
Appendix A - Integrating the 12.1
Subwoofer .............................................12
Installation Examples ......................... 12
Using the 12.1 in Passive Mode ........12
Crossover Freq. and Impedance .......12
Using a Separate Amplifier Channel for
the 12.1...............................................12
Characteristics of All Subwoofers ......12
Appendix B - Painting the Speaker ....13
Painting Process (3.2, 4.2, 6.2) .........13
Painting the Grille ...............................13
Painting Process (12.1 Subwoofer) ...13
Appendix C - Troubleshooting Table .14
Appendix D - Technical Specs ............15
3.2/3.2t; 4.2/4.2t ................................. 15
6.2/6.2t; 12.1 ......................................16
Notes ...................................................... 17
Safety First
Suspending any object is potentially dangerous and should only be attempted by individuals who
have a thorough knowledge of the techniques and regulations of rigging objects overhead. ElectroVoice® strongly recommends that all speakers be suspended t aking into account all current national,
federal, state and local regulations. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that all speakers
are safely installed in accordance with all such regulations. When speakers are suspended, ElectroVoice® strongly recommends that the system be inspected at least once a year . If any sign of
weakness or damage is detected, remedial action should be taken immediately . The user is
responsible for making sure that the supporting surfaces, and any additional hardware used, is
capable of supporting the loudspeaker. Any hardware used to suspend a loudspeaker array that is
not provided by/associated with Electro-Voice® is the responsibility of others.