Electro-Voice Eliminator Monitor User Manual

Eliminator Monitor
Floor Monitor
Exclusive Ring Mode Decoupling
Integral stand adaptor
PRO™ circuit provides HF driver
Usable monitor angles of 50° and 65°
300-watt long-term rms power
Dual 1/4-inch phone jack or dual
Neutrik Speakon
See Connections section
The Electro-V oice Eliminator Monitor is a 300­watt 2-way floor monitor that incorporates Electro-V oice's exclusive ring mode decoupling (RMD™) technology. The Eliminator monitor features a constant directivity 80° x 55° horn in a vertical orientation that provides usable moni­tor angles of 50° and 65°. The combined pro­fessional quality Electro-V oice manufactured components arrange in a horizontal array with a very durable/road worthy light weight enclo­sure. The result is a very high performance sys­tem with excellent vocal reproduction and ex­tended bass response.
The Eliminator monitor incorporates Electro­V oice's exclusive ring mode decoupling tech­nology. This technology deals with the com­mon resonance or "ringing modes" found in all loudspeaker systems. It deals with mechanical modes utilizing mechanical solutions, and deals with acoustical resonant or ringing modes uti­lizing acoustical solutions. The result is sub­stantially cleaner vocal reproduction and a re­sponse that is more uniform regardless of input level conditions.
The system uses the newly developed DL15BFH low frequency driver to provide both extended low frequency response and
cleaner fundamental vocal reproduction. It also utilizes the DH2010A high frequency pure Ti­tanium driver coupled to a constant directivity 80° x 55° horn to produce extended high fre­quency response and low distortion upper vo­cal reproduction.
The Eliminator monitor features a self resetting high frequency protection circuit, EV's PRO™ circuit. This is included with the high quality passive network to prevent accidental high fre­quency overload and improve system reliabil­ity. The bass section of the Eliminator monitor is designed using Thiele Small optimized pa­rameters for a solid performance to 77 Hz. In addition to including RMD techniques, the 15'' (381 mm) DL15BFH woofer is specially designed to provide extended 300-watt continuous (1200-watt peak) power handling. These power handling ratings are achieved using a 6 dB crest factor which provides peak levels 4 times that above the continuous rating of 300-watts.
The Eliminator Monitor also features a stand mount adapter on the woofer side for vertical orientation (standard 1 3/8 diameter.)
Speaker Protection
The Eliminator monitor, like all other vented sys­tems, experiences rapidly increasing cone ex­cursion below the box-tuning frequency, while
the acoustic output decreases rapidly. There­fore, to protect the Eliminator Monitor and maxi­mize the power output of the system, it is nec­essary to insert an active 45- to 80-Hz high­pass filter into the circuit. The filter should have a slope of at least 12 dB per octave. Such subpassband filters are found in many cross­overs and equalizers manufactured by Electro­V oice, as well as other commercially available equipment.
Enclosure Construction
The Eliminator monitor enclosure is constructed of Road-Wood™, a structural material that combines the strength of high-quality plywood with the density and acoustic damping of par­ticle board without brittleness. Road-W ood™ uses the same principle of crossbanding veneers, as in plywood, in order to achieve its very high rigidity. A tough liquid-phenolic resin is blended with long, narrow strands of hardwood. Al­ternate layers are perpendicularly bonded under intense heat and pressure to form pan­els of superior uniformity. Unlike many grades of plywood, Road-Wood™ is dimension­ally stable, water resistant and free from voids.
A combination of dado-cut joints and tough adhesives ensure a sonically dead enclosure free
Eliminator Monitor
from panel resonances. The densely woven, industrial-grade, abuse-
resistant carpeting provides a finish that is both attractive and highly durable. Heavy-duty cor­ner protectors, firmly secured rubber feet, re­cessed handles and a protective metal grille complete the picture and ensure that the Elimi­nator Monitor speaker system is ideally suited to a long and reliable life on the road.
Frequency Response
Eliminator Monitor
The combination of a 15-inch woofer, wide­bandwidth high-frequency driver and an equal­ized crossover results in the wide and smooth overall response shown in Figure 1. This re­sponse was measured at 3.05 meters (10 feet), using a 4-volt swept sine-wave input in an anechoic chamber. No external equalization was used. Figure 1 has been averaged and corrected for 1 watt at 1 meter.
The Eliminator monitor is equipped with two parallel 1/4-inch phone jacks. (The Elimina­tor Monitor E version has two parallel Neutrik Speakon tem can be connected in parallel by using the other connector. Care must be taken not to abuse the amplifier by connecting impedances which are too low.
Constant-Directivity Speaker System
The crossover frequency and speaker compo­nent geometries have been selected so that the directional characteristics of the woofer and constant-directivity horn match at the crossover frequency to create a special system type — the constant-directivity system. At higher fre­quencies the vertical coverage pattern remains constant and the horizontal pattern smoothly tran­sitions to a 55° angle above 5,000 Hz. Response within the 80° x 55° rated coverage angle is uni­form, which means dependable coverage with­out “hot spots” or dead zones at certain fre­quencies. The 80° x 55° dispersion character­istic also helps avoid early reflections from nearby surfaces which could degrade perfor­mance. The controlled directivity of the high­and low-frequency transducers also eliminates response irregularities caused by diffraction off nearby enclosure edges and, in combination with an essentially flat on-axis frequency re-
NL4MP connectors.) Another sys-
sponse, produces a total acoustic power out­put that is uniform with frequency.
A unique feature of the Eliminator Monitor is the constant-directivity dispersion provided by the 80° x 55° horn. The polar response of the system at selected one-third-octave bandwidths is shown in Figure 5. These polar responses were measured in an anechoic environment at
6.1 meters (20 feet) using one-third-octave pink-noise inputs. The frequencies selected are fully representative of the polar response of the system. Beamwidth of the system utilizing the complete one-third-octave polar data is shown in Figure 6. Directivity factor, R ity index, D
, are plotted in Figure 7.
and directiv-
Power-Handling Capacity
Electro-Voice components and systems are manufactured to exacting standards, ensuring they will hold up, not only through the most rig­orous of power tests, but also through contin­ued use in arduous, real-life conditions. The EIA Loudspeaker Power Rating Full Range (ANSI/EIA RS-426-A 1980) uses a noise spectrum which mimics typical music and tests the thermal and mechanical capabilities of the components. Electro-Voice will support rel­evant additional standards as and when they become available. Extreme, in-house power tests, which push the performance boundaries of the woofers, are also performed and passed to ensure years of trouble-free service.
Specifically, the Eliminator Monitor passes ANSI/EIA RS-426-A 1980 with the follow­ing values:
= 5.10 ohms (1.15 x RE)
= 300 watts
T est voltage = 39.10 volts rms,
77.33 volts peak (+6dB)
The “peak” power-handling capacity of a woofer is determined by the peak test voltage amount. For the Eliminator Monitor, a 77.33­volt-peak-test voltage translates into 1,200­watts short-term peak power-handling capac­ity. This is the equivalent of four times the “average” power-handling capacity, and is a peak that can be sustained for only a few milli­seconds. However, this sort of short duration peak is very typical in speech and music. Pro-
vided the amplifier can reproduce the signal accurately, without clipping, the woofer will also perform accurately and reliably, even at these levels.
Amplifier Power Recommendations
As noted in the Power-Handling Capacity sec­tion, above, the Eliminator Monitor has a random-noise power capacity of 300 watts long-term (1,200-watts peak) per ANSI/EIA RS-426-A 1980. The following guidelines will help relate this to an appropriate power ampli­fier output rating.
1. T o use the Eliminator Monitor to full ca­pacity, skilled experts in sound-system in­stallation and operation will obtain the best results if the power amplifier is 2.0 to 4.0 times the long-term average noise power rating of the speaker system. For the Elimi­nator Monitor this is 600 to 1,200 watts.
The caution cannot be made strongly enough, however , that this arrangement is only for experts or those who can discipline themselves against “pushing” the system for ever-higher sound levels and who can avoid “accidents” such as catastrophic feedback or dropped microphones.
2. A more conservative, “normal” amplifier size, which will produce audible results nearly equal to those of the “expert” rec­ommendation, is 1.0 to 1.4 times the long­term average noise power rating of the speaker. For the Eliminator Monitor this is 300 to 450 watts.
3. T o be very conservative, one can use an amplifier rated at 0.5 to 0.7 times the long­term average noise power rating of the loudspeaker. For the Eliminator Monitor this is 125 to 175 watts.
Request P.A. Bible Addition No. Two (“Power-Handling Capacity”) for more back­ground on these recommendations.
In the unlikely event the Eliminator Monitor requires service, the woofer and driver can both be replaced or serviced from the front. A service data sheet is available from Electro-V oice.
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