RR/RPK Series Ceiling Speaker
Mounting Hardware Accessories
Assembly and Installation Instructions
To aid in the installation of the EVID ceiling speakers in sheetrock or plaster ceiling installations,
two types of rough in accessories are available. For most installations, no additional hardware is
needed. However, a two-step installation procedure that is sometimes used for installation into
sheetrock ceilings can be made easier by the use of the optional RR and RPK series of rough-in
accessories before the ceiling material is installed. The rough-in accessories provide a cutout
guide when many holes are to be made in a production-line style installation and to ensure the
speakers are positioned correctly as the holes are cut in the sheetrock.
RR Series Mounting Plates
RR series plates are made of flat sheet metal with holes
to attach to the joists or trusses of a building structure.
The holes are drilled for nails or screws at 16 inches
(406 mm), 20 inches (508 mm) and 24 inches (610 mm)
on-center. The installer can drill other holes as needed
up to a maximum of 24-3/4 inches (630 mm) apart. The
sheetrock installs over the plate, and the plate provides
a template for a blind cutout of the hole in the sheet
rock. The ceiling material is generally cut with a routertype cutting tool, using the plate ring as a cutout guide.
RPK Series Kits
The RPK series rough-in kit contains a RR series plate
with a standard 2 gang electrical box mounted on the
top with an attached short length of flexible conduit
which connects to the ceiling speaker conduit clamp on
the speakers rear terminal cover. This accessory
allows for rigid conduit to be run to the box on the
rough-in plate before the speaker or any sheetrock is
installed. After the sheetrock is installed the speaker
can be wired up and mounted all from below the ceiling.
Available Rough-In Accessories
24-RR000-503103 )4fo.gkP(2.4CDIVEehthtiwesurofnoitcurtsnocwenrofetalpgnitnuomni-hguoR
28-RR000-603103 )4fo.gkP(PL2.8C&2.8CDIVEehthtiwesurofnoitcurtsnocwenrofetalpgnitnuomni-hguoR
018-RR000-703103 )4fo.gkP(1.01C&CH2.8CDIVEehthtiwesurofnoitcurtsnocwenrofetalpgnitnuomni-hguoR

Package Contents
Installation Procedure
Mount Plates to Joists
Select a suitable location for the mounting
plate. Screw mounting plate to joist or rafter
as shown using the appropriate mounting
holes provided.
You may re-attach the conduit connector to
any one of the access holes in the electrical
box provided as shown.
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone:952/884-4051, Fax:952/884-0043
© Telex Communications, Inc. 1/2003
Part Number 38110-181 Rev A
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Specifications subject to change without notice.